Dalong hangs the latest chapter, Chapter 0297 is in the name of truth (third, 10,000 coins, 1/2), floating astronomy

    This chapter is for the "Fantasy Death 11" million rewards plus.

    Not only must we build wooden workshops, but the supporting logging and timber warehouses must be built and built near the garden of thorns. He has already thought about it.

    In the garden of thorns that Zyra can influence, three-quarters of potions, one-fourth of ironwood, and a small amount of ordinary fast-growing thorns.

    Ordinary fast-growing thorns are the source of various thorns, and he still hopes that they will produce new variations.

    Thorns Ridge, outside the Garden of Thorns, except for the place where it can be reclaimed as farmland, all of which are planted with ironwood. Only small areas are used to grow fast-growing thorns and fast-growing thorns to ensure they are not extinct.

    In the future, Flower Town can be renamed as Stranglethorn Town.

    "Oh wow!"

    "Oh wow!"

    After returning to the castle, Zyra immediately greeted him. When Liszt took the rubber tree sprite worm triplets out of the jade box, it immediately rushed forward, grabbed one and continued to scream "wow" and "wow" .

    "Zyra, put it in the box in the worm house, don't break it!"Liszt rushed to stop.

    Fortunately, Zyra is well-distributed, it catches sprite worms, but never dares to hurt them. Because it is clear that Liszt does not allow it, this is the power of the contract, making it irresistible.

    The three rubber worms were a bit flustered.

    After Liszt's appeasement, I calmed down a little and began to crawl and crawl in the jar filled with jade powder. From time to time, I bumped into other sprite worms and said hello. They are triplets, and their minds are synchronised. Although they don't seem to be useful, they at least increase the number of Liszt's sprite worms to twelve.

    The initial excitement has calmed down, and he began to think: "There are rubber worm triplets, but there are no three rubber trees, Cordyceps…So, am I making money or losing money? ”

    Overall it is a loss.

    After all, it takes three servings of jade powder to raise them, but the range of the rubber tree Cordyceps is no different from a single sprite worm.


    He said, "I can't say no difference. At least I don't know the extent of the rubber tree Cordyceps, maybe three times that of common Cordyceps. And three of them were born at a time. When the small sprite is evolved in the future, is it three times more successful? ”

    Staring at the rubber bug triplets that are leisurely crawling, he feels that this variation will definitely not be a gradual increase.

    There must be magic, but it was not discovered.

    If you can't think of it, let go of your thoughts.

    Cross the aisle and chat with the Kraken Aisha. Aisha still hasn't succeeded in releasing the water arrows. She is working hard to engrave the magical array. She is very serious and diligent, and she is holding magic books for research almost all day.

    Sometimes Liszt is thinking, don't take the innocent and pure Siren into a crazy woman like Curtis Truth.

    After all, most of the magician's brains have some problems.

    "Aisha, take a break, don't be too tired."

    "Not at all tired, my brother, Aisha will soon be able to engrave the magical array of water arrows. Oh, then Aisha is the magician Aisha…Right, my brother, do you want Aisha to change his name? The magician seems to be surnamed the truth. ”Aisha pondered seriously.

    Liszt can't help but smile: "Aisha Lloyd's Truth, it sounds very powerful."

    Aisha shook his head and said in one word: "No, it should be Tana Heath, Urapauni, Celerno, 琉Kelaya, Furkus, Buniseis…Kassandra Aisha Roydes Truth. ”

    Hearing this long list of names, Liszt couldn't help but think why it was a little sea monster that Haisheng Haiyang and Lian people had never seen before. He had to give himself such a long list of names.

    Haven't waited for him to return to God from the shock of his name.

    Aisha laughed at the hip-hop: "Hey, listen to your brother, call Aisha Lloyd's Truth."It turned out that she was just a joke.

    Struggling to confuse her hair.

    Liszt sighed at the bottom of her heart. The little stunned shark that had been shivering at the beginning had learned to make fun of the pigs. It was better to protect her, so that the dirty society would not affect the purity of Aisha.


    The construction of wooden workshops is progressing rapidly.

    The town has five carpenters and a group of carpenter apprentices. Under their guidance, hundreds of serfs continued to fight for a few days, and the wooden workshop near the Garden of Thorns was built.

    The original earthwork workshop has no technical content.

    The lumberyard is also easily built, built a few shacks, and then saw the fast-growing iron thorns into a section and cut into sheets.

    The timber warehouse is simpler. Just draw a piece of land, set up several pillars, weave it into a roof with wattle and wheat straw, and fix it on the pillar. It is a timber warehouse. Those thorns and irons that were too late to be cut were temporarily transported to the warehouse for stacking.

    After the completion of the wooden workshop, Liszt also painted a few pictures of the wooden furniture.

    "This is the drawing of the drawer. You can see it carefully. When you make the cabinet and the table, remember to add the drawer. The style should be full of imagination…This is the shelf, which is very different from the bookshelf. The bookshelf is used to put books, the shelf is used to put valuables, and the grid is large and small. ”

    Like the rocking chair, the drawers and the shelf are two other new furniture selected by Liszt, ready to be launched to the nobility.

    In fact, there are baby shakers that can be considered, but poor babies can't afford ironwood shakers. Aristocratic babies have servants who don't need special shakers. It doesn't make sense to invent them.

    Wait until all the carpenters get the drawings.

    Liszt took out the new practical lifestyle that he had only recently thought of: "It's called a hanger, as the name suggests, used to dry clothes…"

    As a nobleman, no need to wash clothes, not to wear clothes, are done by servants.

    But when he admired the castle's best maid, Lily Li, drying clothes, she found that the clothes were directly placed on the ropes to dry, and when I received the clothes, especially the dress of Fraque Abigie, it was also placed on a wooden horizontal wooden frame. On the top, it is easy to leave creases in the waist.

    In other words, there are no hangers.

    Modern hangers are usually made of wire, and the Grand Duke of Sapphire is iron-deficient. It is impossible to use iron hangers. Polished wooden hangers, the support is round and will not break the shoulder shape of the clothes. Drying the dress is the most suitable choice, and the material is also very convenient.

    Hangers, rocking chairs, drawers, shelves.

    Wood workshops will be launched one after another.

    But these are all new furniture, which is bound to cause a home revolution. Liszt does not expect them to bring much profit, because the carpenters of the foreign aristocrats look at them and probably know how to copy them.

    To occupy the market, you have to rely on the quality of thorns and iron.

    Ironwood quality combined with lower prices, such household items, is definitely the favorite product of small and medium-sized nobles. By that time, the wood workshop could produce both household items and ironwood-quality spear rods and shafts for the tulip. The Ironwood era of Flower Town will soon come.

    The name of Zyra will also be heard on Coral Island.

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