1742. Chapter 1617 Coordination

    Chapter 1617 Coordination

    I am bloody Mary.

    Boss generally calls me a high evil spirit. Of course, that is the previous name. Now I am called Boss as the upper evil spirit.

    I don't care about this.

    Because, I also think that the upper evil spirit is better than the name Bloody Mary.

    Even if I was born from the Scarlet Queen crown.

    After all, there are many obscenities, resentments, and evil thoughts that prompted me to be born.

    People, really a complicated and terrible creature!

    I thought about this when I first thought about what I saw when I first thought about it. So, at the beginning, I didn't mind being alone on the cruise ship.

    Even if there is no living creature around it.

    Non-current liabilities due within

    2 years


    I was still counting at the beginning, but when I got there, I really couldn’t count it.

    Moreover, boredom occupies my heart.

    The only good news is that I know the structure of the entire cruise ship, so I found quite a few books in the cruise ship's secret room.

    They are all-encompassing, but precious and unusual. They are one of the important collections of the owners of the cruise ship.

    The days that followed were that they accompanied me.

    But the storms on the sea are too big, they are beginning to decay, I have used countless ways to stop this decay, but they are useless.

    There is no suitable material on the cruise, it can only delay the speed of decay, but it can't stop the real decay.

    So, I speeded up the reading.

    It was really tense during that time, I couldn't sleep reading, and race against time.

    In the end, before the books were all decayed, I read all the books, and I was able to have the rest of the time to know the new ones.

    This long reading has given me a lot of knowledge.

    It also made me have a lot of knowledge of the outside world.

    I gradually became interested in knowing what it was like.

    West Coast, East Coast.

    Inland city.

    Junling Mountain.

    Fields, lakes, creeks.


    Even if the lake and the creek are counted, they should all be water.

    I look at the sea every day, it is enough.

    Every day I dream of the outside world in my mind, I finally can't stand it.

    I made a decision that surprised me: leaving the cruise!

    This and my original thoughts are awkward.

    But after I was surprised, I accepted it.

    After all, human beings are contradictory, and there are some contradictions in the human mind, resentment, and evil thoughts. What happened?

    Isn't that normal?

    With the goal, you have to act.

    Let me understand what to do next.

    I am waiting for an opportunity while I am preparing!

    A cruise ship really beaches and gets out of the opportunity!

    During the period, some people smashed this cruise ship, but they were not suitable. They were not too weak and too strong.

    Weak, I have killed.


    I quietly circumvented.

    Time has slowly passed, and it took a lot of energy. I finally found the ocean current returning to the land.

    I don't know how many years have passed and the cruise has finally landed.

    Just that…

    The sudden storm broke the plan that I quietly landed, making the movement of the beach bigger.

    Immediately, many of the sights were concentrated here, so that I was eager to leave, I had to suspend my steps and rethink what to do.

    Because, I know my difference.

    Once I appear, what will I face?

    But before I think of a practical way, those people can't wait.

    At first it was a little bit weaker than those who were weak in my memory. It was a good solution, but I know this is the beginning.

    As time goes by, the real powerhouse will definitely appear!

    Can't wait!

    At that time, I decided to make a desperate attempt.


    I met Boss.

    A human being I have never seen before, obviously powerful, but extremely cautious, careful, and very fond of hiding myself.

    How do you say it with the new words now?


    Yes, that’s it!

    Go to the finals and start waving the pan.

    One of them is quite unreasonable.

    I am very saddened by the strong who have been killed by Boss. They are not the chance to defeat Boss, but Boss is too embarrassing.

    According to the description in the book, such a person should be Hui Li's injury, and it will be right.

    But my Boss not only lived well, but also grew stronger and stronger, gradually began to transcend the power depicted in the book, reaching a level that I could not understand.

    However, even so, my Boss still has a habit of swearing.

    Not diligent!

    That's it!

    Diligence is a derogatory term, I know.

    And you are a derogatory term!

    A person who is obviously rich in money but who is only interested in free things, isn’t it what?

    Not to mention, he sent him to Plinton to get the spoils.

    Of course, I know that my task is not just to get back the spoils, but the main task is really this.

    Look at this place where you can't see the sun all day long!

    I always remember the days when the cruise was initially dark.

    Thanks to the numerous contracts of Boss, I am not afraid of the sun, and even can bathe in the sun in the true sense.

    Standing in the sun and blowing the wind is my favorite thing to do.

    The task of Boss always makes me feel stressed.

    It’s good to die once in the beginning, and after being discovered secrets, it will become a few deaths before it ends. I have experienced a disaster that ordinary people can’t imagine.

    This time, I feel that I will face the biggest trouble since I have wisdom.

    "Lord Svendic, we are all ready!"

    This kind of voice was introduced into my ear after I took back Boss's spoils.

    Habitual, I am hidden in the void.

    Then I saw the black knight.

    No stranger.

    Boss had seen each other, and I naturally saw each other. In order to get me better to get the spoils, Boss shared the things he saw with me.

    But that's it.

    Other more?

    Tona couldn't count the blessing of the contract. I had a little curiosity and I had to die once.

    I watched in the void, the black knight, began to clean, set up the room named Luerte, the dead body of the guy.

    Countless things were moved in.

    One after another repeated array of laws appeared.



    "Not calling!"

    "It is coming!"

    The knowledge in my mind made me have an accurate judgment. Similarly, when I judged, my Boss already knew everything.



    "Give a fatal blow!"

    My Boss gave a command that was very unique to him.

    So, I was quietly watching what the black knight was doing, and then I found some secrets.

    The black armor in front of him seems to be confused and controlled.

    Although I tried my best to maintain my original posture, the response was slow.

    Most people can't see it, but I know too much about it.

    To know that my Boss is just one of the masters, this kind of means is not worthy of my shoes compared to my Boss.

    After that, when the advent of the legal array was finished, the Black Knights seemed to think that everything was fine, and then let everyone leave and even 'speak to themselves'.

    "Everything is ready!"


    "Wait for the disaster dragon to descend on Aiken!"

    Every time I say a word, I will pause.

    Undoubtedly, the Black Knight is talking to the person who controls him.

    And I am saddened by the existence of the black knight.

    Very simple, my Boss is in Aiken.

    And I ….

    Here he is.

    Is the coming of the disaster dragon?


    This is the rhythm of the meal to be delivered.

    I am very clear about how good Boss is.

    When the dragon of the disaster hears the name, it is a kind of supplement.

    Time passes by.

    "Yes, start the advent of the Faction!"

    When the Black Knights said this, Boss' voice was once again introduced to my mind.

    "Let him start."

    I followed the order and watched the Black Knights split their wrists, throwing some things that couldn't be named into the circle, and then began to read words.

    was successful.

    It can be seen that the other party has been preparing for a long time.

    However, it is doomed to failure.

    Because, the sound of Boss sounded again.

    "Get rid of him."


    Waiting for a long time, I will beheaded the black armor.

    The head flew up and the blood spattered.

    The advent of the Faction was suddenly broken.

    However, there is no complete failure.

    Instead, it is still running barely.

    "It's beautiful, the upper evil spirit."

    Boss's praise sounded.

    Is this the first time?

    Boss praised me for the first time!

    I am very happy. It seems that everything I have suffered before has become worthwhile, but it seems that there is something wrong with it, but with the sound of Boss ringing again, I once again dismissed distracting thoughts.

    "Wait for my order!"

    "Yes, Boss"



    The dragon of the disaster that was stuck in the void cave made a roar.

    You don't need to ask, the dragon of the void can be sure that the change in front of you is the ghost of the 'sacrifice' in front of you.

    Although it doesn't know how the guy who was supposed to be a 'sacrifice' does it, it doesn't prevent it from showing its own anger.

    Although it is not easy to find a suitable 'sacrifice', it is just a joke to want it to let go of each other!

    Who is that?

    It is the dragon of disaster!

    The catastrophic dragon that once ravaged the earth!


    The plague smells like a volcanic eruption, rising from the huge body of the catastrophic dragon.

    The deadly black moment enveloped the entire night sky of the city of Eckend.

    The moon and the stars disappeared at this moment.

    Birds staying in the canopy overnight.

    Dogs and dogs hiding in the corner.

    Mouse in the sewer

    All of them felt inexplicable uneasiness and danger at this moment.

    It seems that the next moment is the coming of death.

    They want to escape, but they are stiff and unable to move at all.

    Even those who have entered the emergency passage from the refuge have instinctively lifted their heads at this moment.


    "Don't know…"

    Someone unconsciously asked this sentence.

    The person who asked the question, the voice trembled.

    The same is true of the people who answer the side.

    The words of the two represent the ideas of everyone in the shelter.

    Subconsciously, these people look to Dresden.

    Dresden feels the discomfort of the body and is also suspicious.

    You should know that here is a special refuge in Aiken City, which has various protections, not only on the technology side, but also on the mysterious side.

    But even this is still affecting him.

    Dresden is completely imaginable, what kind of horror it would be on the ground.

    And this should be combined with the ground, so that the refuge can clearly see the outside of the dark display, let this horror begin to spread.

    Dresden knows that it is necessary to curb the spread of this horror.

    Otherwise, it is likely to lead to a series of terrible consequences.

    "Willis, can you see the situation on the ground?"

    Dresden looked at the 'eyes'.

    "Boss, no."

    "The power of the shelter has affected my ability."

    Willis shook his head.

    Dresden looked at the mechanic on one side.

    Similarly, the mechanic shook his head.

    Immediately, Dresden frowned.

    Willis, the mechanic is the most suitable candidate for his team. Now, these two people can't…

    "Or else let me try?"

    Just as Dresden thought about how it was good, a sizzle sounded.

    A young man with glasses came out of the crowd, and three figures walked side by side.


    EmmaEddie, Fries, Odok? ”

    A trip to Dresden.

    He is familiar with the four people in front of him. He is a good companion of his good friend 2567, but at this moment, shouldn't they be in a refuge under the charity hospital with their friends?

    Why is it here?

    The doubts in the bottom of my heart did not affect Dresden’s judgment.

    "Okay, Golan."

    Dresden nodded.

    Golan pushed the glasses and went to the dark display.

    When he put his hand on the display, the snowflake appears on the display, followed by a blurred image, and then the images become clear.

    And just in the moment when the image is clear.

    Everyone sucked a cold breath.

    Not just the people in this shelter.

    It is all people in the whole city of Eckend.

    They looked at the huge body of the catastrophic dragon.

    They looked at the dark sky that was dead.

    "Oh, my God!"

    "What is this?"

    Someone couldn't help but exclaim.

    The children were scared, and they were crying, but they were smothered by their mothers, and they did not let the cry spread.

    But this kind of low sobs is even more alarming.

    However, as the angle of the ground camera shifted, everyone found it, and that stood on the ground, facing the huge monster.

    The same black.

    But more profound.


    "That, that is…"

    "Overeating King!"

    The exclamation sounded again, but this time it was not a panic, but a surprise.

    That's how people are.

    In the face of a strong unknown, there is always hope for protection.

    This is not shameful.

    Because this is instinct.

    Those who can forget this instinct and stand in front of all people and protect the people behind them are called…


    For a moment, everyone looked at the black figure and the gaze changed.

    Golan is quietly walking back to the queue.

    As soon as he walked in, the body of the young man with glasses swayed.

    Connecting the monitors of all shelters is not as simple as it seems.

    "Good job."

    Odok helped Glan.

    "For adults, this is my glory."

    Golan has a weak smile.

    The conversation between the two is very light, the people around can't hear it, or, to be precise, everyone is attracted by everything shown on the screen.

    The next moment, these people screamed.

    Because, the silence shrouded the black of the entire night sky of Aiken City, like a meteorite falling, straight down.

    And the black figure on the screen, there is no retreat.

    He is skyrocketing.

    Straight to the piece of black!

    (End of this chapter)

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