The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 877 Brilliant Stars (Twenty)

Come out of there quickly! Otherwise, we will shoot!!

In front of a store in New York, several police officers stood between police cars and pointed their guns at a man in a bakery. He was a white man in his forties or fifties. He looked like a father picking up his daughter from school. There is also a small pink schoolbag on his shoulder that does not match his age.

He kept waving his hands back to keep his daughter, who was picking out bread, from coming out. He raised his hands and said, What's wrong, police officer? What happened? What crime did I commit?

Someone reported that you used the special abilities of mutants to endanger the safety of children in community primary schools. Now put down what you are holding, squat on the ground and don't move. We are going to search you!

The special ability of mutants? The man showed a puzzled expression and said, My special ability is just to produce a little glue on my nails. What harm can this do?

Dad, I've picked out the bread, can we go? Behind him, the little girl in a skirt wanted to go this way, but the man immediately pushed her behind and said, Eliza, wait, Don’t come out! I have something to say to them!”

Mr. Police Officer, you must be mistaken. I don't have any powerful mutant abilities at all, and I can't harm any children. Today is the school's open day, so I went to my daughter's school to help her with her crafts... …”

Shut up! Put your head in your hands and squat down! We received reports from other parents that you endangered the safety of other children. Get in the car with us!

After saying that, several policemen held guns and handcuffed the man. But at this time, another police car drove over. Sheriff George got out of the car and said to the police officers: Which police department are you from? Is there a warrant for your arrest? Who is your supervisor?

Although George is older, his many years of experience in the industry have made him as powerful as a lion king. His eyes scanned the faces of several police officers. He said: There is no arrest warrant, why are you arresting me? he?!

We received a report...

You can arrest him immediately after receiving a report? How did you learn the rules? Let him go immediately! Don't let me talk to your boss!

At this time, George heard the sound of the shutter. Several reporters rushed out from the crowd and pointed the microphone at several parties present. The first person who was questioned by the reporters was the man squatting on the ground.

Hello, sir, are you a mutant? What do you think about the report you received? Have you obtained the consent of the school and other parents for using dangerous mutant abilities in a community school?

But I didn't... Before the man could finish his words, another reporter spoke again: The police said you were reported by other parents. Have you considered the harm this will cause to your daughter?

Eliza, your name is Eliza, right? Another reporter rushed into the bakery and said to the little girl, Why was your father reported by other parents?

The little girl was holding the bread she had just selected in her hands. She had obviously never seen such a formation. Judging from her dress, she was just an ordinary working-class child who had not received an elite education. Therefore, Not knowing how to answer the reporter's question, she just said:

Today is the school's open day. Our teacher asked parents and students to do a small craft together. My dad's nails can secrete glue, so he has always been good at crafts. The two of us went to school together...

You mean, your father used his mutant ability to help you cheat in school and complete the work in advance, which led other parents to report your father?!

No, no, we just built a small house. There was no cheating... What does that mean?

Hasn't your father ever explained his mutant abilities to you? Has he actually been hiding it from you?

Sheriff George immediately walked in and said to reporters: Get out, don't gather around here, you are disturbing the order of the neighborhood...

We are only conducting reports to reveal the truth. Chief, are you trying to prevent reporters from supervising your law enforcement?

Of course I'm not...

George often wanted to defend himself, but what the reporter had just said had spread, and people watching were whispering. Some said that his father was destroying the fairness of the school, and some said that he might use his ability to attack the water. Poisoned...

The remaining policemen pressed harder and harder. George had to deal with the reporters' interviews, and he had to be tight-lipped so that they could not get caught. At the same time, he had to stop the policemen from taking the people away. It soon seemed that he was on his own.

The father argued for a long time and found that the police were paying attention to his daughter. He immediately became anxious. He stood up instinctively, but in an instant, he was pinned to the ground by three policemen.

The too rough movement made him scream, but George was surrounded by the reporters and couldn't get through. Just when the man's head hit the ground, suddenly, a commotion came from the corner of the street.

Everyone turned around and saw a black monster with fangs and a wide grin appearing on the street corner.

He was completely black except for a white spider pattern on his chest. George, who had worked on the streets of New York for many years, immediately shouted his name: Venom!!!

George immediately raised his gun and shot, but Venom nimbly dodged and used the buildings on both sides to bounce around. At this time, a spider silk swung over and Spider-Man passed over his head, shouting: Evil Venom!! Hurry! Stop!! I won't let you endanger the safety of New York!!!

The policemen and reporters who were so powerful just now screamed and ran away. The policemen seemed to have completely forgotten that they had weapons in their hands and subconsciously hid in the store. George quickly hugged the little girl next to him and kept patting her. He rubbed her back to comfort her.

Unfortunately, the venom landed right at the door of the bakery. The man who fell to the ground looked at the huge monster and was trembling with fear. However, the venom's attention was not on him, but on death. Staring at Spider-Man who landed across the road.

He opened his big mouth again, let out a roar, picked up a telephone pole next to him, and swung it. Not to be outdone, Spider-Man fired a spider silk to the car next to him, and used the car as a shield to resist the swung telephone pole. ,

Just when the two men were fighting in darkness and debris was flying, the police ran out of the back door of the bakery, shouting: We need backup!! We need backup!!!!

The group of reporters didn't know where they had gone. The crowd of onlookers, who didn't dare to get too close because the police had guns in their hands, dispersed as soon as Venom showed up. Now there are only two people left on the street. George, father and daughter, fighting Venom and Spider-Man.

Seeing that most of the people on this street were running away, and even the windows upstairs were closed tightly, Venom yelled again: Spider-Man, wait for me next time!!!

After saying that, he turned around and ran away. Spider-Man refused to let go, shouting as he ran: Don't run! Venom! I won't let you go!

The two figures disappeared into the New York skyline. George helped the man up, shook his head and said, Recently, two strange things have happened in New York. One is that the police and the army have begun to target mutants for some unknown reason. Then A swarm of reporters followed, like a swarm of locusts.”

The second thing is that there are more and more weird monsters and Spider-Man. Why does the pattern of the Spider-Man suit just now seem a little different from the one I saw this morning?

At this time, Venom, who was running for his life, heard Peter's calm voice coming from the communicator. He said:

Turning right at the intersection ahead, there are two fire drill vehicles 100 meters away. They are all military personnel. Their target is the owner of the clothing store on the commercial street. The reporter hid in the second and third streets of this street respectively. Among the three alleys...

You cut in from the southeast side, be careful not to hit anyone when you land. Matt's voice also came from the earphones, and he continued: Did you see the telephone pole on the right side of the clothing store? That's what you're going to do next. Weapon, by the way, it is afternoon now, the light changes, you remember, you must stand in the sun the moment you land, otherwise others can’t see your fangs and saliva clearly.”

Stop being so nagging! Venom said in a hoarse voice: The one who needs more technical guidance is the idiot Spider-Man behind me. If I don't slow down, he will almost lose me!

No way, that's a newbie. Peter's voice sounded again, he said: In their universe, he had only been Spider-Man for a few days, and he couldn't even use the spider silk launcher...

While talking, Venom had already arrived at the target location. He jumped down from the top of the building again and let out a roar of Ouch.

Ahem! Then he coughed twice, and Eddie's voice sounded: Are you okay? I heard your voice became hoarse...

Ahem... Even if you roared more than 80 times in two days! Ahem, I said I wanted to take throat lozenges, but you still didn't buy them for me, you coward... Ahem, cough...

Are those throat lozenges? What you want to buy is obviously chocolate! It will make your throat more painful!

Stop talking nonsense! Spider-Man, I am the evil Venom! I want to eat all the heads on this street! Cough cough cough... cough cough...

Watch your teeth! Watch your teeth! Take your teeth out!!

Shut up! I know!

Under the sunlight, the thin spider silk emitted bright spots of light. Following the light spots downward, there was another hand covered in uniform.

Spider-Man swung from the tall buildings and chased the target in front of him. He shouted: Doctor Octopus! Give up your evil plan! I won't let you succeed!

The Doctor Octopus running in front has the iconic eight mechanical tentacles behind him, and he is waving them in turn at this time.

The only difference is that he covers it a little too tightly. Even if the weather in New York is getting colder, it is definitely not as good as wearing a windbreaker and boots, a scarf and a mask, with the hat and mask still on. This kind of dress The style makes it impossible to tell who it is except that it is roughly a humanoid creature.

Doctor Octopus used his tentacles to swing up, and when he landed with a crash, dust and smoke rose up. He turned to look at Spider-Man and said: Spider-Man, you are destined to fail. I will destroy the entire New York!

Hearing this sentence, Spider-Man was not very angry, but was stunned for a moment. He whispered: Did I hear this sentence a few minutes ago?

Seeing Doctor Octopus start running again, Spider-Man could only start chasing, and a piece of spider silk stuck to one of Doctor Octopus's tentacles.

Spider-Man lying on the outer wall of the building is a little different from other Spider-Man. He does not have a spider silk launcher on his wrist. The spider silk is fired directly from his body.

He grabbed his own spider silk and pulled hard. Doctor Octopus stumbled and fell to the ground. One of the tentacles was tripped by a street lamp while supporting it, making a click, click, click sound and sparks. After splashing and hanging down, Spider-Man heard a scream:

Ah! Spider-Man! You are doomed to fail! I will destroy all of New York!

Spider-Man loosened his webbing and looked at Doctor Octopus in front of him with confusion, and a panicked voice came from Doctor Octopus's earphones:

It's over! It's over! He seems to have discovered that this is a robot!!...Jarvis, control him to change his lines! What? The language system is stuck?! Then control him to escape, he is coming!!

Quick, quick, quick! Activate the electric shock module! Drive him away first, Pikachu, don't press the handle randomly, we are about to be caught by him!!

Zila zila, the electric shock module has taken effect, run quickly!!!

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