The Dean Has Arrived

Chapter 483: Monster in the storm

Siwei naturally didn't know what happened in the Duchy of Akrakite, which was thousands of miles away, and now he only focuses on what is in front of him. Bing@火! Chinese.

After three days of walking on the Fengkou Plateau, the unchanging scenery that is greasy has finally changed a little.

Xiwei was keenly aware that something seemed to stand upright from the ground not far ahead.

Soon, not only him, but also Frey discovered that thing-as the holy silver sword girl in the surrounding area of ​​the sanctuary, the girl’s combat literacy was already very good, and her vigilance was among the people Xiwei knew. Be one of the best.

The only thing in the group that hasn't found the thing not far away is the Saintess who is bored on the saddle of the Falcon.

As the distance from that thing shortened, Savi's wizard hat finally showed its effect.

The bright red font representing the hostility was extremely dazzling floating above the black shadow.

"...The phantom winding dragon?" He read the fonts softly in doubt.

"Do you know that stuff?" Frey turned her head, with a look of surprise on her face.

"not very clear……"

Sivi shook his head.

After confirming that there was no such biological data in his mind, Xiwei couldn't help but become more confused.

His current demonics and biology have reached the level of lv5. It can be said that after the Great Migration, all the creatures recognized by humans, regardless of whether the record is preserved or not, he can easily identify.

However, not only the monster called the Eldrazi not long ago, but also the huge black shadows not far away, were completely beyond the scope of knowledge he could understand.

"Then what should I do now? Detour?" Frey continued to ask.

The creatures that can survive in such a powerful gust of wind around them are certainly not weak things. Rather than rushing to the other side rashly, it might be better to take a detour.

After all, for Frey, the main purpose of her trip is to protect Elilia, and she is naturally happy to choose the option that can reduce the risk.

"What are you talking about?" After hearing the conversation between the two, Elilia raised her head and asked excitedly: "Did something finally show up outside?"

Frey's face immediately showed a ‘bad’ expression. After a long time together, she knows the saintly lady’s disposition that likes to foolish...

"Something unknown did appear."

Without waiting for Frey to stop, Sevi answered Elilia.

"Really? Let's go see what it is!" Little stars seemed to appear in the girl's eyes... It seems that these three days of life have made her boring to grow mushrooms.

"No! We can't prove that that kind of thing is harmless at all, if we just approach it so hastily..."

Frey immediately objected: "Master Elilia finally took a rest and recovered to her current state. If something happens, the subordinates will be to blame!"

"It's okay, Xiwei will protect me, right~"

Elilia smiled and saved Sivi from behind, surprised Sivi who was considering what to do.

It seems that Sivi's act of saving Elilia twice in a row made the girl have an indelible sense of trust and dependence on him.

Regarding this, Frey, who didn't know whether it was a good or bad thing, could only sigh.

"Anyway, opening up the horizon of mankind is also one of the purposes of our trip. If we bypass something that might be dangerous, it would be too pioneering."

After thinking about it for a while, Xiwei decided, and at the same time, in order to stop Frey who wanted to say something, he immediately added: "Let's go over and take a look. Anyway, even if something happens, I am sure of it. I will send you back to Adric in an instant."

Frey and him looked at each other for a few seconds, and finally sighed: "Why can you always do dangerous things without fear?"

"Probably because of confidence in yourself and hope for a better future."

Sivi shrugged and said half-jokingly.

Then he tugged and tied the rope to the Swift Falcon, similar to a rein. The bird immediately understood it, and after a long chirp, its wings fluttered, like an evasive airplane, it sank suddenly, lowered its flying altitude in an instant, and flew towards the dark shadow.

The closer you get to the dark shadow, the more you can feel the huge silhouette of the other party and the indescribable sense of oppression.

Soon, the true face of the other party was exposed in Xiwei's vision.

It is a giant dinosaur-shaped creature that looks a bit like Diplodocus on the earth. Its epidermis is composed of tiny dusty blue light spots, the folds of rhinoceros skin, and the burly body has sharp edges and corners. The texture of muscles, horns and claws is similar to metal, and many details are expressed through the combination of light and dust, giving people a sense of unreality like a stereo projection.

After discovering Xiwei and the others, the giant beast made a roar. Even though the voice of the other party was completely isolated by the void energy barrier, Xiwei could still judge the sound of the other party's roar from the tremor of the surrounding ground. amazing.

Moreover, the appearance of the other party that did not look like a normal life form also made Xiwei a little confused...This kind of unreality is almost like a ghost.

It's a pity that the other party is physical.

I don't know if it was with the help of the wind, the huge monster stood up all at once, and then attacked Xiwei and the others without any explanation.

Its body is not as illusory as it Every step it takes, it will leave a deep pit on the ground. At the same time, it also has an attack method similar to that of a light ball. One blocked it.

It didn't take long for Xiwei to estimate the strength of the behemoth that was trying to attack their void energy barrier.

The crusade level is about 23-25.

The physical destructive power is very strong, and it can also spit out a light ball with spell-like ability. The strange light and dust structure of the whole body also makes ordinary attacks completely ineffective-even if it is eroded by Xiwei's void energy barrier, a lot of light and dust. Let the other party's body look a bit tattered, the other party still seems to be able to continuously get supplements, and then quickly reply.

"But... if it's just like this, it's still a little too weak."

The absence of a void energy barrier that can affect Xiwei means that the opponent does not have the magic power proportional to its huge body.

When Xiwei made such a judgment, the monster named phantom winding dragon made a move that caught him off guard.

——It blew itself up. rs

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