Kushida looked at the back of Bandai Cheng’s pouring water, and for a moment she was actually a little confused, and she also couldn’t understand what was going on with her like this.

At first, she found Bandai Cheng’s cooperation, but Bandai Cheng was reluctant because the information she proposed did not have enough value, and there was no need for Bandai Cheng to organize the entire C class to help her because of such a small piece of information.

Therefore, Kushida thought about it carefully, and she was afraid that the only thing she had value now was herself, so she planned to give up everything, just in exchange for Wandaicheng’s hand.

Originally, Kushida regarded it as a transaction at best, and it was supposed that there should be not much remembrance, but I don’t know why, looking at the back of Bandai Cheng, Kushita’s heart will accelerate and jump.

It was as if the internal combustion engine filled with fuel was eagerly preparing to start a wild ride, and at the beginning she obviously wouldn’t do this, was it because the most precious thing gave him the reason?

“Thoughts? Drink some water. Bandai interrupted Kushita’s thoughts, handed him a glass of water, and saw that Kushida was dumbfounded and unresponsive.

I had to take the initiative to take her little hand, enjoy the silky and calloused palm of the girl’s hand, and then stuffed the water cup with the trend.

Kushida only then returned to God, this moment did not have any thoughts, raised her neck is tons of tons, no way, really thirsty to no, she felt like her throat had been burned by a wildfire, so dumb that she didn’t want to say a word.

It’s almost like a miserable traveler walking in the endless desert under the scorching sun, finally finding an oasis, and eager to soak his whole head in the water source of the oasis.

A whole cup of water grunted down, Kushida felt that his throat was slightly better, and only then did he have the strength to think, and his eyes looked at Wan Daicheng with special complexity.

Oh, man, sure enough, it is so, so indifferent before, every time I met her, it was not a mockery of the real ugliness, or a vicious play of tearing silk cracks, how could I have poured a glass of water for her so gently?

But in addition to the irony in her heart, there is some warmth and sweetness, because Bandai Cheng’s care makes her very satisfied.

She absolutely did not want it, after the most precious thing was eaten by the wolf, the wolf turned his head and left, leaving her here alone, ignoring it, not caring about it, if that was the case, she herself would feel pitiful.

No matter how Kushita’s heart changes, Bandai Cheng seems to be the same leisurely and leisurely appearance: “What’s wrong?” Looking at me with this look? ”

“You…” Kushida may have experienced a very important, once-in-a-lifetime transformation today, and in a state of extreme confusion in his heart, he actually made God send a question like this: “Have you ever liked me?” ”

Perhaps it is the uneasiness after handing over himself, trying to make Bandai Cheng make a verbal commitment to give himself a sense of security, or maybe he wants to test Bandai Cheng’s thoughts on her and plan how to get along with Bandai Shing in the future.

There were many possibilities for asking this question, but after Kushida asked, both of them were stunned for a while.

Kushida was a little confused as to why he had subconsciously asked such a question, and vaguely had a little chagrin, obviously he did not intend to have too much communication with Bandai Cheng, as long as he could keep the secret and drive away Horikita was enough.

Why is this question asked so much?

Wan Daicheng did not expect that good guys, saying good in advance is a transaction, and afterwards you give me such a hand? Bandai Cheng is not the type of person who is led by the nose by a girl.

Therefore, instead of answering positively or sideways, he asked back in a rather routine way: “Don’t mention me first, what about you?” Are you because you like me? Did you hand over the most precious things? ”

“Me…?” Kushida is confused, does she like Bandai Cheng? What did she think of herself? She didn’t know it herself.

Asked by Bandai Cheng, Kushita’s thoughts couldn’t help but flutter back to her mind, asking herself, did she ever like Bandai Cheng? Is it possible to like this hateful guy who always treats her badly?

The first time we met, it was in front of the library with the spring light and the shadows of the trees, when she was just ordinary socializing, wanting to become friends with everyone, and then she found Wan Daicheng.

Making friends is Kushita’s daily task, and there is no possibility of moving.

Later, it was the school lake, because it was discovered that the true face was discovered and tried to threaten Bandai Cheng, the backhand was torn by Bandai Cheng, and fled back to the dormitory in fear, the excitement of that time, Kushida will never forget, is that like?

Later, it was a chance encounter at the stern of the luxury cruise ship, once again being treated by Bandai Cheng’s misery, and once again when there was a wind and grass, he fled back in a panic, and I don’t know if I liked it?

A total of three misdeeds, such an abominable encounter, obviously should be full of resentment towards Bandai Cheng, but why, she just can’t hate it? Or even miss it?

When she thought about it, Kushida finally understood, was it because although Bandai Cheng’s behavior was abominable, it finally made her feel extremely excited?

Kushida she tries to trust everyone, many people who trust her, will pour bitter water with her, saying all kinds of black materials, the negative emotions contained in it, once accumulated too much, will make Kushida disgusting and nauseous, and can only vent this backlog of negative emotions through violence.

Therefore, she will angrily go to the lake inside the school to kick the railing, so that she will be discovered by Bandai Cheng.

But think about it, when she played those three times, her heart was relaxed and stimulated like never before, and it seemed that she would no longer be troubled by negative emotions, no longer have nausea and nausea feelings, and she would not want to vent anything through violence.

Bandai Cheng’s harsh teasing of her seems to be the best antidote to her full of black material and negative emotions!

So, is this the main reason why she did not resent Wandai Cheng, but took the initiative to send it to the door? So, is this really a favorite?

When he came to such an almost unbelievable conclusion, Kushita’s cheeks flushed with a thick flush, and he hurriedly lowered his head to death, not daring to let Bandai Cheng see it.

She now at least realized that whether she liked it or not, it wasn’t good anyway! Her idea is fundamentally quite incorrect!

“?” Wan Daicheng saw that Kushida was suddenly ashamed when he thought about it, and he couldn’t help but wonder, others don’t know, can he still not know?

He treated Kushida a bad, so bad tease, almost no girl can accept it, and as a result, Kushida is actually so shy? Really fake?

“Hey, hey, hey.” Bandai Cheng’s heart was a rare drumming: “Kushida, should you, would you be happy with that kind of bad teasing…?” ”

“Don’t say it out there you guy!!” Just like desperately, he quickly stretched out his hands, blocked Wandaicheng’s mouth and nose, blocked the way of speech, and did not let Wandaicheng continue to speak!

Kushida is going crazy, why is this guy so good at brains?! And if the brain is really very good, shouldn’t the past be ignored by high emotional intelligence at this time? Why are you still caught asking?

She doesn’t want a face? Don’t you want dignity? Reasoning and analysis are also stuck in the heart! Where is there such a blunt way to say it?

Bandai Cheng blinked, well, there is no need to guess, just rush to Kushita’s current fiery reaction, it must be so.

He seems to have helped Kushida open a very difficult door…

Thinking of this, Bandai Cheng took two steps back and stayed away from the blockade of Kushita’s palm: “This, your hobby is still quite perverted?” ”

“You still say!!”

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