(There may be more frequent splitting in this episode, be careful with motion sickness, I reminded you!)

What surprises me is that the new generation of this city is far from being as chaotic and vicious as they appear on the outside. Under their vicious appearance, there is a calm and far-sighted heart. This will be brother Tan's future lies.

I was shocked by what they did, and it all started with the storm that came that night...

The nib of the pen was raised, and Bruce stroked the side of the pen lightly with his fingers. He looked up at the heavy rain outside the wooden curtain, and the raindrops slapped on the glass, leaving dense drops of water.

The drops of water slid down and disappeared at the bottom of the window sill, and on the table, under the light of the dim desk lamp, the tooth marks where a page of the calendar was torn off were clearly visible, and the date number on it was drawn in a circle, writing A few words There are still two days before the paper is handed in.

Glancing at this date, Bruce looked at the progress of the article in his hand, and he knew that he should speed up,

The rain outside the window reminded him of the day when the storm came that he experienced in the children's gang when the exam just started.

The heavy rain in Gotham not only brought a good night's sleep to the residents of the wealthy district, but also brought an unwarranted disaster to the children struggling in the streets and alleys.

The house leak happens to rain all night. This sentence is not just a common saying. A rain leak in the house is a very scary thing for children, because everyone knows that a cold is the most terrible terminal illness, and a fever is a death sentence. Book,

Therefore, after discovering that the originally safe base was leaking, the first thing that hit here was panic.

Don't do that! Don't yell! Bruce yelled, Calm down, as long as we fix the leak during the day, there won't be water in at night!!

What do you know, outsider, we have to drain the rainwater outside first, let's go out and find the water pipe first...

No, we have to go upstairs first and let them check their drainage facilities. The problem must be with them!

But if the water in the street is not drained, it will still leak if it rains tonight. We should go to those adults...

But the gangsters won't listen to us. They will only prioritize the drainage of the gate and won't take care of us. We have to find our own way!

Today I also promised someone to send something, I have to go there quickly!

You can't go, don't you want our home?

But if we don't make money, don't we all go hungry?

Messy conversations, filling up the room, kids proposing solutions, kids refuting solutions, kids trying to get out, kids trying to hold back, little kids terrified, older kids Comforting them, the whole scene was in chaos, and Bruce didn't know where to start for a while.

He wanted to reason with these children, but no one listened to him and wanted to propose a solution, but many people thought he didn't understand anything, and he wanted to appease their emotions, but Batman was really bad at comforting people.

Bruce knew very well that if he couldn't get the water out of the house and fix the leak when the temperature was at its highest, it would be much harder to do the job when the night fell and the temperature dropped.

These healthy children may catch a cold and have a fever, and Jason, who was already injured, may die if he catches a cold again.

Bruce took a deep breath, looked around, and then he found a tin bucket, picked up a wooden stick from the side, and knocked on the bucket hard.

Bang! Bang bang bang!!

Several loud bangs sounded, and all the children looked at him. Bruce let out a sigh of relief and said, I am an adult, and you are children, you all listen to me!

Whispering was heard again, and Bruce had to hold the wooden stick, pointing at the child who made the noise, and said, If you have any opinions, come and say...

Looking at the wooden stick in his hand, the child groaned for a while, cursed a curse word in a low voice, but still didn't make a sound.

The anxiety in Bruce's heart urged him to solve this matter quickly, so he didn't care too much about the wording, and he seemed extra straightforward. He said: Now, everyone is divided into three groups, namely the ground group, the indoor group and the normal life group...

The ground group is made up of older children. Go to the ground to check the drainage pipes and communicate with the gangsters. You, you...and you, you guys seem to be stronger, and you are assigned to the ground group...

The people in the indoor group took buckets, scooped out the water leaking from the house, and then repaired the leaking place...

Everyone who has work to do today will be assigned to the normal life group to earn money and buy food...

Okay, now, let's get to work!

Bruce tapped the bucket twice more, all the kids, look at me, and I'll look at you.

They also know that Jason is injured and needs to rest. If he does not take good care of him, the consequences will be more serious. Since he let this weirdo temporarily lead the gang, it means that he is still worthy of trust. In this case, let's work .

Finally, everyone moved, and Bruce breathed a sigh of relief, but within two minutes, a problem arose.

The children in the indoor group came back and reported that there were no buckets. Bruce found that there were plastic gasoline cans in the adjacent warehouse room, so he asked them to use these instead of buckets.

But the opening of the plastic oil barrel is too small, and it is very inconvenient to fill it with water. Bruce wanted to cut it open, so that the upper half and the lower half became two containers with larger openings.

But the problem is that there is no tool to cut it. The daggers in the warehouse are good for stabbing people, but they have no cutting ability. However, the quality of the gas and oil barrels picked up is not bad, and they can't be cut for a long time.

In the end, Bruce found a rusty ax and split the gasoline can, thus solving the problem of the container.

After a while, the ground team came to report again, saying that the gang really only cared about their gates, and completely ignored the inside of the street. The drainage facilities were overloaded, and the water could not be drained at all. It was useless to expect dredging.

In this case, we can only seal every place in the basement that may leak, and make it a can that isolates rainwater.

But the sealing material became a problem again. The paper shells and wooden boards could not be sealed well, and water leaked in from the cracks in the door and the steps.

Bruce didn't dare to go away to get materials. After all, although these children were strong on the surface, they must be worried in their hearts. Jason was injured and he left again. These children would definitely be in chaos like headless chickens.

Bruce stepped forward, checked the door of the basement, and found that there was no sealing condition at all, and there were still two corners of the basement leaking. If there was no professional waterproof material, the water that leaked in tonight might be able to directly flood it. instep.

Bruce thought for a while and made the most sensible choice. He said, Leave here, go out and find another place to hide.

No! Eldest sister Six Fingers objected first, she said: This is our home, we can't give up here.

It's not about giving up here. Bruce said calmly: It's just that some unexpected disasters have occurred, and we need to find a place with higher ground to avoid danger. After staying overnight, we will come back.

But... Big Sister Liuzhi still frowned and said, Is there any higher ground here? Even if there is, it must have been taken by other gangsters long ago. We can't snatch those big gangsters. ·

After she finished speaking, she looked around for a week. After the children who were able to go out to work left, the remaining children here were all thin and young, and they couldn't be counted on, let alone grabbing land or cursing.

When I came here before, I saw a wasteland in the back street. The terrain is high, there are hillsides, and it can drain water. It should be safe there... Bruce pondered for a while, and said: The soil underground in Gotham is very suitable for draining water. If you can Set up a temporary camp there, and we should be able to spend tonight.

Oh! Big Sister Liuzhi suddenly exclaimed and said, That's right, we can go there, and we still have a natural camp!

Everyone looked at him, and Miss Liuzhi nodded and said, Remember that truck we got back earlier? It's parked nearby. As long as we build a roof for the truck, we can make do with it all night and come back tomorrow during the daytime. tidy.

Bruce's eyes lit up, and he asked, You got a truck, does it have an engine?

Yes, but it's broken, and it hasn't been repaired yet, and that car is seriously broken. We asked the little slippery guy to come over before, and he repaired it for a long time, but it hasn't been completely repaired. I'm afraid it will be difficult to drive out...

Bruce nodded and said, Okay, the top priority now is to find a place to stay. I'll go to the truck first. If possible, you can find some people to carry Jason, and we'll move there first.

Several older children nodded, and Bruce walked out through the cellar door first. Although he didn't bring any equipment this time, he was wearing more practical clothes anyway. The boots were absolutely waterproof, and Very warm and the jacket doubles as a raincoat.

It was still raining lightly outside, and as the children said, the whole street was full of water, and Bruce felt his feet felt a little cold after wading through various puddles in his boots.

Bruce raised his eyes and saw some gangsters cleaning up the intersection in the distance. They didn't care about this. After all, the avenue they were on had more potholes and more serious water accumulation, and the building they were in, the upper floor It is also relatively old, and many places are soaked in cold and not wet, and they have to be busy sealing it.

Bruce didn't see the other Kid Gang members, but he saw a basement dormer where a small hand was sticking out, holding a half water bottle, scooping water out.

It seems that most of the children's gangs are in the same situation. After all, everyone's bases are underground, and this is an old residential area, so water leakage is inevitable.

Bruce went around to the back of the building, saw the wasteland, and saw the truck, and then he realized that the truck looked familiar.

Isn't this the one he abandoned before? ? ?

When I saw that truck, I was very surprised. Before, I never believed in fate and chance, but some things are indeed such a coincidence. The failed truck driver career left me the only precious thing. The relic became Noah's Ark for me to cross the flood of destruction...

In the study of the manor, Bruce moved his stiff neck, and then continued to write:

During this period of my life, I was surprised to find that my positive emotions became more, and I even felt pleasantly surprised to find a broken truck.

At first, I didn't know if it was a good thing, but I heard the cheers of the children, they were really happy...

And this rainy night adventure has just begun...

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