The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 850 Savage is in bad luck (Part 2)

Nearly three months into the renovation project, the first and second phases of the project are nearing completion. The three overpasses between the first and second phases only need to undergo final safety tests before they can be opened to traffic.

The first and second phases of the project and road construction all use Bat Cave technology, which means that residents must undergo fingerprint and iris authentication, collect genes at the same time, and upload it to the Bat Cave system. Then they can only follow the permission system inside the building. There is no Those who have been authenticated cannot enter the building no matter what.

What's even worse is the traffic. These three overpasses all use the same certification system. In addition to the certifiers, they also certify the cars. No cars without license plates or fake license plates can get in. If the driver wants to force his way in, he can get in from under the road. Compared with the defense facilities that sprang out, Gundam is only a slogan short.

The residents here have no special feelings about information collection. If they stick their hands in for 30 seconds, the car will be able to pass unimpeded. Most people just accept it after finding that forceful entry is not possible.

However, soon, the big gangsters and the Twelve Families discovered something was wrong. Once a residential area has the power to refuse entry to unauthorized persons, it means that the gangsters will no longer be able to control the residents here.

If they don't obey the rules, the gang has no way to punish them. As long as they can run home, no one can break in. This is definitely unacceptable to the gang.

For this reason, the leader of the Twelve Families approached Bruce again. This time the meeting did not look so gentle. It looked more like a crusade meeting. As soon as Bruce walked in, he found that the gang leaders below had expressions on their faces. Great.

Ahem. Bruce cleared his throat and said, The phone in Wayne Tower has been ringing from last night to this morning. What's the emergency for you guys? Do you have to come to me during these few days when I'm busy?

Wayne. Don't follow us in circles. What's going on with the permission identification system you created? Can my people still not be able to enter their own territory?

You can go in, but you need to authenticate. Bruce shrugged and said, Have you asked them to authenticate?

Why not? After the authentication, your damn system said that he was not a resident here and was not allowed to enter. He wanted to go in to collect protection money, but he was beaten out, Wayne! Are you crazy?! Do you want to go against all the gangsters?! Lawrence slapped the table and stared at Bruce.

Protection fee? Of course they will pay it. Bruce gave an unexpected answer. He said: No one asked them to pay the protection fee. Didn't the staff in the building tell you? 3 No., the protection fee will be collected by the staff, deposited into the unified account, and then transferred to your bank card, haven't you received it?

The heads of the twelve families sitting in the front row were stunned for a moment. One of them walked out and went to the nearby living room to make a phone call. After saying a few words to the other end of the phone, he came back with a dark face and said: It is true that there was an unknown amount of money in the account, but it is completely inconsistent with the amount of protection fees we collected before.

Because I collected the price difference in the middle. Bruce crossed his arms and said, You don't think I'm really doing charity, do you? After the first and second phases of the project are completed, do you know how much I invested? I'm a businessman. In addition to earning back costs, we also need profits.”

But you can't take away our protection money! Lawrence shouted: You should ask them for it! Asking for more from those who paid protection money, what does it have to do with us?!

How do you know I didn't ask them for more? Bruce raised his eyebrows and said, Not only did I raise the rent, I also asked them to pay 20% more protection fees, and I also deducted 20% of your protection fees. It’s cost recovery.”

Don't forget, the defense system I designed can not only stop those who enter with bad intentions, but can also prevent thieves, bombs, and even prostitutes, drunks, and drug addicts...

“In the building built by Wayne Group, if any prostitutes, drunkards and drug addicts dare to cause trouble in the corridors, robots will stun them, and if anyone dares to fight, there will be armed staff to separate them. .”

You don't think you need to pay a price to maintain such a safe and stable life, do you? Bruce asked.

But we didn't let you...

Then you have no objection! Bruce knocked on the table and said, It was you who said that excessive drinking was prohibited. At least the young and middle-aged thugs recruited would be healthier and would not die of drunkenness just after being given a sum of money. In the bar...

It's you who said that if you stop soliciting prostitutes, you will avoid contracting the disease, not knowing who you will infect it to, and having to worry about asking people to question you...

You also said that it would be good to take less drugs, so as not to stagger every day while walking, unable to hold the gun steady, unable to aim accurately during a firefight, and wasting bullets...

You might as well say that it's better to prevent fights, so that today one gang beats up that gang's member, causing trouble to you, and tomorrow one gang beats up that gang's member to disability, and then causes trouble to you again...

Bruce spread his hands and said, I did everything perfectly. From now on, there will be no drunkards, no clients, no drug addicts in these residential buildings. Everyone will live a stable and safe life, a perfect reserve army of gangsters.

You... Lawrence choked for a moment, and then he felt a little guilty, because the words Bruce said were indeed what they had discussed and agreed upon before.

When Bruce told them the plan, he had already emphasized what would happen in these buildings in the future. At the beginning, the heads of the Twelve Families praised these defensive measures.

In fact, the advantage of the gangster society is that the blood exchange is fast, but the disadvantage is also that the blood exchange is fast. Everyone is enthusiastic, which will inevitably lead to troubles one after another. If the smaller gangs are okay, after the conflict between the big gangs, only the twelve families will come forward. , the adjustment is not good, and it still gets talked about.

Just like the Spencer family back then, it was thankless and easy to cause conflicts within the family. In the long run, the heads of the Twelve Families also hated these messy cases and hoped that the people under them would stay calm and stay calm. Cause trouble for them.

Human beings are always greedy. They hope that people who can provide them with benefits will be like hungry wolves when they go out to fight, biting off a few pieces of meat from the opposite body. They can take them home and hope that they will be obedient pets. Dog, if you have nothing to do, just stay in the cage and don't cause any trouble.

It's best to be like an ATM machine, just spit out money when you want to spit out money, and just stay there when you don't want to spit out money.

Therefore, they didn't take the questions raised by Wayne seriously at all. Instead, they praised him, thinking that Wayne could help them solve a lot of troubles. With fewer mediation cases, they would have more time to spend their time enjoying themselves.

Lawrence clenched his hands into fists, pounded the table, and said: Listen, Wayne, no matter what, you can't interfere with where we are going. Our territory is ours. On our territory, only we can say The final word!

Bruce nodded again and said, Yes, you have the final say on your territory, and I didn't say otherwise. It's just that you can't infringe on my personal assets, otherwise I have the right to defend myself.

Okay, Lawrence. One of the older heads of the Twelve Families said: And Mr. Wayne, don't be angry. We are not here to vent your anger. I think we should sit down and have a good talk. .”

Lawrence turned his head to the side, and Bruce nodded. He said, At that time, I asked you if you wanted to invest, and you said no. I can do it myself. But after I do it myself, isn't this my own asset?

You can't not spend money but also demand authority. If there was such a good thing in the world, wouldn't Wayne Group rule the world long ago?

So. Do you want money? the older leader looked at Bruce and asked.

It's not that I want the money. Bruce repeated it again. It's that you want the authority, so you can only obtain the authority by investing in me.

Otherwise, you can also try using violent methods. As long as you can blow up the building, it won't be a problem. However, I have to remind you that the defense system is automatic and not controlled by me. Although it will not kill people, it will Use aggressive tactics to subdue dangerous elements.”

As for energy and ammunition, you don't have to worry. All weapons in the defense system use energy, there are no physical bullets, and the energy is provided by my newly developed reactor, which is almost unlimited.

Bruce Wayne! You're going too far! Lawrence said in a higher tone.

I have already said that there is room for discussion on this matter. This is only the first and second phases of the project. There will be dozens or even hundreds of phases to come. If you have to intervene, then invest.

Bruce shrugged and remembered Schiller's previous explanation to him, so he put on a very typical capitalist face and said: I have already said that I am a businessman and I have only one purpose, and that is make money.

I will choose to transform Gotham City just to make better money. To do this, I must control them first before they can help me make money, so I am willing to invest regardless of the cost to improve buildings and transportation.

If you also want to make this money, you can't not invest any money, so why should I share the money I earn with you?

What kind of investment do you accept? the older leader asked. Obviously, he also saw the amazing profits behind Bruce's transformation.

To put it bluntly, it is impossible for other people to know that Bruce actually really wants to benefit mankind, and they will not imagine that this playboy is such a great person.

They would only think that if Bruce invested so much, he would definitely get an astonishing return, and then they would think more about his plan...

It was easy to find out that Wayne planned to kidnap everyone in the city. As long as everyone lived in his house and used his road, they would be at his mercy and pay as much as he asked.

How much money can be squeezed out of the entire Gotham City population? Just thinking about it makes even the twelve family members who are not short of money feel hot in their hearts.

Gotham is much richer than some small countries, and as long as you can become a powerful leader in a small country, the wealth you can exploit is unimaginable.

If you only regard this as an investment, should you invest?

The heads of all the families looked at each other, and Bruce scanned the entire scene and spoke at the right time:

You can think about it, Wayne Group is always waiting for you to visit.

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