The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 795 Deadly Joke (Twenty)

Of course, the piece of steak in front of Bruce was not a complete steak, but some leftovers, but judging from the quality of the meat, it was quite good. It looked like the kind of good beef that rich people often eat.

Bruce was even more surprised by what was served next. There was a pot of clam soup, two oysters, two large sandwiches, and even a small piece of cake.

Selena rubbed her hands and said, Everything is good on the west coast, but the food is not very good, and the food at home is the best...

After speaking, she picked up the fork, picked up a piece of beef, and put it directly into her mouth.

Seeing her chewing deliciously, Bruce felt that he was also hungry. He picked up a knife and fork and cut a small piece of steak. Bruce felt intoxicated.

This solved one of his long-standing doubts, that is, when he took Catwoman to a high-end restaurant for the first time, Catwoman didn't show too much surprise when she ate the extremely expensive steak.

But today, Feng Shui took turns, Bruce felt that he must have failed to control his facial expressions, because now Selena was looking at him with a smirk.

Selena smiled and said, You don't think that we all eat slop in the slums, do you? That's not it!

Gotham is very rich. We have known for a long time. Although the common people are not very rich, as long as the rich have money, we can also drink some soup. Selena shrugged and then explained road:

Because the restaurant's business is good, the customer flow is large, and the materials used are large, the price they order for raw materials is also cheap. Therefore, the boss is not too concerned about the loss of materials, and the people who work in the back kitchen of the restaurant are basically people from the Eastern District.

The boss turned a blind eye, and the chefs and helpers in the back kitchen would pick up the leftovers. However, because there are many high-spending people, there are many leftovers in the dishes I cook every day. I can't finish the chefs and helpers. , they’ll sell it.”

Of course, how can the leftovers be compared with those main dishes? The price will be much cheaper. The steaks you see are all leftovers from high-end restaurants. Do you remember that when we went to order in those restaurants, only I know how to order the best part of a cow, but with so much meat in a cow, there will always be some left over.

Also, some dishes use the best part of the beef, but only the most essential part is used, and the sides are cut into pieces. This is what you eat. Although the quality is very good, but because It’s too broken to fetch a high price.”

Bruce looked down at his plate. Selena was right. The beef on the plate basically no longer needed to be divided with a knife, as if it had already been cut. This kind of ground beef would not be in the Served at any restaurant in the Southern District.

There are also these seafood, which are all frozen products. They are usually stolen by some cold chain transport drivers. This product has transportation losses, so it's okay to report more. That's why, cold chain drivers are rushing to do it. The reason, they are the easiest to earn extra money.

Also, the vegetables you see are usually for display. Guests in those high-end restaurants don't eat them. When the kitchen is clearing the plates, they will keep them and sell them.

Selena looked out of the window of the restaurant, pouted her mouth and said, Don't look at the bustling outside, the ingredients they use are not as good as what we eat now, and many shop owners will choose to mince some not-so-good meat to make Meatloaf, adding more sauce can cover up the smell, you must have eaten these meats, so you have diarrhea.

Of course, this kind of restaurant with good materials, in addition to the need for connections, is also more expensive. Usually, I can only come to eat once a month, but I just came back today, so it's a celebration.

While listening to Selena's words, Bruce kept sending the beef to his mouth. He hadn't eaten such delicious food for a long time.

Selena took a sip of her meal, and she said: I think you may think these people in the slums are too stupid. Don't we know that those rich guys exploit us every day? In that case, why can't we get more ?”

Thanks for their high consumption. Selena clasped her hands together and said, I wish they would waste a little more every day. It's best to only bite into one bite of steak, and all the rice bags and flour bags are full of worms. Oh, you don't need to pray for this. Infestation, the warehouse manager will also let them infestation, anyway, they are not short of this food... ·

Bruce thought while eating, if it was in the past, he would have reprimanded Selena for saying this, because it was stealing and it was against the law.

Selena reached out and stroked Bruce's injured face, and said, You're a little too worrying, honey, you think of yourself too smart and us too stupid, but in fact, people are very adaptable. of.

I was born here and grew up here, and I never thought there was anything wrong with it. You don't have to come here as an isolated person and experience it for a month, and feel that we are very pitiful. We are not pitiful at all. We had a good time.

But those... Bruce paused, the ones lying in the basement waiting to die, smoking marijuana for pain...

There are people like this everywhere, and the pain is fair to everyone. Selena lowered her eyes, looked at her plate and said, If you go to the best hospital in Gotham, you can see it too. A bunch of rich people who turned up the dosage of morphine analgesics to the maximum, aren't they also waiting to die?

It is true that our medical conditions are not good. Many people can be rescued if they are placed in wealthy areas, and many injuries can be cured. However, if they are all cured, there will always be no vacancies for jobs. To starve to death?

Bruce was speechless, and Selena looked at him and said, Gotham people are short-lived, either by accident or by fire, but the more you die, the more chances others have. You replace the dead Ex, you might die too, everyone knows that.

You think of yourself too strong, and us too fragile. Under the faint light, Selena's eyelashes glowed golden, which fascinated Bruce a little. He heard Selena sigh with emotion. tone said:

Death is not scary to us. It is everyone's predestined destiny. From birth to growing up, we have seen too many deaths. Therefore, we are stronger than you rich people. We don't like We cried in front of the hospital bed, and the people lying on the hospital bed didn't like to hear us cry.

If you have this time, why don't you go play for a while, drink some wine, I know. You think this is too frivolous, and you don't take life seriously at all. Selina picked up the wine glass, put it on her mouth and said: But in fact, we also feel that you live a little too seriously and seriously.

Selena wiped the wine from her mouth, looked at Bruce and said, Actually, I don't want to mention this, but have you noticed that in the East End, it's normal to have no parents.

Not only is it normal, it is even very lucky, if you wake up at birth and find yourself thrown in a house, and your biological parents are nowhere to be found, then you should quickly thank God.·

Although Bruce has adapted a lot, he still felt absurd when he heard Selena say that. Selena looked at his expression and smiled and said: I knew you were surprised, but what I said is fact.

First of all, if you don't have parents, it means that no one will abuse you, no one will squeeze you to make money, no one will sell you to a dirty place...

If you are in a house instead of a roadside or a trash can, it proves that your parents should still be sane. As long as you can persist until someone finds out, you generally won't die.

And if you are also sane, you are so lucky, because that proves that you don't inherit the drug or alcohol addiction from your parents, and you won't become an addict from birth...

Serena held out her hand, shrugged, and said, Sometimes, I wish I didn't have a mother, so I wouldn't have to go out to work and buy cat food for her when it rains.

Bruce sat on the chair silently, and Selena stretched out her hand to touch his face and said, Sweetheart, it has been more than ten years, even if you are rich, it can make you sad forever, and you don't have to do anything, but If you go on like this, you'll only miss out on more.

You think I've done nothing? Bruce asked.

Serena opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, then showed an embarrassed expression, and said, Well...not really, you should have done something, such least, you wrote A lot of papers?

I mean Batman, Bruce stared at Selena, Selena looked away, but Bruce refused to let go, Selena sighed and said, Actually, I don't even know what Batman is doing. ...

As far as I know, apart from taking a walk with me, you just stand on the top of the building and watch the scenery... Ah, wait! You still did something! You installed a lot of cameras and dug up the mountains in the suburbs. I made a hole and succeeded in making myself unable to finish my paper...

Seeing Bruce's face getting worse and worse, Selena immediately turned her clever little head, and added: ...Ah! Wait a minute! I remember! Sergeant Gordon told me that the central turntable That traffic light was transformed from your bat light, it is really bright, every night, I would be shocked by it...

Well, and... Selena's eyes rolled faster and faster, but she still thought about it for more than a minute before she said: Some time ago, the newspaper published your news, and someone charged a high price for your photo , if there are no photos, whereabouts information is fine...

Bruce's eyes became more and more unfriendly, and Selena shrank her neck back and said, ...well, I'm actually a little tempted, but I know, you will definitely be angry, so I didn't do it.

Oh, don't discuss this matter, if you finish eating, let's go for a walk? Selena started acting coquettishly again, because he knew Bruce must be angry.

But who knows, Bruce asked:

How much will my whereabouts sell for?

Well... Selena hesitated and said, One message is five dollars...

How many???!!!

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