Horikita a “also” word, equivalent to directly telling Katsuragi that Class C not only made a deal with Class A, but also made a deal with Class D!

In fact, Class A this time, there is really a chance to make a big profit, open up the gap with the rest of the class, Ge Cheng has thought it out, because of Banyanagis’s absence, 270 special exam points to start.

According to the contract with Class C Vandai, they can receive the materials exchanged for Class C, although some of the entertainment materials cannot be used for confidentiality, but whether it is ingredients or drinks, they can use it, which saves a lot of money.

So in the first two days, Ge Cheng took the members of Class A to endure desperately, spending only 40 special test points, exchanging a toilet and temporary shower, and spending another 10 points to exchange food for the first two days from the school.

Finally saved a huge amount of 220 points! Follow-up receipt of C class supplies, there is no need for any other cost, if you add what is said in the contract, guess the B class and D class leaders, that is 320 points!

There is also a leader card swiping mechanism, every 8 hours can swipe the card, accumulate a little bit, so many card swiping machines on unmanned islands, be careful to act, not to be discovered, let alone a week down, they A class can earn 350 points or even more blood!

But now everything was ruined, and from Horikita’s speech, Katsuragi figured out where he lost! Lost in the heart of Bandai Cheng! This guy is actually stunned that he is selling three intelligence goods! All classes sold one over again!

That is to say, the information on the selection of the rest of the class leaders, Bandai Chengquan, was revealed without concealment.

They suffered losses in class A here, originally Mei Zizi thought that they could guess the leaders of class B and class D and get a hundred class point rewards.

As a result, the good guys, the leader of their own family did not know how to leak out, was guessed by the C gang together with the rest of the B class, the D class, the three classes, unilaterally directly deducted their A class one hundred and fifty points!

And because the leader candidate was guessed, all the swipe card accumulated points were invalidated, which caused a result that did not meet Ge Cheng’s expectations, and only the second place could get 170 points.

Horikita’s whole face was as cold as ice, and after seeing that Ge Cheng probably understood, he stared at Ibuki deadly: “So in this special exam, only your C class is the only winner!” ”

“It was entirely from our three classes that we plundered the one hundred and fifty points, so that the rest of our classes, each of which had been deducted fifty points!”

“Snort!” Ibuki wasn’t frightened, and Horikita’s cold face might have scared the average high school student, but it didn’t work for her at all: “So what’s the matter?” ”

“At least it’s perfectly correct to give you information on the leader candidate, isn’t it?” Isn’t it good to just deduct fifty points? If I don’t tell you, you may be deducted a full one hundred and fifty points! ”

“So, the guy in Class D, less here to give the old lady a high spirit!”

Ibuki’s lines that had been mixed in bad things for many years were further frozen in Horiho’s face, and the sharp machete eyebrows seemed to have a chill on them: “But you didn’t do this deal!” ”

“Unity is two benefits, a win-win for each other, on your side, only for their own interests, but push the business partners into the water, in the long run, do you C class still have half a credibility to speak of?” Will anyone else work with you again?! ”

“Greed for a momentary small profit, lose the long-term future!” Shallow! ”

“Huh?” Ibuki almost laughed in the face of Horikita’s accusations, “What the hell are you talking about?” ”

“If these words were for Class A, it would be the first time to trade with us, but your Class D seems to have already traded for the second time.”

“If we don’t have credibility and no vision for the future, then I would like to ask you, why did you trade with us for the second time?” Hahaha! Is it because you yourself are more superficial? Hahaha! ”

As she spoke, Ibuki laughed self-consciously, because she thought Horihoku this guy was really funny, who could accuse Class C, but Class D was not qualified, Horikita had to jump out deliberately, send her face over and slap her, and she couldn’t stop laughing!

As if the two were born with discord, and the eight characters clashed with each other, Yi Chui almost laughed out of tears, first raised his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes, and then covered his lower abdomen: “In the end, it is not your greed for profit that gives us the opportunity?” ”

“Everyone thinks so, you don’t have to be so self-noble, to be honest, it’s disgusting, compared to such a hypocritical guy as you, the old lady now thinks that Bandai is much better than you.” 」

“……!” Horihoku had been so frightened by Ibuki that he couldn’t speak, so he could only clench his teeth and stare at Ibuki fiercely, and endure the anger to restrain the urge to fight!

Katsuragi is actually no better than Horikita but with a calm nature, he still keenly captures one of the most important messages: “Stop first, Ibuki classmate.” ”

“I’m not interested in your grudge with Class D, I just want you to tell me one thing first.” As he spoke, Ge Cheng’s burly body gradually approached Ibuki, trying to create a sense of oppression and give mental pressure: “How on earth do you know that we are the leader of Class A?” ”

“And so are we!” Horikita also found an opportunity next to him, and the extremely dissatisfied questioning came out! This is the absolute core of the whole special exam!

Logically, the identity of the leader of each class must be top secret, and no matter what, it will not be easily detected by the outside class.

But the C class is so magical, who the other class leaders are, he knows everything, and even this information has achieved the degree of selling three goods.

This intelligence spying ability had not been detected before, and after the reaction, both Katsuragi and Horikita were deeply afraid of it! Urgently, I want to get an answer from Ibuki.

Ibuki was still quite dragging, and if Katsuragi and Horikita asked something else, she could continue to answer arrogantly, happily, or mockingly.

Can mention how to guess the identity of the rest of the class leader candidates, she is Muggle, only the B class leader candidates are her own spying out, the other two are Bandai Cheng came to look for her late at night when she informed, where did she go to understand the details?

Otherwise, it is better to change the topic, although this is a bit too fishy, too face-saving, but compared to the interests of the class, Ibuki feels that it doesn’t matter if I lose my face: “I am simply …”

Unfortunately, the end of today’s exam is bound to be a twist and turn.

Ibuki hadn’t said a few words yet, and in the middle of Katsujo and Horikita, Kanzaki of Class B somehow followed in: “Because we were all deceived by Class C!” ”

“Ibuki! You took advantage of the kindness of our class and deliberately said that you were kicked out of the class by Bandai Cheng, just to sneak into the stronghold of our class B and secretly investigate the identity of the leader! ”

“I boast that I see people very accurately, but I never thought that there really was a female high school student like you in the world who had strong acting skills and was so powerful that she pretended to be real!”

“This one! Our B class, lost in my underestimation of your acting skills, next time absolutely not! ”

“?” Ibuki was stunned again, what’s the matter? Kanzaki thought it was acting? She was just a very simple and real person who was angry with all generations!

This misunderstanding can’t go away, right? Next time? The next time there is a chance, the old woman strives for martial arts, and there is absolutely no so-called acting skills!

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