1766. Chapter 1640 Trophy

    Chapter 1640 Boots

    I didn’t think that there would be an attacking man behind him, and he was hit by a solid brick.

    Buckle on the ground is like a bowl of props. In the moment of losing the man's control, in a moment, there is a road crack, but more importantly, with the appearance of these cracks, the man who passed out in the ground suddenly appeared convulsions, one after another. A illusory soul comes together around the man.

    There are five girls who have disappeared before, and there are gangsters killed by Sheriff Teddy, and more are strange souls.

    They looked at the man who fell to the ground.

    The upper evil spirit is very interesting and takes a step back.

    Suddenly, these dead people seem to have lost the last shackles, and madly rushed to the man who fell to the ground, so he swallowed the man.

    Not to describe.

    Instead, the true sense of life is swallowed.

    The man woke up in pain and wanted to call loudly, but the Andy bite his throat.

    As the first victim of the disappearance, Andy suffered far more than others.

    Pain can gain strength.

    In the sorcerer's genre, such famous sayings are circulating.

    Although not everyone recognizes it, the man in front of him is undoubtedly recognized.

    Therefore, Andy suffers much more than others imagine.

    Naturally, the hatred of this man is far beyond imagination.

    Several other girls are similar.

    In fact, these five girls have become the main force to tear men, and those who are mixed and strange souls can only be assisted.

    Dozens of hands, tearing the flesh of men.

    In less than ten seconds, the man became a bloody cheekbones.

    And after a few seconds, the man has no bones left.

    The souls who chewed the bones of the men stood up one by one and fell to the door of the 'Yezhi Restaurant'.


    It opened.

    Qin Ran came out with mimosa.

    A group of nearly twenty souls thanked Qin Ran.

    The next moment, they flew into the distance for the fire.

    Suddenly, the five major sources of Qin Ran’s body began a new round of growth.

    Unlike in the past, this growth seems to have reached a quantitative change.

    [The spiritual attribute breaks through a layer of seal, D→D+]


    The increase in spiritual attributes made Qin Ran's brains feel a sense of coolness, as if he had a good night's sleep, not only clear-minded, but also full of energy.

    At the same time, Qin Ran's finger turned over, and a piece of [Bronze Money] appeared in the palm of his hand.

    The next moment, after a little bit of baking with a lighter, an invisible force escaped from the [Bronze Money], and the breath of the soul went away quickly.

    The unblocking of the strength, the guess was confirmed, and did not let Qin Ran faint.

    He is well aware that his current strength is not enough to cope with a truly powerful presence.

    And the breath of the twenty souls is far more likely to lead to the dead who caused his headache at this moment.

    Before the strength was further unsealed, Qin Ran did not want to face the extent of the dead, especially under the premise of being surrounded by outsiders.

    Qin Ran turned and looked at Sheriff Teddy.

    "Just that is…"

    The scene of the soul going away, Sergeant Teddy also saw it.

    There is no doubt that Sergeant Teddy has been hit again.

    "Go where they should go."

    "What are you going to do?"

    After Qin Ran answered, he pointed to the restaurant.

    Despite the mess, there are no bodies. For Sheriff Teddy, it is naturally good news.

    The body of a place, and the lack of a few bullets, it is really two different things.

    Even if those bodies are not good people, the same is true.

    I…I will look at it. ”

    Sergeant Teddy could have said that he would report it truthfully, but when he thought of his own experience, he immediately smiled.

    Good luck.

    Qin Ran said, sideways.

    That is obvious.

    Sergeant Teddy once again smiled bitterly. He carefully placed the female drunkard on the floor of the restaurant and wiped his face with his own coat and walked slowly.

    Qin Ran watched the police chief Teddy disappear into the night, turned back to the restaurant, locked the door again, and then released the rope.

    "Go upstairs to see."

    The rope was loose, but Qin Ran did not let go of the mimosa.

    He is not sure if it is really not dangerous.

    Therefore, Qin Ran took the hand of mimosa and walked to the top of the building.

    "Boss, everything is as you expected."

    The evil spirit standing on the top of the building saw Qin Ran coming up, and immediately said flatteringly.


    "Continue to hide and monitor the surrounding."

    Qin Ran nodded.

    "As you wish."

    After the last evil spirit was ruined, it disappeared into the place, and Qin Ran went to the place where the man was swallowed up by the soul.

    Of course, not mourning each other.

    Instead, check the things left by the other party.

    Or, check your loot.

    A total of three loot.

    Among them, two are very eye-catching.

    The first one is the bowl that looks like a buckle, and the second one is a chain that looks like a bracelet.

    [Name: House of Wraith (broken)]

    [Type: Sundries]

    [Quality: Rare]

    [attack power: no]

    [defensive power: no]

    [Attribute: 1, illusion; 2, control]

    [Special effects: None]

    [Requirement: Spiritual E+, Mysterious Knowledge (Witch Mastery)]

    [Can you bring this copy: No]

    [Remarks: This is the technique of sorcerer that has been circulated to a certain genre. It has already begun to look at the path (marked: the mysterious knowledge level you have, you can't learn more about it)


    [Fantasy: Consumes certain materials and blood to create a near-real fantasy (the true extent of the illusion, relying on the quality of the material and its own blood)]

    "control: the extraction of the soul to kill people, into the House of the spirit of hatred for the owner of the service, the more suffering before death, the more powerful the soul, directly to die in the illusion of people can be directly manipulated, but the strength will not change, maintain the front level (note: each use requires a spiritual judgment, if the spirit of failure, Will suffer the bite of the soul under control, judging by the size of the soul, the strength of the Change) "


    [Name: Chain of Godot]

    [Type: Jewelry]

    [Quality: Rare]

    [attack power: general]

    [defensive power: general]

    [Attribute: 1, slam; 2, entanglement]

    [Special effects: mimetic]

    [Requirement: Spiritual D]

    [Can you bring this copy: No]

    "note: Gordo is an alchemist who specializes in alchemy and voodoo, and his favorite thing is to combine the two to make ' gold ' out of the body of the afflicted, his most famous theory, as he made the chain of Gordo–not the first Gordo chain that Gordo made, But later the Gordo school apprentice made it.


    [Smack: The sniper of the chain of Godot not only causes damage to the real body, but also causes an additional level +1 damage to the soul, 2 times/day]

    [Bound: Lock a target creature with a radius of no more than 25 meters, and bind it. The target needs to make a force E, a mental E+ judgment, and it will be bound if it fails to pass once. Level of soul shock, and is bound, 1 time / day]


    [Mimitation: This is another place in the chain of Godot. It does not require you to manipulate it yourself. It only requires you to manipulate it with your mind. It can be turned into a 3.5-meter-long semi-phantom chain to help You complete a viable behavior (the radius can't exceed 35 meters, it will consume energy when it appears and lasts)]


    Looking at the two props in the hand, Qin Ran quickly put it aside for the damaged [House of Resentment], but instead took a detailed look at the [Godo Chain].


    In the end, Qin Ran gave such an evaluation.

    Perhaps it is not comparable to his equipment items, but when those equipment items are sealed in the game room, this item that can not be brought out becomes his only help.

    In particular, the characteristics of the soul are even more essential for Qin Ran.

    Putting the chain of Godot on the wrist, Qin Ren thought.

    Immediately, a 3.5-meter-long, illusory chain detached from the chain of Godot, as if it were a snake, and walked around him and mimosa according to his ideas.

    Then, with the idea of ​​Qin Ran, it disappeared out of thin air.

    Feeling the consumption of energy, Qin Ran nodded again.

    Not much, within acceptable limits.

    After confirming that this item was mastered, Qin Ran looked at the third piece of spoils.

    It was a black bag with a palm shape.

    When I picked up, I heard the unique metal friction sound, and Qin Ran roughly guessed what was inside.

    As it turns out, Qin Ran did not guess wrong.

    [Bronze money]!

    A total of twenty.

    Looking at the twenty [Bronze Money], Qin Ran picked up his eyes, and some thoughts before, he finally managed.

    However, Qin Ran did not forget what was happening.

    "You need to clean it here and downstairs."

    "Although it should be a small problem, but for the sake of insurance, I think it is still rubbed with hydrogen peroxide."

    Qin Ran turned to look at the mimosa.


    "There is in the kitchen, I bought it before."

    Mimosa let Qin Ran pull his hand and nodded.

    "After dawn, we still need to add some necessary things."

    "Is money enough?"

    Qin Ran took the mimosa and walked downstairs, asking while walking.

    “Besides supplementing the ingredients, there are some.”

    "but There are some difficulties in trying to reach the previous Level. ”

    "Those gas tanks are not cheap."

    Mimosa answered.

    At the same time, the bottom of my heart raised a strange sense of strangeness.

    This is the mimosa once again because of money.

    Still strange.

    Still heart.

    Still a different kind of emotion.

    Absolutely not because of the warmth in the heart of Qin Ran.

    "Lack of money?"

    Pulling the mimosa, Qinran, who walked in front of himself, whispered to himself without any sense.

    The former man seems to be disdainful of the ordinary currency, and there is no banknote on his body.

    Otherwise, the upper evil spirits that are the same as Qin Ren’s mind will be protected.

    "Do you want to exchange [Bronze money] for banknotes?"

    When this idea appeared in Qin Ran's mind, he only thought about it for a moment, and Qin Ran gave up such an idea.

    Although I don't know the purchasing power of [Bronze Money], it is enough to become a non-selling product of Qin Ran by relying on [Bronze Money] to make the five major sources active.

    The strength is strong, everything is easy to handle.

    Otherwise, there is more money, that is, the truth of a fat sheep, Qin Ran has long known.


    After Qin Ran was slightly indulged, he once again thought of Sheriff Teddy.

    Not borrowing money.

    But John.Dickson's bounty!

    The bounty of 20,000 pieces is enough for him and his mimosa to spend this difficult time.

    Need to contact each other?

    The answer is naturally obvious.

    It is your own, it must be won.

    Just when Qin Ran and Mimosa cleaned the 'Leaf Restaurant' inside and outside, and prepared to call the police chief Teddy, the sheriff stepped into the morning sun and got the restaurant again.

    Upon entering the door, Teddy smelled the unique taste of hydrogen peroxide.

    He sniffed his nose, but did not say anything, but threw the kraft paper bag in his hand on the bar.

    johnDickson's bounty. ”

    "And there are 1204 blocks in your lost wallet, and they are inside."

    "Before I stop working, try to get you back first."

    "It was a reward last night."

    Teddy tells the truth.

    Qin Ran picked up the kraft paper bag. After checking it, he confirmed that it was correct, and then handed the paper bag to the mimosa that showed joy on his face.

    For the first time, mimosa had a happy feeling for earning money.

    The same strange feeling.


    Good deal.

    Carefully put the coins in the money box, and the mimosa turned around and walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Qin Ran.

    "I recommend saving to the bank, otherwise it will cause malicious people…Oh, I didn't say it. ”

    Teddy subconsciously reminded.

    When the words were spoken, he thought of how the young people in front of him chopped the horrible guys and chopped them.

    If someone really looks at it, there is absolutely no need to worry about the brothers. Instead, they should pray that those who are looking at it should not have any accidents.

    "That's it, come back."

    Teddy waved his hand and was ready to leave.

    However, when he went out immediately, Teddy suddenly turned and asked: "Those things will not appear during the day?"


    "At night, it is their favorite."

    "Of course, some special places will become the venue for them."

    Solved the problem of money, Qin Ran is very good.

    "If that, if I said, if I really met them, what should I do?"

    Teddy asked after hesitating.


    Qin Ran said simply.

    "If you can't run?"

    Teddy continued to ask.

    "Then pray that it is not malicious to you, or that you have a baton or a torch in your hand. Is there any problem?" We have to proof it. ”

    "No, thank you."

    "Wish you a prosperous business."

    Teddy waved his hand and revealed a travel flyer.

    Obviously, the sheriff intends to take the suspension as a vacation.

    Qin Ran's excellent vision can see the big title on the flyer: the hot spring culture tour.

    I wish you a good [happy] journey!

    Qin Ran waved his hand and walked out of the bar. He took back the small blackboard from outside the restaurant and hung the other signboard of Mimosa's 'End of Business' at the door.

    The restaurant door was closed.

    The sign swayed around the sun.

    Gradually return to calm.

    The city began to wake up gradually.

    The long night is over and the new day begins again.

    (End of this chapter)

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