The Director of Music Department

Chapter 1348: .Edge Director

In fact, there have been so many ceiling movies in previous lives, which are regarded as domestic thrillers.

For example, "The Master of Hypnotism", but this movie is classified as thriller, in fact, it is a bit far-fetched, really speaking, this movie should belong to the category of suspense.

In fact, to some extent, the things used in "Master of Hypnotism", to put it bluntly, are similar to Fang Xiongfei and the others selling dog meat.

But it has technicalized the original supernatural element.

The elements of hypnosis, psychologists, etc. are mysterious and mysterious in themselves, especially for ordinary people.

But in the same way, these things, on the contrary, can perfectly explain some abnormal phenomena.

For example, a person does things he would never do in the past, such as murder, crime, etc., in fact, it may not necessarily be explained by supernatural or supernatural phenomena. Hypnosis is actually a very good technical point of story logic.

Of course, "Master of Hypnotism" is not a perfect movie. It can even be said that this movie can only be regarded as sincere.

But for domestic films, the sincerity is actually very rare.

In fact, "The Master of Hypnotism" also has heavy imitations. Hollywood has had many movies similar to "The Master of Hypnotism" earlier.

The most classic is "Small Island Cry", and later "Air Crash Passenger"!

Although "Master of Hypnotism" is said to have traces of imitation, as far as the domestic thriller is concerned, it is actually considered a good movie.

As far as Fang Xiongfei is concerned, letting him shoot "Master of Hypnotism" to tell the truth, it's unpleasant.

Because "Master of Hypnotism" actually, the core thing is suspense, not horror.

Moreover, "Master of Hypnosis" also has relatively high requirements for actors. Although Wang Yifan's fame is not an actor, Wang Yifan is a little worried about the growth of the seedlings.

So, after thinking about it, whether or not "Master of Hypnosis" was finally dropped!

Fang Xiongfei was very nervous, and Wang Yifan's delay in speaking, made him feel more tormented.

My mind is also messed up, did I just behave too much?

Or what makes Director Wang Yifan dissatisfied?

After a long time, Wang Yifan smiled and said, "Sorry, I was just thinking about the script."

Fang Xiongfei was overjoyed when he heard Wang Yifan's words.

"Has Director Fang ever filmed that kind of movie, how do you say it? An infinite loop movie?" Wang Yifan asked with a smile.

Hearing the infinite loop, Fang Xiongfei was a little dazed.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Director Wang, you may not know our business well. We have very limited costs for each movie, and we are in a hurry. Most of the time, the script is not even ready, it's all live. It’s written on the spot and adjusted on the spot. So, most of the time, the plot is the same..."

"However, I have watched movies with infinite loops, such as the more famous Hollywood movie "One Day". The theme is the story of a person in an infinite loop within a day. For example, there is an infinite loop in Italy, "The Wraith", which says It is a ghost who died tragically, so after she became a resentful soul, she gained the ability to let people go through the process of being killed continuously..."

Fang Xiongfei continued talking quickly, for fear that because he had never made this kind of movie, Wang Yifan would change his mind as a result.

"Xu Mei is a single mother!" Wang Yifan actually thought of "Horror Cruise" just now, but this story, the movie was originally foreign, so he had to make a magical change.

Therefore, I thought about it for a while.

Fortunately, now he just needs to say something about it.

Fang Xiongfei listened very carefully, although he was still at a loss.

Dai Xinyue also listened carefully to the side. Actually speaking, Fang Xiongfei could be said to have made up the number among the three.

Yes, in Dai Xinyue's opinion, it is a good idea, because horror movies are in China, and to be honest, it's really too difficult.

And there have never been any top-notch hotspots. For other small companies, it may be a small-cost movie of several million, and the box office of tens of millions is not bad.

But for Time Light and Shadow, what they lack is not this kind of movie, what they really lack is a great director who can carry the lead.

As for why Fang Xiongfei was chosen, it was actually a reward.

Regardless of Fang Xiongfei's movie, it may make hundreds of thousands of millions at most, but this is the output of a movie.

You should know that operating a theater chain is a heavy asset, in fact, in many cases, the sunk cost is very high.

First of all, theaters provide movie theaters with film sources, and most of the day's shows are fixed, and these film sources are popular or unsellable.

At the same time, there are free time and hot time.

Prime time is so naturally no problem, and its cinemas can be used to the greatest extent.

But those non-prime times are very wasteful.

For example, at the midnight scene, there are actually a lot of people who watch movies at midnight, but many movies are not suitable for the midnight scene.

Therefore, directors like Fang Xiongfei and others are very important. Although their films have been complained about, and they have been criticized for one film, they have gradually become synonymous with bad films.

And it is not accepted by the mainstream film circles, but the films made by these people solve the biggest problem of the theater. Not only can it bring audiences to the midnight show, reduce operating cost pressure, but also bring profits.

Even if these profits may be compared to how many billions Wang Yifan can make in one piece, it is not enough to see, but it is the survival of the theater.

But people go to high places and the water flows down. Don't watch these movies as if the cost is not high. Maybe a movie costs hundreds of thousands, which seems to be a bad movie.

But it doesn't mean that bad movies are not refined. In fact, among these movies, the same is good and bad, and the box office is also high and low.

At the same time, it is a big difference whether you can control the cost and complete the film on time.

Fang Xiongfei is undoubtedly the best in this respect, even if he can't make a movie, but at least, compared to other movies of the same kind, it is a lot better.

Moreover, Fang Xiongfei and their fringe directors, in fact, many have no hope. Most of the time, such directors have the highest mobility.

Because, in fact, although these directors themselves make a lot of money, they don't have any professional hopes.

Even the position is not as good as the advertising director.

Therefore, most of the time those who are capable will leave quickly.

Therefore, if Fang Xiongfei can get ahead, it can be regarded as pointing out a way to these fringe directors, a wide road.

Of course, Dai Xinyue also knows that it is really impossible and too difficult for a director like Fang Xiongfei to stand out and become a great director.

But what if?

And even if you can't become a great director, even a well-known director is a very good role model, isn't it?

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