The Director of Music Department

Chapter 1398: .The Sixth Sense Premiere

In fact, it has reached the level of Wang Yifan's director.

Regardless of his script, Zhao Dongming seems a little unsatisfied.

But if you want him to refuse, he really can't refuse.

You know, how many people can't ask for such an opportunity.

It can even be said that even if it is put in Hollywood, many people want such scripts.

No way, the halo on Wang Yifan's body is too dazzling.

And never missed it, what is this concept?

Basically, as long as it is his project, no matter how outrageous it looks, before he fails, it will definitely be a guarantee for the box office!

A script like "Notting Hill", in fact, Wang Yifan said that it is stable, it is really stable.

Even in Hollywood, there is a green light mechanism, but in fact, their favorite has never been an innovative script.

On the contrary, it is an old-fashioned script like "Notting Hill", which is more in line with their appetite.

Old-fashioned, although it means that it is not new enough, but the same also means stability, which means that there is no need to take too much risk.

By the same token, if other small screenwriters produce the same script, the concept is completely different.

Because everyone has never trusted the script, but the person Wang Yifan.

Winners can always be successful, not to mention people like Wang Yifan who have succeeded countless times.

After attending several celebration banquets, Wang Yifan flew non-stop to North America.

No way, it's just so busy.

In fact, many people envy the winners and speculate on how comfortable their usual lives are.

But in fact, behind every successful person is an effort that others can't see.

There are some things that Wang Yifan does not need to care about, but sometimes, people can't help themselves in the arena.

Even Wang Yifan didn't dare to say that he could completely desperate and do whatever he wanted.

This time, flying to North America is to follow the post-production of Spider-Man on the one hand, and on the other hand, because Jack Curtis’s "Sixth Sense of Supernatural" is about to be released!

As the screenwriter of this movie and one of the publicity stunts for this movie, he is naturally not absent.

The two top directors worked hand in hand for the first time, which in itself gave the film a great natural aura.

The degree of attention or something can be said to be overwhelming.

Countless movie fans, the media has long been waiting for it.

In the end, what kind of sparks the cooperation of the two top directors can collide, everyone is extremely looking forward to.

Domestically, the media is also looking forward to it. Of course, the fans are a little depressed.

Because "The Sixth Sense of Supernatural" is almost difficult to be released in China.

No way, sometimes the more influential the movie, the stricter the card!

Although "The Sixth Sense of Supernatural" is not a big production, but because of the existence of Wang Yifan and Jack Curtis, the film itself, even if it is not a big production, is better than the influence of the big production.

In this regard, Wang Yifan was helpless.

Jack Curtis had also communicated with Wang Yifan on this matter.

As a director and investor, Jack Curtis is naturally unwilling to give up China, the world's second largest ticket warehouse, but unfortunately, there are some things that Wang Yifan can't do.

Although "The Sixth Sense of Spirituality" said that there is no disharmony in the whole film, but after all, the word "supernatural" is not used to sell dog meat, so naturally, in this respect, it is definitely impossible to pass the review. .

In fact, Wang Yifan didn't care too much, it was already in his expectation.

To be honest, Huaguo's audit department did not dare to give this green light.

Because, after the outbreak of the Chinese film market, the issue of the review system has always been a concern.

The favorite of many directors is to throw the pot to the big scissors.

If "The Sixth Sense of Spirituality" can pass the trial, then it is estimated that there will be a big disturbance.

Regardless of Wang Yifan, it can be said that the status of the first person in Chinese movies is unshakable, but in fact, no one can really win everyone's favor.

What's more, Wang Yifan, there are also many people who don't like him.

Moreover, there are many people in China who have sharpened their swords a long time ago, waiting for him to make mistakes.

If "The Sixth Sense of Supernatural" has been reviewed, and some domestically-made films with more sensitive themes have not been reviewed, then those people will certainly not let it go.

Even Wang Yifan can be said to be a leading party!

The status of Jack Curtis is beyond doubt.

In Hollywood, he can be regarded as a top director, looking at the small group of top directors in the world.

The premiere of "The Sixth Sense of Supernatural" was held at the Hua Guo Grand Theater.

Naturally, it can be said that it is a gathering of stars. After all, Jack Curtis alone is enough weight, not to mention, there is a big director who is not inferior to Jack Curtis as Wang Yifan.

Therefore, almost many Hollywood stars use various channels to get invitations for the premiere.

This is actually universal.

Many people just think that many female celebrities in China are rubbing the red carpet. They feel incredible and feel embarrassed to go abroad.

But in fact, this kind of thing is really not too common in the entertainment industry.

Not only the Oscar red carpet, including some big production premieres, celebration banquets, etc., but also some people rubbing the red carpet.

"The Sixth Sense of Supernatural" is naturally impossible to catch all Hollywood stars in one go. Basically, those who can be invited are enough famous people.

Because looking at today’s head lineup, it’s just the director, Jack Curtis and Wang Yifan, so there is no need to say more.

Many old friends of Jack Curtis also came to join in.

As for the stars, James Liszt also temporarily put aside the filming mission and came back to attend the premiere.

Why are so many second- and third-tier celebrities rushing to such occasions? Even in many cases, many such celebrities have to pay a huge price to get a ticket.

In fact, most of the time, their sense of existence is quite low.

And on the Oscar red carpet, they often compete with each other. The difference between all kinds of moths is that although there are a lot of people rubbing the red carpet on this kind of occasions, most of them are only non-committal and very low-key.

Because the Oscar organizing committee will not be too targeted at a certain person, even in many cases, they also turn one eye and close one eye. This in itself has become the Oscar award ceremony, or one of the three major European film festival awards. component.

Every year if no one makes a moth, they even have to consider whether the influence of the film festival has declined?

So for those female stars, on these occasions, they can pretend to fall, or simply hit the air force and show off the indescribable points.

Get your attention, go back and buy some drafts for hype.

But like the premiere of a movie, few female stars dare to do this. At most, they just fall down, and they can't be small stars.

You still have to have enough coffee seats, and you have to weigh whether you will offend the host of the premiere.

Because compared to Oscars, it is impossible to target a certain person. Offending a top director like Jack Curtis is even more serious!

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