The Director of Music Department

Chapter 633: .Wax torch turns into gray tears begin to dry

Director Xu Wei seems to like to use close-up details to express the emotions of the characters.

For example, Mr. Ma, the camera showed his eyes close-up.

With that look, people could not help but understand his thoughts at this moment.

It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, but in fact, in terms of performance, the performance of the eyes is actually particularly difficult. If you can reach the level that the eyes can speak, then your acting skills have reached an extremely high level.

Especially, at this time, teacher Ma's eyes, gratification, guilt, and distress, and other complicated things are all expressed through the changes in the eyes.

Then, the camera was shown to the classmates in the third and sixth grade in the classroom.

Teacher Ma's voice rang, not as powerful as before, but the students below were all seriously looking at the thin body on the podium that made them feel a little strange.

"At such a critical time of preparing for the senior exam, my body had a problem, and I had to leave everyone temporarily. It was indeed a bit difficult to give up, and some were sorry for everyone. There are still 200 days before the college entrance examination, two hundred days. Time is important to me and everyone.” While talking, Teacher Ma kept wiping the sweat from his bald head, his voice was a little low.

Then he smiled: "I believe that the students in Class 3 and 6 who have been with me for more than two years, because I know you and each of you, I believe you will have a bright future, and I hope you too!"

"Ms. Li, who was ordered in danger, will go all out to lead everyone and use the remaining two hundred days to change everyone's destiny, and I will always pay attention to your situation..."

"Papa!" Everyone in the class applauded.

Then the camera scanned the faces of the students in the class, and many of them had red eyes, but some girls shed tears while applauding.

They also know Teacher Ma’s illness, how serious Ma’s current situation is, but even if it is, Teacher Ma still rushed back from Zhonghai all the way, why?

It's for them.

In the projection hall, many people kept crying like the students on the big screen.

Especially for some female audiences, many people's eyes were red with tears.

Teacher Li held Teacher Ma's hand, his eyes were red.

"Teacher Ma, I didn't do well and asked you to come back with illness to cheer them up. I feel ashamed." Teacher Li said sincerely.

"At that moment, I found out that I was really far inferior to Teacher Ma. It was not that my teaching skills were inferior to him, but compared to Teacher Ma. I had not been able to clearly understand the responsibility of these three words as the head teacher." Teacher Li's narration sounded.

"After Teacher Ma came, the students seemed to have grown up one by one."

On the playground, a few students came to the school in advance and ran on the playground.

After school in the afternoon, a few groups of students did not go home and quietly studied in the classroom.

At the end of get out of class, the teacher of English, Ms. Qin, was surrounded by many students asking questions.

During class, students raised their hands enthusiastically to ask questions.

A new monthly exam is coming.

This time, Teacher Li was overjoyed, and when he talked to Teacher Ma on the phone, he was also very excited.

"This time there are more than 30 students in the class whose grade rankings have improved to varying degrees, especially Chen Kang, who has improved by more than a hundred at once, and has made remarkable progress. All of this is due to you, Teacher Ma." Li Said the teacher.

I knew that even though Teacher Ma laughed out loud on the phone, he was still very weak.

"They are all good kids!" Teacher Ma said with satisfaction.

"Yes, they are all good kids." Teacher Li said in agreement.

The camera turned to Teacher Ma's side.

Teacher Ma hung up the phone and suddenly retched with pain over her mouth.

His whole person has become skinny and skinny.

At the same time, another class meeting.

Suddenly a student’s parent suggested: “Mr. Li, we heard that Mr. Ma is receiving treatment at Zhonghai, and the situation is very bad. We wonder if we can organize the students in the class to donate some money to Teacher Ma? It may not be much, but I think, at least let Teacher Ma know that his students are caring about him."

Teacher Li shook his head and said, "Teacher Ma said, this is not possible, and the school will not agree."

However, after the parent meeting was over, several class leaders gathered the students in the class to donate money to Teacher Ma.

Soon, the camera changed quickly, and Teacher Ma and Teacher Li often talked on the phone.

Teacher Ma can laugh out of relief every time.

But every time Teacher Li's voice is choked up.

In a blink of an eye, there was only less than a month left before the college entrance examination, and the school had to hold a graduation ceremony.

The students asked Mr. Li again about Mr. Ma's situation. Everyone hoped that Mr. Ma could come back to take graduation photos.

Then, Teacher Li shook his head and said that it was not convenient for Teacher Ma to come over.

Everyone can understand, many people can't help crying out loud.

At the graduation ceremony, the middle of the first row was always empty in the group photo of the students in the third and sixth class.

On the day of the graduation photo, the camera was transferred to Zhonghai Hospital.

Teacher Ma's wife slumped on the ground like a lost soul.

A doctor came out, took off his mask and said, "I'm sorry, we did our best!"

When Teacher Li received the call, the whole person was also stunned, and the teacher's office was full of misery.

The camera shows a close-up of Teacher Ma's seat.

That place, the figure that appeared every day, is now gone.

"Teacher Ma's last words, let everyone not tell the students about him, at least, wait until the college entrance examination is over, otherwise, he is afraid of affecting the students' college entrance examination." Teacher Li and several other teachers said.

"Hey, Lao Ma, what's the matter... if he persists for another month, he will be able to see the achievements of the students he brought out, so what's the matter..." the English teacher choked up.

At the class meeting on the eve of the college entrance examination.

The students asked about Teacher Ma again.

Then, Teacher Li dialed the number of Teacher Ma.

Teacher Ma's voice came over the phone.

"I also hope that I can go back and accompany you through the college entrance examination, but the teacher is useless and has to receive treatment, but now it is the last shiver. You guys, relax and take the exam. The teacher is waiting for your victory!"

"I hope you don't put too much pressure on yourself these days, and welcome the college entrance examination with your best attitude. The teacher in Zhonghaiyao wishes everyone a good result in the test and a gold list title!"

On the other side, in Teacher Ma's house, in front of Teacher Ma's spiritual position, there is a mobile phone and a voice recorder.

The camera counts down to the college entrance examination, and the time above keeps beating until it reaches 0!

The students in Class 6 of Grade Three entered the examination room one by one.

Started the first big exam in their lives!

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