The Dean Has Arrived

Chapter 504: The Wind of Magic on the Grassland (Part 1)

"Teacher, can this really help us fight back goblins?"

The centaur boy flicked his tail, holding the magic wand that Xiwei adjusted overnight, and asked suspiciously.

It’s no wonder that he suspected that compared to his nearly two-meter height and muscle-knotted arm, the wand that was produced as a sample looked as delicate and fragile as a branch from any tree. .

This always gave Gila the feeling that she would bend this strange weapon if she accidentally applied a little force.

"Jila, remember, as a magician, the most useful part of your body in the future is your head, not your biceps."

Sivi sighed, and had to step forward to correct his new student's ideas and actions-he was holding a wand with a tomahawk.

"Are you talking about using the head hammer to end the enemy? I think this method of attack is more useful for unicorns..."

The centaur suddenly realized.

"..." Xiwei swallowed the spit rushing to his mouth.

Forget it, anyway, it's just to make these centaurs become magic swordsmen, most of the battles still rely on physical strikes to exert their power.

However, Xi Wei immediately began to correct the opponent's actions after letting him go.

"You are not allowed to poke stones with the head of the wand, nor twist the spar on the wand!"

The soul is pale, the one on the head of the stick is the crystal of the elements, it is very expensive, OK...

After retraining the centaur with ADHD, Xiwei began to teach him the basics of magic.

Because I did the same thing with Alyssa and Tio a long time ago, Xiwei finally had a feeling of being familiar with the road this time.

Only every time he said a few words, the centaur boy Gila raised his hands up and asked him questions.

"What is the magic element?"

"Why do we need to close our eyes when we perceive them?"

"What is mental power?"

"Why do our thinking produce spiritual power?"

"Mental power clearly emerges from the head. But why does magic power arise from the body?"

"What if I can't perceive magical elements?"

Cold salad, soul light! Have you asked enough!

Xiwei is big.

It's not that he can't answer these questions, but that some of these questions belong to the basics of the basics. If you follow them step by step, you will quickly talk about them, and some of them are more profound theories. It’s like everyone knows that an apple will fall to the ground, but why it falls to the ground has to start with gravity, and when it comes to gravity, it involves the concept that the earth is round...

To put it in a simple and understandable way, children who are just beginning to learn to read want to discuss the ‘value of life’ with adults on such an extremely heavy and difficult philosophical topic.

Damn, you can't understand even if I tell you!

"It’s a good thing to have a thirst for knowledge, but you will inevitably encounter some incomprehensible magic formulas and theorems in your study. At that time, you only need to remember those formula theorems or proper nouns. You have to explore it yourself." In the end, Xiwei could only say so ambiguously.

After all, he would not specifically attack the other's curiosity and inquiry psychology.

As a result, the centaur boy who received Xiwei's "encouragement" appeared more motivated.

——Adric College. District 3——

"So we have to select thirty teachers. To teach those centaur how to use magic items, right?"

After listening to Xi Wei who was sitting behind the desk, Fett nodded with a clear face.

"But our college can't allocate so many professors right now? Even if we count the temporary professors of Huolian, the number of professors in Adric will not exceed 30. If all of them are removed at once..."

Immediately afterwards, Fett, who knew more about this college than Xiwei himself, frowned his delicate eyebrows: "Are you going to give up the education of the students here for those centaur?"

"of course not."

Sivi shook his head.

Adric is his base camp, and of course he would not do anything that would take away all those professors at will.

"I didn't say that it must be the professor who went there."

"Huh?" Fett's eyes were hanging high, and the double pony tails behind her head shook with her movements, ignoring gravity: "Are you trying to post tasks for students to do?"

"As expected of my secretary." Xiwei gave a thumbs up to the ghost girl.

"Ashamed of your size!" The girl was hysterically tugging at her long hair: "Why should the students do this kind of thing?"

"Accumulate experience and expand experience. When teaching others, let yourself learn from the past and learn the new... something?"

"Why is it an interrogative sentence?"

The ghost girl floated in front of Xiwei, her eyes fixed on his face, as if to see something from above.

"Fett, didn't anyone tell you..."

Xiwei and the girl looked at each other for a while, and then said slowly.

"Wh, what?" The ghost girl who found herself too close to Xiwei stiffened, her eyes erratic.

"The temperature around your body seems to be slightly lower than other places." Xiwei said seriously, "I'm a little cold..."


"Why are you suddenly angry?!"

Xiwei avoided a vase thrown by the opponent's mage, and asked in surprise. The answer to him was a specimen of the head of a moose-nosed tapir that was originally hung on the wall and is now flying towards him.

"You really don't understand a woman's heart." The precious specimen that could speak Hugh Men's language for some reason was thrown to pieces in a sigh.

After a long absence of ping-pong ping-pong, Fett asked Xiwei seriously again: "What kind of consideration did you make the students go to that place? You must know that it has not been probed by humans. Everything is still unknown. Without perfect preparation..."

"There is no real preparation in this world, my clerk." Xiwei took out a wand with repair magic. He began to gradually change the messy room back to its original state.

"Oh, almighty lord, thank you for your mercy. I thought I was really going to be favored by the Lord this time."

The weird specimen with a deer head but a nose like a walrus nose sighed with lingering fear.

But no one or a ghost in the room ignored it.

"Okay, let me change the question, why don't you just use some other method to stop the goblins?" Fett floated into the air, facing Xiwei away, with a serious expression on his face: "If it were you , There must be a way, right?"

Indeed, magic positions, super-large ritual magic, or simply summoning a lot of thick-skinned, powerful and powerful alien creatures, these can all be considered as solutions.

But Xiwei chose the most thankless one.

When the ghost girl wanted to come, he must have done this with his own considerations.

Maiden, you think too much, in fact this product is just to complete the task...

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Xiwei scratched the back of his head, and then began to sell it off: "Do you know when the most impressive thing is between people?"

"When?" The ghost girl is not a psychologist, so naturally she doesn't have much research on this.

"It's the first impression of the first meeting. That impression will remain in the subconscious and affect the communication between two people."

Xiwei then began to explain with a teacher's face: "In fact, the first impression exists not only between two people, but also between different races."

"My ideal is to build the world's number one magic school, but can the magic school that accepts human students really be called the'world number one'? I don't think that is the case."

"For this reason, while recruiting human students, it is best to recruit some talented human students. And I did the same... In the previous period, I deliberately increased the number of non-students in the college. The main purpose of the number of racial guards is to make students get used to inhuman existence."

"It is true that professors have knowledge and experience that students cannot currently match, but at the same time, those knowledge and experience and their life experiences have completely stereotyped the concepts in their minds and are difficult to change."

"Centaur is a very unrestrained and extremely sensitive creature. When we approached the Centaur tribe, those professors who looked down on sub-races and humanoids would easily be noticed by the other side, and finally left them behind. A first impression that we did not put them in our eyes, and it is very difficult to change and clean up the first impression."

"It is precisely because of this that I decided to send the students there. Although they are all my Edric's proud, they are still young after all, and their curiosity about external affairs must be far greater than those prejudices. Humanoids are also mostly kind. Letting them come into contact with the centaur tribe should not leave a bad impression."

"That's why I made this decision."

After speaking, Xiwei sat down on the soft leather chair with an expression awaiting trial.

"Since you have said that..." Fett sighed long, but then she asked suspiciously, "But this time you are not asking them to teach the centaurs the magic developed by our academy. How to use the item? If you remember correctly, they probably haven't touched that weapon yet?"

"The other thing I am teaching a centaur is how to use it. During this time, they have enough free time to learn how to use the thing. If they are magicians, they can learn at a speed that even a centaur who has never been in contact with magic. If it can’t be compared, then of course there is no point in going...Leave me in school and take a good tuition!"


This chapter has three thousand words. If there is no way to update it after a while, then the remaining two thousand words will be updated tomorrow (deep...

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