The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 708 U: Infinite Event (24)

Chapter 708 U Infinite Event (24)

The time point is reversed from the future, back to the time when Schiller successfully came to the kingdom of death.

When Death was busy solving Schiller's problem, that is, when he was busy making harassing calls to Lucifer abroad, Schiller was not idle, and he kept selling her in Death's ear.

Although the matter has reached this point, the main purpose of the two parties is to win, but Schiller is also idle, and it would be good if he can develop one more customer, so he began to do his best to start and Death talks business.

Death completely ignored him at first, but as Schiller changed various negotiating strategies, Death began to be a little moved. Although he pretended to be completely uninterested, he was still listening carefully.

Seeing that Death seemed to be shaken, Schiller became even more enthusiastic. Face-to-face sales are different from making phone calls. Schiller can cooperate with various gestures, graphics, and even PPTs and proposals to fully explain his cooperation to Death. How advanced the method is.

Soon, the two entered into the bargaining link where you competed for each other. In fact, this link was the most difficult. Both parties refused to give in. They kept testing each other's bottom line, then adjusted their own bottom line, and carried out a long tug-of-war war.

The two of them were eating and discussing business in the kingdom of death, and it was very peaceful, but there were some problems on the OAA side.

Death keeps making harassing calls to Lucifer, and Lucifer keeps making harassing calls to Marvel. OAA itself has the responsibility to maintain the smooth operation of the universe. Obviously, receiving harassing calls continuously does not belong to the scope of smooth operation. Therefore, he had to find a way to hang up the phone.

OAA wanted to smash the mobile phone, so it handed over the task to its subordinates, and the subordinates handed it over to the subordinates' subordinates. After layers of outsourcing, the silver glider, the younger brother of Galactus, became a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered in the Holy of Holies .

I heard that Silver Wing Glider and Galactus behind him wanted to apply for Platinum Membership of the Holy Sanctuary. Loki went to battle in person, the conditions were negotiated, the contract was signed, and it was short of money. But at this time, Silver Glider But the reporter said that he wanted to report the budget and ask Galactus for money.

But Galactus himself is very hungry, he just wants to eat and not to vomit anytime, anywhere, this is probably the most difficult boss in the entire universe to budget, and the silver glider can't get energy out of Galactus's teeth.

The silver glider can only report by leapfrogging. Fortunately, the Life Tribunal is quite generous. After the budget was approved, the color glider successfully applied for the platinum membership of the Sanctuary.

Rocky is very happy. The turnover of this order is worth his busy work this year, and the silver glider is also very happy. In his opinion, he can easily find the target without spending his money. The task must be easy.

But at this time, Loki gave him bad news. According to the information told to him by Frigga who was present at the time, Schiller was dead.

When the silver glider got the news, he was stupid. As far as he knows, his mission this time is to let Galactus devour the planet where the target is located after finding the target. But now, the target is dead. Now, what's the point of Galactus in the past?

The silver glider didn't know whether someone wiped out the target first, or some accident happened. Anyway, the target is dead, so his mission has been completed, so he went back and told the news to Planet Devour , and Galactus told the Tribunal of Life.

When OAA learned that Schiller was dead, he also felt very puzzled. The mobile phone was gone, so why haven't the harassing calls been hung up?

After some checking, the OAA discovered that the call had stayed on because Schiller was dead.

However, because the ongoing operation of death is related to some existences on the DC side, OAA has no way of judging what the principle is. He only knows that he must first resurrect Schiller before he can find out, this Are the harassing calls coming because Schiller is dead?

However, OAA also has a side that represents the readers and the editorial department. He is the supreme will of the Marvel universe. In the setting of the supreme will, all those who have said the phrase greater power comes with greater responsibility will die. .

In other words, this is actually the will of comic readers, and also the will of the editorial department, reflected in the comics.

The so-called Spider Curse is actually that comic readers like to see the process of Spider-Man's growth, and the way editors reflect this process is to write his important relatives to death.

The side of OAA that maintains the smooth operation of the universe requires him to resurrect Schiller to find out what is going on with the harassing phone calls. big people die.

If several sides of OAA can talk, what happens may be as follows:

It's my responsibility to keep the universe running smoothly, I said, I'm going to bring Schiller back to life, and hang up!

It is my responsibility to carry out the reader's will. I said, Schiller said that with great ability comes great responsibility, so he must die!

He can't die, I have to hang up the phone!

He must die...

He can't die...

He has to...

he can not……

In short, on the question of whether Schiller can die, there is a small bug in the OAA program.

Of course, it is impossible for a bug of this degree to cause the supreme will of the universe to be stuck. A good program has the function of self-test and emergency braking.

For OAA, the best solution is to restart.

Of course, it’s not a restart of the entire Marvel universe, nor is it the kind of restart that rewrites the background settings of all characters, but simply reverses the time of the single universe and resets all causality back to the point in time when there is no problem.

To put it simply, by reverting, erasing the bug-prone program, and then through some intervention by OAA, the development process of the monolithic universe deviates from the possibility of bugs, which can be completely eliminated. solve this problem.

Schiller in the Kingdom of Death was holding a contract, pointing to the end of the contract, and said to Death: If there is no problem, just sign here, according to the terms we negotiated before...

Death read the contract again, and after confirming that there were no problems, a pen appeared in her hand, and beautiful cursive characters landed on the paper.

But just when she finished writing the first letter, she felt something strange, and Schiller also heard some strange sounds.

The two looked up at the sky at the same time. Schiller didn't know what Death saw, but he found that a strange starry sky suddenly appeared in the sky of the Kingdom of Death.

The starry sky is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting closer and closer to Schiller. Schiller squinted his eyes and took two steps back. He had a bad premonition. Just a second before the starry sky swallowed him, he shouted road:


In an instant, there was only silence in the kingdom of death.

Schiller was surrounded by a bright starry sky, and he found that all the light spots around him were moving forward rapidly, or in other words, he was retreating rapidly.

In the endless stream of stars, he saw countless bubble-like disillusioned universes, and the endless universes passed by him, and all the details of what happened in them were clearly visible.

If a person chooses to drink milk in the morning, a universe flies past Schiller's eyes; if a person chooses not to drink milk in the morning, another universe flies past.

Infinite choices constitute infinite possibilities, and infinite possibilities become infinite universes. Every single universe in the multiverse represents infinite possibilities at infinite time points.

Countless strange things flew past Schiller. All these things are an independent universe, and everything in this infinite space is a universe.

Milk is the universe, a chair is the universe, a cat is the universe, a dog is the universe, a person’s thoughts are the universe, a dream is also the universe...

As time goes back and causality is reset, the monolithic universe that Schiller is in is restarted to the time point that has not yet touched the multiverse.

Schiller woke up suddenly from the bed. The bedroom in the Arkham Sanatorium was very quiet. The lights of thousands of houses outside the floor-to-ceiling windows and the bright starry sky did not weaken Schiller's drowsiness.

Arriving at the base of the Spider Legion through spider sensing, learning about the so-called spider curse, using the spider curse to go to the kingdom of death, and then inducing death to make harassing calls to Lucifer...all of this seems to be an absurd dream.

When waking up from the bed, there will always be such an illusion, as if everything that happened before is a blurred dream, but Schiller knows that it is not a dream.

Looking at the wall clock next to him, according to the date and time on it, in two minutes, Spider Silk will contact him through the spider sensor.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and when two minutes came, the familiar buzzing sound did not come.

The spider silk did not contact him, the spider totem did not respond, the development of the matter deviated from the original track, and the possible programming error was reversed.

Schiller looked at his hand, where there should have been a resurrection contract signed by death, a symbol of his victory and a deserved trophy.

But at this time, with the reset of cause and effect, everything disappeared without a trace.

Schiller took a deep breath and sat up from the bed. He remembered the endless universe he saw in the gap between time reversal and causal reset when he just experienced the restart of the universe.

Everything becomes the universe, cats are the universe, dogs are the universe, dreams are the universe...

Dreams... are also universes?

As the moonlight dimmed, Schiller's figure was reflected on the clean glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and a dangerous and crazy smile slowly appeared on his face.

Vinegar is finally here!

I am exhausted from making dumplings!

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