The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 872 Starry Brilliant (15)

Peter returned to Stark Tower again. In the corridor, he called Coulson, but Coulson didn't answer. He called Steve again, and Steve's sad and tired voice came across:

Peter, I know you can't believe it, because Stark didn't want to tell you because he was afraid of hurting you, but I just saw the corpse with my own eyes...

Steve's voice began to tremble a little, and he said: Maybe you don't know, although Nick has a long lifespan, he relies on a special potion, which is different from my super soldier serum. The way to provide people with super strength and resilience, Peter, Nick is not like us, he is not a super soldier, just an ordinary person.

A sniper bullet passed through his chest and shattered his heart. I saw a big hole in his chest and pieces of his heart... The sadness in Steve's tone made Peter have to believe what he said .

He knew that the captain would not lie, nor would he deliberately deceive him, and, when he dealt with Nick Fury before, his spider sense also told him that the person in front of him was not a threat.

This shows that Nick Fury may be the king of agents, but his physical fitness is not much higher than that of ordinary people. A sniper bullet is enough to kill him.

At this time, Schiller's voice appeared on the phone again, and he said: Peter, don't think too much, go back to the laboratory, you will be fine in a few days, and we will tell you when the funeral is held.

I just said, they will definitely not let it go! At the beginning, I warned Nick not to go alone, but he insisted on doing this. You stood by him back then, now it's okay?! Stark's voice came from the background sound, also looking angry and sad, he said:

Steve Rogers, you have lost another comrade in arms! Now, who do you blame? The world?

I've said it a long time ago, the development of things is not as optimistic as you think, you will just have fun every day, and that group of people... those people who engage in conspiracy and tricks, they are ready to kill us anytime, anywhere!

Okay, Tony, it's not Steve's fault. Schiller's voice sounded, and because he was close to the microphone, Peter heard it very clearly, and he heard Schiller say, We did ignore that they dared to attack Nick. Let's do this...

Besides, there aren't many killers who dare to do something in Congress and escape smoothly. They must be veterans, and the person who hired him... Schiller sighed slightly and said, Before, the S.H.I.E.L.D. The contradiction is so sharp, if we say it was not done by the military, no one will believe it.”

I'm going to talk to them. Steve's voice sounded, and he said, I've got to talk to them!

That's your reaction to this? Stark's sarcasm sounded again, and he said: Your old comrades died in front of you like this, and your reaction is just to talk to them ? Go to the gang of human traitors and negotiate with them?? This is what you want?!

Okay, stop arguing, let's discuss a solution...

Peter's hand holding the phone was getting tighter and tighter. Before he heard the follow-up content, the phone was crushed into pieces with a click.

As the debris fell to the ground, a mechanical arm fell to Peter's feet, picked up the debris, and threw it into the trash can. Peter turned and Jarvis put a hand on his shoulder.

The eyes on the mechanical mask lit up, and Peter asked him in a trembling voice, Jarvis, why on earth did they do this?

Jarvis shook his head lightly. The sound of mechanical parts rubbing against each other was a bit harsh. Peter closed his eyes and turned his head in the dark corridor. He clenched his fist helplessly and said:

Whenever I think everything is going in a good direction, there will be such accidents. I think that human beings have united as one, and I think we can work together. Am I really naive?

The tall robot squatted down and looked at Peter with shining eyes. Through the shining light, Peter gradually recalled what Nick once said to him when he was persuaded to stay in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Peter, you have to know that we must seize this opportunity, seize this best period, this may be the only chance for mankind to step into the universe. Nick looked into Peter's eyes and said: We need more Talent, this is not something to be ashamed of, this is the dream of human beings, no matter which human beings in the universe, they must all think so...

There was a different kind of light in Nick's eyes. From his tone, Peter heard a sincere hope that was completely different from his usual temperament. He said: We don't have much time, so we need more people to come. Work hard for it, don't you?

Director Ferry, every research is done step by step. Even if we send 10,000 people to the Mercury base to lay all the foundations, we still have to wait for the research on the building components to be completed. Peter pushed his glasses. He explained: Scientific research cannot be rushed. If you are in a hurry to produce results, it is easy to make mistakes, and the loss will be even greater.

Nick took a deep breath and said, Peter, I understand you. You are a researcher and will be as rigorous as possible, but you may have to try to understand the current situation...

What's the matter with the current situation? Isn't it good? Peter shrugged and said, Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, whether it is the research and development of aerospace technology in various countries or the research of various technologies at the Mercury Base, a few days ago, I just heard from Dr. Dora that another project has been closed, and it has achieved quite good results.

Peter looked at Nick and said, Director, you may be a little anxious. In fact, with such a steady development, sooner or later, human beings will be able to step into the universe and travel between the stars and the sea.

Nick walked back to the desk and sat down. He said, Peter, as a child of the new era, you may not know that it is not the first time that human beings have approached this great goal infinitely.

In that era that you don't understand, we did even more than now. In that era when basic science was advancing by leaps and bounds, all human beings cherished that we were about to leave the shackles of gravity and fly freely in the universe. dream.

Perhaps you have seen many rusty rockets and space model toys in museums of that era, and that is not a special case.

I was born in an ordinary farmer's family in Alabama. The only toys I owned were small rockets that could be ejected one by one.

The principle is very simple. There is a spring at the bottom of it, and it can fly a little by pressing it. It doesn't fly very high. Moreover, the quality is not good. After flying a few times, the paint will fall off.

Nick Fury picked up the pen in his hand, made a rocket launch motion, and then let the pen drop on the table. He said: Like this, it's very childish, right? But in those days, it was already a very big thing. It’s my toy, and it’s my favorite toy.”

Later, I joined the army. During World War II, I lost an eye because I was hit by a grenade fragment. At the same time, I was injected with medicine and gained a long life.

During the Cold War, I served in the CIA, and my main opponent at that time was the Soviet Union.

Nick leaned back in the chair, looked at the ceiling with his only remaining eye, and said, Maybe it's hard for you to imagine that although they are my opponents, people in my group and department all believe that the future of mankind Half of the pressure is on them, and the KGB gang thinks about us the same way.

We have to prove that we are stronger than the other party, but at the same time, we also admit that the other party is strong. You may not believe it. A lot of information we have collected is used to praise the Soviet Union. It is incredible, right? You can see it today The only thing we can do is to slander, but in fact it was not the case at that time...

When their rocket launch is successful, we express admiration, admit that they have made leading progress, and then find our aerospace department, and they will swear that we are not weak.

Just like that, today you launch a rocket, and tomorrow I test equipment. At the peak of technological development, we used a method that modern people can hardly imagine, and sent some equipment that now looks extremely simple to the sky abruptly. , and be proud of it.

That was the closest humans have been to the stars for tens of thousands of years.

Peter looked at Nick in a daze. He never thought that the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who always used all kinds of glib words to persuade him to go to other universes to cheat labor, had such a side.

He felt that at this time, Nick and Steve were very similar. People of their era always had an amazing vitality, which was different from this era that had been blown by decadence and punk style. In that era, They always have an inexplicable belief.

But Peter actually knew that the technology at that time was completely incomparable with the current solar system development plan. Now, they can easily send equipment to Mercury and assemble them. No such feat has been achieved.

Peter, who was standing in the corridor, admitted that at that time, he had a little contempt for Nick's idea.

He believes that the times will only get better and better, and will not go backwards. In fact, technology has indeed improved, and human beings have been moving forward steadily. Why bother to miss the past?

But now, Peter understands what Nick is missing. The point of his words is not how many iron sheets were thrown into the sky by human beings in that era.

What's more, Nick Fury, as a native American, an American soldier who received American education since he was a child, and an excellent agent of the CIA, after so many years, he still misses the era when the Soviet Union was still in existence.

This is almost inconceivable, it was not the control and brainwashing of a small country by a big country, but the collision of two big countries, but what he received was not the education of hatred between ethnic groups and countries, what he saw was the brilliance of human stars .

Peter suddenly understood what he was anxious about. At this moment, he realized that he should not underestimate the wisdom of a long-lived person. The longer he lived, the more thoroughly he would see human nature.

And he has been having fantasies about certain things, Peter recalled, did he really not realize the essence of human nature? Maybe not so, he just kept using the fact of technological development to avoid certain things.

But now, the gunshot from the Congress is telling him that it is useless to escape, and don't have meaningless illusions, otherwise, no matter how solid the armor is, no matter how strong the chest is, it will not be able to withstand the bullets fired in the dark to shatter the heart.

Putting on his battle suit and mask, and standing in front of the window, Spider-Man stopped and turned to look at Jarvis. Jarvis waved him as if saying goodbye.

Spider-Man leaped out, swung in the cold wind over New York, stood on the roof of Stark Tower, and let out a silent roar.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and the moonlight was no longer bright. At this moment, New York was covered by dark clouds.

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