788. Chapter 737 Third Party Admission

    Oken Estate, in the study.

    InstallationLatrich.Oken slightly hanged the phone with sarcasm, and then looked at Qin Ran who came in.

    However, immediately, the eyes with the inquiry were filled with strange brilliance.

    She looked at the three items that Qin Ran took out from the back of the backpack and placed it on the desk. Although it was not a heritage, it was difficult to say that it was a powerful item, but they contained special strength.

    As long as it works properly, whether it is to get a high price or to exchange considerable benefits, it is a very good choice.

    This makes Ann.Latrich.Okana had only a little bit of unpleasant mood and was missing.

    She smashed one of her high heels, and the whole person climbed onto the table like a cat, and put the beautiful face in front of Qin Ran. The voice said softly: "Do you have any needs? Your partner will be happy to help you! ”

    The scent from the nose made Qin Ran take a step back without any traces.

    Gradually, Qin Ran has become accustomed to peace.Latrich.Okun's way of getting along.

    Especially when there are some requirements.

    "Weapons, weapons of the same size as the last time!"

    "But I need to be a little stronger!"

    He is carrying his own request.

    “Do you want to be strong?”

    "2567 Your luck is good. If it is normal, the previous big sword is a limit, and now?"

    "I have become a target for many people to plead with. Someone who I have just sent me a call with temptation."

    "I believe that I only need to reveal a little bit of meaning, and the other party will try their best to find a suitable sword for you!"

    InstallationLatrich.Okun has no meaning for the so-called 'some friend'.

    Even Qin Ran can clearly feel some kind of grievance from the other party's words.

    "Don't forget your plan."

    In case of a million, Qin Ran reminded.

    "Do not worry, I will not lose because of small."

    "Some people who have long chosen to accept it will become a traitor and take it for granted?"

    "However, it is a pity that such a traitor does not take advantage of it!"

    InstallationLatrich.There is something to say in Okun’s words.

    In this regard, Qin Ran shrugged.

    Although he and the other party are already in the same camp, but in the face of the other party's experience, Qin Ran can not really feel the same feeling, I think that there is no right to speak.

    He has already done a reminder.

    He believes in peace.Latrich.Okun’s cleverness and determination will naturally have a perfect solution.

    In fact, the same is true.

    On the morning of the next day, Qin Ran not only got the weapon he wanted, but also from An.Latrich.Okun got a good news there.

    [Name: Amy Sulphur's Sword]

    [Type: cold weapon.Heavy weapons

    [Quality: Rare]

    [attack power: strong]

    [Attribute: Emory's stubbornness]

    [Special effects: None]

    [Requirement: Cold weapon.Heavy weapon (expert), strength A (hands, one-handed use requires strength S-)

    [Remarks: The legendary Emoseus is a hero with a giant blood. The sword he used with one hand is a big sword in the eyes of ordinary people. It is heavy, sharp, and extremely strong.]


    [Emoleces' stubbornness: When the sword is making a defensive judgment, it gains a +3 judgment advantage and conducts a power judgment of both sides. When the judgment is successful (the strength is greater than the other party), the opponent will be judged at a general level. hurt】


    [Sword of Emmosus] has the exaggerated shape of all the big hands and swords. The blade is wider than the waist of ordinary people. The thickest part of the ridge is 10cm. After the whole sword is erected, the hilt has been and Qin. However, the height is flush, and the weight behind the hilt is much higher than that of Qin Ran.

    The weight of the sword of Emmosus matches its exaggerated shape.

    A-level power can use this big sword with both hands, and S- is used for one-handed use.

    For Qin Quan, who has full attribute-3, it is a luxury to use the sword of Emmosus with one hand, but this does not affect Qin Ran's joy.

    The original Qin Ran just held the idea of ​​'waste utilization' and wanted to make things that were not used in the recent harvest become usable and maximize the benefits.

    You know, the three fighters' bodyguards around the governor, except for one that has something of value, are the lower-level magic items that are the deacon of the 'Holy Will'.

    It is completely unexpected that Qin is expected to use three pieces of three pieces to attach a low-level magic weapon such as toughness, protection, and noise reduction, which is not higher than Lv1.

    This kind of exchange is cost-effective no matter how you look at it.

    But Qin Ran did not faint because of the joy.

    Success Classic

    Qin Ran asked.

    "Of course I do."They are in the game! ”

    "Are you worried about the value of this big sword?"

    "2567, in some ways you are smart, but in some ways, you are really stupid – three magic items and a 'valueless city' message, in exchange for one such only relatively rare The big sword that talents can use, if not because of the 'old days', how can I complete such a transaction?"

    "I am afraid they are now glad that I still read the old feelings!"

    InstallationLatrich.Okun issued a series of smiles.

    However, in Ann.Latrich.Okun’s face did not have a little smile.

    Her eyes are cold and her anger is full.

    The knife in his hand was smashed into the toasted bread with jam, as if it were the body of some people.


    Metal knives and porcelain plates made a crisp sound.

    InstallationLatrich.Okun is undoubtedly using all his strength, and does not control such power. It is not a flat-bottomed plate with a toasted bread in the plate, and flies to one side.

    There was no sound of a broken porcelain disk.

    There is no more food to land.

    Qin Ran did not know when it appeared in An.Latrich.Beside Auken, he raised his hand and caught the porcelain plate and food that flew out.

    In the almost intact way, once again placed in An.Latrich.In front of Okun.

    "The food is not wrong."

    Qin Ran said this.

    "Well, they are right, I will eat them all, then…"

    "My dear 2567, is there any reward?"

    InstallationLatrich.Ou Ken squinted at Qin Ran and looked very charming.

    "Sili.Sister Dandong sent a message, and I need to let the Griffin Church appear again in people’s field of vision…Your safety, I am pleased with Meyer. ”

    Qin Ran was completely unaffected. After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

    Looking at the back of Qin Ran, Ann.Latrich.O'Ken was annoyed and wanted to throw the plate in front of him.

    Just, looking at the food in the dish, she was hesitant.

    "I have finished eating and throwing!"

    InstallationLatrich.Oken screamed at the back of Qin Ran that had not disappeared.

    Naturally, I won't get any response from Qin Ran.

    But it fell in the eyes of some people.

    Then, a piece of news came from the Okun Manor.

    Qin Ren left.

    Eat the morning of Ann.Latrich.Okun.

    It seems that I don't know anything about it.

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