The Director of Music Department

Chapter 1211: .The cognitive problem of race

To be hypocritical, people at Wang Yifan's level are no longer just considering interests.

He also wants to do a little differently, do something that he thinks is meaningful.

For example, exporting Chinese culture.

This is a big proposition. It may be difficult for him to do it, but as long as it can be promoted, he thinks it is worth it.

The comics came out first, in fact, because the movie was rashly launched. Everyone knew at first glance that it was Chinese as the protagonist, and comics were released. To be honest, at first glance, it’s actually hard to tell if it is Chinese.

Although it says that they are of Chinese descent, the same is not obvious at a glance, so everyone doesn't care too much.

Besides, Spider-Man usually wears a battle suit to fight.

"I have an idea, I don't know if it will work." Although Bai Jun is an ABC, he is of Chinese descent after all, so he can understand Wang Yifan's thoughts somewhat.

It is really difficult for foreigners to understand the feelings of Chinese people.

Since China was relatively backward in its early years, it can be said that it has always been eager to be recognized by the world.

This has led to the emergence of a large number of people who worship foreign and foreigners. In fact, in some eras, worshipping foreigners and foreigners is not a derogatory term, but a social phenomenon.

Many people are proud of going abroad!

However, with the rise of the economy, other areas are also catching up, or even catching up. Therefore, the self-confidence of the Chinese people has risen.

But the original compromises and sacrifices are not something that can be changed for a while, and they can be returned.

It takes a long time to change.

There is not much Wang Yifan can do, but at least, he hopes he can do something.

In fact, he also learned from Hollywood. In fact, the true cultural output is never meant to directly show the culture, subjective ideology, and values ​​of one's own country to other people.

This is not the case.

In fact, you go to watch a lot of old and beautiful movies. In fact, every one of them follows the market.

More is a subtle change.

They will even put on a gesture of embracing the world. For example, if they need the Chinese market and want to please the Chinese audience, they will first find a few people with Chinese faces as supporting roles.

Then let them do their own publicity.

In fact, Hollywood is very arrogant in this regard. For this reason, it often appears that a Chinese star can do a good job of publicity, and the result is no more than three seconds!

It is certainly impossible for Wang Yifan to do this. Of course, the current Chinese film industry has no such capital to do so.

Otherwise, one of the superheroes in Wang Yifan's Marvel Project movie will be considered a Chinese.

"President Bai, tell me something." Wang Yifan actually has a headache.

Although he can push it forcibly, since the beginning of cooperation, such a big dispute will certainly have an impact on future cooperation.

Wang Yifan is not saying that he needs the American market. In fact, if it is only for money, he can mix well in China.

It's okay to retire directly.

But the problem is that Wang Yifan hopes to do something for Huaguo movies, he is now the first person in Huaguo movies, so this is an honor but also a responsibility, at least he himself thinks so.

But the problem now lies ahead. If there is a compromise, Wang Yifan may not be unwilling to do it.

"I think everything is better step by step. For the North American audiences alone, it will be difficult for them to accept a pure Chinese as their superhero."

"Then can we change it to make them less resistant?" Bai Jun asked.

Neil on the side also nodded and said, "Yes, if they can't resist so much, it is indeed a way, but the question is, is there such a way?"

"First of all, we need to understand that Spider-Man, in the comics, is indeed Chinese. This is already an established fact, but the Chinese here can be divided into several types."

"First of all, the United States is indeed a relatively tolerant society. Because of historical reasons, this country does not have its own cultural heritage. All of its things can be used to become the United States!"

"For example, if the father and mother are both Chinese, then such a Chinese, in the eyes of other ethnic groups living in North America, this is a Chinese, not an American!"

"So, we must add elements of other races to Spider-Man. For example, his mother is white! Or, his grandfather is Chinese, but his grandmother is white, and then he is actually a mixed race with blood and genes from multiple countries. In the eyes of the American people of the Great Integration, even though Spider-Man is a Chinese, he is actually also an American!"

"But in China, there is another way of saying that in the eyes of Chinese people, the married daughter is water poured out. In fact, as long as the father’s generation is Chinese, then the younger generation is definitely Chinese, even if the mother is. White people, but this does not affect the perception of Chinese audiences. That is to say, such Spider-Man, in the eyes of Americans, he is indeed American, and in the eyes of Chinese people, because the males in the family are all Chinese, so, He is also a true Chinese!"

"In this way, can this problem be solved? The American audience will not be allowed to think that Spider-Man is a foreigner, and the Chinese people will not be allowed to think that Spider-Man is not a Chinese!" Bai Jun whispered!

When Neilton's eyes lit up.

In fact, the view he said is actually very marketable.

First of all, there is actually a chaotic group in the United States. Although it is a patriarchal society, to be honest, because there is no Chinese that has a strong concept of clan and does not value ancestors as much, unless it is the so-called nobility, otherwise, It really doesn't matter.

But there is one thing, that is, Chinese in North America can be said to be outsiders, at least pure Chinese are like this.

Because the birth of the United States is a great integration of races, if we closely follow this point.

Then it will indeed make them more of a sense of identity.

In the same way, for the Chinese, it is actually just like what Bai Jun said.

If your father is a foreigner, then I'm sorry, the grandmother of China would not think you are Chinese, but only say that you are a ghost!

But if the father is a Chinese and the mother is a foreigner, it is different.

"OK, the idea is good, but the problem is that in terms of the selection of actors, first of all, the characteristics of Spider-Man must be the characteristics of most Chinese." Wang Yifan thought about it and admitted that what Bai Jun said is indeed a good way. .

And this may also be a very feasible way!

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