A truck speeds past in a rainy night, splashing water like a waterfall, and the rumble of tires rolling over puddles is louder than thunder falling from the sky.

All the children were terrified, grabbing what they could, and crowded together like canned sardines on an assembly line.

Jason also grabbed the cushion with one hand and said, You're crazy! Bruce! You're crazy! Not only did you break the rules, you probably hit a gang member and they're going to kill us of!

You haven't learned anything at all! Jason raised his voice and said, You can leave here easily, but these people can't, and neither can I...

As long as you take off your hood, no one will dare to embarrass you. You think so, right? Even as long as you reveal your identity, no one will dare to embarrass us. They will send us away in good spirits...

Jason closed his eyes, and said in a trembling tone, But in Gotham, we can't live on pity. You pity us and want to save these children, but it won't save anyone in the end...

Bruce drove the car in silence, he didn't say anything, Jason looked into his face, but only saw the light of the street lamp slipping over his hood for a moment, like the sunset in Gotham.

Bruce rushed across the street and drove the truck to a further place. Just as Jason expected, the torrential rain came so suddenly that many children were driven out of their stronghold and squatted in the The streets were shivering.

The car stopped again, and more children were pulled up. They looked at the terrified expressions of the children in the car without knowing why, but soon, they also fell into panic, because the truck rushed straight past this place. levels of street gangsters.

The rumbling thunder kept ringing, and the truck was like a flash of lightning, passing through the streets and alleys of Gotham, picking up the stars that fell from the sky, putting them in cans, and heading towards an unknown direction.

The storm became more and more urgent, and the heels of the leather shoes stepped on the floor of the corridor, making a light da da sound, which was inconspicuous mixed into the sound of the rain.

Schiller pushed open the door of a ward, and Brand, who was following behind him, frowned, because the situation in the ward in front of him was not good.

Seven or eight children curled up in the corner, the hospital bed was full of vomit in a mess, and there were traces of blood on the ground. Everyone looked at the person who came in with wide eyes, their eyes were very numb, and there was no breath of life.

Is this the job Wayne paid us to do? Standing at the door, Brand said incredulously, How did he make these kids like this? What did he do?

It's not him, it's the whole of Gotham. Schiller stood in the middle of the room, as if he didn't see these children or smell the terrible smell.

Brand stood silently at the door. After a long time, he said, This city is hell, a living hell.

I thought you knew it a long time ago, haven't you been here for a while? Schiller stood under the chandelier in the room to write the medical records, and Brand walked in slowly and said, Yes, but I never I haven't gone deep into this city, I don't have your skills, so I can only hide in the hospital.

It's not that you don't have this ability, Brand, you just don't want to do it. Schiller stopped writing, glanced up at the children, and said, Today, we will give them a first diagnosis, and then take To come up with a treatment plan, Wayne’s huge sum of money is not in vain.”

But why don't we go with other doctors? Brand asked with some doubts: Shouldn't the consultation be three days later?

Do you really think you can count on them? They don't even know this place as well as you do. Schiller turned his head and glanced at the window. He said, The storm is getting bigger, isn't it?

Brand sighed, and walked gently to a distance of two meters from the group of children.

He found that his every movement would be caught by those eyes, and Brand felt that he was being watched by a beast, but he thought it was just an illusion, because all the children in front of him were malnourished.

Their stress response is very serious. They should have been stimulated more than once. Can they still express their needs now? Brand knelt down so that his eyes were at the same level as the children.

I invite you to come together, I hope you can check from the pathological aspect, whether there is any problem with their brain activity, as for the behavior and cognition, leave it to me... Schiller said.

Brand stood up, nodded and said, Okay, I'll call the nurse over and ask the hospital to prepare the medicine. I hope we don't need too many tranquilizers, otherwise it will affect their health.

After a while, two nurses came with carts, and all the kids started screaming.

The leading head nurse turned to look at Brand and said, That's it. It's not that we haven't tried medication these days, but they resisted too fiercely, and we didn't dare to be too rough. After all, Mr. Wayne explained Pass……

But Brand is much more experienced than ordinary head nurses. He said: Don't pay attention to them, don't look into their eyes, don't try to communicate with them, just pretend you didn't see or hear anything.

Treat them as a piece of goods, not a person. Brand looked at the head nurse and said, Don't think this is inhumane. When a patient shows aggressive behavior, he may have lost his mind. Too much Paying attention will make his mental activities more frequent and make them more excited.

Brand didn't hesitate at all. He grabbed a child's arm and carried him to the bed. The child screamed wildly, trying to bite Brand's wrist with his mouth, but Brand grabbed his arm and pulled him to bed. He pressed down on the hospital bed, waved to the nurse, and the nurse next to him went up to get an injection.

The other children fled in all directions, but because the door was closed, no one could escape, and they were all caught and given drugs.

The head nurse showed an unbearable look until after everything was over, she said: My daughter is about the same age as them, it's really...

Don't feel guilty, ma'am, we have controlled the strength so that they won't hurt their bodies, and the dosage of the medicine has also been strictly controlled. Asking them to be quiet for a while will help us to check them. The only way for them to recover. Brand comforted.

Of course, of course I know. The head nurse quickly adjusted her state, and she said, I'm going to inform them, first tidy up here, and then move the instruments here. After the inspection, let the nurses come over and scrub them. Body……

After several nurses left, Schiller looked at Brand and said, Sometimes, I am also surprised by your professionalism and decisiveness.

Brand was not at all pleased with the compliment. He shook his head and said, Can you tell me about it? What's going on here?

This is the baby Wayne brought back from the slums. You haven't been there, so you don't know. There is a special kind of beggar in the slums. Some 'moms and dads' will take back those babies who are thinner or born with disabilities. , train them to beg.

A while ago, Gotham's Children's Gang was united, and these children were also rescued. Wayne showed kindness and wanted to treat them, so he sent them to the hospital.

Brand shook his head and said: Although I am more focused on pathology, I also know that this is not a good choice. Let alone the change of the environment may stimulate them, no matter how kind he is, he must first listen to it. The needs of the recipients, rather than self-righteous to help them.

Wayne at that time was not a good listener. Schiller looked at Brand and said, But in fact, they reacted so violently because they were all living under the laws of Gotham before.

Gotham's laws? This damn city still has laws?! Brand said, taking a deep breath.

Of course there are. In any social society, there will be rules and laws, but Gotham's laws are not written laws, so it looks as if there are no laws. Schiller shook his head and said.

Among them, the rules of the Gotham gangsters are that wherever you are, you can only do the corresponding things, so that you will be blessed by the rules. If you go beyond the scope, what you get may not be as good as what you were exploited.

Brand thought for a while, and felt that this was indeed very similar to the rule of law he was familiar with.

In a normal society, if people do not abide by social rules and do things beyond their own functions, they may gain benefits, but the benefits they get are far less than the freedom that is exploited by prison.

But at the bottom of Gotham, such rules are strictly enforced. Children must be weak enough to stay in their own territory and pose no threat to anyone, so that they can survive in the cracks.

If they take resources that are not theirs, they must turn them in, and if they violate this rule, they may die.

Schiller sighed again, looked at the child lying on the bed and said, This is especially true for these begging children. They have been educated since childhood, and all the resources they get must be handed in, otherwise they will be beaten to death.

They have been disciplined a long time ago, thinking that all the fruits of their labor do not belong to them, and if they take more, their lives may be in danger, but now, they have taken too much.

Bruce Wayne didn't break the previous rules, didn't break the law, didn't use the new order to discipline them, but simply let them out of that environment, and then stuffed them with a lot of things.

In such an environment, people who grow up will feel that this pile of things represents a disaster of death, and no one can avoid the fear of death.

Their crying, screaming and rebellion is not about how little they have, but about how much they have.

This won't save Gotham. Brand said: If this order is not completely overthrown, all people who come out of this environment will go crazy because of this fear.

Bruce's intentions may be good, and he thinks it's good to save one. Schiller concluded: However, his behavior is like taking a sick fish out of the pond.

The fish was not doing well, even dying. He felt pity, so he wanted to treat the fish, but he had to consider that if the fish had no water, it would only die faster.

And when the fish in this pond are all sick fish, the first thing he should consider is to change the water in the pond.

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