Late at night, the lights on the highly cultivated luxury cruise ship are bright, and the first-year students are indiscriminately entertaining, venting their dissatisfaction with the special examination of the preferential treatment.

Because of the silence of all the members of Class A, less than a quarter of the participants, twelve groups could not discuss anything, and in the twelve conference rooms, everyone was as silent as snow and stuffy.

They are all energetic high school freshmen, who wants to sit in that conference room and sit motionless for an hour? How torturous?

So after the specified time, all the students did not want to stay, and they all formed teams to play, KTV, cinema, restaurants, coffee shops were full of students.

And the lively KTV, naturally the first choice of many students, Karuizawa also shouted a few good girlfriends, to howl a few voices.

After singing two songs in a row, Karuizawa drank the juice, said to his girlfriends to go to the bathroom, and walked out of the box without any attention, before subconsciously speeding up his steps.

Like a thief, along the way, constantly looking left and right, always beware of being seen, even after turning a corner, you have to deliberately stay for a while to see if anyone is following you.

After discovering that it was safe, he went to the box number given by Bandai Inheritance, and when he approached, he saw Bandai Inheritance leaning against the corner of the wall in a daze, and Karuizawa looked happy and was just about to go up and say something.

Seeing that Bandai Cheng made a quiet gesture to signal her to go first, after Karuizawa entered the unmanned box, Bandai Cheng stayed outside for a while to make sure that no one found out, and also entered the K room.

“How’s it going?” When he saw Bandai come in, Karuizawa who was sitting on the sofa with a big grin also got up a little anxious and asked, “Won’t anyone really follow me?” ”

Although she was very vigilant all the way over, she only referred to some anti-tracking techniques on the Internet, who knew whether it was useful or not, worried about the undercover identity being revealed, she had to ask such a reliable person as Wandai Cheng.

Bandai shook his head slightly, “Rest assured, no one is following you.” ”

“Whew.” Karuizawa breathed a sigh of relief, his face became happy again, and he took out his mobile phone and adjusted it to the SMS interface: “You see, I didn’t lie to you, I am indeed the preferential treatment of the Kui (rabbit) group.” ”

“Bandai you are not at ease with the words casually look, I don’t care, but also thank you, that annoying real pot just happened to be in the same group as me, maybe you have explained it, so she has been intimidated by me, do not dare to fight back, really enjoyable!” 」

It can be seen that Karuizawa is very excited today, and the smile on his face has basically never been broken except for fear of being tracked down and revealed his undercover identity.

The reason why she secretly came to have a private meeting with Bandai Cheng today was because Bandai Cheng started two undercover agents of Class D and wanted to ask if there was any information about the third preferential person of Class D.

During the day today, Kushida honestly gave information to two Class D preferential treaters, one was a boy with the surname Minami, and the other was Kushida Kirito himself.

Together with the three favored recipients of Class C known to Bandai Cheng, a total of five preferential treatment personnel were obtained, and Dragon Garden stared at the twelve groups of lists together, trying to substitute various rules.

Because of the increase of the known number and the decrease of the unknown number, it did not take much effort, and soon the two people reduced this range to three!

That is, all classes, all groups of treats! They are all preferential treatment according to one of the rules!

In the classic three alternatives, some detectives may have to reason, and Wan Daicheng chooses to find an undercover.

Slowly push can not know when to reason out the only result, choose one of the three, this time Bandai Cheng did not take the risk, and then find a foreign class preferential person can be!

As long as you find another person to enter the list of all the groups, you can completely solve the puzzle of the school, and you can get all the preferential status without any unnecessary discussion.

So Bandai Seung-cai used two undercover agents, Sakura was sorry to say that he didn’t know anything, the students of Class D were deliberately hiding the identity of the preferential treatment, and it was not clear who was who.

When asked about Karuizawa, there was a surprise, and Karuizawa was actually a preferential person!

Just in case, Bandai was sure that Karuizawa would not betray him, and Karuizawa would not betray him as long as he was still alive on campus.

But it is always safe to be right, and I will deliberately sneak out Karuizawa tonight to see the text message sent by the school.

With such a result as Karuizawa, then all the conditions are put together, and Bandai has finally found the only rule for the selection of preferential recipients by the school, and can find out who is the preferential person just by looking at the group list!

Finally cleared the customs, the self-satisfied Bandai Cheng, looking at Izawa’s eyes were much supple: “Well done, this time to help a lot, is there anything you want?” ”

“Eh?” Karuizawa was slightly stunned, this, is this the end? Don’t you want to ask the rest of the favored people in Class D for information? Although she didn’t know about the other preferential treatment, she only knew her own.

I also thought that Bandai Cheng would ask a little more, but the result was not asked, indicating that Bandai Cheng knew that she was a preferential person and it was enough to raid the entire preferential person exam?!

Thinking of this, Karuizawa looked into the eyes of Bandai Seung, and a look of admiration appeared: “As long as you know that I am a preferential person, you can find all the preferential people?” ”

“Almost.” Bandai cheekily pretended to be a wave and did not tell Karuizawa that he had also obtained information from Kushita’s side.

“You’re horrible too, aren’t you?!” Is it open?! Karuizawa was surprised like seeing a god, a little incredulous, knowing one and knowing all, is this the wisdom that human beings can have?

However, if you think about it, it seems that this is also the case when the uninhabited island special exam is also the case, this man is silent, superficially abandoning the exam, but secretly becoming the only winner of the whole grade.

Thinking about it, Karuizawa looked at Bandai’s eyes more and more with admiration, and she understood very well that people like herself must rely on the strong to survive.

And Wan Daicheng is the strongest person she can cling to, right?

Seeing that Karuizawa was talking more and more excessively, and his eyes were changing, Bandai still felt embarrassed, and simply re-mentioned the reward: “So do you have anything you want?” This time I can solve the mystery of the preferential treatment, Karuizawa you are indispensable. ”

“Eh? Really? Can I mention anything? Karuizawa was a bit of a surprise, after all, the intelligence was what she was going to give as an undercover agent, it was her job, and she thought there would be no reward.

“So, can the half a million personal points of the preferential person be transferred to me?” If the preferential person is guessed correctly by your class, I will not get it at all. Karuizawa made a tentative request, while also looking at Bandai with special caution.

“You, you see… After all, I am a girl, all kinds of beautiful clothes, cosmetics and whatnot, we now have to give you 300,000 points every month in Class C, and I don’t have enough money to spend myself. ”

Speaking of various reasons, and paying attention to Wandai’s face, it seemed that as long as Wandai’s face showed a trace of dissatisfaction, she immediately pushed that it was a joke.

“Absolutely, you deserve it.” Bandai smiled and agreed, even if it was the undercover job, but when the intelligence was too good, there would be a reward.

Not to mention that it is only half a million, which is about to grab the benefits of the C class, but in this way, giving half a million can make Karuizawa more self-selling, and Bandai even feels that he has earned himself.

“Woohoo!” Karuizawa jumped happily into Bandai Cheng’s arms, wrapped his hands around Bandai Cheng’s neck, so that he smelled a trace of sweet moon incense, and his ears were full of Karuizawa ‘I wanted to buy that little dress earlier, I can finally buy it when I go back’.

Wanting to laugh and help Karuizawa take revenge on the people who bullied her in junior high school, and also helped to scare the real pot, the two combined, the girl seemed to have regained some kind of tenacious vitality, and she couldn’t help but raise her hand to pat Karuizawa’s narrow back: “You come down first.” ”

Karuizawa reacted to what he had done, and immediately jumped down with a flushed face: “Hug, sorry… Me, me! Me, I have to go back, or the girlfriends will be suspicious! ”

Leaving such a sentence, it will run away with a smoke, and the back shadow will not be able to say that it is awkward and interesting.

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