1592. Chapter 1479, mutual obsession

    The old lady who cooks the soup is smiling.

    "Green onion coriander, green onion coriander…"

    The other party is chanting.

    And 'gluttony' does not pay attention to this, he only wants to eat the perfect food, delicious food, of course, if not good enough, he will still eat.

    Food should not be wasted.

    The 'gluttony' with such a creed naturally started the bowl.

    However, it was not even waiting for him to drink in his hands, and the soup bowl was gone.

    Not only the soup bowl, the soup pot, the bridge and the old woman are gone.

    It turned into a fog completely.

    When the fog spread, the 'gluttony' found himself standing on the bridge again, and the old woman stood on the bridge and licked the soup.

    Green shallots and parsley were placed in the pot by the other side.

    "Add chopped green onion and parsley and drink it."

    "It's better to forget everything."

    "Before the past, buried in the loess."

    The old woman handed the soup bowl to the 'gluttony' with a smile that was just as amiable and kind.

    After the green onion and parsley were mixed, the taste of the soup was immediately different. The smile on the 'gluttony' face and the smile of the old lady became more and more brilliant.


    "Why isn't it a bone soup?"

    'Overeating' opened his mouth and asked.

    The granny's smile was sluggish again.

    The dense fog reappears and starts again.

    "Bone soup, add chopped green onion and parsley, drink it."

    "It's better to forget everything."

    "Before the past, buried in the loess."

    The old woman handed the soup bowl again.

    "Why not a big bone?"

    'Overeating' asked the bowl.

    The smile is once again sluggish.

    The dense fog reappears and starts again.

    "The big bone soup is made, with chopped green onion and parsley, drink it…"

    "Can you add meat?"


    "The big bone soup is made, with meat, chopped green onion and parsley, drink it…"

    "Can you put some winter melon again?"


    “The big bone soup is made with meat, melon, chopped green onion and parsley. Drink it…”

    "Winter melon should not be sliced ​​whole."


    "The big bone soup is made with meat, melon slices, chopped green onion and parsley. Drink it…"

    "Is there rice? Give me a bowl. ”


    “The big bone soup is made with meat, melon slices, chopped green onion and parsley, served with rice, and drank it…”

    "What about noodles? I think noodles should be there too. ”


    “The big bone soup is made with meat, melon slices, chopped green onion and parsley. It is served with rice and rice noodles.”

    "Forget everything."

    "Before the past, buried in the loess."

    Restart again and again.

    The figure of the old woman is more and more illusory. At this time, it is like a virtual shadow, as if a gust of wind can blow her away.

    But she did not realize it, and she was obsessed with the 'gluttony' that was also extremely persistent with food.

    The heavy spoon in her hand was picked up again and again, and again and again.

    This time, when she saw the 'gluttony' bowl and the smile on her face, the spoon in her hand was lifted high, and she waited for the moment of 'gluttony' to drink the soup.

    That is when she harvested.

    But the next moment, she jumped on the eyelids.

    Because, 'gluttony' put down the soup bowl and looked at her.

    "can give me……"

    Rime table

    The 'gluttony' has not finished yet, and the illusory figure of the old woman is scattered with the wind.

    The 'gluttony' reaction was extremely fast. He did not care about the disappearing old woman. Instead, he held the bowl with one hand and firmly grasped the soup pot with one hand.

    The smile appeared on the face of 'gluttony'.

    He poured the soup in the soup bowl into the soup pot, then took the pot and drank it all down. Then, he did not forget to eat the bones of the bottom of the pot, the melon and the rice and noodles on the side.

    After eating all this, 'gluttony' turned around and looked around.

    He hopes to find more food.

    Naturally, he looked under the bridge.

    The turbid river that can't be seen clearly is like a tidal wave, rolling and flowing.

    Then, when a black shadow flashed through it, the 'gluttony' eyes brightened and jumped without hesitation.


    The water splashes about.

    The world is changing.

    'Overeating' did not find a black shadow, and it was impossible to determine whether it was a big fish.

    On the contrary, he felt that he was twisting his body and making a 'beep' sound.

    Looking down, he saw the snake's body.

    Very young.

    It's fragile.


    He struggled to find food, but nothing around him.

    A ridiculous.

    Death comes

    If there is no reason, he saw a soup-old old woman.

    The old woman who can't see the face clearly, with kindness and kindness, does not hate when she looks at him. All she has is equal.

    Poor little guy.

    The old woman took the soup and fed it to him.

    Very warm, but I can't taste anything.

    He is eager to drink more.

    But the old woman touched his head and shook her head slowly.


    "Three bowls are the limit."

    The old woman refused, but he pleaded with the old woman, and the old woman extended her hand and pierced the index finger. A drop of blood dripped into his mouth.

    Then, he was picked up by the old woman and placed in the ring of shining light behind him.

    "Let's go."

    "Don't cry hungry when you see you next time."

    The old woman waved her hand.

    He entered the gate.

    When he entered the gate, he forgot everything.

    He became talented and became very powerful.

    He ignored everything.

    He dares to challenge everything.

    He dared to devour everything.

    He is gradually called the 'devoteter'.

    He has eaten everything, everything has become boring, he is ready to eat something that makes him feel good.

    For example: own body?

    For example: your own soul?

    He took a sip.

    very delicious.

    Exceeding the taste of his imagination.

    Especially the soul.

    Originally, I just wanted to take a bite. As a result, he didn't hold back.

    HeDevoured himself.

    He has only a huge body.

    He disappeared.


    "Hey, hello, how is this guy?"

    The familiar sound sounded, and 'lazy' shook his head and woke up from the inexplicable illusion. He found that he just felt that he had just finished eating and he was all right now.

    Moreover, he seems to feel that he is somewhat different.

    But it seems to be the same again, no difference.

    Very weird feeling.

    It is extremely real.

    Really wants to taste his own flesh and blood.

    However, the vigilance that appeared in his mind stopped him.

    He did not forget to devour his original taste, not to forget the last pain.

    Such pain, he does not want to try.

    Are you OK?

    The voice of 'lazy' sounded again.

    "No, I am just…"

    "What is it?"

    I thought that something unexpected 'lazy' appeared immediately.

    "I am just hungry."

    'Overeating' answered truthfully.


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