The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 887 Starry Brilliant (Thirty)

When the figure of Captain America appeared outside the gate of the base, everyone was stunned. Night Thrush reacted first, and he exclaimed: Captain America?! Are you... are you Captain America?!!

My God!! The bacteria man's voice was a little trembling, he said: You are the living Captain America! They say you are not dead, that you are back, but I have never seen... God, I Are you hallucinating??!

Speedball opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time. He stood next to the cabinet, and most of the figures in the cabinet were Captain America figures he collected at a high price.

The rest of the team had envied his collection countless times, and now, Captain America himself appeared in front of him.

Captain America!! You... you... I mean, why did you come here? Before, we wanted to apply for the Avengers, but they said, no one is accepting now, I really want to see you in my dreams, Can you sign me?!

Excitedly, Speedball began to rummage through the drawers under the cabinet for paper and pens, then quickly crossed the crowd and rushed to Captain America, looking for his autograph.

But at this time, Steve is not as strong, brave, and full of vitality as the figure on the cabinet. On the contrary, he is very tired now.

Even through the mask, Speedball could tell that he seemed to have aged suddenly. Under the youthful appearance, the vicissitudes of the soul were gradually revealed.

I'll talk about the signing later. He said, his voice was no longer so clear, but a little hoarse. He said, I came to you to ask one thing, about the death of Spider-Man.

The enthusiastic atmosphere in the base stagnated for a moment, but Speedball seemed to explode suddenly. He threw the notebook in his hand to the ground and said, Spiderman! Spiderman! The whole world is paying attention to Spiderman!! Why is no one paying attention? us?!!!

Obviously we are also heroes in fighting criminals! We were also injured when it exploded!!! Speedball's voice sounded like sharp metal slashing across the wall. When he spoke, the veins on the side of his neck were clearly visible, and his eyeballs were also turned outward. Prominent, obviously angry to the extreme.

Everyone is attacking us! Everyone is sympathizing with Spider-Man! Is it because he is dead?! Why can't those people think clearly?! We are all superheroes! We all want to do good, why? He's the only one who's good! And we're all bad?!

Calm down. Steve said, I'm not here to discuss this issue. I just want to know, did you see any suspicious people when the explosion happened?

Speedball poked hard on the table with the pen in his hand, and said tremblingly: What suspicious people!! Do you want to say that we are suspicious people?!! You also want to say that we are the ones who killed you Spiderman!!

The germ man came up, tugged on Speedball's arm, and comforted him, Calm down, the captain is just here to investigate, he won't misunderstand us...

But Speedball had already collapsed. He shook off his teammate's arm vigorously, supported the table with one hand and shook it, and said in a crying voice: I just want to be a superhero, I don't want to hurt anyone at all! I I just want to catch those criminals back, I don't want to cause an explosion, and I don't want to kill Spider-Man...

We all know this. Night Thrush stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder and said, You should go back and rest for a while.

After finishing speaking, he winked at his teammates next to him, and Squirrel Girl took the speedball away and asked him to go to the lounge next to him to stay alone for a while.

Night Thrasher was calmer than Speedball. He walked up to the captain and said, I'm sorry, we really just wanted to hunt down those criminals, but we really didn't have the ability to seriously investigate these criminals, which led to the tragedy.

If possible, on behalf of the New Warriors team, I will give his family a humanitarian compensation.

As for the suspicious person... Ye Thrush frowned and said, I don't know what's going on, but at that time, we saw more than one Spider-Man, yes, there are many Spider-Man...

They dress up differently, even their genders are different, but they all have the same spider compound eyes, and they can also shoot spider silk. I don't know if they are suspicious people...

Oh, by the way, there seem to be two people in the distance... I don't know if it's another Spiderman...

I hope that you can send someone to go to that chemical plant with me and describe the situation for me. I suspect that Spider-Man's death was not that simple. Someone manipulated everything behind the scenes.

Steve pursed his lips, his hand holding the shield trembled, and he said, You may think that you are living in a peaceful age, but in fact, the shadows have never left us...

Bacteria, you go with the captain. Ye Thrush said to the bacterium, the bacterium nodded, and when he was about to leave with Steve, Speedball rushed out of the room, and he said: I also go!

I'll prove to you that we're not murderers! It was just an accident! Speedball yelled again.

Others also felt some headaches. Night Thrush could only walk forward and whispered to Steve: Sorry, there are many people attacking us on the Internet. Speedball has a bad temper, and his mental state is not stable now...

It's okay, he can follow him if he wants to. Steve didn't seem to want to talk to them, just shook his head, then turned and walked out.

In the end, Night Thrasher, Germman, and Speedball all sat in the car bound for the chemical plant.

All the way in silence, Steve didn't have the slightest intention to speak, and other people also found that the heroic and powerful Captain America in their minds would also feel tired and sad.

The speedball in the back seat tightly clenched his fists, and when he looked at the scenery outside the car window, he finally couldn't help gritting his teeth and began to sob. The germ man patted his back and comforted him in a low voice.

The night thrush in the passenger seat also looked very bad. They have been under great pressure during this period of time.

Everyone wants them to stand up and apologize, but Night Thrasher can only apologize to Captain America privately and express his willingness to make up, but he cannot stand up and admit his mistakes to the public, because in that case, the team will collapse.

Speedball's psychological quality is the worst of all, but it doesn't mean that the others are good. They are just a group of young people, just like all young people nowadays, sensitive, confused, and at a loss.

In the face of tremendous pressure, everyone is holding their breath. Once one person collapses, the others will surely collapse one after another. Night Thrasher is unwilling to give up the team he has spent so much effort to build.

The cries of the speedball in the back seat made Night Thrush close his eyes in pain, and tightly held the weapon in his hand.

He had to admit that even if they could only kill him and not admit their mistakes, Spiderman's death that day still made everyone feel uncontrollable guilt.

It was the same as theirs, a young, fresh life. When he passed away so tragically, they felt deep fear in addition to guilt.

Just when the members of the New Warriors team were lost in their own thoughts, there was a squeak sound of the brakes, and the car flew out in a spinning motion. Li jumped out.

Captain America dragged the night thrush, and the fungus took the speedball with a distraction. Several members of the New Warriors team almost scrambled and scrambled out of the car. The car exploded in the next second.

Panic completely filled their hearts, but Steve, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, clenched his shield tightly and watched the two figures appearing at the end of the road with vigilance.

It was a man and a woman, a pair of twins, very similar in appearance, with blond hair fluttering in the wind, but when they activated their abilities, their eyes shone brightly, and in the darkness, they looked towards the wolf that was slowly approaching.

Captain America Steve, Baron Sterak sends you his greetings. The sister of the Fenris twins spoke first, and then the younger brother also said coldly: The guy who is in the way is best to get out of here, what we want is The lives of the people behind you, they saw something they shouldn't see.

Sure enough, it was you, Hydra! Stephen gritted his teeth, grasped the shield tightly, and said, You guys killed Spider-Man?!

Two cold snorts sounded, and several streamers flashed across. Stephen threw out the shield directly, and with a bang, one shock wave was blocked, while another shock wave plowed along the edge of the road.

Speedball, run!! Ye Thrush shouted, but in the next second, he suddenly froze for a moment, then shook his head vigorously, his chest heaving violently.

The younger brother of the Fenris twins, his eyes flashed, and he showed a sneer. At this time, Steve had to hold his shield to resist in order to deal with the air cannon of the sister of the Fenris twins.

He stared at the invading enemy, turned his head slightly, and said to the three members of the new warrior team: Go, they want to kill you, get out of here, I'll hold them back!

Captain, I'll help you! The most stable bacteria in the team joined the battle.

However, as a mutant, Bacteria, like other mutants, has powerful abilities, but he has not read any books. Although he can communicate with bacteria, the only thing he can do is to make the other person feel sick and vomit , or suffering from some bacterial infection-like diseases.

Long-term use of these abilities will produce great power, but in the short term, they are not suitable for defending against enemies. After he joined, Steve also focused on protecting him, and after Night Thrasher joined the battle, this situation changed. worse.

The young heroes of this group of new warriors have great strength, but not enough tactical minds. They don't think about how to cooperate with the most experienced Captain America, but they can fight as they want. Hope others will match them.

To deal with the powerful Fenris twins, Steve was already at his wits' end, and occasionally he would be disturbed by his teammates, and soon he was overwhelmed and had to retreat step by step.

At this moment, he saw that Speedball, who was standing at the back of the team, fell to the ground, twitching all over his body and choking his own neck.

The eyes of the younger brother of the Fenris twins grew brighter. Steve, who was fighting, dodged an air cannon, rolled sideways, and threw his shield at the opponent.

But at this moment, he heard a savage growl behind him, and then something came through the air, and the night thrush shouted:

Speedballs are under control!!! They have psychic powers!!!

In just a split second, the speedball, which accelerated to the extreme, hit Captain America holding the shield from behind.

The ultimate speed and strength, as well as the control over the energy field, gave his fists the ultimate destructive power.

With a bang, the fist passed through the chest, Steve's eyes widened, and he saw his own blood spurting out from his chest.

The expression of pain disappeared in a flash, and the vitality gradually disappeared.

The strong arm holding the shield hung down feebly, and then slowly knelt down on the ground. The blood-stained shield rolled a certain distance along the road, and slowly landed in front of the Fenris twins.

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