The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 879 Starry Brilliant (22)

Putting down the phone, Peter was still in a daze of shock, but at this moment, Natasha walked in, threw the key chain on the table, and said, Peter Parker, the car that picked you up is already outside the door , in order to avoid suspicion, I can't go, take your yellow mouse friend and take office immediately.

No, wait a minute, this is too sudden, why am I... I can't... How can I be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?! What are you kidding?? Peter kept stepping back, he said: This is ridiculous, how could they let me be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.??

Natasha crossed her arms, looked at him with a smile and said, Is there a possibility that you are the only one left?

Is it just me? You mean, did everyone else die?

No, think about it carefully, are other people besides you really more suitable than you?

Accompanied by Peter's thinking, the reality that is exactly the same as the scene in his mind happened just two days ago.

Nick Fury is dead, at least after multiple confirmations, he is not a suspended animation, the genetic testing of multiple samples completely matches, and the autopsy results prove that he is the real Nick Fury, and he is really dead.

However, his death does not mean that the turmoil has subsided, but it means that a bigger turmoil is coming.

First, who killed him?

Everyone thinks it is the military, even the military thinks it is themselves. They all think that it must be the people from the Tartu faction who did it, and everyone in the Tartu faction thinks that it is their colleagues who did it. hands.

While they complained about this Lengtouqing's recklessness, they also thanked him for his recklessness. With the disappearance of S.H.I.E.L.D., the force to check and balance the military was reduced.

The Congress is also aware of this. They cannot sit back and watch this situation continue to develop. The Tartu faction has always been radical. They do not agree with the system of separation of powers. They are ready to launch wars at any time and anywhere to improve their status, and the Congress cannot allow them to succeed. .

Once a war is launched, the entire political system will inevitably undergo a major reshuffle, and no one wants to be reshuffled, so the goal of the Congress is to maintain stability.

That being the case, the position of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. has become the key.

The Congress hopes that Nick Fury's direct descendants will inherit this position to continue to check and balance the military. They do have the ability to support such a person to the top, but the only problem is that none of Nick Fury's direct descendants can take the position.

Coulson died, and Hill disappeared with the information. As for Natasha, she is called Natasha. Who would dare to let her be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Ward and Mark, who emerged in the later period, are a cold-blooded and ruthless killer, a typical sniper rifle, basically have no leadership ability, and his status in S.H.I.E.L.D. is not too high. If he is suddenly promoted, it will be too abrupt .

Mark is not bad, he is an old agent, powerful, experienced in handling things, and has a good resume, but the only problem is that he is a former CIA agent, let the CIA get S.H.I.E.L.D., and let the military get S.H.I.E.L.D. it's the same.

There are still a few mutants left, but the crux of the problem is the mutants. It is impossible for Congress to immediately promote a mutant to the top after such an incident. This is not to put out the fire, but to blow the wind.

After looking for it, Congress put the target on these people of the Avengers.

In their view, these superheroes will basically not really lead SHIELD, but as long as they have a title, as long as they can maintain short-term stability, they will have enough time to screen out a suitable successor .

But these people in the Avengers are not suitable for everyone. First of all, Captain America, Steve is very suitable. People in Congress also understand him. Although he will not be biased towards Congress, at least he will not be biased towards the military. , can be impartial and relatively fair.

At the same time, his ability is also very strong, especially the promotion ability, which is very suitable for SHIELD at this stage.

The only problem is that he himself is extremely unwilling.

Steve claimed that as long as the truth about Nick Fury's sacrifice cannot be found out, it is absolutely impossible for him to take over SHIELD, and he also said that as long as he takes over SHIELD, he must find out all the truth.

Nick has been left-handed and right-handed for so many years, and not everyone is unaware of it. Even if they don't know that the situation is so serious, they can still hear a little wind.

If Captain America is appointed, he is impartial and very authoritative. Many people have grown up listening to his legends. It is hard to guarantee that they will not be affected by his words, and intelligence work will be impossible.

Not to mention Stark, he himself is already the person in charge of the Stark Group and the solar system development plan, and another S.H.I.E.L.D. is the real monopoly of power, which does not conform to the idea of ​​congressional checks and balances.

Erik the Blade Hunter is a vampire, Matt is blind, and the rest of the crew are either mutants or related to that slimy symbiote and basically useless.

And at this time, a person appeared in their field of vision, that is Spider-Man.

If the Congress wanted to investigate, the fact that Spider-Man was Peter Parker could not be concealed at all. Once they checked, they found that this kid had a good background and ability.

My parents died when I was young, and I grew up with my uncle and aunt. I am an ordinary American working family, and I am a native of New York. After I went to high school, I got good grades and was admitted to New York University.

During the school period, he did not have any bad deeds. Although he did not actively participate in club activities, he has achieved quite good results in scientific research and is a relatively valuable knowledge-based talent.

At the same time, Spider-Man is also a relatively positive image of a hero, very popular with teenagers, and unlike Captain America, who has such influential speeches and can influence public opinion.

Generally speaking, the image of Spider-Man is well-received, but not all. He is capable, but not omnipotent. He comes from an ordinary background, but being ordinary is the best advantage. In this case, he is a very the right person.

That's right, from the perspective of Congress, this kind of young people can't understand the intricate relationship and huge intelligence work of S.H.I.E.L.D., but this is exactly what they want. Spider-Man is just a transition, the purpose is to If the military is not allowed to gain control, as long as he can persist for a period of time, others will naturally take over in the future.

More importantly, arranging Spider-Man as the director will not cause a strong reaction from the military.

Because the military also knows that such a kid with no experience at all and no intelligence work at all, it is impossible to unify SHIELD, which is equivalent to that this pile of treasures is still piled there, but is temporarily kept. , and when it can't be dragged on, it's up to each other according to their own abilities.

Peter, who was regarded as an expedient measure, was still in a daze until he got into the car. He didn't understand how he became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He didn't even graduate from college.

Pikachu, who was held in his arms, shrugged his nose and said, I smell the smell of conspiracy. Tell me, after you pass by, will you face a hundred or eighty black muzzles? Or all kinds of guns? trap?

Peter caressed Pikachu's ears absently, and said, I'm not afraid of guns or traps, I have a spider sense, and I can hide from them. What I'm afraid of is...

Peter took a deep breath and said, I didn't join clubs in college because I don't know how to wink. I can't understand their messy hints, and I don't want to think about it...

University clubs are like this, and the largest intelligence agency in the world, S.H.I.E.L.D.... oh my god, I feel like I'm going to another universe soon, where the way of thinking and speaking is completely different from mine ...

With such an uneasy mood, Peter came to the base of S.H.I.E.L.D.

He thought that he would encounter all kinds of cold faces and all kinds of troubles, but what he didn't expect was that, just as he got out of the elevator, two rows of special service operators stood neatly, receiving The officer smiled and said, Director, this way please.

Peter's eyes widened, and he repeatedly confirmed that there was no movement in the spider sensor, and then he took the first step with some hesitation.

The receptionist was a female agent. Peter was just behind her and came to an office. The receptionist stood at the door and smiled and said to him: This is your office. You can go in first and wait a while. This week The work report will be sent...

Peter nodded ignorantly, walked in, sat on a chair, he paused, and then said: Well, since the situation is already like this, then we can only work hard...

After finishing speaking, he showed a headache expression and said: I hope these documents will not be more difficult to understand than the paper materials...

He took a stack of documents from the left hand side, opened it, and saw a large list of names and various strange places on it. Peter immediately covered his forehead and said, What am I going to do? Match them up. But how do I know who should go where?

Hello, this week's work report has been delivered. Another agent walked in, and he handed Peter a stack of thin documents. Peter opened it, and there were only a few words written on it:

This week's work was successfully completed, all personnel were in place, and all work was carried out smoothly without any accidents.

Peter raised his eyebrows and said, This is the work report, isn't it a bit too simple?

Yes, Director, this is not difficult at all, you can get started soon. The agent smiled and said: Next, all you have to do is wait here, and then sign each document Write up.

But how can I tell if that document should be signed? asked Peter.

This is the job of the deputy director. The documents sent to you must be signed. The agent said very seriously.

The enemies lurking here, I mean, Hydra or something, are we going to capture them, and, before Hill and the others were hunted down...

Hearing the word Hydra, the agent's smile trembled, but soon he said:

If you want to arrest Hydra, we will launch a special operation, you just need to sign the document...

Peter looked puzzled, but he didn't know what else he could do. After all, even if he had a high IQ, intelligence work was complicated, and it wouldn't be clear in a short while.

So, in the next two weeks, Peter's job was to sign every document with his name, and then receive a very short weekly report that everything went well.

Spider-Man stood in the center of the vortex, watching the people around him coming and going, working diligently, he seemed to be involved, but he didn't seem to.

Peter was sitting in the cab, repeatedly pressing a button, and the huge machine started to run. He didn't know whether the machine was running smoothly, and he didn't know whether the smooth running was related to him.

At the same time, two voices full of doubts and shock came from the congress hall and the military meeting room:

SHIELD!! Why is it suddenly so efficient??!!!

Needless to say who is the bastard?

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