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When Su Liang got up early in the morning, she went for a run in the garden to practice martial arts. When the sun rose, she had already washed, changed and tidied up.

The old housekeeper came over personally to deliver breakfast, looking at Su Liang with admiration mixed with pride. He had no doubt that with such a talented, capable, diligent, upright and kind head, the Ning family would definitely get better and better.

But the more I think about it, the greater the regret in my heart becomes. I really hope that Ning Jing is still alive.

Miss is a person who does big things and cannot be left alone. The old slave has a granddaughter who is fourteen years old this year. Although she is a bit clumsy, she can do laundry and cooking, and she is also honest and obedient. If Miss does not dislike it, ... The old housekeeper considered his words and mentioned the arrangements for the maid to Su Liang.

Although the old housekeeper is a slave, he is already considered a wealthy family compared to ordinary people. He does not need his children and grandchildren to serve others to make a living. He really liked Su Liang, and he had been thinking about choosing a safe maid for her for the past two days, but outsiders were worried.

Su Liang was thinking about something and was a little distracted, but he got the general idea and said quickly, No need, I will go back to Beijing in a few days and I can't stay here for a long time.

When we return to the capital, we need someone to take care of us. The old housekeeper said seriously.

Su Liang shook his head, It's really not necessary. If necessary, I will find it myself.

The old housekeeper looked slightly disappointed, but said nothing more.

After the servants all left, Su Liang went to the next door to call Gu Ling. When he saw that he was not there, he stopped caring. After having breakfast by himself, he went to the front hall to continue what he had not finished yesterday.

After a while, the eldest son of the prefecture came to the door to give a thank you gift. When he saw Su Liang, he knelt down and kowtowed. It was his wife who had a difficult delivery yesterday.

Su Liang asked about the situation of the mother and the child, and explained some precautions.

The thank you gift was very valuable and she did not refuse it. There was also a gilded invitation inviting her to attend her child's baptism.

Su Liang thought that there would be many guests and she would be watched like the pandas in the zoo, so she declined, saying that she would be out of town visiting friends that day and would not be free.

After the guests left, the stewards who had been waiting the whole time felt that the Ning family was very different from before.

It wasn't until noon that day that the stewards finished the first round of reporting.

Su Liang looked at the old men, the youngest of whom were all over forty years old, and felt that the Ning family's business management needed young blood. She wanted to understand the whole process of the tea business, but she didn't have the time or energy to take care of such a big thing herself.

It would be nice if she could have an assistant to the head of the family... Su Liang thought, it would be much easier to find a capable person to manage the Ning family's business for her.

So while having lunch, Su Liang made a preliminary plan.

All the senior managers were called for a meeting in the afternoon, and Su Liang announced that he would recruit a general manager.

The reason why I say recruitment is because it is not limited to selecting from the Ning family's managers, but also to the outside world. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫🆂🅷🆄🆇.🅲🅾🅼

Because Su Liang was kind, one of the stewards boldly suggested that it was not safe to hire someone from outside to sit in such an important position.

I have just taken over the Ning family's business. I have only met you in the past two days, and I don't know much about you. Su Liang looked indifferent and said, I will personally select a general manager, and he will be the one who is qualified. If you are interested, Just come to me. If anyone outside the Ning family comes to apply, I will find out the details.

That day, the Ning family posted a recruitment notice in the most conspicuous place in the city, which immediately caused a sensation in the city.

The word general manager is shocking, because no open recruitment company directly recruits outsiders for such an important position.

The recruitment notice is also written in a unique style: Those who are capable will be hired, and if you have the courage, come.

It makes people feel interesting at first sight, and then they feel that Su Liang is definitely a courageous person, otherwise he would not be able to do such a thing.

It wasn't until dinner that Su Liang saw Gu Ling again.

She had forgotten about asking for a painting last night and then giving up, and asked Gu Ling where he had been during the day.

Collect medicine. Gu Ling said.

Su Liang was stunned, and then noticed a backpack on the ground next to him. She put down her chopsticks and went to take a look. There were many medicinal materials inside, two of which were quite rare.

Master, you are really good at finding trouble. Su Liang sat back with a smile and continued eating.

This is a compliment to Gu Ling. Although he doesn't have anything serious to do, he can always find his own interests and live a fulfilling life. This is also a very powerful ability.

Do you know that I'm recruiting a general manager today? Su Liang asked, How about you change your identity and apply for the job? I'm recruiting you as an assistant. I believe you can do the job.

Gu Ling shook his head and refused bluntly, Not interested.

There were too many things, and they were not to his liking.

Forget it. Su Liang just asked casually. When I was planning to recruit people, I didn't consider Gu Ling.

After dinner, Gu Ling was processing the collected medicinal materials, while Su Liang was talking to the old housekeeper in the yard.

It's his useless younger brother. He thought that by killing his son, he could adopt his own son to him and take possession of the family business he had earned throughout his life. The old housekeeper said that the son of the old housekeeper who Su Liang rescued yesterday was poisoned. The inside story, he sighed repeatedly, He raised his younger brother and his whole family, but unexpectedly he was feeding an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. It's really chilling!

There is no difference from Su Liang's guess, and it is also very similar to what happened to Peng Wei and his son.

Good people are deceived by others. Some people are willing to do any evil just for money and power, regardless of human ethics and morality.

The old steward had already found the evidence, reported it to the police, and kicked out his younger brother and his family.

After talking about this matter, the old housekeeper asked about Su Liang's recruitment again, mentioning a person, When the master was alive, he always praised him as a business genius. If it hadn't been for the fact that the young lady was deceived by that thief Ning Feng, she would not have joined the Ning family. It's him. New 69 Bookstore → 69𝔰𝔥𝔲𝔵. After Miss 𝔠𝔬𝔪 married Ning Feng, the master tried every means to persuade her to stay, but he still left, and I don't know where he went.

The man the old housekeeper mentioned was surnamed Song, with the word Qi in his name. His ancestors had once been famous, but he had already declined in his generation. Because he liked tea, he came to the Ning family in Xunyang City to look for work, and was discovered by Mr. Ning that he was a talented person. , worked hard to train him, and wanted to recruit him as a son-in-law. Unexpectedly, Ning Qingqing disliked Song Qi's mediocre appearance, and instead fell in love with the ambitious pretty boy Ning Feng, which caused disaster.

Su Liang became interested when he heard this, Do you know where Song Qi is now?

The old housekeeper shook his head, He went away to his hometown and there has been no news for many years, but I still remember that his hometown is in the south. If Miss is interested, I will send someone to find him and come back?

Su Liang nodded immediately, Since he is the person Grandpa Ning likes, he must be good, so let's go find him. But times have changed, whether he is still willing to return to the Ning family, and whether he still has the ability and ambition of his youth, all depends on him. It depends on the situation, I won't definitely use him just because of his past relationship with the Ning family.

The old housekeeper nodded repeatedly, That's natural.

After the old housekeeper left and Su Liang returned to the study, Gu Ling had already cleaned the medicinal materials collected today.

Hearing Su Liang mention Song Qi's name, Gu Ling said, I know.

Su Liang was surprised, Do you know him?

Gu Ling nodded, That's right. I saved him.

Su Liang blinked, The one with black Yintang? You have saved quite a few people. Tell me about Song Qi?

He should be helping Lin Ershan grow oranges now. Gu Ling said.

Su Liang raised his head and said, Why are you still related to Lin Wei? By the way, the Song family is in the south.

Gu Ling mentioned that when he was thirteen years old, he secretly traveled to the southern part of the Qian Kingdom. It was autumn at that time, and the Lin family's citrus orchard was particularly famous. He went to pick oranges, and found a man with a black seal, so he stared at it. Two days for him.

Ning Feng hired a murderer to get rid of him. Gu Ling said.

Naturally, Gu Ling saved Song Qi's life by chance, but Song Qi didn't know about it. At that time, Gu Ling only heard his name.

Master, tell me honestly, did you go to Lin's house to steal oranges? Su Liang asked with a half-smile.

Gu Ling nodded and admitted directly.

But Su Liang couldn't imagine the thirteen-year-old boy Gu Ling sneaking into the citrus orchard and sitting on the tree to steal oranges to eat. Because he is so aloof now, things like that always make Su Liang think of Monkey picking peaches...

Were you very lively when you were thirteen? Su Liang asked curiously.

Gu Ling shook his head, No.

Su Liang chuckled, Unless you draw me a picture of you going to Lin Ershan's citrus orchard to steal oranges when you were thirteen and let me see what it looks like, otherwise I will treat you as if you and Monkey Sun entered the peach orchard. !”

After saying this, Su Liang couldn't help but think about how Gu Ling turned into the Monkey King, and the more she thought about it, the happier she became.

Gu Ling frowned slightly and looked at Su Liang who was laughing at him. He suddenly raised his hand and hit her.

Su Liang couldn't dodge and was hit in the head by Gu Ling's finger.

In fact, it didn't hurt, but she was speechless, Master, are you angry with shame?

Gu Ling's expression was calm, Don't even think about cheating on my painting.

Su Liang hummed, Then I won't tell you stories anymore.

That's what we said before, we can't say it without trusting it. Gu Ling said.

Su Liang held his forehead. Indeed, Gu Ling is a person who likes to make everything clear, especially between them. Whatever he wants Su Liang to do, he has received her clear commitment.

And Su Liang would never lie or deny what he said.

Su Liang stopped joking and said seriously, I'll tell Uncle Yu tomorrow where Song Qi is and ask him to send someone to ask. It's not poaching. It all depends on Song Qi. If he still loves Tea, if you are willing to come back, the Ning family will naturally welcome you, if not, forget it.

That night, Su Liang talked about The Killing of Song Jiang in Water Margin, and Gu Ling drew another painting.

After Su Liang praised him, he remembered what happened last night and found that Gu Ling had a new purse hanging on his body.

Bought it today? It's very nice. Su Liang said. The style is simple, the color is very unique, and a medicinal herb is outlined with silk thread.

Gu Ling shook his head, I did it myself.

Su Liang expressed surprise. In fact, Su Liang knew that Gu Ling could do needlework, because all his coats were made by himself, and the others were all prepared by Yan Yu when he gave Su Liang new clothes. He almost never bought them from outside. .

But this was the first time for Gu Ling to make her own purse.

Su Liang gave a thumbs up, That's really good, much better than me.

Do you want it? Gu Ling asked Su Liang.

Su Liang immediately asked, What do you want me to give in exchange?

Tell me two more stories today. Gu Ling put forward her condition.

Su Liang smiled and said, Deal!

It was late at night, and after Su Liang told Gu Ling two more stories, he yawned and went back to his room.

Before going to bed, Su Liang was still thinking that Gu Ling might be working next door at the moment.

Master Gu is really a weirdo. Su Liang muttered, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Gu Ling disappeared again, and Su Liang didn't care.

When she saw the old housekeeper again, Su Liang said that she had a friend named Lin Wei. Last night, she suddenly remembered that he had mentioned that the manager of his citrus garden had been a manager of the Ning family.

The old housekeeper's eyes lit up, That must be Song Qi!

We were in the capital at that time. Ning Jing and I were together. Mr. Lin told Ning Jing. I just listened and didn't pay attention. Su Liang said.

In that case, I will send someone to look for him today to see if he is willing to come back. The old housekeeper identified it as Song Qi.

That day, several top stewards from the Ning family came to see Su Liang, seeking the position of general steward.

Su Liang asked them some serious questions and was not satisfied. The general manager needs to have an overall view, have his own ideas about the future development of the Ning family, and have enough courage.

Although the Ning family's recruitment notice was discussed a lot, no outsiders came to apply for the job.

However, everyone knows that Su Liang saved the young lady of the Taishou Mansion.

On this day, people came to the door to seek medical treatment.

Treating patients and saving lives is something you can't refuse.

As a result, a strange scene appeared in Xunyang City.

Su Liang, the current imperial scholar and military general, the new head of the Ning family, set up a temporary medical clinic in the Ning family and became a doctor.

Regardless of origin, when a patient comes to their door, someone from the Ning family will receive him.

For a time, Su Liang was praised by everyone, and there was an endless stream of people coming to seek medical treatment.

At nightfall, Ning Mansion closed the door, and the patients lining up outside left.

The old housekeeper looked at Su Liang who was rubbing her shoulders with some distress, The young lady is kind-hearted, but this is not the way to go.

Su Liang nodded, Indeed. But I may leave in a few days. During my time in Xunyang City, I can see as many as I can.

She read a lot of medical books and always wanted to find opportunities to practice. It didn't hurt to be busy, after all, it was a good thing.

If Song Qi can be found and he meets Su Liang's requirements, she can return to the capital with peace of mind.

During dinner, Su Liang asked his servant to warm a pot of wine.

Gu Ling asked her why she suddenly wanted to drink. Su Liang poured two glasses and said that today was the day when Xing Yusheng and Lin Xueqing got married.

Su Liang raised his glass and said, I hope they can grow old together and have a son soon. After saying that, he said with a smile, It's better to wait for the baby later.

Su Liang told Gu Ling before that giving birth too early is not good for a woman's health. He nodded and clinked glasses with Su Liang. They both took a brief sip and then put them down.

By the way, where is my wallet? Su Liang suddenly remembered and reached out to ask Gu Ling for it.

Gu Ling took out a dark red-edged purse from his arms and placed it in Su Liang's hand.

Su Liang looked at the cute little bunny outlined with silk thread and said seriously, This is detrimental to my temperament as a dignified general.

Gu Ling glanced at her and said, No?

Su Liang stared at Gu Ling's purse, Shall we swap? I think the rabbit purse is very suitable for you, Master.

Without saying a word, Gu Ling reached out and took away the fried rabbit meat in front of Su Liang, and ate it gracefully.

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