753. Chapter 704 娴戞按鎽搁奔

聽聽聽聽St. Rui's Hospital was overcrowded an hour ago.

聽聽聽聽More injured people are still being sent continuously, and the entire hospital hall is filled with the snoring of the wounded, doctors and nurses are busy with their feet.

聽聽聽聽Although these fierce and sinister people on weekdays are instinctively fearful, at this time, they are ordinary wounded, no different from ordinary patients.

聽聽聽聽"Doctor, the ward is full!"


聽聽聽聽"Open a temporary ward in the lobby!"

聽聽聽聽"Notify those doctors and nurses who are off work, give me back soon – we need their help!"

聽聽聽聽The doctor on duty said as he walked into the hall and began to set up a temporary ward.

聽聽聽聽The nurse who was next to him couldn鈥檛 help.

聽聽聽聽And as more care workers began to push the moving bed one after another, the sound of the electric brake suddenly sounded.


聽聽聽聽The bright hall was in darkness.

聽聽聽聽Then there was a muffled sound.

聽聽聽聽When the standby generator was started, the darkness was dissipated, and the busy people in the hall saw the wearer wearing a mask standing by the statue of Sister Ryder. The statue had already been broken. Fragments of different sizes.

聽聽聽聽"I, I didn't mean it!"

聽聽聽聽"Just had a power outage, it was so sudden, I, I pushed the moving bed and hit the statue…"

聽聽聽聽The caregiver explained that the stuttering words showed his nervousness.

聽聽聽聽In the end, I can't speak.

聽聽聽聽There is only a buzz in the hall where the injured are about to be placed.

聽聽聽聽"What are you doing?"

聽聽聽聽"Continue to arrange the ward!"

聽聽聽聽"The merciful Sister Ryder will forgive any mistakes made by saving people, even if she broke her statue!"

聽聽聽聽When doctors on duty appear in more and more injured people, there is no time to pursue the responsibility of the care workers.

聽聽聽聽In fact, everyone does not think that it is the fault of the care worker.

聽聽聽聽The power outage is too sudden!

聽聽聽聽Especially at this time!

聽聽聽聽So, very quickly, everyone put their attention on the injured again.

聽聽聽聽Therefore, no one noticed when the errant care worker left with the broken statue of Sister Rhett.


聽聽聽聽In the alley outside the street of St. Rui's Hospital, Qin Ran pulled off the mask and threw the statue that was temporarily used as a prop in the trash can. Then, from the moving bed, the real statue of Sister Ryder 銆?moved out.

聽聽聽聽Qin Ran wrapped the statue in a few rounds with a sheet of paper, and carried it on his body. After checking his disguise again, it followed the shadow of the alley.

聽聽聽聽Although there is camouflage, Qin Ran also strives to avoid everyone's sight, including those of the camera.

聽聽聽聽The sound of the siren in the ear, the sound of the ambulance continued to sound.

聽聽聽聽Under his intentional 'help', near St. Rui's Hospital, it naturally became the hardest hit area for rescue.

聽聽聽聽Of course, all the hospitals in downtown Atlanta will stay up all night.

聽聽聽聽Even if there is a police.The party joined, Ann.Latrich.Okun will not give up.

聽聽聽聽Not only because the opportunity is rare, but also because of security.Latrich.Okun wants to erect his own 'majesty'.

聽聽聽聽And what is more suitable than blood and corpses?

聽聽聽聽In the same way, what is more suitable for a fisherman's life than a chaotic night?

聽聽聽聽Qin Ran, carrying the statue, cautiously and quickly approached the Atland City Library, like a leopard when hunting.

聽聽聽聽When he came to the street outside the library, Qin Ran chose to enter from the fourth floor.

聽聽聽聽That was one of the monitoring dead spots he found during the day.

聽聽聽聽Despite carrying a statue that was not light, but for Qin Ran, it was extremely easy to climb the fourth floor by hand. It opened the window easily and Qin turned into the four-story bathroom.

聽聽聽聽As he expected, the library staff would not be replaced within a few hours if the window latch in the toilet was just damaged.


聽聽聽聽Just as Qin Ran entered the library of the City of Atlan, the statue on his back made a tremor.

聽聽聽聽Very slight, but Qin Ran, who is close to the statue, can clearly feel the vibration.

聽聽聽聽Nothing shines.

聽聽聽聽There is no such thing as a miracle.

聽聽聽聽The last monk of the Marinlin Church had predicted that the church could not be avoided in the war. In order to leave a seed, it took a lot of effort to build the library. Under such a premise, how can the other party get the seeds of the successor of the Marinlin church to the world?

聽聽聽聽Nature is the secret, the better.

聽聽聽聽However, the last monk may not have thought that the disaster will come so suddenly!

聽聽聽聽When almost all the steps were completed, leaving only a reliable inheritor, the entire Marinlin church suffered the demise of a strong enemy.

聽聽聽聽And all this is cheaper!

聽聽聽聽Relying on the magnitude of the vibration of the statue, Qin Ran quickly came to the entrance of the basement of the library.


聽聽聽聽After using a wire to open the lock on the entrance door of the basement, Qin Ran came in.

聽聽聽聽Qin Ran looked around and judged that it should be a warehouse for the library to store dilapidated books.

聽聽聽聽The smell of heavy dust, mixed in the taste of books, is not too pungent, but it is definitely not good.

聽聽聽聽Qin Ran breathed a step.

聽聽聽聽The vibration of the statue on his back was getting bigger and bigger. When he walked to the wall somewhere in the warehouse, the statue that was firmly tied to his back broke away from the binding of the sheets.

聽聽聽聽Qin Ran turned and grabbed the statue.

聽聽聽聽Although Qin Ran is very clear, even if the statue is allowed to land, there will be no problem. A legendary item can not be easily destroyed.

聽聽聽聽However, in order to avoid making a sound and alarming the person who was already drowsy under the action of alcohol, and even interested in what happened outside, Qin Ran was still careful.


聽聽聽聽When the statue touched the ground, the sound of the flies and flies appeared.

聽聽聽聽After only about three or four seconds, the statue of Sister Rhett began to slowly decline.

聽聽聽聽As the statue descends, until it completely disappears, there is a channel with steps that should be flat and seamless.

聽聽聽聽Out of habit, Qin Ran carefully examined the steps and walls of the passage, and confirmed that there was no problem, then slowly walked into the passage.

聽聽聽聽But after Qin Ran walked into the passage, the ground behind him was closed again.

聽聽聽聽The kind of silence.

聽聽聽聽Qin Ran was shocked.

聽聽聽聽Subconscious, you have to turn around and check.

聽聽聽聽Rime table

聽聽聽聽At this time, the flame appeared on both sides of the passage wall, illuminating the dark passage.

聽聽聽聽Qin Ran can clearly see that at the end of the passage less than 10 meters from him, there is a double opening and closing door of the Marilyn Church, which is one-and-a-half-high.

聽聽聽聽But very quickly, Qin Ran鈥檚 gaze looked at the burning flame.

聽聽聽聽The strange scent, after Qin Ran grabbed his mouth and nose, the whole person rushed toward the direction of Shimen.

聽聽聽聽But when Qin Ran was ready to push the stone door, he suddenly stopped the action.

聽聽聽聽Something is wrong!

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