Wandai Cheng would like to thank the school for the arrangement. The large swimming pool is only open on the last three days of the summer vacation, and each student can only come once.

This is also an effective way to alleviate the problem of too many people coming at once, resulting in a bad experience.

Therefore, in order to have a good time, the students who come in will naturally not choose to leave early. They usually come in at noon or in the afternoon, and close in the evening.

So the shower room was very quiet, and basically no one chose to come to wash and leave at this time, and Wandai Cheng was able to make it clear to Kushida.

If Wandai Cheng is quite happy, then Kushida who is behind him is very annoyed. Why did she make a fool of herself and agree to let Horikita go? When she thinks of this, Kushida feels quite helpless and peaceful. regret.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. When he walked behind Wandai Cheng, he even gave Wandai Cheng a few eyes.

It all started from the inside. At the very beginning, the two fell off the slide and excused themselves to play their own games. Ichinose went to find her best friend, and the two gathered here secretly after they separated.

The next step is to do good deeds, and Wandai Cheng is willing to help others, but Wandai Cheng played a little trick at this time. In the process of helping Kushida to achieve his achievements, he took the opportunity to ask for a showdown, and made it clear that Horikita spent a lot of money. The price guarantees the safety of Horikita Suzune.

Moreover, Wandai Cheng has already agreed to Horikita School, so the conditions promised to Kushida at the beginning are basically impossible to achieve, at least Wandai Cheng will not contribute.

It made Kushida furious, but fortunately there was no one in the environment, so he was able to scold Wandai Cheng for not having the spirit of the contract, breaking his promise, and saying that Wandai Cheng did not want to pay after finishing his meal, and it was a particularly scoundrel behavior that should be condemned. , cannot be advocated.

But Kushida didn't think about it, the initiative at that time was in the hands of Wandai Cheng, and at most she just scolded a few words, at the important juncture of her achievement, wasn't it still under the control of Wandai Cheng?

Wandai Cheng said that you will be fine if you don't promise, and if you don't promise me, I'll just leave, and I'm about to achieve success. How could Kushida let Wandai Cheng leave at this time? Soft-hearted.

He was so ruthless when he said he would go, let Kushida really do nothing to this guy Wandai Cheng. In the end, when his thoughts were unclear, in order to achieve success, he agreed to let Horikita go.

As a result, as soon as the sun came out, the sun shone, and the wind blew, Kushida immediately became clear-headed, regretted so much, and his face was choked up: "Can't you think about it again? You have already promised me that you want to drive Hori away. North.々.

In comparison, Wandai Cheng's side was refreshed, and his expression was leisurely and full of satisfaction: "But you didn't agree just now, can you let Horikita go?"

"That doesn't count!" When he mentioned this Kushida, he became angry, and his voice became much louder: "That is, that is you..." As he spoke, his face was peach blossom again, as rosy as after a sweet rain. Rose.

She was too embarrassed to continue talking! She could only curse inwardly, secretly saying that this guy Wandai Cheng is too bad and tricky! How can you force her to make a choice under such circumstances?! He's not a human being!

"Okay, alright." Wandai Cheng is not a guy who doesn't recognize people when he comes out, he glanced back with a funny look, and looked back to dig Kushida's little face.

"Pfft~" The cute sound of the air being expelled by pinching the originally puffed and pouty face really makes people laugh.

"Why are you so anxious?" Wandai Cheng was there: "Anyway, that Horikita has basically been rejected by Class D now, and it is impossible to pose any threat to you, so what are you afraid of her?"

Speaking of this, Kushida looked at Wandai Cheng seriously: "Why didn't she threaten me? She and I came out of a junior high school, and probably knew about my junior high school days! 55

When it comes to Kushida's way of survival, if the events of her junior high school days are exposed, then she will be truly doomed, and it will no longer be possible for her to continue to survive at a high level.

Wandai Cheng disagreed: "If Horikita planned to expose you, it would have been exposed long ago. Now the first semester is almost over, and the second semester is only a day away."

"Explain that either Horikita doesn't know your secret at all, or he knows and won't tell it."

"But what if there is an accident?" Kushida continued to fight for himself: "If she really knows, and she said it out because of some accident, what should I do?

"With such a big risk, only by letting her disappear from this school can I be truly safe.

"Heh." Wandai Cheng laughed outright: "Then why don't you worry about me? I also know your secret. It's still stored in your mobile phone. In case of some accidents, you're still not safe."

"Still." At this moment, Wandai Cheng's eyes became playful, staring at Kushida: "Are you going to make me drop out of school too?"

"You, you must be different from Horikita!" Kushida faced Wandai Cheng's gaze and immediately looked away. She didn't look at Wandai Cheng, not because she was guilty, but simply shy! What, a pair of Wandai Cheng's eyes, it is easy to recall the taste.

Seeing Kushida's attitude, Wandai Cheng knew that he should have persuaded Kushida that in order to make her feel more at ease, it would be better to take a dozen insurances: "...Actually, no need to think about it.

"What you need to do is to maintain your own character as much as possible, and at the same time, deliberately guide the class members to resist her. If this goes on for a long time, no one will believe what Horikita says.

"After all, if a person can pretend to be kind all his life and do good deeds everywhere, who can say that he is not a kind person? Some things, acting and acting, will gradually become true.

Kushida slowly fell into silence. In fact, she was not really worried that Horikita would reveal her secrets. After a semester, nothing happened, so she naturally didn't worry much about this aspect.

If she insisted, she just looked at Horikita unhappy, because at the beginning, in order to test whether Horikita knew or not, she went to ask to make friends, but was greeted by Horikita in a cold voice. reject.

This made Kushida completely hostile to Horikita, thinking that this girl is really unreasonable, why is she so arrogant?

She was so angry that she couldn't sleep at the time, so she ran to the school lake and kicked the railings all night to vent her anger, so she met Wandai Cheng and developed this relationship.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that Horikita can be regarded as the 'matchmaker' fox between her and Wandai Cheng?

Huh, Kushida felt disgusted just thinking about it, and she quickly shook her head, intending to throw away the idea. As for Horikita, Wandai Cheng said so, she didn't need to do too much.

Anyway, can't hate Wandai Cheng, this is the only thing Kushida realizes he can do now. After all, Kushida covered his face in embarrassment, that kind of predicament where Wandai Cheng took the opportunity to make an offer when he was about to achieve an achievement, Kushida definitely doesn't want it to happen again!

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