The Director of Music Department

Chapter 1176: .If Carl is the protagonist

In fact, on the so-called "Three Views" of "Titanic", Wang Yifan is just bludgeoning.

To be honest, in any movie, as long as the position is different, especially if the position is not the position of the protagonist, then the protagonist is really not so pleasing.

The same is true of "Titanic".

In fact, if Karl is not the villain, many things he does are actually more men.

As a woman, Zhang Zirong will naturally look at problems from Ruth's perspective.

Therefore, some of Ruth's actions will subconsciously make excuses for her.

In fact, it's not only that, but the viewers will also do the same.

Of course, at the same time, there is also the arrangement of the plot of the movie to guide them to understand this way.

"More than that. In fact, in my opinion, Carl really cares about Ruth. After getting angry, Carl came to her again and took out the famous heart of the sea. He is not the one who can apologize, but he is But she seemed to be unable to hold on. He put the precious gems on her neck, which was a silent apology and weight. He was a businessman, and his apology was calculated. He gave her the gems in advance, too. I just want to save her heart. It's just a pity that he really doesn't understand her, and he doesn't understand love either."

Zhang Zirong nodded involuntarily. In fact, there are many details that are extremely scary to think about.

For example, the Heart of the Sea, if Carl doesn't really like her, and doesn't really want to restore her, how can he give it to her?

In fact, in reality, if there is a man who gives a woman the priceless heart of the sea as a gift, it is estimated that there are not many people who will not fall.

But people are often hypocritical, because everyone knows that in reality, it is impossible for anyone to give him the heart of the ocean so generously. Therefore, subconsciously, naturally, they will feel that Karl is too utilitarian, even if it is to save Ruth. , Also so utilitarian, and then said pretentiously, Carl didn't know what Ruth wanted?

"But what exactly does Ruth want?" Wang Yifan asked with a smile.

"Freedom?" Zhang Zirong asked hesitantly.

Wang Yifan nodded, then shook his head and said, "Freedom? What is freedom? Singing, laughing and dancing with the people at the bottom is freedom? To spit on the sea is freedom?"

"In fact, she doesn't want freedom. To put it bluntly, she is just a hypocritical woman. Simply put, Carl is not as good as Jack to coax women!" Wang Yifan said mockingly.

"Let's continue to talk about the plot, such as that painting. I think any man who sees such a painting, to be honest, he is indeed too soft-hearted in this regard." Wang Yifan said with a smile.

"Be soft-hearted?" Zhang Zirong looked at Wang Yifan with an expression of whether you were teasing me.

"Yeah, I feel soft, because it can be said that that painting can already be hammered, Ruth betrayed him, and the third person is Jack, as a man, and still a rich and powerful man, to be honest, think It’s really not too easy to kill a low-level person like Jack. I can only say that Carl is too stupid, well, mainly for the plot!"

"But planting and framing, isn't it too villainous?" Zhang Zirong retorted.

Wang Yifan shook his head and said, "Anything can't be treated alone. Jack has been given a green hat. Isn't he allowed to deal with Jack? Means are means, but means are also for the purpose of punishment. Jack is a third party, isn't it? Shouldn't it be punished?"

"So, isn't it despicable enough that Carl is holding the little girl and lied that he is the father of the child?" Zhang Zirong also mentioned Carl's most offensive point.

Wang Yifan laughed.

Although as the director of this film, he shouldn't read it that way, but after all, he was once an audience.

Moreover, this is just a chat with my wife.

"Don't forget, Karl had the opportunity to board the ship at first!" Wang Yifan said indifferently.

In fact, to put it bluntly, everyone will dislike Karl, which was also deliberately arranged by the movie, but in fact, there are many details left in the movie.

"Ruth finally chose to jump on the ship, and when he lived and died with Jack, Karl's last chance to board the ship was in front of him, but he gave up. We often only see Ruth give up the opportunity to board the ship several times and Jack stayed together, but didn’t see Carl doing the same thing. Ruth gave up twice, Carl gave up twice. Ruth for Jack and Carl for Ruth. He was young and vigorous, and emotional, he In the end, he was dazzled by jealousy and drew a gun to kill the lovers.

If his nature is really so selfish and cold, then how can he be so crazy? He really wanted to fight Jack to the death.

The bullets were all shot, but none of them were hit. He was really desperate because he was holding the gun but couldn't fire the bullets, so he gave up. In the end he found that the diamond was still given to her. In such a ridiculous way, he laughed, laughing at the drama of the matter, laughing at the end that he couldn't keep one of them, his two darlings. "

"Also, Carl went to find among the survivors last, whether it was Ruth or Ruth that he loved madly. He did a lot of impulsive stupid things for her. Diamonds are also what he has never forgotten about. It represents what is in his bones. Merchant breath. He was right. They were his two treasures, two treasures that were lost forever."

Wang Yifan and Zhang Zirong's discussion of Karl, in fact, after the release of "Titanic", many people have the same interpretation.

However, movies are always movies, after all, ordinary people occupy the majority.

Jack and Ruth are the protagonists after all.

From the perspective of Jack and Ruth, it is a natural audience position. Therefore, Carl can only be the villain.

On that day, Wang Yifan also took Zhang Zirong to watch "Titanic" again.

Then, Zhang Zirong still stubbornly said: "I still like Jack and Ruth!"

This represents her persistence, but she also added: In fact, Carl is not as unbearable as he thought.

Well, it really doesn't matter how Carl is.

Because in the movie, the heroes and heroines are Jack and Ruth, and Jack is dead, so no matter what, he is definitely the protagonist!

Wang Yifan was non-committal about this and laughed. There are actually many characters worthy of scrutiny in this movie. For example, the music artists who returned from the end of the song until the ship sank and died. Elderly couples facing death, such as the nouveau riche but caring woman...

"Titanic" can be hailed as a classic, not only because of Jack and Ruth, but not only because of Heart of the Sea and Carl.

Rather, the movie depicts the group portrait when the ship sinks. Some people show the glory of human nature, who prefer to lie down with their husbands to face death for the love of abandoning their lives, and do not want to run for their lives in danger, and give the last hymn to life.

Of course, these are the glorious side, and the same has the dark side. Some people want to drive women and children off in order to get on the lifeboat, and want to seize the chance of life.

Wait, wait, these are what makes "Titanic" memorable and unforgettable!

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