The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 90 Mud and Rotten People (Part 2)

Who the hell is Stark?

Just read the introduction to him in the comics. He is called the super genius cursed by knowledge. In the comics, he has the 8th infinite gem in the universe the curse of knowledge in his brain. It only takes one day to fully recover. To master all the knowledge about black holes, it can be said that Einstein was sad when he saw it, and Mendeleev shed tears when he heard it.

This also led to changes in the next thing, which completely exceeded Venom's expectations.

First of all, Stark is a very inquisitive person. He spent six days checking Venom's account.

When he learned that the venom was an alien creature, Stark's sudden agitation directly overwhelmed the venom.

From the symbiote home planet where Venom was born, to how he wandered all the way to Earth, and how he possessed one host after another, Stark questioned Venom in every detail.

Out of respect for his long-term meal ticket, Venom answered Stark's questions as much as possible, but a super genius is always like a hundred thousand whys, and he can extend countless questions to one question.

Where is the symbiote home star? Who is your creator? What kind of alien is he? In what form does it exist there? Is it far from the earth? Can humans reach it in their lifetime? Will you come to invade the earth? Is your creator an intelligent creature with independent personality, or is it the common consciousness of the planet? Why didn't your siblings leave their mother? Why did you run out alone? Are you mad at your creator? How is it different from God in human religious stories?

For each of these questions, Stark will ask the end from various angles. Some questions can be answered by Venom, but some questions that are too abstract and creative, Venom cannot answer.

According to the age of the symbiont, he is still just a child. Even if he is a gifted child in the symbiont, he still cannot understand the weird and creative problems of this super genius.

Finally, Stark's curiosity about its source decreased a bit, and then Venom discovered for the first time that human emotions can be so complicated.

Stark's overly sensitive heart and emotional brain make Venom feel like he is living in a huge maze every day. Every time Stark's mood changes, the entire maze is completely reset. Venom, kicked back on the spot.

And Stark is worthy of being a brain cursed by knowledge. Venom, as a symbiont, can't keep up with the speed of Stark's brain.

Whenever Stark starts thinking, Venom can only squat in a corner, feeling countless symbols that he can't understand hit him, simply put, being overwhelmed by the ocean of knowledge.

What's even more frightening is that while Stark frantically reset the maze, he let the ocean of knowledge release water like a flood. In these two states, he jumped repeatedly at a speed that the venom could not respond to, and the venom would be kicked by the maze for a while. The buttocks will be washed by the sea water for a while.

But all sentient intelligent creatures will have requirements for their living environment, and symbionts are no exception.

If living in the body of an ordinary person is like staying in a matchbox, although it is a little narrow and stuffy, but it is quieter anyway, then living in a Stark's body is like living in a world full of countless storms and On the dangerous planet of Lightning, although the place is big enough, life here is so exciting that Venom can't even rest for a moment.

Originally, the symbiote and the host were in one mind, and being able to feel his physical and emotional changes at all times was a unique talent of their race and the basis for their survival, but now, this talent has brought a huge impact to Venom. Trouble, with people like Stark, Venom has to endure the crisis-ridden life of a primitive jungle adventure.

Stark is like a mystery that no one can solve, the external performance is only one ten-thousandth of his, but the inner full of infinite philosophy and wisdom is enough to drown any outsider who tries to pry into his heart, including this one. symbiont.

The first emotion Venom learned from Stark was tiredness, not because Stark was tired, but being a symbiont of Stark, it was really tiring.

What's even more unfortunate is that Stark is currently in a period of great pressure. He cannot relieve this pressure, so he has to find a way to find something to do for himself to divert his attention.

At this time, an intelligent creature that can communicate with him happened to appear in his body, and it was also an alien with special talents.

Stark sees Venom as his second personality, sharing the same brain power as him, able to fully understand him.

This is really great!

Originally, when Stark wanted to share his genius ideas, he couldn't find a good candidate. Peter was too young to put too much pressure on him. It turned out that he still had Obadiah to show off his new invention, but now that Obadiah is gone, Stark's overwhelming desire to share poured into Venom.

When Stark didn't sleep at all and told Venom about high-energy physics in his head for three full days, Venom learned a second emotion, which was panic.

Is this something a symbiote should learn? ? ?

This genius scientist is eager to teach his other self all the knowledge he knows, so that he can really discuss various inventions and ideas with himself, and he will have a real soul mate who can fully understand and understand him. everything of.

Stark is in a state full of emptiness and urgent need to vent. He doesn't even consider that there is an upper limit to the acceptance of symbiotes. He never thought that even with brain wave communication, you can't let a child live overnight. Learn the essence of human knowledge? ? ?

Venom was really about to collapse, just like the student who was put in the high math class even though he knew nothing, the third emotion he learned was regret, very regret.

Venom won't, Stark still scolds him, Venom is wronged, Stark still thinks he has nothing to be wronged.

What's so difficult about it? Can't you see my memory? Isn't that just an open-book exam? You don't even know how to take an open-book exam? what are you scum

For a symbiont with top learning ability, it is not difficult to learn physics and mathematics. What is difficult is to keep up with Stark's unrestrained creativity and inventive ideas closer to philosophy and metaphysics. Ninety-nine percent of the effort is not difficult , what is difficult is the one percent inspiration.

The leaping nature of Stark's thinking can't be fully understood even by symbiotes. Venom has suspected for a long time, is Stark really human? How can a human being be so complicated and difficult to understand?

If you want to say that Stark just has a high IQ, it's fine, but his personality is still very bad.

Stark left the hospital and was walking on the road. Finally, the venom that stayed in the laboratory with Stark kept chanting in his mind: Let's eat a head, just eat one, and bite them off in one bite. Your brain must be delicious...

Did someone tell you that? Ordinary people's brains are like unquarantined zombie meat. You can't eat this kind of unsafe food.

There was a puzzled emotion in Venom.

You have to eat healthier, just like me, don't you know? The brains of ordinary people don't turn around in this life, just like rotten fish without any preservative treatment.

Taste! Taste is very important! Understand? I will never allow you to devour those zombie meat to pollute my genius brain.

Forget it, I know that you aliens haven't eaten anything good, and you are actually interested in the brains of ordinary humans, a mass of water and protein, and there is no genius idea in it that can change the world like me , eat this kind of thing, do your symbiont races pick up trash for a living?

The venom sent out a series of extremely violent and angry brain waves, Stark didn't realize it, and continued to say with disgust: Is it true that aliens have this taste? Or is it that human brains are not bad in the universe? Then How stupid are other aliens? Are humans the only ones in the universe with brains?

I really can't believe how scarce the resources are for the race that regards ordinary human brains as gourmet food? Do you want some cheese balls? Special products from the earth, you can also bring some back to your poor brothers and sisters, I Pay the bill.

We're not poor! Venom said angrily.

But you act like a redneck from the country who just came to the city. Everything is good. Did you just get interested in that chocolate ball in the convenience store? Come on, so many snacks that only cost more than ten dollars Is it edible? Don't look at it, I won't go to such a low-end convenience store to buy things...

What? Eat the employees in that office building? What are you thinking? The kind of people who can't earn cheap apartment rent for a month, you even want to eat them?? This kind of people are in the first round of our Stark Group. Can't pass the interview!

The guy in the Porsche just now? No way! His hair is blond, I guess he dyed it with some fancy dye, it's disgusting, it smells like chemicals, I'm going to walk around him ...

Turn your head back, don't look like a fool who has never seen the world. Stark said in his heart: Don't embarrass me, Stark, a genius scientist and the richest man in the world, is not a fool who looks around every street.

After finishing speaking, he complained in his heart: Aren't there any tall, rich and handsome men like me in your race? I think they are more compatible with me, and you, or you can go to the football team of the middle school next door and find a big guy. , you know, the kind of surprised white guy, they'll be happy to buy you those cheap chocolates...

Venom said: I want to eat now! I want to eat chocolate! I want to eat human heads! Immediately! Or I will drag you into the wall!!!

Not now, wait a minute, Jarvis? Jarvis? Are you there? Help me go to the source manufacturer in Italy to order some special chocolate...

Yes, let them use the best cocoa beans... No! Don't use those mass production lines! That's too dirty! I'll buy a separate production line...

How long? Three weeks? That's pretty quick.

Let them hurry up and do it... By the way, we must adopt a fully mechanized production process, and don't let anyone's dirty hands touch the food I want to eat...

Packaging? No, no, no! Their gold foil packaging is really rustic. I asked a designer from Italy to design a better one. It would be better to have the Stark Group logo on it, using gold and For the red color scheme, the gold on it must use real gold, don't use those dyes to fool people...

I'm going to starve to death for three weeks, said Venom.

Why are you so fragile? Are your symbionts such idiots who only know how to eat?

No! You let me go! Don't enter that convenience store! Shit! Lemon-flavored air freshener! Get out, I hate the smell!!

Stark swayed like fighting left and right, and hit the glass door of the convenience store directly. He grabbed the edge of the glass door and yelled: I won't go into this kind of ghost place!!!! Then It's full of rubbish off the industrial production line!! Just looking at it pollutes my brain!!!

Let me in!! Let me eat!!

No, I won't go in!!

Come in!!!! Venom also roared.

No!!! Stark yelled louder than him.

Go in!!!! Venom was on the verge of collapse.

No!!!! Stark was also hysterical.

In the end, Stark still sat outside the glass door. With his firm will, or extreme hypocrisy, he won the battle.

Venom is completely worn out, and the fourth thing he's learned from Stark is never underestimate a bad guy.

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