The Doctor’s Three-Time Marriage

Get rid of that woman as soon as possible

In March, spring is already blooming in the capital, but northern Xinjiang is still experiencing cold spring weather. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕩.𝕔𝕠𝕞

Riding a horse and walking in the wilderness, the wind is rustling, looking at the distant mountains, which are still covered with white snow.

This was the first time Su Liang had traveled such a long distance continuously since his journey, and he saw the ever-changing natural scenery of Qian Kingdom from the center to the north.

Have a rest here and you can reach Xuanbei City tomorrow. Ning Jing said and took Su Liang into a valley.

He found a place with leeward wind, tied his horse to a tree, and then walked up the mountain.

Su Liang followed with the baggage, Have you been here?

Yeah. Ning Jing's voice came from the front.

After walking for a while, Ning Jing turned around and saw Su Liang keeping distance from him and squatting on the ground to dig something.

Tranquility returns again.

Good medicine. Su Liang happily raised a piece of dried grass.

Ning Jing accurately reported the name of the medicinal material. He had also read all the medical and medicinal books that Su Liang had read.

I don't have much practical experience in medical skills, but I have learned a lot of theoretical things.

Su Liang put away the medicinal materials, and when the two of them reached the mountainside, Ningjing walked to a place overgrown with weeds, moved two large rocks, and revealed the entrance to a cave.

Su Liang was a little surprised, Have you lived here before?

Ning Jing nodded and signaled Su Liang to stay outside, and he leaned in.

Su Liang looked around and found that she could already see the gate of Xuanbei City from where she was.

When a peaceful voice came from the cave, Su Liang had already gathered a pile of dry firewood for making a fire later.

The cave was so high that Su Liang had to lower his head to enter, but after entering, he found that it was quite spacious inside.

The sun had not yet set. Through the light coming from the entrance of the cave, Su Liang found that the stone wall had traces of man-made repairs and was quite smooth.

There was a straw mat on the ground, which was actually clean. Su Liang guessed that it was left over from Ningjing's last visit and was covered with a piece of cloth.

The place where the fire was lit was sunken into a circle, and it was smoked, making the ground black.

Su Liang put the salutes in and then carried the dry firewood in.

The sky has darkened and the temperature in the mountains has dropped a lot.

Su Liang lit a bonfire, used clean wood chips to skewer the bread used to make dry food, and baked it on the fire.

I bought a small iron pot on the way. Ningjing came back with water and it was already hot.

He brought in a wooden pile from outside and placed a plate and two bowls on it.

Su Liang baked a cake and put it on the plate.

The cakes were all baked. Ningjing went out and didn't come back for a while. Su Liang was about to go look for him when he saw him come in.

She smelled the smell of raw meat. It was Ningjing who had brought back a clean pheasant.

What surprised Su Liang was, I thought you couldn't kill chickens. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝓼𝓱𝓾𝔁.𝓬𝓸𝓶

In the past, Su Liang did this kind of thing at home.

Occasionally. Ning Jing said, taking out a knife and cutting the chicken into pieces.

Su Liang opened the bag and took out the spices inside. This was prepared by Su Liang himself. Ningjing brought it from the capital specifically and had not used it along the way.

The two drank some water first and ate half a plate of scones.

When the aroma of the chicken soup came out, Su Liang sighed, I can finally have a hot bite.

The moon in the mountain was bright and clear. Su Liang and Ning Jing were sitting on the stone at the entrance of the cave, each holding a bowl and drinking chicken soup.

At this time, it had only been six and a half days since they set off from the capital, and they were traveling faster than expected.

My body is also really tired because I have limited rest time every day and I can’t eat well or sleep well.

I thought you had been in the capital before the accident happened to the Gu family, living in Huguo Temple. After the accident, you went to Sujia Village. Su Liang said, In the years you were at Huguo Temple, you rarely saw people. Did you do it secretly? Did you run away to play?

Sometimes. Ning Jing said.

Two chicken legs, one for each person.

They hadn't eaten meat for a few days, so they finished the meat and drank the soup.

Su Liang felt that the fatigue in her body had faded a lot. Eating meat is the last word.

I still don't know what will happen tomorrow. Have a good sleep tonight and recharge your batteries. Su Liang said and yawned, Who goes to bed first?

Ning Jing shook his head, Together.

Su Liang was stunned for a moment. She didn't think much about it, but for safety reasons, she felt that they should take turns keeping vigil in the first half of the night and the second half of the night.

There is no ambiguity in Tingjing, No need to keep it.

After extinguishing the open fire, Ningjing let Su Liang lie down on the mat, with hay spread underneath. It was not hard and could be used as a pillow for the bundle and as a cover.

Ning Jing himself sat leaning against the entrance of the cave and closed his eyes.

Let's change at the third watch. Call me when you wake up. After Su Liang finished speaking, he yawned again, closed his eyes, sleepiness came over him, and he fell asleep quickly.

Ningjing didn't open his eyes, he was motionless, like a sculpture.

Su Liang opened his eyes, and it was already bright.

She sat up and subconsciously looked at where Ning Jing was sitting last night. When she found that no one was there, she frowned slightly and quickly stood up.

After leaving the cave, I saw a thin and tall figure coming up from the mountain bathed in the morning sun. The ordinary appearance in disguise could not hide the cold and dustless temperament.

I'm going to feed the horses. Ning Jing said, Clean up and leave.

There was no need to get angry again. The two drank some water that had been boiled last night and had cooled down. They restored the entrance of the cave to its original state, then went down the mountain and rode through the valley. Xuanbei City appeared in sight from a distance.

The Liang Kingdom in the north of the Qian Kingdom has always been at odds with the Qian Kingdom. The last war was three years ago. Both countries suffered heavy casualties and were in a stalemate before signing a truce agreement.

However, the climate of Liang Kingdom is cold, the land is barren, and the resources are not abundant. The intention of invading Qian Kingdom has never stopped, and the northern Xinjiang has not been peaceful in the past year.

However, Liang Guo tried several times, but the two sides did not fight. On the surface, the two countries are still at peace.

Xuanbei City was the only place to go from Qian Kingdom to Liang Kingdom, and there were many merchants traveling between the two countries to traffic goods.

Su Liang and Ning Jing pretended to be merchant brothers going to Liang Kingdom to buy furs. They showed the banknotes they brought and divided some among the city defenders. They entered the city smoothly, found an inconspicuous inn, and booked a hotel room. A small courtyard.

I put my luggage down and went out to eat.

Ning Jing came over and took Su Liang into a tavern that looked quite simple from the outside but was very lively inside.

The men who were drinking and bragging didn't pay much attention when they saw two foreigners. There are people from all over the place, but there is nothing special about Su Liang and Ning Jing.

Ning Jing ordered wine and food.

While waiting for the food to be served, Su Liang listened to the people at the next table saying that the second son of Wanda General's Mansion had taken a concubine the day before yesterday.

One man lowered his voice and couldn't hide his anger, All the good-looking people in the city were taken over by that Wan Er Young Master!

When Su Liang heard this, he felt angry and immediately thought of Wu Huaian who had harmed many girls in Bei'an County.

These second-generation ancestors, relying on the sky to be high and the emperor to be far away, each regarded themselves as the overlord of their area and did whatever they wanted.

Be careful, if someone listens to it and it reaches Master Wan'er's ears, your life will be at risk! An old man snorted softly.

Early in the morning, I saw the two young masters of the Wan family leading their troops out of the North City Gate. I wonder if the bastards from the north are here to stir up trouble again! said a middle-aged man.

Fight them back when they come! A man slapped the table, I heard that those barbarians don't have enough to eat. I think they brought bowls to beg for food early. Do you still want to fight with us?

The tavern burst into laughter.

In fact, it is also true. The Liang Kingdom has a long-term food shortage, and people often die of cold and starvation without food or clothing. The natural conditions are much worse than those in the Qian Kingdom.

And this is the main reason why Liang Kingdom will not give up its invasion of Qian Kingdom.

Su Liang heard this and got useful information for her. The Wan family and his son in Xuanbei City should not be aware of the major changes in the capital. Otherwise, Young Master Wan Er would not have the leisure to take a concubine. It seems that today is just an ordinary day.

Food and drinks are served.

The portions of the dishes are large and the cooking is rough, but it has a unique flavor.

Ning Jing only poured half a glass of wine for Su Liang. She took a sip and tasted it. It was so spicy, so she put it down.

Ning Jing drank two cups without changing her expression and didn't drink any more.

The two left the tavern and walked around Xuanbei City. They did not get close to the military camp and went back to the inn.

Judging from the time, even if Wanshan doesn't know yet, he will soon receive news from the capital. Su Liang analyzed, We have to take action tonight.

Well, go to sleep. Ning Jing said and stood up, Go back to your room.

Su Liang:......

After catching up on his sleep, Su Liang woke up feeling refreshed and the fatigue from the past few days was gone.

At nightfall, the two of them went to a large tavern for dinner. They heard that the two young masters from the Wan family who had led troops out of the city in the morning had returned to the city in the evening.

The bastards from the Liang Kingdom are here again. General Wan received the news early and sent two young masters to lead troops out of the city and beat them back from a distance! A man said loudly.

The restaurant was filled with praises for the Wan family and his son, which showed that their prestige in Xuanbei City was extremely high.

I heard that General Wan Da's old injury has recurred. I really hope that a miracle doctor can cure him. Our country is still counting on him to guard it! someone said sincerely.

Su Liang thought to herself that she was a doctor, but it was a pity that she couldn't rush to treat Wan Shan. Given his status, he must be very wary of strangers appearing around him.

The two returned to the inn after dinner. Not long after, they blew out the lights, wore night clothes and covered their faces with a black scarf, and quietly left the inn and went to General Wan's Mansion in Xuanbei City.

The General's Mansion was heavily guarded day and night. The two of them kept their distance and observed for a while. When the time came for the soldiers to change shifts, they sneaked into the General's Mansion.

The General's Mansion occupies a large area, but only the three adjacent courtyards have lights on. If nothing else, they are the residences of the Wan family's third father and son.

Wan Shan's wife was in the capital, and her two daughters-in-law were originally in Xuanbei City. After they became pregnant, they were all sent back to the capital. That's what Duanmu Yi meant.

However, the father and son are all surrounded by women. Wan Shan and the eldest son Wan Cong each have a concubine to serve them. The second child Wan Lin has eight concubines. After she becomes pregnant, she will be sent to the capital to give birth to the child. He didn't pick them up anymore. Counting the new ones from the day before, there were three of them around him now.

After Su Liang and Ning Jing made eye contact, they first chose a courtyard that didn't look like Wanshan.

Ning Jing went over first to make sure he wouldn't be discovered before Su Liang got closer.

Su Liang hid behind a big tree, staring at Ning Jing, and saw him leaning against the back wall, waiting for his signal.

Unexpectedly, after Ning Jing stood there for a moment, he returned to Su Liang's side.

Is there no one? Su Liang felt strange. You might have to listen for a while to make sure there is no one there.

It's Wan Lin. Ning Jing said.

Su Liang frowned, You can also listen to what he is doing.

And his concubine. Ning Jing looked calm.

Su Liang understood instantly, Oh, change it. There is no need to listen to certain things that are not suitable for children. It will dirty your ears.

The two moved and entered another courtyard.

It was Ningjing who went first. This time he listened for a long time without giving any sign to Su Liang. Su Liang hid in the corner and waited patiently.

Ning Jing finally came back and said, No one.

Su Liang: ...Okay. No one lights any lamps, what a waste.

In this way, the two arrived at the third target courtyard.

At a glance, you can tell that this is the main courtyard. Not surprisingly, it is the residence of Wan Shan.

Not long after Ning Jing approached, she silently gestured in the direction of Su Liang.

Su Liang slowly approached and listened to the sounds coming from the room.

First, a young man said, I didn't expect that the emperor would depose the prince! Does he really want Duanmu Chen to be the prince?

After a moment, a middle-aged man responded, Duanmu Chen? You're just a little clever. If the new prince is him, send him to see the King of Hell as soon as possible!

Oh, if I had known this, it would be better to get rid of Duanmu Chen earlier. Dad, I think the emperor has deposed the prince. The next step is to ask us to hand over our military power!

Hmph! The Wan family has made great contributions to the country. If the emperor is unkind, don't blame us for being unjust!

Dad, the Liang Kingdom has tried to negotiate peace several times, but we haven't reported it to the court. Is there anything going on?

What are you afraid of? From top to bottom in the Qian Kingdom, who believes that those barbarians from the Liang Kingdom don't want to fight? After negotiating peace with them, how can we still have a chance to make meritorious deeds?

Haha, my second brother and I led the troops out of the city for a tour today and came back. The report to the court will be credited to us! When the time comes, the emperor wants to move the Wan family, but the people will not agree!

Why doesn't the second one come over?

Don't worry about him. He just got a beautiful woman and is in ecstasy. We must pay attention to the matter of deposing the prince!

It's true, the prince, what kind of woman can't be found, yet she wants to hook up with Xiao Mulian! He did such a thing, but he didn't deal with it completely, leaving behind troubles!

As a prince, I can't play with any woman he wants, even if it's his younger brother or sister. But Su Liang, the number one martial artist, is surprising. It's only been more than a year. How come she has such great abilities? The emperor doesn't. Have you ever suspected that she is a craftsman?

For such an obvious matter, the emperor must have found out that there is no problem with her before re-employing her. Now the emperor has deposed the eldest prince, but his attitude towards the second prince is unclear. If we wait for the news, we should know soon who will be the new prince. .”

Second prince? I don't think the emperor will make him the prince. He will definitely take the opportunity to promote Duanmu Chen!

After Wan Cong finished speaking, new news from the capital arrived. Contrary to his expectations, the news he got this time was that the new prince was really Duanmu Ao!

After asking the messenger to retreat, Wan Cong sneered, It seems that the emperor is still afraid of our Wan family! After deposing the eldest prince, the position of prince is still inseparable from the Wan family!

Wan Shan's voice became lower, I always feel that the emperor is confusing us.

What do you want to do now? Wan Cong asked.

Wan Shan snorted coldly, The fault lies with that Su Liang! Send a message back to Beijing, telling the Queen Mother and the Empress to get rid of that woman as soon as possible! Otherwise, sooner or later, she will ruin our big event!

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