That night, after the celebration banquet of Class C, they went to their favorite places to entertain, anyway, the school was responsible for paying, and their students only needed to be responsible for playing.

Wan Daicheng was not very interested in watching movies and singing anything, and went to the stern of the ship, looking at the dark sea under the moonlight by the railing.

The mature soul, coupled with the tutor of this life, sometimes he is not very likely to play with his peers, and the entertainment that his peers are very interested in, in his opinion, is just that.

Compared with KTV singing or something, Bandai Cheng prefers to press the foot, take a bath and sauna, etc., but these are not realistic, and the school actually does not have such facilities.

Looking at the ocean that has completely lost its color, Bandai Cheng suddenly thought, there seems to be a high-end spa facility on the cruise ship, I don’t know if I can provide foot business, tomorrow you can go to see, all say advanced, always can’t only beauty business, right?

“Meet again, Bandai classmate.” Just as Bandai Cheng was thinking about tomorrow’s itinerary, the lively voice came from behind.

Turning his head to look, he found that it was Kushita, and the last time he met her, it was also in this inaccessible aft area.

This somewhat puzzled Bandai Cheng, who thought that since the last time he had parted, Kushida would not come back to the stern of the ship: “Have you not learned your lesson?” I didn’t go to you, but you took the initiative to get together? ”

“Because Bandai classmates helped me~” Kushida seemed to have no revenge at all, and his little face was full of cheerful smiles, as if he didn’t care at all about the previous two times when he was almost killed by Bandai Cheng.

“I helped you?” Bandai couldn’t help but feel funny, he and Kushida had never had any intersection, except for two mischiefs, there was no conversation or cooperation at all, and he didn’t know what Kushida was saying: “Turns out you like that kind of thing?” ”

“Think I’m helping you?” Gee. ”

Hearing Bandai’s sighing voice, no matter how Kushida could play the bright smile, she couldn’t sustain it, and she couldn’t laugh when she thought of those two bad, terrified outdoor adventures.

Whenever she recalled those two experiences, she still couldn’t stop being afraid, couldn’t stop feeling deeply stimulated, and she didn’t want such a thing to happen again.

So she came over this time and kept a good distance from Bandai Cheng: “Bandai classmates don’t say anything, then, how can that kind of thing help me?” ”

“Don’t get it wrong, what I’m saying is that I’m very grateful to Bandai for helping me deal with Horikita for me.”

Mentioning this, the smile that could not be maintained was bright as spring at this moment, and the smile was eye-catching: “Horihoku has been hated by many classmates, and many people in the class have a lot of opinions about her.” ”

“If Bandai deals with her a few more times, she will definitely have no place in Class D.”

Ming Ming smiled so cheerfully, but the words spoken from the girl’s mouth were so chilling, and she single-mindedly wanted Horihoku to disappear from this class and from this school.

Bandai knew last time that there was a high probability that there was some irreconcilable contradiction between Kushida and Horikita that Kushida wanted to get Horikita out of the egg with all his thoughts.

Therefore, there were not too many accidents at this moment, and there was no silly expression, which was originally dealing with three classes at the same time, not counting to help Kushita.

He is not such a good person, send the door to thank you, why not collect?

So Bandai’s eyes became playful, “Since that’s the case, how do you want to thank Kushida?” ”

That playful look seemed to shine directly into Kushida’s soul, making Kushida shudder, like a sheep being stared at by a hungry wolf, with a faint tendency to shiver.

But Kushida still suppressed all kinds of discomfort in her heart, she would actually come to the stern of the boat, on the one hand, she simply wanted to find a quiet place and have fun by herself, and she was happy at the thought of Horikita almost being scolded by the whole class today!

On the other hand, she really thinks about whether it is possible to meet Wandai Cheng here, and if she can meet it, then no matter what Wandai Cheng does, she will force herself to accept it.

The reason is very simple, Kushida has never been stupid, the ability expressed by Wandai Cheng is not at all what she can fight, and more importantly, she does not have much black material in the C class, but her own secret is stored in the mobile phone of Wandai Cheng.

Let her not dare to fish dead net broken, because then it will not hurt or itch for Bandai Cheng, but she may no longer be able to survive at a high level.

Therefore, instead of opposing each other, it is better to cooperate, as long as you agree to Bandai Cheng’s request, it will certainly be able to drive Horihoku away and keep his secret! As long as these two points can be achieved, the rest does not matter!

This is the reason why Kushida was bold enough to dare to come alone after being treated badly by Bandai last time, and she really went out this time.

Anyway, Kushida was self-aware and knew how delicious he was for boys, and now when he heard Bandai’s playful inquiry, his heartbeat began to accelerate.

Under the cover of the moonlight, the crimson cheeks could not see the color, but the hot current, Kushida could perceive himself: “Any… Any thanks can be, as long as Bandai students say, I, I will. ”

Well, the girl overestimated her own determination, originally she thought she could do it, although she was open-minded, but there were some things that she could not say after all, and she could only hesitate so hesitantly, say half, hide half.

But Wan Daicheng understood it, and there was an unspeakable playfulness in his tone: “Since this is the case, go back with me.” “When you’re done, you’re ready to turn back.”

It made Kushida become extremely nervous, as if the limbs were not controlled by his own brain, and every step he took, there was no sense of reality, and Kushida even suspected that if he continued to be so nervous, the next second might have to become smooth.

However, on the way back, Wan Daicheng also said one more sentence: “This is what you said you want to be thankful for, after thanks, it doesn’t matter, I will not help you do anything.” ”

“Huh? Eh! Kushida looked up and stared at Bandai Cheng’s thick and tall back: “What, what do you mean?” ”

“Literally.” Bandai did not reply: “Is it that you said that you want to express gratitude, and you can’t accept your thanks and then let me do unnecessary things for you without interest, right?” ”

Kushita’s face immediately darkened, what does this guy mean? Sugar-coated shells, just eat sugarcoating, throw away the shells, right? If you can’t help her keep secrets and drive away Horikita away, then does it make sense for her to send out this sugar coating?

“How?” Wan Daicheng turned back at this time, his eyes were like stars, and his intention was obvious: “Don’t want to thank you again?” ”

Kushita’s face was completely black, almost merging with the night, making it impossible to see: “Just let Horihoku be scolded, my gratitude can only be a little bit of the rest.” ”

This is very clear, if Bandai promised to drive Horikita away, then the thank you gift is naturally what she has to give, if not, just let Horihoku be scolded, then the thank you gift is really just a thank you.

Bandai had expected it earlier, and suddenly approached Kushita, making Kushida unable to stop stiffening! Wan Daicheng was already the third mischief, and his craftsmanship became more and more exquisite, tearing the cracked veil, and the rag drifted down: “Then this should be regarded as this thank you gift.” ”

After saying that, the head did not turn back, leaving only the stupid and stunned Kushida alone, and after she reacted, she did not curse Wan Daicheng like the last time, and did not vent her violent emotions to kick the railing.

Just very skilled to gather the rags, try to bend over, hunch, light car familiar road to catch up, maybe this is the habit, no longer so afraid, but still will be frightened, still feel excited and excited.

Only in this way could she alleviate the strong negative emotions that had accumulated in her heart, so knowing that this might be the end, she did not prepare an extra coat to bring to the vicinity to deal with this most likely third adventure.

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