The Doctor’s Three-Time Marriage

I won’t let you get what you want (second update)

Beian County County Government.

Mu Luo has not left yet, and the identity of his fourth prince has not been disclosed locally. Therefore, in addition to investigating the iron ore smuggling case, he also has to deal with county government affairs.

Most of them can be handled by Chang'an, but Mu Luo needs to appear in person before the case can be heard in court.

It was freezing cold today. Mu Luo had just finished reviewing a trivial case in his opinion. He returned to the back hall with a dark face. Chang An quickly handed over hot tea.

The whole day has been filled with insignificant cases. Mu Luo hummed.

Chang'an said weakly, Today the master settled the case and helped the plaintiff get back the money for a stolen pig. This is no small matter. It's cold in the north and the fields have no output in winter, so we just pointed to that pig to get through it!

Mu Luo frowned. He was not completely ignorant of the sufferings of the people, but he felt that it was not his responsibility, so he changed the subject, Su Liang and Ning Jing haven't come back yet?

Chang'an shook his head, No. According to previous news, Mr. Ning returned to Xunyang City to clean up his family. He wants Miss Su to be with him. Even if he comes, he must make arrangements for the Ning family first.

Mu Luo's eyes narrowed slightly, Why did Ning Jing choose this time to return to the family for revenge? Could it be Ning Jing's idea to let Su Liang kill those bastards and crush their bones into ashes?

Chang'an thought for a moment and then replied, My subordinates also feel that Mr. Ning returned to the Ning family to take revenge and seize the family property because of the help of Miss Su. I didn't expect that Mr. Ning would be so cruel when he saw Wen Wenwei.

Mu Luo sneered, Isn't this how it should be? Those bastards have been able to live happily for so many years, which is already an advantage for them.

Master's words make sense. Considering his status, Mr. Ning's actions are blameless. In fact, he should have done so long ago. Chang'an nodded.

Could it be that they will stay in Xunyang City and never come back? Mu Luo snorted.

Miss Su specially wrote a letter saying that she would be home late, is she planning to come back here? Or is it possible that Mr. Ning stayed in Xunyang City, and after Miss Su helped him solve the trouble at home, he came back here? Chang'an guessed. .

The corner of Mu Luo's lips curled up slightly, That's the best. I wish Su Liang would leave Ningjing. I'd be annoyed when he sees Ningjing.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a report coming from outside, Sir, there is a girl Su Liang who wants to see you.

Mu Luo looked happy, stood up and walked out quickly.

Chang'an murmured in his heart when he saw his master's anxious look. Ever since Su Liang wrote that he would be home late, Mu Luo had been thinking about it every day. Could it be that he really fell in love with Su Liang?

Su... As soon as Mu Luo saw Su Liang, she was blocked by Ning Jing.

Mu Luo's eyes flashed slightly and he chuckled, You two are finally back!

Su Liang walked out from behind Ning Jing and stood in the snow, wearing a silver fox cloak and a hood, which made his face small, exquisite, fair and delicate.

Master Mu, are you okay? Su Liang smiled.

Mu Luo held up his hand and said, First of all, I would like to congratulate Mr. Ning on his high school education and cleaning up the family. Miss Su has done so much, so the Ning family's property should be at least half of hers, right?

Su Liang thought that Mu Luo probably thought that she went to Xunyang City to help Ning Jing kill people, but he did not deny it, We haven't discussed this matter yet, but the things in the contract signed by Master Mu and me can be prepared. Already?

Mu Luo originally wanted to say that since Su Liang was rich, it would be better to lose half of the treasure that he had blackmailed him. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫ⓢⓗⓤⓧ.ⓒⓞⓜAlthough he is a prince, his life is not easy.

Unexpectedly, before he could say anything, Su Liang choked him back.

Chang An quickly said, Master, it's so cold outside, please invite Mr. Ning and Miss Su in for a cup of hot tea?

Mu Luo just nodded and before he could say anything, he heard Su Liang say, No. We just entered the city and just passed by the county government office to say hello to Mr. Mu and then went home.

Mu Luo looked unhappy, Don't you care at all about the progress of the case I'm investigating?

Su Liang looked serious, Is there any result?

This is a top secret matter and cannot be made public for the time being. Mu Luo said.

Su Liang immediately turned around and said, Congratulations, Master Mu. I won't disturb you.

As soon as he finished speaking, he and Ningjing walked into the wind and snow.

Mu Luo frowned and looked at their backs until he could no longer see them. He suddenly turned around and attacked Chang An, Aren't you going to invite them in for tea? Why did they let them leave?

Chang'an looked confused. Su Liang said he just came to say hello. What could he do as a slave?

Changan was also a little speechless. Since we couldn't tell who the mastermind of the iron ore smuggling case was, why bother asking Su Liang if he wanted to know, and then saying I can't tell you after asking. Chang'an felt that if Mu Luogui was not the prince and someone else was playing like this, Su Liang would definitely beat him up.

Damn it! That girl never took me seriously! Mu Luo said bitterly, I'm just too good to her. Who does she think she is?

Chang'an looks at the nose and the nose, and looks at the heart.

Ningjing has become the head of the Ning family. Why don't you stay in Xunyang City and live happily? Why do you go back to this miserable place? Mu Luo continued to be weird.

Chang An said weakly, It should be that Miss Su wanted to come back and Mr. Ning was chasing her...

Mu Luo stood under the eaves for a while with a dark face, then walked back without saying a word.

Chang'an followed silently. Before closing the door, Mu Luo said, Get ready, we will return to Beijing in three days! He slammed the door behind him.

After Chang'an answered, he sighed in his heart. In fact, the mastermind of the iron ore smuggling case has been identified and reported to the emperor. Mu Luo was able to leave a few days ago, but he was very unaccustomed to the cold winter in the north, so he decided to stay and wait for Su Liang. Yesterday, he said that he would hire Su Liang to escort him. Back in Beijing, perhaps because I was embarrassed by Su Liang's perfunctory greeting today, I forgot all about it.

Master, would you like to inform General Nian? General Nian was sent by the master at the request of the emperor to assist in the investigation. It is also appropriate to escort the master back to the capital. Chang'an asked for instructions, The emperor sent General Sun, who really wants to guard the mine for a long time. It’s coming, it’ll be there soon.”

Yes. Mu Luo's voice came from the door, I will leave after General Sun arrives. Send someone to inform Nian Jincheng.

Changan was stunned for a moment. It was freezing and snowing, so General Sun probably wouldn't be able to reach Bei'an County within three days. Mu Luo should have known that, so he postponed his return to Beijing again.

On a snowy day, all the shops in the county were open, but most of the people who originally set up stalls did not come out.

Su Liang and Ning Jing went to Mingxiang Tower and bought two boxes of freshly baked osmanthus cakes and four other snacks.

I passed by a butcher's shop and bought a rack of ribs, two pig's feet, and a piece of tenderloin.

This season we only have radish and cabbage, so I bought some.

After shopping along the way, the two returned to Feiyan Town before noon. They ordered two hot dishes at Feiyan Restaurant and then set off back to the village.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier, there are no pedestrians on the road, and the horse walks slowly against the wind.

Su Liang wanted to change with Ning Jing, and she went to catch the car.

Ning Jing refused, As you said, women can't freeze.

Su Liang coughed lightly, Who said you don't treat me as a woman?

It's not the same thing. Ning Jing said.

Su Liang didn't insist, If I had known it was snowing so hard, I might as well have stayed in the county town for one night.

How do you know the snow will stop tomorrow? Ning Jing asked.

Su Liang thought about it, It's better to go home early. I don't know if Yan Shiba has run away.

I don't know how much time passed, but I could only hear the squeaking sound of wheels rolling across the snow. When Su Liang was a little drowsy sitting in the car, the car stopped.

When she opened the curtain, she saw in front of her the home where she had lived for several months after traveling through time.

The gates and walls were covered with white caps of snow, and the whole village was quiet and beautiful.

The door was locked. Ning Jing found the key and was about to open the door, but found that the lock had been changed.

Brother Ning! Sister Su Liang!

Bai Xiaohu and Zhuzi rushed over, their voices full of surprise.

Bai Xiaohu accidentally fell down and plunged into the snow.

Zhu Zhu looked back, then ran towards Su Liang, Sister Su Liang! You are back!

Bai Xiaohu climbed up, holding the snow on his face, smiling so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, I just said, Sister Su Liang said she would come back to celebrate the New Year, she will definitely come back!

Su Liang rubbed the heads of the two little guys and asked them who changed the locks on her house.

Sister Jiujiu asked me to change it. She said she lost the key and was afraid that someone would pick it up and steal it! Zhuzhu answered quickly.

Su Liang felt that this was the deliberate behavior of Erjiuzhiba to make them come back and be rejected.

Where is she? Su Liang smiled.

It's at my house! Bai Xiaohu said, Brother Ning and Sister Su Liang should go to my house to roast the fire. My grandpa is roasting sweet potatoes!

When Su Liang heard this, he expressed great interest.

So, Ning Jing put Bai Xiaohu and Zhu Zhu on the carriage, he held the carriage and headed towards the Bai family.

Sister Su Liang hasn't come up yet! Bai Xiaohu realized that Ningjing had forgotten Su Liang and quickly reminded her.

She doesn't want to take the car. After Ning Jing finished speaking, Su Liang had already made a snowball with great interest, ran forward and hit him on the head without any bias.

Bai Xiaohu and Zhu Zhu were both shocked.

Ning Jing sat in the carriage without any surprises.

Let's see who gets there first. After saying that, Su Liang ran away quickly in the snow.

The carriage was left behind.

Zhu Zhu suddenly realized, It turns out that Sister Su Liang wants to leave by herself.

Bai Xiaohu shook his head, It's Sister Su Liang who dislikes the carriage being too slow and wants to eat the sweet potatoes baked by grandpa early.

Ning Jing nodded slightly, Xiaohu is right.

Su Liang entered the Bai family's door, and Aunt Bai poked her head out of the kitchen, looking overjoyed and shouting at the top of her lungs, Girl Liang is back!

The next moment, Yan Shiba's roar came from the hall, Asshole! Does she still know how to come back?

Su Liang walked over calmly, greeted Aunt Bai first, stamped her feet to get the snow off her shoes, opened the curtain, and entered the main room.

A feeling of warmth came to my face.

The fine silver carbon was not something the Bai family could afford. Hu Er gave it to Su Liang's sister.

Because Yan Shiba ate here, most of them moved here.

At this time, Yan Shiba was nestled on a bamboo couch, covered with a brocade quilt, with a rosy complexion and hot water at hand.

Old man Bai was picking up sweet potatoes from the charcoal basin with iron tongs.

Yan Shiba glared at Su Liang, Didn't you run away with that wild man? Why did you come back?

Wild man Ning Jing heard Yan Shiba's voice. He parked the carriage outside. Bai Xiaohu jumped off by himself. Ning Jing held the pillar and placed it on the ground. The two rushed into the house.

Su Liang only glanced at Yan Shiba and said nothing. He looked away, took the small bench, and sat down next to the charcoal pot to warm his hands.

Old Man Bai cheerfully put the roasted sweet potatoes in a bowl and handed them to Su Liang, Eat something warm quickly.

Su Liang tore open the roasted soft skin, and found the sweet aroma. She lowered her head and took a bite, feeling that all the coldness in the wind and snow was expelled at once.

Warmth and sweetness are the most healing flavors.

Ning Jing opened the curtain and came in, carrying four snacks brought to the Bai family and placing them on the table.

Old man Bai greeted him quickly and brought him sweet potatoes.

Yan Shiba, who had been ignored from beginning to end, gritted his teeth when he saw Su Liang and Ning Jing sitting on both sides of the charcoal basin, eating roasted sweet potatoes comfortably, Liang! Sister! Sister!

Su Liang still ignored him and only said to Old Man Bai, I've caused you trouble these days.

Old Man Bai quickly shook his head, Anyway, your sister is fine and her body is recovering well.

Aunt Bai brought hot bone soup to Su Liang and Ningjing.

The two of them ate sweet potatoes and drank a bowl of soup, then stood up and left.

Yan Shiba, who had accumulated a lot of resentment, could only close his eyes and pretend to sleep because Su Liang ignored him, as if he had been punched on cotton.

Su Liang walked over and hugged her sideways with the quilt, Auntie, I took her back. The expenses for these days will be calculated later.

The corners of Yan Shiba's lips curled up slightly, then quickly disappeared.

Su Liang put her into the car, got in, and Ning Jing drove home.

Su Liang pretended not to know that Yan Shiba was pretending to sleep, deliberately lowered his voice, and spoke to Ning Jing through the car curtain, You promised to give the Mo Yu ring finger to Yan Shiqi. Yan Shiba will definitely make trouble. In order to prevent the danger of raising tigers, It’s better to…”

Ning Jing replied, Kill him.

Then I have to pay Aunt Bai for the meals she eats these days, so I lose money.

Sell to the mines.

This is good. Anyway, she is almost recovered and can work.

Yan Shiba opened his eyes suddenly, Su Liang!

Su Liang looked innocent, Are you awake? When do you plan to leave? Pay back the money before leaving.

You actually gave Mo Yu's finger to that treacherous villain Yan Shiqi? Yan Shiba stared at Su Liang.

He is a treacherous villain. Who are you? A righteous gentleman? Su Liang hummed.

You... Yan Shiba was choked, his eyes flashed, and he became pitiful, Sister Liang, do you hate your sister so much?

Don't do that with me! Su Liang looked impatient, If you haven't lost your memory, you should still remember that we had a falling out before I left. I didn't throw you out because I was out of kindness. You don't have to believe it. , leave now.”

Yan Shiba instantly put away the pretentious expression on his face and glared at Su Liang. Suddenly he gritted his teeth and shook his head like crazy, I'm going to be so pissed off by you bastard girl! So pissed off! So pissed off! It’s my fault, okay?”

Su Liang smiled half-heartedly, Oh? Then tell me, where did you go wrong?

Yan Shiba hit his head against the wall of the car, My fault is that I really want to be a sister with you! I think about it more and more! Ahhh, I'm going crazy! Just say a word about whether it's okay or not! You say yes, from now on I will believe you from now on! If you say no, I will jump out of the car immediately!

Ning Jing opened the curtain and said one word, Please.

What does our sisters' affairs have to do with you, a wild man like you? Shut up! I've told you before that my sister likes Gu Ling! Yan Shiba roared angrily and looked at Su Liang again, You! You said it!

Su Liang thought about it seriously, To be honest, I really want to see you jump.

Yan Shiba fixedly looked at Su Liang and suddenly sneered, Really? I won't let you get what you want! You will be my sister from now on! Even if the King of Heaven is here, I can't change it!

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