The Director of Music Department

Chapter 1208: .Spiderman

After the Spider-Man report appeared, it did arouse a lot of attention.

Of course, paying attention to this matter, for many people, is not at all how desirable the Spider-Man Ranger is righteous.

But because, for many people, this model is very cool!

Although CBS also invited so-called sociology experts and some celebrities to comment on the behavior of Spider-Man.

Even if many people say that Spider-Man is very dangerous to do that, but he still can't stop the enthusiasm of the U.S. Teijin.

Of course, Nick and Owen are indeed very popular as the first-generation reality version of Spider-Man.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long.

It is not only the people who want to make the Spider-Man costume cool, but also the criminals.

They actually uploaded the video of Spider-Man being beaten and beaten by them on the Internet.

And also humiliated Irving and Nick severely in the video!

It can be said that it is simply outrageous.

This kind of thing is basically unlikely to happen in China. After all, the deterrence of China's law enforcement agencies is absolutely top-notch.

In North America, it's really normal.

Then, the topic exploded directly!

Compared with the emergence of heroes and evil over justice, the latter is obviously more topical and more controversial!

Many people have seen the heat caused by this incident, especially some celebrities have also begun to show up to get the heat.

Especially some interested people know about the plans of the Marvel universe movie.

Hollywood actors who know about Spider-Man are even more excited.

The matter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, whether it is in Hollywood, in China, or even in an island country, is actually no secret.

Wang Yifan himself had never thought about keeping it secret.

Of course, because it is in the early stages and the first batch of fans has not been cultivated, the large-scale publicity has not started so directly and swiftly.

It's not that it can't be promoted, but that if large-scale promotion is carried out now, the effect may not be very good.

But Wang Yifan is no longer what it used to be.

"Spider-Man" will become the pioneering work of the Marvel Cinematic Universe of Marvel Director Wang Yifan, and it is not surprising.

But what they don't know is that Spider-Man will be a Chinese face.

But this does not prevent them from getting a wave of enthusiasm. After all, "Spider-Man" is Chinese, but what about the others?

Like the Hulk? There is also the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is certainly impossible to have only a few superheroes, so there is always a chance, right?

Moreover, once this kind of movie succeeds, it will definitely make a sequel. For the stars, the actor's bowl of rice is not so delicious.

After all, making a movie itself is risky. One failure may not affect too much, but successive failures will also hurt their muscles and bones.

And the competition in this industry is equally fierce!

Therefore, if you can get a long-term meal ticket, then no one can refuse.

In fact, for many actors, the important thing in a series of movies is sometimes not the pay, but the series, which can keep their own value in the rising stage, even if other movies hit the street and fail, as long as there is one If you have a successful series of movies, the pay will not be low.

There will be no shortage of film appointments!

This is the awesomeness of the series!

Why is it that more and more original scripts have been shelved after so many years, but more and more series of movies have become popular.

On the one hand, it is because of the problem of film risk control. On the other hand, it is also because the series of films are easier to make than original films.

Moreover, the cultivated fans, it can be said that the series of movies naturally have a huge advantage.

Closer to home!

The attack on Spider-Man was a small gang in that block.

Because that block is the site of this little gang, and petty theft, robbery, etc. belong to their business.

Yes, perhaps in the eyes of Chinese people, it is very strange. Very weird, Nima, this kind of thing, still divide the territory?

You can understand petty theft, but robbery, isn't it a big crime?

Actually divide the site?

But in Free America, the American emperor who shoots every day, this kind of thing is really not too normal.

In fact, this involves a social environmental issue.

In China, as long as there is a case, no, it should be said that even as long as you have been in the game, it is a big deal for many people.

Not to mention that there is a case. In China, there is a case and many aspects will be affected.

For example, the examination of civil servants, such as joining the army, or even credit, etc., will have a great impact.

The safest country in the world is not a boast.

Like the Hua Guo police!

Take robbery, for example, in China, there have been cases where many years of imprisonment for robbery of a dollar have occurred.

Therefore, robbery is an extremely serious crime in China and involves criminal offences.

By the way, it is a crime, not illegal!

So is robbery a crime in North America?

Of course it is!

But because, in North America, being arrested and detained, keeping the case file or something, really don't be too commonplace.

There is one thing that many people may not be very clear about.

At the end of 1984 in the United States, two states had passed legislation to approve the establishment of private prisons to undertake prison supervision and judicial services. The two states were Texas and New Mexico. At this time, other states were also considering this approach. According to the social relations in the United States at the time, there were private prisons that were mainly responsible for the detention of felons. In 1986, the private prisons officially signed a contract and started business.

Because the number of prisoners in the United States continues to rise, the daily cost of prisons is too high, and the prisons set up by the government are overcrowded. Rebuilding the prisons will not only cost too much money, but also takes a long time. The government has not spent money to build prisons. What should I do? Well, the Federal Supreme Court proposed to release some short-term prisoners to ease the crowded and tense situation. Many people are opposed to doing so. Under this situation, the United States will not privatize prisons. Privatization of prisons is a new term. It was also a new industry, so private prisons blossomed everywhere. At that time, the development of private prisons was the biggest news in history, affecting the entire world.

Isn’t it amazing?

Because the prison is overcrowded, it turns out that some short-term prisoners should be released.

In the eyes of Chinese people, it is simply outrageous, but in the United States, it is too normal.

As you can imagine, in the United States, the police can strike, civil servants can strike, and they can march and demonstrate.

Therefore, in China, because the cost of crime is really too high, people will naturally abide by laws and regulations more.

However, in the United States, the cost of crime has naturally become lower. Because there are more criminals, it is not abrupt if you have a criminal record. Especially things like robbery, compared to those who are drug addicts. It's commonplace!

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