Isolated island.


As soon as Li Mu was near the island, he felt that an extremely powerful breath surging on the island was actually Immortal Sovereign.

what happened?

Is someone invading?

Li Mu heart startled.

He approached quickly, flickering, passing the Formation Restriction and landing on the island.

But immediately, Li Mu’s face became weird.

It’s a breath of flowers.

She … broke through?

And is one step straight into Immortal Sovereign? !!

Li Mu felt a bit overturned in her world view.

He came to Cave Mansion.

I saw from a distance that Hua wanted Rong’an to sit quietly in the doorway, her white and delicate jade foot was bare, and her curvy legs were hanging in the air, shaking gently, and the light wind moved her hair Eyebrows look like fairy tales.

That’s right.

The strong breath of Immortal Sovereign is from Hua Xiangrong’s body.

“Pastor big brother, you are back.”

Seeing Li Mu, Hua wanted to smile like a flower and rushed over.

This is a pure girl like a child. In addition to Li Mu in her heart, she cannot tolerate others. For her, Li Mu is heaven and earth, everything.

Li Mu Wenxiang nephrite jade was in her arms, sniffing and fragrant, saying: “Why do you refining the large spiral thunderbolt, the cultivation base grows, will it be so terrifying?”

Hua Xiangrong said: “I don’t know, I just unfathomable mystery promoted the realm.”

Li Mu laughed heartily: “It is indeed my little wife, your pretending level is quite the same as my shameless style, Ha Ha Ha, can already be a teacher, down the mountain pretending to be pretending.”

Flowers wanted to pout and smile.

“Was it smooth?” She asked.

Li Mu knew what she was asking, shook her head, and said, “It’s not going well for the time being, but it should survive.”

Hua Xiangrong said, “If you are not busy, I am alone on this isolated island, which is fine. When I miss you, I will go to you.”

Too good.

Li Mu provoked her delicate white jade like white jade, and deliberately teased and said, “Haha, I haven’t seen you come to me before. Why do you think of me?”

Hua wanted to embrace Li Mu, closed her eyes, and said, “When I was looking for you, I was thinking about you, and when I was not looking for you, I was thinking about you.”

Li Mu could not help but move.

She was saying that she was thinking about him all the time.

Li Mu said, “Ha Ha Ha, go to rest for miscellaneous things, everything counts … For these three months, I will only be with you. If you want to see the mountains, we will go all the way to the mountains. If you want to watch the water, we will go. All over the world, this earthly thing can never be managed, let it go. “

Hua wanted to be in Li Mu’s arms, and said happily, “OK.”

time flies.

Another month has passed.

Li Mu has spoken.

He didn’t take flowers to travel through the mountains.

Two people stayed on the isolated island-this isolated island has been named Goddess Island by Li Mu. Get up early to watch the morning sun every day, watch the sunset at sunset, hold hands for a walk, and practice together. The time is quiet and beautiful.

Today, Hua Xiangrong’s strength has been promoted to Immortal Sovereign. The Battle Strength is strong. It can be compared with Li Mu mention on equal terms. The two can discuss day and night. Li Mu’s tactics and tactics have been improved, and Hua Xiangrong’s actual combat experience is also Improving rapidly.

This kind of entry is huge for both people.

Coupled with the Dual Cultivation of twice the results for half the effort, the two-person Immortal Sovereign preliminary cultivation base, quickly consolidated, and the Battle Strength is also madly improved.

Li Mu did not attempt to fuse the large spiral thunder pill.

Because this kind of thunder pill is the same as fairy pill, the first one has the biggest effect.

The second and third refinings gradually became ‘drug resistance’, the effect was no longer obvious, and the improvement of realm was not satisfactory.

It is better to leave this precious resource to others.

Li Mu completely transformed the fairy fire within the body into Purple Gold-colored immortal dao thunder-fire. The lethality has been increased several times compared to the simple fairy fire previously. Even Immortal Sovereign, when encountering this kind of flame, also Will be burned.

With the help of Profound Truth of Time, with the help of Huaxiangrong, he comprehends a kind of terrifying Profound Truth-a time bomb, using the power of Profound Truth to disrupt the time order of the opponent within the body, and different areas of the body. Organs in different time states will directly detonate the opponent’s own power and suffer a devastating blow instantly.

At the same time, Li Mu also relied on the strength of the large spiral thunderbolt to re-sacrifice the sword.

The power of thunder-fire is mostly used in casters.

Li Mu is supplemented with various fairy crystals and immortal gold, and is continually refined into the fairy sword by the power of thunder-fire.

The rank of Wuxiandao is also increasing at the speed seen by naked eye.

At the beginning, this knife was nothing more than a product. Under the constant sacrifice of Li Mu, the product rank continued to increase. Later, it was combined with Divine Beating Whip and Immortal Artifact of Reincarnation. I have countless immortal gold, like a bottomless pit, but the benefits brought to Li Mu are tangible.

Li Mu set up the Formula, the power of igniting the ground, plus the thunder-fire, all the plentiful resources plundered the other day were poured into it.

Caster, cultivation.

Days pass by.

These months of retreat have a huge impact on the growth and perfection of Li Mu martial arts.

In the past, Li Mu had been fighting.

一直都在不断地的Life and Death 搏杀之中,取得进步。

这让Li Mu 的实际Battle Strength ,远超自身realm ,经常可以做到逆行伐仙。



而这几个月的时间,Li Mu 沉下心来,完全抛弃了其他一切的杂念,沉醉于修炼,领悟,完善自己的martial arts ,这是一种无形的升华和提升。

而花想容这个温婉温柔的女子,身上仿佛是有一种经过了岁月沉淀的mysterious power ,很轻易就可以让Li Mu 心神宁静,进入入定的状态。



This day.

a sabre light 冲天而起。

Li Mu 手握终究tempering 成功的诛仙刀。

刀身复归古朴,宛如雁翎,比一般的刀宽,长一些,造型充满了流线美感,乍一看,就是一柄普通的长刀,锋芒内敛,气韵淡薄,Li Mu 稍稍灌注仙元,刀身便有一道道雷纹流转,Purple Gold 色的火焰,汹涌澎湃出来。



Journey To The West 中,孙猴子的如意Golden Cudgel ,足足有hundred thousand 8,000 斤重,但眼下Li Mu 这柄刀,怕是十个Golden Cudgel 的重量,都有了。

Li Mu was thinking.

长刀化作一百二十柄Purple Gold 色飞刀,流转缭绕,宛如漫天灵蝶,美轮美奂,璀璨夺目,衍化流转之间,火道与时间之道的Profound Truth ,逐渐契合,衍化四季岁Moon Wheel 回。


她的仙元稍微绽放,便是极致的纯净purple 。





entire group 正在四下搜寻。



其中有几人,身着道袍,却正是镇妖阁的Heavenly Master 道人。

随着破天Sect Lord 战死,摇光城被Li Mu 攻破留字,这数月以来,镇妖阁可以说是‘上穷碧落下Yellow Springs ’一般地在搜寻Li Mu ,恨不得掘地三尺,将Li Mu 挖出来,随着时间的流逝,悬赏令不断地叠加,到了最后,甚至都超过了Immortal Sovereign 巨妖【影】,位列追杀悬赏榜第一。


东圣洲甚至掀起了一股追杀Li Mu 的风潮。

再加上镇妖阁不断地派出门中disciple ,联络各Great Prefecture 府的仙Dao Sect 门,疏通一些小仙庭,推波助澜之下,整个东圣洲,几乎都在搜寻Li Mu 。

眼下这群人,便是青水府Number one sect 绿涟水院的immortal dao cultivator 。

为首年轻人,名叫moon reflected in the water ,是绿涟水院new generation 第一powerhouse ,Immortal Monarch 中阶cultivation base ,年少得志,睥睨四野,颇有able to move unhindered in the whole world 的心气,带的人也都是绿涟水院中的精锐,配合两名叫做虚竹、虚岚的道士,搜寻这片荒岛。



但moon reflected in the water 素有野心,却是自告奋勇,带着虚竹、虚岚两个镇妖阁的使者,在青水府境内,已经搜寻了月余,他not at all 想着真的能够找到Li Mu ,但却并不介意多和两位镇妖阁的使者熟悉一下。

在moon reflected in the water 看来,镇妖阁重新崛起,掌握仙庭大权,已经是指日可待的事情。


moon reflected in the water 的身边,数十个绿涟水院的女仙陪伴。

此人最大的特点,便是喜好女色,除了修炼绿涟水院的cultivation technique 之外,还修炼了阴阳dual cultivation technique ,采补女阴,增加cultivation base ,一旦听闻,何处有绝色女子,都要前往求之,求而不得,便利用绿涟水院的势力,威逼利诱,不择手段而取,在整个青水府,名声极差,但无人奈何之。

“咦?水Young Master ,你看前面,那是什么?”

一位身姿妖娆,烟视媚行的female cultivator ,突然指着Dongfang Yuan 处的天空,颇为惊讶地道。

moon reflected in the water 抬头看去。

却见天穹之上,一道道purple 流光闪烁,神辉灼灼,美丽至极,仿佛是有什么rare treasure 出世一样,无比神秘。


“前方是何地方?”moon reflected in the water 眼眸中异色流转,转身问道。

一位绿涟水院的disciple ,连忙催动舆图,略微审阅,恭敬地道:“是舟山水域,位置偏僻,大片水域之中,多有孤岛,并无什么矿产神藏,所以没有什么sect 进驻,乃是一片荒野。”

叫做虚岚的镇妖阁道士,却是eyes shined ,道:“那purple 流光,极为out of the ordinary ,乃是immortal dao Purple Qi ,此种气息现世,必有仙宝临尘,水Young Master ,此乃大机缘,我们去看看。”

“haha ,Master 所言甚是,走,去看看。”moon reflected in the water 的眼中,一抹贪婪之色,一闪而逝。



And 2 even more

顺便推荐一本书,书名为山花烂漫时,书号849961,这本书怎么说呢,刀子一看之下,惊为Celestial ,贼JB好看。

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