Following Xiaoying's words, the rest of the people began to increase their vigilance, including Principal Huang.

No one can imagine what happened in the female dormitory of XX University. After President Huang received the news, he was even more angry.

His fiery temper was about to break out, but because Lin Xin and others were in his office, he suppressed himself. He didn't lose his temper because Xiaoying didn't tell the school about it, but because the school security's poor care made him angry.

"Xiaoying, why didn't you tell the school about this?" After a long time, Principal Huang asked in a deep voice. He finally suppressed his temper, but there was still a trace of anger in his tone.

Seeing President Huang suddenly throwing the problem to herself, Zeng Xiaoying couldn't help but raised her head and glanced at him. When she saw the seriousness in his eyes, she was scared to say a word.

Lin Xin saw Xiaoying's trembling body sharply, and said softly to her: "Xiaoying, this is not your fault, so don't be afraid. Principal Huang is asking you something, just tell her Let him. Don’t be nervous, after you tell the truth, we will be able to find the murderer of Chen Yanling more quickly."

When Xiaoying saw Lin Xin's gentle eyes, she took a deep breath, and then bravely said the decisions and thoughts she and Chen Yanling had made after the incident, and informed them one by one.

"When this happened, Yanling and I were very scared. However, we thought that we might have forgotten to pack our underwear, so we decided to search every corner of the house first. However, No matter how we searched, we didn’t find the underwear and **** that were missing. Therefore, we began to suspect that someone might have stolen them. Then, we checked the balcony and other places, and we didn’t see the window or anything. The traces of opening, I guess we must have forgotten to close the window at the time, and the person who stole the underwear took the opportunity to break in. Actually, this is also the carelessness of Yanling and I. We forgot to close the window after drying our clothes, so That led to the bad guys taking advantage of it.” Xiaoying slowly told the story of the incident, and afterwards, she became bolder.

"Xiaoying, did you just say that all the underwear and underwear that you wore and have not been washed are also placed on the balcony?" Lin Xin asked curiously.

When Xiaoying heard Lin Xin mention the matter, her face blushed slightly. She lowered her head and didn't know how to answer her for a while. After a long time, she said: "Sometimes we are too lazy to wash clothes, so we just leave them on the balcony or even in the living room. Until the clothes are not enough to wear, we will rush to wash them. Therefore, the clothes we wear are waiting. Sometimes we will be thrown away on the balcony."

At this time, Yang Cong and others were open-mouthed. They never thought that a female college student could be so lazy that they really didn't understand what they were doing all day.

However, these are not issues that they must pay attention to, so after listening, they did not take it to heart. However, in Lin Xin's mind, she felt that perhaps the gangster who stole their underwear had been peeping at them for a long time, so she knew the law of their clothes drying and washing.

She thought that in addition to acquaintances, strangers can only use this voyeuristic way to grasp every move of the girls.

"What happened afterwards?" Principal Huang continued to ask.

He still didn't understand why they would not report the matter to the school.

After Xiaoying glanced at Principal Huang, she said tremblingly: "Since we have encountered this kind of thing for the first time, we felt a little hesitant and scared, and didn't know what to do for a while. Then, I said it's better to tell the school. , But Yanling said that she wanted to tell her boyfriend about the incident first. I couldn’t help her, so she asked her to call her boyfriend. Then, her boyfriend told her on the phone that it happened for the first time anyway, probably later It won’t happen anymore. It’s not a big deal to have a few underwear stolen, so I don’t think there is any need to make things big, and just be careful in the future. It’s because of this that we didn’t tell the school about the matter. Then, since then, Since then, Yanling will come back to the dormitory less often, leaving me alone in the dormitory, and I am also afraid that this gangster will spend it again, so I pay attention to it every day, hoping that I won’t encounter this kind of thing again. As time passed, the gangster didn't seem to come back, and we gradually forgot about it. I didn't think about it again until you mentioned it to the police officer."

After hearing this, Lin Xin nodded and said "Um".

At this time, although Principal Huang’s face was slightly relieved, he still asked angrily: "Xiaoying, who is Chen Yanling’s boyfriend? Why is this man so scared? He actually knew about it, but he still Saying that he doesn't need to report it to the school, will he take it too lightly?!"

"Yeah! I think so too. He can care so indifferently when his girlfriend encounters this kind of thing. What kind of man is this!" Just after Principal Huang began to question, the police officer Tang sitting on the side was already already. Can't bear it, in line with his roaring loudly.

The two impatient men sang together in front of Zeng Xiaoying, and immediately frightened Xiaoying and bowed his head again.

Lin Xin felt a little funny in her heart when she saw them like this. However, deep in her heart, she thought that it was because of the students' cowardice that Chen Yanling was killed today, so she sighed involuntarily.

So, she waited for the yelling of President Huang and Officer Tang to stop, and then asked gently: "Xiaoying, have you ever wondered who stole your underwear?"

Xiaoying nodded and said, "Yes, we all had doubts. We thought this person was probably the work of a boy in the school. Because Yanling is very beautiful, and many people chase her, so I I thought it might be that one of Yanling's suitors was not reconciled to Yanling having a boyfriend, so she couldn't help but do something like this to retaliate. But then I thought about it again, and it seemed impossible. It’s because if they like Yanling, why are my underwear stolen together?"

At this moment, Yang Cong, who was standing by, suddenly asked: "Are you and Yanling's underwear stacked together?"

"Yes." Xiaoying nodded.

Yang Cong smiled and said, "If it was Yanling's suitor, how could he know whether the piled up underwear belonged to you or Yanling?"

When Yang Cong said these words, Lin Xin turned her head and gave him a look of approval. Officer Tang, who was sitting next to Lin Xin, said loudly: "Oh, Officer Yang is right! Since the underwear and **** are all piled up together, Yanling's suitor cannot guess it."

Principal Huang frowned and said: "So, according to you, the person who stole Xiaoying and Yanling's underwear is probably not a male classmate in the school?"

"It's hard to tell." Lin Xin touched her chin and said briefly.

Later, the principal's room fell into silence again. No one knows how sacred the person who stole their underwear is.

Lin Xin turned her head to look at the principal and asked, "Maybe we can adjust the surveillance outside the female dormitory?"

"Okay, I'll transfer you over in a while." Principal Huang nodded and said.

Then, Lin Xin turned around again to look at Xiaoying, and asked: "Xiaoying, how did you find Yanling's boyfriend is pedaling two boats?"

Xiaoying later showed a look of disgust, and said angrily: "I saw this with my own eyes. One night, when I came back from school alone, passing by a small park in the school, I saw her boyfriend. He kissed a girl. The girl looked like his ex-girlfriend. When I came closer, I saw that it was the two of them. When her boyfriend saw me, he threatened me not to tell Yanling. Otherwise, I'll look good. So, because I was afraid of his threat, I endured it for several days, but until Yanling came back to the dormitory to pick up something, I couldn't help but tell her..."

"Yeah." Lin Xin said.

However, just before she spoke, Xiaoying suddenly said: "That ex-girlfriend is called Xiaowei, who is also a very beautiful girl in school, and she and Yanling’s boyfriend are both rich in family. They are not on the same level as us, so I don’t understand why Yanling would walk with this boy in the end..."

Principal Huang couldn't hide words in his heart. He said in a deep voice, "This man is too carefree. Say, what's his name?"

Although the private affairs of the students are not the school's responsibility, since the murder has occurred, Principal Huang began to suspect the boy somehow. That's why he couldn't help but want to know the boy's name.

But Xiaoying turned her head to look at Lin Xin, not sure what to do. She wondered if she should say the boy's name.

Lin Xin smiled slightly and said to her: "Xiaoying, I think we have finished the question. However, we really want to see this boy, so you can tell us what his name is."

Xiaoying nodded and said, "His name is Zheng Zhiqiang."

After Principal Huang heard this, he immediately thought of this person, knowing that he was quite famous in the school, because his parents had donated a large sum of money to the school to allow them to build a library.

However, Principal Huang always ignored these, he immediately dialed the phone and asked Zheng Zhiqiang to be called to the principal's office.

And Lin Xin said to Xiaoying: "We don't have anything to do with you for the time being, you should go back first."

After Xiaoying nodded, she stood up and walked to the door of the principal's office, then opened the door and walked out.

Soon after Xiaoying left, the door of the principal's office was knocked again and forcefully. Principal Huang looked up at the door and said loudly, "Come in!"

As soon as Principal Huang's voice fell, someone was pushed in at the door. Lin Xin and the others looked up and saw that it was a young boy in sportswear who looked handsome.

After the young boy came in, he was slightly startled when he saw Lin Xin and the others, and then he said to Principal Huang, "Principal, are you looking for me?"

There was a hint of disdain in his tone, and he seemed very arrogant.

Lin Xin and others shook her head secretly after hearing this.

It seems that this person is Zheng Zhiqiang in Xiaoying's mouth. .

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