1324. Chapter 1233 is not conventional

    For five days, Qin Ran did not leave his own room, except for the necessary food, leaving the crazy knowledge of the crows taught by Maxim.

    And such an approach is naturally very fruitful.

    [name: mysterious knowledge.Crows (proficient)

    [Attribute related: none]

    [skill category: auxiliary]

    [Effect: You have already understood the secret knowledge of this genre, you can interpret all the basic knowledge and some advanced knowledge related to this genre]

    [Consumption: None]

    [learning conditions: no]

    [Note: Each genre has its own characteristics, and their knowledge is never the same, and this knowledge is far more useful than imagined. 】


    "Time is almost up."

    Qin Ran said while standing up from the table.

    Within five days [mysterious knowledge.The Crows have reached the level of proficiency and have fully met the expectations of Qin Ran. It is not so easy to reach the expert level.

    This is true even with the teachings of Maxim.

    What's more, Qin Ran's time does not allow him to spend more time on learning.

    "Maxim, I need you to transcribe and sort out the knowledge about the crows."

    Qin Ran ordered, and the footsteps went outside the room.

    "Okay, adult."

    Maxim answered with respect and respect.

    Compared with the respect of Qin Ran in the past, Maxim at this time is no longer a fear of Qin Ran's strength, but a complete and thorough conviction.

    It is amazing!

    As a record of the crows, Maxim himself has the responsibility of teaching other apprentices.

    However, Maxim has never seen such a smart person like Qin Ran…No, it can't be said to be smart. The kind of talent that learns others for one year and five days to learn others for ten days, only the genius can explain, especially after the basic period, the ability to give inferences is even more Maxim admired.

    Maxim also clearly remembers that when Qin Ran completed the basic knowledge of the crows on the first day, he issued a sigh of 'up to a month, you can be a teacher.'

    Can it be now?

    Four days later, Qin Ran reached this level.

    You know, this is the extent that most Crows core people can achieve.

    Thinking about the time it took to reach this level, Maxim had only a bitter smile.

    More importantly, he was called a genius at the time.

    "Sure enough, people and people can't compare."

    After the Crows Recorder sighed, he began to complete Qin Ran’s instructions.

    Perekna, who was sighed by the crows of the crows, almost immediately understood the other's mood, because she also had such a mood.

    However, this does not prevent the snake sergeant from ridiculing the old opponent.

    "Do you think everyone will be like you?"

    "Adults are different from you."

    The female leader of the snakes sneered out.

    "Yeah, adults are different from us."

    "Don't you be there?"

    The crows of the crows recorded in the transcript did not lift the head back.

    "Of course I am in it."

    "But I am also one of the more advanced, very close to the adults."

    The female leader of the snakes said, and did not wait for the crows to answer the reporter, and quickly left the room.

    If Qin Qin is not here, she does not want to stay for a long time.

    "Big words."

    Apparently, the crows of the crows had the same thoughts as the serpent female chiefs. After watching the other's backs scream, they transcribed in a more focused manner.


    "Have you found him?"

    Qin Ran asked the female leader who followed the snake.

    "Found, follow your instructions, Snake, they have been staring at him."

    "And, what you need is also ready."

    The snake chief female leader nodded.

    When talking about the former companions and subordinates, the female leader of the snakes had complex emotions on his face.

    Can disappear immediately.

    She is very clear that the banshee's ring is terrible.

    Once controlled, there is really no possibility of recovery.

    As for resentment Qin Ran?

    She won't.

    At that time, the relationship between the two sides was doomed to be normal.

    Even if it is not Qin Ran, she may not even see a familiar face.

    And thanks?

    Nature can't talk about it either.

    Not resentment, not thanks.

    But it is mixed with the silk.

    No one knows what the true feelings of the snake chief female leader at the moment.

    Therefore, Qin Ran saw such a look and ignored it.

    His judgment on most people is dangerous or not dangerous.

    Dangerous vigilance, removal.

    Not dangerous vigilance.


    Sorry, Qin Ran is not used to doing useless work.

    Just like this time –

    "lead the way."

    Qin Ran said very simply.

    Immediately, the serpent female leader crossed the Qin Ran and hurried forward.

    The two did not take the vehicle.

    Not to mention unnecessary arbitrage.

    So he left Warren's palace, and after entering the inner city of Lölder, he walked straight to a street in the inner city.

    Compared with the lower towns where civilians and merchants gather, the aristocrats and knights who belonged to Lölderley here.

    However, when there was a battle with the 'Prairie,' it became empty.

    It is difficult to see other people except the patrolling guards.

    Even if the city is getting more and more prosperous, and returning to Lilled's glory in the past, it is still quiet.

    Qin Ran did not kill the nobles.

    But those who have the courage to return here, but there is nothing.

    There is only one life.

    No one will take a precious life to gamble that Qin will not open the net.

    The original owner did not return.

    It naturally became the property of the Warren royal family, and was allowed to be disposed of by the Warren royal family.

    Simply put, the inner city is considered Mary at the moment.


    Someone did not come in.


    Snake I, Fink, and Tosta, who were responsible for stalking, immediately saw the Qin Ran and Peric Kenna from the corner and bowed.

    "The target you let me stare has not left here."

    "Four days ago, another middle-aged man came to see the situation as the servant of the target."

    “Besides, no one else is close to here.”

    "They also didn't buy food, they should have their own dry food."

    The three original snakes said very carefully.


    "Go knock on the door."

    Qin Ran nodded and said.

    The snake immediately went to the tall iron fence gate and tapped the bronze ring on it.

    Hey, hey!

    The crackling percussion immediately echoed on the empty street.

    A moment later, a middle-aged man wearing a leather armor with a short sword at his waist and a mercenary dressed up but with a clean face came out.

    The other party saw Qin and immediately appeared a smile on his face.

    "Lord White Wolf, the otter, waiting for you for a long time."

    The other side opened the door.

    When the other side straightens up, the whole person stays there, and the smile on his face is even stiffer.

    Because the serpent female leader stood in front of him with an arrest warrant.

    The arrest warrant is clearly written –

    Charge: privately slanders.

    Criminal: Mink.


    Executor: 2567.

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