The Director of Music Department

Chapter 1405: . It's finally a bit strange

Although the audience has understood that Cole can see ghosts, it also reveals the supernatural character of the entire movie.

But to be honest, this is a bit long.

It's just that the rhythm of the movie is well arranged.

Something is being arranged all the time, hooking people's heartstrings, making people want to stop, and can't help but want to watch it curiously.

This is the role of a smart director.

Wang Yifan even heard many people breathe in air-conditioning.

In fact, despite the fact that the United States talks about science in everything, in fact, people here are more superstitious than people in China, especially this kind of godly talk, which is actually more popular here.

The screen changes. In the library, Cole sits alone on the edge of a long table near the window with his head drooping.

The audience can also imagine that this situation should not be the first time.

And this is too cruel for a child.

Malcolm walked into the room and sat down across from Cole. "Hey, kid, how are you?"

"I don't want to talk about anything now." Cole raised his head, his eyes full of anger and coldness.

Malcolm nodded and said, "Okay."

The sound of children exercising was heard from the playground outside the window.

Cole turned his head and looked out the window. Malcolm was moved by the injured boy in front of him.

Malcolm took out a penny copper plate from his pocket and placed it in his left hand: "Do you like magic?"

Cole's face softened a little, and he turned to Malcolm, seemingly curious.

Only at this time can one feel the curiosity from a child.

"Look carefully. A magical copper plate. It looks very ordinary." Malcolm grabbed the copper plate in his left hand and tapped it with both hands: "But I just need to pat will run into my right hand..."

Cole looked at Malcolm's left hand.

"But the trick is not over yet. I just need to shake it again and it will run into my pocket." Malcolm patted his jacket pocket with his right hand: "But it's not over yet! I shake it again, and it will go into my pocket." Back to his left hand." Malcolm opened his left hand, the copper plate in his palm.

Cole looked at the copper plate, then at Malcolm's face: "This is not magic."

Malcolm said dissatisfied: "What did you say? Of course it's magic."

Cole pointed to his left hand and said, "The copper plate is always in your left hand."

"Really?" Malcolm smiled playfully.

Cole glared at the copper plate and looked at Malcolm: "I didn't know you would be funny too."

The laughter of the children outside the window came in again. Malcolm and Cole listened to the laughter outside at the same time, and neither spoke.

One big and one small, the two have their own worries, but at this time, they seem to be incomparably harmonious.

The picture turned and came to Malcolm's house!

Malcolm looked at some bills on the table with the mail.

Suddenly a woman's voice was heard: "Malcolm, sit down and listen."

Malcolm turned and walked towards the woman's voice. It turned out that the TV in the living room was on, and the woman's voice came from the wedding video of Malcolm and Anna.

On the TV, the bridesmaid said: "I didn't say anything, Anna is like my sister. You better make her happy. Not just on the surface.... Come here, don't tell her that I said it. She said she is the first The second time she sees you in the street, she knows she loves you. She is willing to do everything for you. I love there a tissue?"

Malcolm couldn't help laughing.

Malcolm walked into the bedroom.

The sound of the shower came from the bathroom.

Malcolm stopped at the bathroom door.

Malcolm looked at Anna's silhouette through the foggy glass, and was attracted by Anna's beauty.

It's just that he noticed a small bottle on the cabinet next to the bathroom door, which read: "Antidepressant, take it twice a day."

He stared at Anna under the curtain of water in a puzzled manner.


This scene also made the audience feel more and more weird.

Anna obviously still loves Malcolm, otherwise, why would she put a videotape of the marriage between the two?

But why is Anna so indifferent to Malcolm?

Still have depression?

Is it because of this?

And Malcolm's behavior also made the audience not understand.

He seems to have done nothing!

Just let it go!

Lens shift...

In the restaurant, only Cole and the super fat boy Bobby were sitting at the dinner table. A table next to it was piled with birthday presents. The room was filled with the sounds of children having fun.

Bobby watched Cole drew his right hand in the air blankly.

"... As long as you shake it gently, the copper plate will run from my pocket to the original hand." Cole smiled and spread out his palm, revealing a copper plate.

Bobby stared and said, "It's so stupid."

Cole lost his smile: "This should be funny."

Bobby disagrees: "I'm so stupid. Give me the copper plate."

Cole boringly returned the copper plate to Bobby.

In this scene, the audience couldn't help but laugh, but then sighed again.

Cole looked awkwardly, but he really wanted to blend in.

Suddenly, everyone understood why Cole was willing to play with Bobby.

Because at least, here in Bobby, he won't get a strange look.

Even if he is a bit annoying!

Cole saw a red balloon with a long line floating along the spiral staircase towards the roof. He stood up and went up the stairs in the direction of the balloon.

He heard a man's voice shouting: "Sir? Madam? Is anyone there? Please, open the door, I am bored. If anyone hears, please open the door. I swear, I didn't steal the master's horse.... Open the door, or I will catch you."

The sound came from the dark room at the end of the stairs, but the terrible thing was that the door of the room was open.

At this time, the audience finally felt a little bit watching supernatural movies.

The door is open, but why is that person shouting to open the door?

It goes without saying.

Cole stared at the dark room, his face pale.

Tommy is talking to Darren, the birthday boy.

Tommy: "Advertising stars have their own lounge."

Darren: "Why do you use it?"

Tommy: "Used to think about roles and dialogue alone."

Darren: "You only have one line."

Tommy glanced at Cole, who was staring at the dark room in a daze, and said, "Daren, look at it."

Darren glanced at Cole, apparently he didn't like Cole, and said, "My dad forced me to invite him."

Tommy motioned to Darren to go up the stairs and walk to Cole, who suddenly recovered from the daze.

Cole looked at Darren and said, "Happy birthday, Darren."

"Do you want to go in?" Tommy pointed to the dark room.

Cole replied very quickly: "I don't want to."

Tommy looked at Darren, then at Cole: "We are going to act in a play. Do you want to join?"

Cole hesitated and said, "Okay."

Tommy: "The title of the play is "Who's in the Cellar"."

Darren: "Yes, you play the role that is locked in the cellar."

Before Cole could react, Darren and Tommy pushed him into the dark room alone.

Cole struggled with horror: "No!"

Tommy slammed the door hard.

Cole knocked **** the door of the black room inside.

Suddenly there was no sound inside. The red balloon on the roof burst suddenly. Then Cole screamed. Cole's heart-piercing cry stunned the two boys.

Lin vaguely heard Cole's voice. She went up the stairs. She recognized Cole's sharp cry and rushed to the door of the black room, turning the handle desperately. The door opened, and Lin took Cole out, who had passed out in a coma.

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