The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 893 Starry Brilliant (Thirty-six)

In the laboratory, Otto waved the tentacles behind his back and said, I'm a physicist, and I have nothing to do with medicine and biology. If you want to study the technology of resurrecting someone, I can only start with quantum physics.

But first, I'm not an expert in this field. Second, your pile of information is useless to me. I can only do research from scratch, and the realization of research is based on ten years...

Within three days? Are you kidding me! Physics is a rigorous subject. It takes more than three days just to calculate a result. You should hire someone else!

He put down the hand holding the information, and held it up with the other hand. Ethan and Reed got together, and Ethan shook his head first and said, Although I have a doctorate in medicine, is it still necessary to resurrect humans? It's a little too ahead of its time.

Reed frowned and said, Have you found out that the key is not whether we can research this potion, but the raw material of this potion.

He rubbed the paper with the information on it, and said: Anyone with a little IQ can see that the key to the resurrection lies in the so-called Cree people. Their body tissues have magical effects, and this is completely For things outside of the existing scientific research system of mankind, it is useless for you to find scientists...

The leader of the agents stepped forward and said: You mean, this is not researched?

Reed sighed and said, I work with money, but I don't mind analyzing it for you...

Well, you keep the sample, I'll see if I can analyze the ingredients in it, but you'd better not have too much hope, if you really analyze an unknown ingredient in it, don't count on me for three days You can decipher it and recreate it, you can only go to God for this kind of thing.”

How long will it take? The agent leader said anxiously: We are under a lot of pressure, we must do it as soon as possible...

Reed took the sample and walked to the experimental bench next to him. He said, Give me two hours, and I will get the results in two hours.

After the agents went out, they breathed a sigh of relief. In the past few days, they have been wandering among various human scientists, and then received the most intelligent members of this group of human beings, with eyes like fools.

Anyone who has a little understanding of basic science should know that the period required to develop a drug out of thin air is not even a year, but a decade.

The group of generals and congressmen who don't have professional knowledge think that the materials rescued by these agents are already very detailed, but in fact, in the eyes of scientists, there is no difference between these materials and none.

The information about the Tahiti project only introduces the concept of the project and the general experimental process, and there is no record of the properties of any raw materials or the performance of the medicine.

This is very useful for politicians and generals, who can judge what the plan does, but for scientists, there is no data at all, isn't that equivalent to starting from scratch?

After hearing this plan, everyone shook their heads. Even if the agents threatened and lured them, these scientists could only say, I'm afraid you have to go to God for this matter.

However, they came to these scientists just to avoid seeing God.

About two hours later, Reed brought the analysis report, and he said, There are two news, one good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?

Before the agent opened his mouth, he said first: The bad news is that we did detect an unknown ingredient in it, which is not included in the existing field of human medicine, and its molecular properties cannot even be observed. This kind of thing, It should be the body tissue of the Cree people as mentioned in the data.”

But the good news is that according to our observations, this kind of organization has been able to achieve the goal of resurrecting people who have just died without too much complicated processing.

Therefore, I infer that if you want to revive people who died earlier, you may need a larger dosage of medicine. I mean the active ingredient, and the dosage must be sufficient. In other words, as long as the active ingredient is used in sufficient amount, it should be able to achieve Your goals.

Several agents looked at each other, and didn't know if this answer could be used for business purposes, but Reid shrugged and said: The equipment here is not good, and if I want to completely crack the secret, I'm afraid I can only go to Sta In the advanced laboratory of the Ke Building.

The agent brought the answer back, and the generals and politicians frowned. The admiral said, You mean, as long as we can find this kind of body tissue, we can resurrect these superheroes?

Dr. Reed meant this. However, he also gave another way, that is, as long as he can enter the advanced laboratory of Stark Tower, there is hope of deciphering this ingredient. At that time, he may be able to synthetically.

We have to go hand in hand. One of the politicians narrowed his eyes and said: Alien's body tissue is not so easy to find, and it needs to be used in sufficient quantities. It is best to synthesize it artificially, but Jarvis is not so good either. Easy to deal with.

I remember that in the data, a mysterious object called an obelisk was mentioned, and it was mentioned that it was related to the alien called Kerry.

Well, you are responsible for finding the clues of the obelisk and looking for the body tissues of the Cree. The admiral said, and before the councilor could refute, he said: I am afraid that Stark Tower cannot be conquered by software intrusion. If we need to use weapons, we are better at it.

People in Congress can't refute it. In this regard, the military is indeed more dominant, but the massive research results in Stark Tower...

The senator gritted his teeth and started negotiating with the admiral. Soon after, the two sides compromised with each other, one side went to attack the defense of Stark Tower, and the other side went after the traces of the Cree.

Not long after, Stark, who was in heaven, received a signal from Jarvis from the portable device on his wrist.

He frowned, looked at the screen and said, What are they doing? Didn't they agree to a network intrusion? They seem to... seem to be planning to make some physical breakthroughs???

Schiller stuck his head out, however. The display on Stark's wrist was full of data that he couldn't understand. Schiller frowned and said, Isn't this a magical creation? Why is there still so much data?

Stark rolled his eyes and said, Don't use your narrow scientific view to define science and magic. This is a magic phone. You can understand that magic provides energy, so it can appear in the soul state. I have it in my hand, but it actually follows the logic of the Stark industrial equipment, and its software system was developed by Jarvis...

Okay, you don't need to say anything, just the conclusion. Schiller covered his eyes and said.

The conclusion is that you told me that they will try to use the method of network intrusion to crack the door lock of the Stark Tower laboratory, but the information sent back by Jarvis is that they seem to plan to use physical breakthroughs...

Stark looked at that piece, and the content on the screen said: Let me see... Isn't this the guy named Ivan? They still dare to find the Russians????

Schiller stretched his head over again, and he saw that a surveillance video was being played on the screen.

Before, I wanted to invade Stark Tower, but failed. Sangbian, who was taken away by S.H.I.E.L.D., was squatting under the wall of Stark Tower at this moment, not knowing what he was playing with, Schiller frowned. Frowning, he asked, Couldn't he be trying to blow up your building?

From his movements and his equipment, that is, but Jarvis told me that his bomb had only one casing.

It may be that people in Congress drove him to use him to crack the defense of Stark Tower, but I guess he is not very happy, so he is here to grind his hands. Schiller inferred.

Stark shook his head and said: What do those people think? Before I upgraded my technology and equipment, Ivan couldn't break through. Once I died, they thought he could blow up my building?

Besides, as far as I know about the Russian, even if he wanted to take revenge on me, he would definitely fight with me face to face, and destroy the defense of Stark Tower after I died? That's not his character .”

Stark leaned back in his chair and said: To some extent, we are very similar. If he dies, I might mourn him. This is the loss of the human science community.

Are you sure they can't break through your defenses? Schiller asked.

Stark shook his head, but he didn't give a positive answer. He just held the screen and said, Keep watching and you'll know.

After a while, there were many more people standing in front of the Stark Building, downstairs, near the elevator, and in front of the display screen. Among them were many familiar faces, including Otto.

Everyone is constantly studying the building, but even if Schiller can only twist the light bulb, he can see that there is something wrong with everyone's actions.

Otto's tentacles, I don't know what's wrong, they knock here and there, but they are either lifting the bricks or picking at the cracks of the wall. They seem to be very busy, as if they are looking for something. Looks like a clue, but actually does nothing.

According to Schiller's understanding, he should be an energy physicist. Even if he wants to make a breakthrough in physics, he should start with energy.

However, Otto stayed in the lobby of the Stark Building, and seemed to have suddenly transformed into a building wall restorer, cutting out the wall bricks, sticking them, cutting them out, and sticking them on...

Those extremely advanced tentacles did not show their superiority at all. They were very inefficient when snapping off wall tiles, and only a few pieces were snapped off in ten minutes. Otto also pretended to check the structure behind the wall.

As Stark's good friend, Ethan worked very hard at this time. He tried his best to explain the structure of the Stark Building to the agents, and even took out the design drawings, but unfortunately, due to the gap in education, these The agent didn't seem to understand his words very well.

Another good friend of Stark's, Rhodes, was also called over. Although he has retired, he still has many friends in the military, so he reluctantly came over.

He was holding a mecha calling device that had been eliminated about a year or two ago, and was explaining to several people from the same military how this thing works.

He dared to explain, and several other people dared to listen, and, because the appearance of that thing was already very advanced, no one realized that it was actually an obsolete device.

Natasha was also called over because she had been in contact with Stark before. She was leaning against the wall next to him to tease Anton, as if she was very interested in this strong and handsome fellow.

In short, there were about dozens of people in the audience, all of whom were fishing for fish. After an hour of research, the Stark Tower did not move at all. It seems that according to this situation, they can continue to work for dozens of hours.

Schiller leaned back in his chair, took a sip of water, and said, I would have thought it was part of the plan, if I didn't know I hadn't planned it.

I guess, everyone can see that their purpose of rushing into Stark Tower is not pure. Even after you die, those inheritances are precious wealth for human beings and should not be stolen or destroyed by anyone.

Stark bowed his head, turned off the screen, and whispered:

You have to believe that you are not alone, and you are not fighting alone if you want to protect the future of mankind.

Schiller smiled and said, That's why I want to protect the future of humanity.

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