707. Chapter 660 chasing

    [Discover the branch task: dirty! 】

    [Poor: The sergeant Teresa is safe and sound, and some people have jumped into the wall. The filth is only the beginning. More crises are still waiting for the female sheriff. If you want to know more information, you need to find it soon. The other party, and help the other party to clear the suspect! 】


    The words on the retina made Qin Ran sink.

    The female police sergeant was completely out of the expectation of Qin Ran.

    Although he inferred that there was a ghost inside the police station, Qin Ran did not think that this ghost had such a large amount of energy, and he was able to do this.

    Or is it……

    "Collecting outsiders, putting pressure from the outside?"

    Qin Ran subconsciously thought of the heavily armed attackers.

    Don't say that those weapons and equipment are difficult for ordinary people to use, and those who use weapons are also elites of ordinary people. Such elites are extremely rare.

    The emergence of both at the same time can only show that the team's behind-the-scenes planners have considerable power and financial resources.

    It happened that a mayor candidate was still dead in the bombing.

    "Does each other's competitors?"

    There is another speculation in the heart of Qin Ran.

    However, the urgency of time made him unable to confirm this speculation.

    Boskin, who heard the radio broadcast on the radio, couldn’t stand it.


    "How could the sheriff be the murderer of the Winchester House bombing!"

    "Those guys, is it in your mind?"

    The young man screamed, his anger, and even Boskin’s forehead picked up the blue veins.

    Then, Boskin will step on the gas pedal.

    Obviously, young people are going to return to the police station and find the theory of the person who issued the order.

    However, Qin Ran pulled the key one step faster and let the car go out directly.

    "Wait for me in the car!"

    Qin Ran did not wait for the young man to ask, pulled off the bulletproof vest on his body, and pushed the car door out of the car.

    Straight, Qin Ran went to the dance.Niang's night gate.

    The female sheriff is tracking them.

    The driven car was still parked on the street not far from them, and the character shown by the female police chief could not make such a thing even if it was dangerous again.

    Therefore, you can only rely on your legs to get rid of the pursuers.

    Walking through, there must be traces.

    [Tracking] after the -1 level, perhaps the soul cannot be traced, but the traces left by the person are clearly visible.

    It is just that, in a cautious instinct, Qin Ran habitually records the fingerprints and footprints left by everyone close to him.

    Enter the [Tracking] field of view, from 'Dance.At the gate of the mother's night, she walked directly to the opposite alley.

    Different from 'dance.Niang's back door is narrow.

    The alley in front of you is not only narrow, but also extends in all directions, like a maze.

    In the vision of Qin Ran [tracking], the footprint of the female police chief at the forefront is obviously very familiar with the environment here, and turning left and right does not stop for a moment.

    The followers behind him can have no such ability.

    Faced with the speedy and familiar policewoman, these followers are getting less and less until they disappear completely.

    However, even without a follower, the female police officer still did not stop.

    After making the arrangement with great care, I began to move in one direction.

    Looking at the traces of misleading traces left in the [tracking] field of vision, Qin Ran could not help but admire the practice of the female sheriff.

    It may not be possible to hide his whereabouts in the general direction.

    But it is enough to waste most of the attention of the trackers who are looking again.

    Listening to the distant looming, but gradually drifting footsteps, Qin Ran quickly walked to an iron ladder.

    This is an iron ladder that relies on the seven-story building, which rotates upwards, and each floor leaves a platform leading to the corridor.

    Qin Ran went to the third floor platform and quietly pushed the corridor door open.

    Long wooden corridor, a closed door and window.

    The corridor connection platform has a green sticker similar to the notice.

    'Mor and White Mulberry Apartment 3F'

    However, Qin Ran felt no more life.

    There is thick dust on the wooden floor.

    Obviously, it is not abandoned or closed.

    Without the need to [track] the vision, Qin Ran came to the front door of the house with 309 cards.

    Hey, hey!

    After a rhythmic knock on the door, Qin Ran clearly heard the sound of footsteps in the house and the sound of pistol insurance.

    It's me.

    "I am alone!"

    In order to prevent the police sergeant from making any bad moves, Qin Ran said.

    About a second later, the female police chief opened the door with vigilance, just a door slit, looking out the door.

    Needless to ask, just by the position of the female police chief, Qin Ran can be sure that the pistol's muzzle is aimed at the door after the door he can't see.

    Very cooperative, Qin Ran raised his hands and said that he has no weapons.

    "come in!"

    The police sergeant said this and opened the door.

    However, the muzzle is still facing Qin Ran.

    Qin Ran, who came into the room, looked around.

    There is nothing extra, only the infrastructure such as beds and tables, but the bedside tables that are opened are full of dazzling.

    Firearms, medicines, food, water, clothing and brand new mobile phones and mobile phone cards are available.

    "Safe house?"

    Qin Ran was surprised.

    Originally, in his opinion, it was only a temporary hiding place for the female police chief, but did not expect that it would be a safe house.

    Building a safe house is not an easy task.

    Similarly, it is even more curious for a sheriff to establish a safe house.

    Of course, there are priorities. Qin Ran knows that this time is not a time to be curious.

    "I use a mobile phone to contact Boskin. Do you have his number in it?"

    "Although your layout is very good, but those guys will get the police dog again soon after they have nothing to gain!"

    Qin Ran said while picking up the phone.

    "How did you find it here?"

    The police sergeant did not stop Qin Ran’s movement because she knew that Qin Ran’s voice was safer.

    I can still find her about Qin Ran and still have doubts.

    "Have you seen my information?"

    "I am an explorer. It is estimated that I have learned to track in the wild with an old hunter. After I know that you are being filthy, I found it along the traces you left behind…Of course, thank you for your cover, otherwise, it is three people wanted! ”

    Qin Ran said that he had prepared a draft.

    "The old hunter must have been the best scout of Matam Island!"

    The female police chief apparently did not believe in Qin Ran’s remarks.

    However, the muzzle was put down a bit, not in the chest of Qin Ran.

    Just immediately, the female police officer just put down the muzzle, and once again lifted it up…Aligned to the door.



    After the door was overwhelmed, it flew directly into the room.

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