The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 356 S: Glorious Event (Thirty-three)

Chapter 356 S Glorious Event (Thirty-three)

Wicked... Why did several members of the Radiance Alliance, plus Steve and Peter, come to the Andromeda Galaxy? We have to start with the current development of the solar system.

Since the construction of Mercury Base began, Stark began to click on the skill tree of infrastructure, first of all. Due to Mercury's future planning and development, there will be a fully automated energy collection base, and the first thing to do is automation.

Programming is a piece of cake for Stark. He created an extremely complex robot logic network, and adapted different types of robots based on this network, and then integrated them into the building to become an integrated system. machinery, thus solving troublesome problems such as robot energy, damage repair, etc.

The second is nano-folding and unfolding technology. The nano-mecha Schiller gave him before has been studied over and over again by Stark. Although it has not yet reached this folding rate, it can already fold most large-scale machines. Within the load range of the transport robot.

The next thing is even simpler. The mage opens a portal, the transport robot moves in, and Stark uses a huge screen to control it.

The specific process is actually the same as playing some assembly line construction games. Find mineral points, put in mining machines, put in smelting machines, put in assembly machines, and then set up assembly lines, form factories, optimize efficiency...

With the technology of folding large machinery, it is possible to do just like in the game, with Stark on the Earth's side of the screen, the construction robot on Mercury in place, and a large machinery unfolding directly.

Of course, since this technology is not too mature yet, there is a risk of explosion when deployed, so it cannot be used on Earth. But it doesn't matter for Mercury. After it explodes, just build another one.

The initial explosion probability was a little high, so Stark started to click on the skill tree of the recycling system. He modified the large machinery to be deployed so that the explosion range was completely controllable, and then recycled the blown materials. The recovery rate could be It reached more than 80%, and even increased to more than 98% in the end, which is equivalent to free demolition and reconstruction.

Then, Stark cooperated with technical consultants from Far Eastern countries and began to set up logistics systems between bases, such as elevated roads and high-speed rails, and then came the very cumbersome wiring and other processes.

If this was an ordinary person playing the game, this would probably burn out his brain, but it was no problem for Stark. With the help of Jarvis, a super-intelligent person, the Mercury base was soon built. Presentable.

But the problem arises again. The Mercury base is for experiments on how to extract solar energy. Light cannot stay on Mercury. It must get closer to the star. But every time a star gets closer, the temperature will increase exponentially. Ordinary metals cannot resist it at all. Due to the high temperature of the sun, some important equipment must use vibranium and vibranium alloys.

Recently, Wakanda, the black sheep, has almost been exterminated by Stark. But even if Wakanda is willing to participate in the construction of the solar system and is willing to increase the importance of vibranium, the mining technology is there and it has not been mined for so many years. No matter how much you dig, you can't conjure it out of thin air no matter how anxious you are.

Stark also knew that he couldn't use the hair of a sheep, and besides, this non-renewable resource must be used sparingly.

As a result, the development of the solar system was once again subject to materials, and Stark also knew that to achieve a technological leap, it was too slow to focus on materials and patience. Instead of spending several years grinding a stick into a spear, it was better to find iron and gunpowder. Just make a gun.

By a very coincidental coincidence, the Brimstone Dwarves happen to be a race that can draw energy from their own stars. According to the symbiote, the reason why this race has developed better than other races and has been able to develop its own independent technological system also depends on the power within their galaxy. A special kind of metal that the dwarves call molten steel.

In addition, the Andromeda Zerg also possesses cave crystal clusters with excellent light transmission and thermal insulation properties. Both races, High Elves and Totem Spirits, have materials with high magic affinity in their territories, which are suitable for fixed teleportation by mages. Door construction.

Human beings have traveled thousands of miles to come to the Andromeda Galaxy to overthrow the evil president of the Federation and give the people of Andromeda a just sky. Even if it is peacekeeping, there must be some wear and tear fees, right?

We don't even need money, we just need a little mineral mining rights. How much minerals can an ordinary surface civilization mine?

Look, don't the Brimstone Dwarves have any objections?

Schiller sat on the sofa in the Civilized Speaker's House of the Commonwealth and said that he took a sip of the fruit wine that is a specialty here.

Strange rolled his eyes and said: I guess, as long as they agree, you will immediately drive the spaceship to mine, and you will not stop until the warehouse is completely filled...

How is that possible? If you want to fly it, Peter will do it. Flying a spaceship is not as fun as I thought, so let's forget it.

At this time, Magneto and Charles walked in one after another. Schiller turned to look at them and asked with a smile: How is it? How is your new home?

Very good. Charles was obviously very satisfied.

After all, this empty island is first-class in terms of location, structure, and environment. The selfish speaker has done nothing else for so many years, but to collect precious resources and technologies from everywhere and use them for his own personal use. On the garden.

He has built the entire sky island into a paradise with beautiful environment and abundant resources. The mutants are equivalent to directly seizing a private manor of a rich man, so of course they will be very satisfied.

Moreover, this island, which is only half the size of the Earth, is easier to defend than an entire planet. At least Magneto's magnetic field can completely cover it.

The earth can accommodate billions of people, but there are only a few million mutants. Living here can be said to be a vast land with few people.

Schiller was also very satisfied with this, because Charles' next sentence was: Of course, there are still many problems in the construction here, such as not enough houses, not enough infrastructure, and there is no clue about town planning...

It doesn't matter. We don't all have to move here tomorrow. You can plan everything on Earth and slowly transform this place into a dream home for mutants in a few years.

Actually, that's the problem. Charles showed a slightly embarrassed expression. He said: Although the individual abilities of mutants are very powerful, in terms of construction, we are really...

The Beast has given a plan, but there is no clue about the raw materials or the way the project will be carried out. It sounds simple, but it is actually a very big project, and if it is not planned well, there may be big trouble in the future...

Don't worry, the earth's blood transfusion does not mean providing raw materials, but providing technology and ideas. Stark can completely handle the construction of the base. Didn't you also see the construction speed of the Mercury base a few days ago?

Charles nodded and said: That is indeed a miracle, but we also need to consider some aesthetics. You know, this is where people live after all, and we cannot turn it into a robot factory.

Don't worry, Nick has sent invitations to the world's most famous landscape masters, as well as several environmental art professors who teach at world-renowned universities. They will provide you with the most appropriate environmental transformation plan.

In addition, you can also use local materials. You have already seen the appearance of the Speaker's Palace. This special material is on a planet in the galaxy. The Zerg have just sent a communication, thanking us for exposing the conspiracy of the Speaker of the Federation Civilization, and Said that their civilization suffered the most serious losses in the destruction of the fleet.

If the mutants can guarantee their safety, then they are willing to give up the two mining planets on the edge of the galaxy, which can directly provide you with ready-made minerals.

The leaders of the high elves are also interested in negotiating. They want to exchange some of their technology for our technology. They lag behind several other civilizations in engineering and manufacturing, especially in the control of electricity and magnetism. Maybe we can exchange it with them. Got something nice.”

Totem Spirit is a pure elemental race, which has nothing to do with mutants. However, if they trade with mages, you can also ask the mages to see if they can exchange for some enchanted items.

In short, this is the benefit of a prosperous zone. Everything can be traded, and all parties can exchange their needs and make progress together.

Even compared to the earth, this place is more suitable for development. The earth is like a remote no-man's land. You have to mine everything yourself.

Charles was convinced. In the past few days, he had watched Stark click on the skill tree. To be honest, he felt that Stark had tried his best, but he was still limited by various resources and had to dig. Sosou, count every bit of resources and use them wisely.

Even if Stark's wisdom points are full, he still has to travel thousands of miles to the Andromeda Galaxy to pull back the ore.

It seems that the mutants have simply gotten a huge advantage. Various facilities in the core star area of ​​the Andromeda Nebula are very complete, and there are also written interstellar regulations, which are very suitable for the survival of intelligent creatures, especially kind to neutral creatures. .

After Magneto left, Charles sighed. He picked up the cup and took a sip of the fruit wine, and then asked: You are so willing to give up such a good place to mutants?

We are not giving it to the mutants. We are all human beings, or at least a part of human civilization. You are the first step towards the interstellar space for mankind. You are the pioneers and pioneers.

Perhaps you are thinking, with such a good resource, why don't ordinary people move here? Even if they can't move all of it, moving part of it is considered interstellar colonization, but things are not that simple.

Now you think that the three races of Zerg, High Elves and Totem Spirits are very friendly. That's because mutants are strong enough.

The leaders of these civilizations have more or less guessed Magneto's abilities. They are afraid of the mutants' powerful individual force. Rather than forcing you to jump over the wall, cooperation is a better way.

But if the people who come here are ordinary humans, our strength and technological level are not enough to suppress the situation. When the time comes, these seemingly amiable alien civilizations will show their fangs and they will completely tear humans apart.

This is the principle of interstellar society. Survival of the fittest, the law of the jungle and the strong. Human beings are far from being able to step onto the interstellar stage.

Okay. Schiller changed the topic and said, Where is the Kree descendant? It's time to talk about the fifteen spaceships that the Kree owe us...

The history of the three great empires has also been basically rewritten, and I have been cursing and writing the outline this week.

The author’s journey in writing an outline:

Look at the original settings...why are there so few? ... Maybe it will work if I change it... What the hell is this... What is this... Is the editor out of his mind? ! ...How the hell can I change this...Forget it, let's rewrite it.

(Big push today! Please give me votes and rewards! It’s almost a hundred days in a row!!! The number of QAQ subscriptions dropped recently is outrageous)

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