The Director of Music Department

Chapter 1346: .Fang Xiongfei's thoughts

Speaking of it, in fact, the New Star Project has many such small-cost movies, and they have achieved quite good results.

For example, series such as "Shark Beach", "Great White Shark", "Buried alive" and so on.

It's just a pity that Fang Xiongfei didn't show up at that time.

In fact, to be honest, thriller movies are harder to have a big director than comedy movies.

On the one hand, it is the limitation of the subject matter, and on the other hand, it is also because of the limitation of the general environment.

First of all, there is actually no shortage of classics that sell well in thriller movies, such as movies like "The Silent Lamb".

But such a movie cannot be approved in the country in the first place.

In fact, the thriller movies themselves make a lot of money, but the ones that are truly explosive are also sharp.

Not only China, even Hollywood, in fact, is the same.

Of course, genre films must have a group of loyal fans, and thrillers themselves are no exception. In China, because the audience base is larger, it may not be impossible to create miracles. Of course, this is difficult, quite difficult!

Because for now, in fact, those domestic thrillers filmed by Fang Xiongfei, in fact, the real audience is never really horror films, thriller fans, but just a group of LSPs!

Therefore, Fang Xiongfei's film is a thriller, rather than an ice cream movie!

These kinds of movies are usually screened at midnight, which is just a bonus for the group of spectators who are waiting to watch the movie at this time.

However, Fang Xiongfei still has a lot of advantages, after all, he is really experienced.

It's a rare skill to be able to make a movie like this, and to be able to make a good one.

"What do you think of the genre of domestically produced thriller movies?" Wang Yifan asked with a smile.

Fang Xiongfei knew that this was the real test.

In fact, a long time ago, most people said that the true genre of China was missing, and it was actually a thriller.

Because although the scale of movies has been relaxed a lot in China in recent years, there are some red lines that are not difficult to touch.

For example, ghosts do not mean that ghosts cannot appear on the big screen or in movies.

Rather, most of the time, things that are mysterious and mysterious cannot appear, such as ghosts killing people.

Therefore, most of the time, domestic movies with supernatural signs, you don’t care about the three-seven-ones, the people who are riding horses are definitely selling dog meat.

In the end, it wasn't because of psychedelic drugs, or sleepwalking.

It's definitely not a ghost anyway, and there are no ghosts either!

It's all caused by ghosts in my heart.

Fang Xiongfei pondered for a moment and said: "In fact, although the upper limit of horror and thriller genre movies is not high, in fact, this type of movie has always been lacking audiences, especially in China. In fact, many audiences like this type of movie. The requirements for this kind of domestic films are even lower, but even if it is, it is difficult for them to see this kind of films often."

Wang Yifan nodded. In fact, there are not many movies in this category.

Because many directors, especially those who are interested in mixing with mainstream movies, do not make that kind of movie most of the time.

"In my opinion, thriller horror movies can be roughly divided into several sub-categories. One is the supernatural thriller that cannot be made in China. There are a lot of good films for these kinds of movies on the island country and the stick. By the way, there are also many horror films in Miluo."

Fang Xiongfei obviously has done some research on this kind of movies.

However, it is no wonder that, after all, he himself eats this bowl of rice.

"Then there are murders and killings. This kind of movies is better for the former, but because the latter is too bloody, it is difficult to see in China."

"There are actually some murders, but these kinds of movies often require a strong plot. In China, due to the stagnant genre movies, there are naturally fewer screenwriters engaged in this industry, and there are fewer good scripts. NS."

"There are also disasters, such as the "Jaws" series and "Shark Beach" planned by the new star guide earlier! Both are movies of this type!"

"In fact, the current "Shark Beach" movie can be said to be the best domestically produced thriller in our circle, and it is powerful. Not only does Shark Beach itself It lacks the element of horror, but at the same time it can show the figure of the heroine. While selling meat, it is not just selling meat!"

Wang Yifan couldn't help laughing.

In fact, "Shark Beach" has indeed been hailed as the most successful example of selling dog meat in the past.

Because the heroine of "Shark Beach" wrestles with sharks, she is indeed very interesting in her own right, and secondly, she can show off her sexiness in a straightforward manner.

It can be said that Fang Xiongfei and their directors dream of most.

"Then there are personal disasters. For example, "Buried Alive" and "127 Hours" are all of this type. In my opinion, movies with themes like "Buried Alive" and "127 Hours" are the most suitable for the domestic horror film market. Yes, because this kind of film has a low cost and a low threshold, especially the two films "127 Hours" and "Buried Alive". It can be said that it is completely creative to win, but after this kind of film appears, But not suitable for imitation."

"A monster disaster type movie like "Shark Beach" that is suitable for imitation, but because the threshold is relatively high..."

Obviously, it was not the first time Fang Xiongfei had talked about this topic, so he came up to talk freely.

And it can be said that they are all on the point.

"Then what do you think is the most important thing when shooting a thriller?" Wang Yifan asked.

He wanted to hear it.

In fact, he himself is not particularly good at this type of movie.

Fang Xiongfei thought for a while and said, "It depends on the type."

"For example, in the movie "Buried Alive", the most important thing is to create a sense of tension!" Fang Xiongfei said.

"Sense of tension?" Wang Yifan asked with interest.

Fang Xiongfei smiled and said, "Of course, this is my personal understanding!"

"It doesn't matter, just say your personal understanding." Wang Yifan said with a smile.

Fang Xiongfei continued: "I think "Buried Alive" was actually an ambush from the beginning, whether it's a lighter or a mobile phone that is about to run out of power. In fact, these things are all to create a tense atmosphere."

"Because the lighter will always run out of kerosene, and the battery of the mobile phone will always run out."

"Then the falling sand is also creating tension and letting the audience know that the protagonist is running out of time."

"Combined with the protagonist's emotions, and the dialogue when calling the police, etc., the same is to give people a sense of tension and urgency that he is about to die!"

"In the end, it also creates a sense of tension during the rescue, and it is about to be rescued..."

Fang Xiongfei obviously has his own set of ideas.

To be honest, this movie, if you think about it, is really like this.

"Buried alive" is said to be a confined space thriller. Rather, this movie has always created a tense atmosphere.

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