The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 854: The Curtain Ends (Part 2)

An autumn wind had just passed, and a cold rain came again. The next morning, the chill permeated through the cracks in the window frame, but disappeared in the warm air inside the house.

Jason got out of the soft and comfortable quilt, reached out to brush his messy bird's nest-like hair, stood by the bed, stretched, and opened the window.

The moment the cold air came in, he shivered, and then hastily closed the window gap a bit smaller.

Pulling on his slippers, he opened the door, closed it without looking back, and walked towards the public water room at the end of the corridor.

The area of ​​the water room is about two bedrooms. There are four faucets in the middle, and all the faucets are hung on the wall. At this time, the water room is full of children, some are washing their faces, and some are wiping their faces after washing. Others just took a water cup to catch hot water.

Jason yawned, and saw a faucet just vacant at hand, he walked over, turned on the faucet, washed his face with cold water twice, then walked to the cabinet at the end of the water room, took out his teeth Cup and toothbrush for washing.

The two children next to them were brushing their toothbrushes with mouthfuls of foam, laughing and spraying bubbles to each other. Most of them were very curious about brushing their teeth, especially the toothpaste bought by Wanshiwu Uniformly. Santa Claus is gone.

After washing up, Jason went back to the house to change his clothes, and then went to the office of Master House, and found that everything was as usual.

The children were like fish swimming one after another, passing through the coral and seaweed. The strong wind outside the window did not affect them at all, and some of them were even sweating from running back and forth.

At this time, the rosiness on their faces and the hope in their eyes were unprecedented.

After a while, Jason led the younger children to the nursery, handed them over to a few older girls there, and then went to the school downstairs to urge the other children to read.

After finishing the work in the building, he left the building again, got on a bicycle, and rushed towards the Bingshan restaurant.

Dinglingling the wind chime rang, and the waiter hurried up and took Jason to the office upstairs in the restaurant.

In addition to Cobblepot, there were several children there, who were the little beggars Cobot rescued before.

They were still very thin, but their complexion and physical condition had improved a lot. At this time, three or five groups were talking in low voices.

Cobbot and Jason led them out, and Jason waved to them and said, Come with me, we have two children there, and they bought a better house in the second phase with extra money, and their room is vacant. Yes, you can live here first, and come back after the renovation is completed...

Those children were a little scared, but Coppert got into the car first. They obviously trusted the leader very much, so they got into the car with you pushing and shoving.

After sending the children to Master's House where Jason was, Coppert didn't get in the car when he came out of the building, but planned to take a tour of the East District.

Go around the building of the first and second phases, and behind it is the construction site of the third and fourth phases. At this time, the building is almost half built, and going forward, it is the fifth and sixth phases of the project not far from Bingshan Restaurant.

One construction site after another sprung up from the ground like bamboo shoots, and tall buildings rose from the ground. Nothing is more shocking than this.

Coppert hasn't read any books, but he can still feel the magnificence of changing times, the roar of huge machines, like the rolling wheels of history, and the bigger and taller buildings, like the continuous upward climb of human society. branch.

After returning to the Bingshan Restaurant, he drove to the North District alone. Compared with the East District, which is full of projects, this place looks very quiet, or a bit lifeless.

The car drove very slowly, so Cobbot could see from the window of the car that in the windows of the manor, many leaders of the twelve families were concentrating on admiring the collection he had just acquired.

Beautiful oil paintings, exquisite sculptures, and antiques full of history, but they stand on the bridge to see the scenery, and the people standing upstairs also look at them.

Cobblepot felt that the heads of these twelve families were like antiques left over from the previous era, carrying the hazy and yellow atmosphere of the last century, delicate and fragile.

The strongest barrier against the wind and waves of the last century is vulnerable to the roar of machines in the new era. If they can wake up early, they may still be able to occupy a place in the new era, but if they are unwilling to do so, then the museum is their best home.

The car stopped in front of the Falcone manor. When Coppert walked out of the car door, he subconsciously adjusted his tie and stomped his feet. Then he paused, shook his head, and strode into the manor inside.

He saw Alberto in the reception room. Coppert stepped forward, shook hands with him and said, I heard that you are engaged? Congratulations, but I don't know which family the woman is from...

Alberto shook his head and said, No, she's not from Gotham. It's a girl from the metropolis that Evans met when he was rehearsing a play. The two of them fell in love, and the godfather didn't object.

Coppert raised his eyebrows, as if he had some doubts about the last sentence, Alberto said: I know, it is rumored that the godfather relied on his wife's natal family to gain power, but in fact, my mother is not a native of Gotham. , nor does he come from a wealthy family, he is just a fisherman's young daughter, and he comes from a small seaside town.

You two brothers...I mean, your disease...well, don't you have any objections? Coppert asked rather tactfully, referring to Alberto and Evans's Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Alberto shook his head and said: I don't understand love, and I don't intend to pursue someone who is true love. I hope that the Falcone family can stand in a wider world and surpass the rules of Gotham. and law, to gain true glory.

When will the engagement be held? Copperpot asked again.

After a week, how about choosing the Iceberg Restaurant as the location? At that time, all the celebrities in Gotham will gather there, which is good for your business.

Unexpectedly, Coppert shook his head and said, I don't want to deal with the members of the Twelve Family now. They are full of Renaissance and Impressionism. God, do they still remember that they are a gangster family?

Alberto smiled and said, People are like this. After gaining the wealth accumulated for them by violence and blood, they desperately want to get rid of their origins and use various things to prove their nobility.

You don't have to be bored with them, maybe soon, you won't see most of them again. Alberto shook his head and said, Wayne won't wait too long.

As he looked out of the window, pieces of red leaves fell, and the golden ginkgo leaves covered the sermons. On the day of the engagement ceremony, the entire Bingshan restaurant was covered with colorful fallen leaves, as if celebrating the couple. celebrate.

One pair after another of shiny leather shoes stepped onto the red carpet, and one after another leaders in suits and leather shoes walked into the brightly lit hall.

Laughter, blessings and music sounded at the same time. The blood-red poppies, the golden chandeliers, and the deep-twilight curtains all complement each other.

...My student, a sincere, upright, and energetic young man, and such a beautiful, dignified, and noble girl will make a lifelong promise to each other today...

As Mr. Falcone's teacher, I feel very gratified. Such an excellent student, a worthy junior, a beloved son of God, a believer and righteous man, deserves a loyal and unswerving love...

At the front of the hall, Schiller glanced at Evans, then at the future Mrs. Falcone, and then turned his gaze to the godfather standing behind Evans.

This was the first time that the old godfather stood behind someone, but he looked very calm, with some nostalgia in his expression.

Then, Schiller began to pray, he said: I was instructed by the benevolent heavenly father, and I will be here to witness the promise of a new couple. St. Peter once said...

Accompanied by some obscure prayers, Evans took his fiancée's hand and turned to look at the photographer's lens.

Cobbot, Bruce, Dick, Jason, and many of Evans' classmates all came up and stood in several rows.

With a click, accompanied by applause and applause, the photo flew out of the camera and landed on a brown table.

With a hand wearing a black leather glove, he gently stroked the surface of the photo with his fingertips. He put down the violin case in his hand, took off the felt hat on his head, and sat on the seat of the train carriage.

The distant whistle sounded, white smoke rose, and the red carriage passed through the valley.

Hello, sir, would you like some cigarettes? The cigarette boy on the train knocked on the door of the carriage, and the door opened slowly, revealing an old face inside, although the temples were grizzled, he was calm and majestic.

The cigarette boy saw the cigar box in his hand, so he smiled at him apologetically, and was about to leave, but the old man stopped him, handed him a roll of money, and asked in Italian, Excuse me, when will you arrive? stand?

Sir, if you mean the next stop, there are still ten minutes.

The cigarette boy left after speaking, and when the next stop arrived, another person entered the carriage.

Seeing the old man's outfit on the opposite side, his fingertips trembled slightly, he took off his hat and put it on his chest, and said, Sir, can I sit here?


The people on the opposite side heard it. The old man's Italian always had a sinking consonant, just like people in the previous era.

Do you know when the next stop will arrive? The Italian with a classical accent echoed in the carriage, and the man on the other side replied, About twenty minutes later, if it's the last stop, it may take a few hours ...

It doesn't matter, as long as you can get there.

There was silence in the carriage. The person opposite caught a glimpse of the violin case under the table, and clenched his fingers tightly.

Relax kid, God bless you.

The old man opposite lit a cigar, put it in his mouth, and said vaguely.

He turned his head out of the window, looking at the scenery like an impressionist oil painting, and quickly backed away from him.

The soft sound of the carriage doors colliding with each other, the noisy sound from outside the door, the smell of leather and cigars in the carriage, the bells ringing from time to time, the waiter's loud greetings... everything is like when he was young.

He thought that the 40-year legend had finally come to an end, and in the cigar-filled smoke, he saw a peaceful coast, fishing boats in the setting sun, and a beautiful girl from a small town...

In front of the window of the Falcone manor, Alberto saw that the lighthouse of Gotham was lit up, emitting a misty light, leading the ship back to its voyage in another cold rainy night.

The young godfather looked far away, beyond the blurred coastline between the rain lines, and saw the distant and beautiful Sicily that the hero of the legend had told him several times.

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