1819 Chapter 1688 Prelude

Chapter 1688 Prelude

Qin Ran entered the ‘Winter Night Fight’ as a representative of the grazing.

In this regard, Qin Ran did not forget.

Because this identity has allowed him to qualify for the ‘Winter Night Fight’ and has been tying him.

He represents Ai.

He can’t do anything.

Therefore, even if you know that there are good things in this city, Qin Ran needs to find out.

Although it is just a transaction.

But with a promise, Qin Ran will not repent.


It’s different now!

Something happened!

The big man who organized the ‘Winter Night Fight’ was actually setting up a game.

No matter what the other party wants, Qin Ran is not bound.

Even if it is a deal with Qin Ran, there is nothing to say under this premise.

Even the other party will agree to him to do some ‘self-rescue’!

That’s right!

is ‘self-help’!

No one can let him sit still!

However, Qin Ran is not in a hurry to act now.

He wants to know what the big man and the blush want to do.

Or more accurately, what they are planning.


Qin Ran whispered.

The empty lunch box in his hand was put back into the backpack, and then he took out a lunch box and placed it on the side of the campfire.

In the bottom of my heart, Qin Ran is silently connected with the evil spirits.

Under countless contractual forces.

The distance of the upper evil spirits does not exist for Qin Ran.

Even across the space!


Drops, drops!

Daly Fen’s waist communicator rang.

He looked at the content displayed in the waist communicator and immediately sank his face.

There was a snoring on the side of the moment, as if it was a middle-aged man who was drunk, but he stood up and stood up.

“What’s wrong?”

The middle-aged man asked.

“Look at yourself!”

After Delifon handed the communicator to the middle-aged man, he turned and walked down the hill.

The middle-aged man glanced at the contents of the communicator.

I immediately followed up without saying a word.

The content on the communicator is very simple, just one sentence –

The weird camp entered early, and the grazing and aliens suffered heavy losses.

In the roar of the engine, Darifin’s driving car seemed to fly into a hidden camp 10 kilometers from the hill.


Da Lifen had no plans to step on the brakes. The solid wood roadblocks were directly hit by the modified off-road vehicles.

The imposing Daly Fen pushed the guards who came up to ask, and rushed into the tent at the center of the camp with the middle-aged.

“Hillock, tell me!”

“What happened?”

“Why would weird enter early?”

Daly Fen asked the man in the tent.

After the man named Hilock looked at Da Lifen, he lowered his head and looked at the communicator on the table without saying a word.

Under the light of the tent, the white hair emerged from the man’s blond hair, and a line of wrinkles spread out from the corner of his eye. The handsome face should be a bit old at this time.

But that kind of calm, but let the other side have another mature charm.


“Answer me!”

Daly Fen slammed the table and shouted loudly.

And Hillock is still indifferent.

Even the next moment, Daly Fen grabbed his collar and it was the same.



Daly Fen groaned.

“What do you say?”

“Tell you the number of casualties?”

“Still, are you ready to rush in to get rid of those weird?”

Hilock asked coldly.

“Then you don’t do anything?”

Dalfin asked.

“I have done it!”

“Before you come!”

“Now, I am waiting for the news!”

Hilock answered.

Da Lifen looked straight into the eyes of Hilock, who looked at him without retreating.

In the end, Dalfin let go of his hand.

After he repeatedly breathed several times, his eyes finally calmed down.

“Tell me, what happened?”

Dalfin asked.

“Weird violation of the rules.”

Hilock replied.

“I know!”

“Which bastard am I asking?”

“I want to break his neck!”

< p> Da Lifen said that he gnashed his teeth.


Hilock said coldly.

And just as the voice just fell, the communicator on the table rang and Hillock directly connected the communicator.

“I, Hilock.”

Sherlock said.

“Hillock, we have a big problem.”

“I suggest you bring everyone to come to me.”

“Vick How many people have been killed!”

It is hard to tremble in the voice of the communicator.

The sound in the communicator was clearly transmitted to the tent, and the angry Daly Fen and the middle-aged man were stunned.


A seemingly ordinary name!

But all the people on the mysterious side know what the name stands for.



Anything will be treated fairly in front of the other person!

Just like the ‘Judges’ in myths and legends, all injustices will be invisible, and all the grievances will be revealed.

In fact, someone has long called Victor a ‘Judge’ adult.

Those who have received the help of Victor are called Victor.

Among them, it also includes some weirdness.

Some weird but persecuted weird.

Because of these weird additions, the name of Victor ‘Judges’ has long since left.

And that was what happened 20 years ago.


Anyone who mentions Victor will add the honor of an adult.

Even the tyrannical power of a place is no exception.

Free one is the best example!

It’s because of the strange entry in advance that the anger is extremely incomparable. At this time, his head is fainting, he can’t imagine it. The strange things are so bold, they dare to attack Victor.

You know, to do this is to provoke war!

“Are those guys crazy?”

Don’t whisper.

Because of the particularity of the Turquoise family.

Free one is absolutely unwilling to see the emergence of war.

It should be noted that although the Songshi family has the identity of a strange person, the source of the essence is weird.

In normal times, such an identity may be nothing, even, it can be said that it is a source of right and left, but in times of war, such identity is doomed to be not trusted.

Humans will think they are weird.

Weird, remember what they are doing.


Free a low-pitched curse, but the action is not slow, he turned into a streamer, flying quickly to another camp.

Weird camp.

A group of transparent, translucent, grotesque creatures gather in this basin that is backed by the shade.

However, at this time they are not awkward or terrifying.

Instead, in the usual seemingly horrible face, with a slap in the face.

As for the reason for the austerity, it is the corpse in the middle of the camp.

Sitting there, there is no head and a broken body.

Seriously, it can hardly be called a corpse.

But a bunch of skeletons with rotten meat.

They remember very clearly that a group of ghouls suddenly attacked the camp.

Disagree with the weirdness of communication. These ghouls are violent, and they are not afraid of death. Some of the sorcerers who are inside are even more troublesome for these weird people.

However, looking at the corpse in front of you, all the weird knows that the real trouble has just begun.

Victor is dead!

died in their camp!

More importantly…

The Shard of the Sage on his body is gone.

When the body was found, there was a weird and thorough search for everything.

No fragments of Sage Stone were found.

Worst of all, the fragments of the Sage of the Sage were on Victor’s body, and there were fragments of weird curiosity [Sage of the Sage] that were asked to look at it.

Victor did not refuse this.

Although Victor was fair and serious at the time of the trial, most of the time, the other was a kind person.

Not only for humans, but also for weirdness.

Even this time, Victor did not bring any guards and placed his place in a weird camp to prove his own strange trust.


The result is cruel.

Victor died in the attack.

Everything changed with the death of the other party!

Become inexcusable!

Becomes no proof!

Everyone will think that they are [Sage of the Sage] killed Victor.

Even in this weird camp, a lot of weirdness has already looked at each other, and even they themselves are guessing whether there is something weird and taking risks.

Victor is a nice person.

No one will deny this.

The temptation of [Sage of the Sage] is also denied.

“Before, who is protecting Victor adults?”

A weird whole body scale asked.

“It’s me, I am an adult.”

The translucent body floats in the air, with the strangeness of a young woman’s appearance, whispering, its gaze looks at that When you have a headless body, you are full of sorrow.


“You damn it!”

A weird one full of scales raises a hand, a flame envelops a translucent female ghost .

The latter saw the flame, but did not mean any dodge.

Let the flame fall on you.

It does not protect Victor and is willing to plead guilty.

But when the flame burned it, it suddenly felt a breath.

A very familiar one!

belongs to the breath of [Sage of the Sage]!

Suddenly, it struggled.

It screams –

“It’s you!”

“You killed the Victor!”

PS Sorry, the second is more late, said!

(End of this chapter)

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