The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 346 S: Brilliant Event (23)

Chapter 346 S Brilliant Event (23)

At this time, in the secret meeting place of the World Security Council, a larger screen surrounded the front of the semicircular seats, and the image on it was a bit weird. In the center of the entire screen was a huge fireball. Obviously, the image passed through Only after some special treatment can the true colors of the stars be revealed.

And if you look carefully, in the upper right corner of this star, there is a small black spot, that is the planetary warship of the Cree.

Although the planetary battleship is as big as an entire planet, it is still nothing compared to the huge stars. At this time, the planetary battleship of the Cree is squatting next to the sun to absorb energy, referred to as sucking the sun.

Due to the large difference in size, this scene is more like a mosquito sucking a coconut. When the stars cover the entire screen, the Kree planetary battleship is already too small to be seen. If there is a red frame dedicated to After marking its location, the big men on the seats couldn't see the existence of that battleship at all.

Before, they have seen the close-up of this planetary warship. In that picture, the planetary warship looks extremely huge, very terrifying, and has a strong sense of oppression, but compared with the uncanny workmanship of nature in the universe, it is still very Small.

Although this no longer brought the audience such a strong sense of oppression, it brought them a deeper sense of despair. Even if it advanced to the level of Cree civilization, it was still as small as a grain of sand compared to the burning stars. , This is the status quo of the interstellar society. No matter how powerful a civilization is, it will one day be annihilated in a cosmic natural disaster.

But now, human beings are not even counted as a grain of sand, and even a slightly stronger sea breeze is enough to blow out the fire of civilization without the tide.

At this moment, although everyone's ideas are different, no one's position is exactly the same, and they all have their own ghosts, they all have to temporarily put themselves in the perspective of human civilization to think about the problem, because if they distinguish at this time The country and power are even weaker to the point of collapse.

When the game map was still limited to the earth, the struggle between countries and forces seemed thrilling, but when the map was expanded to the entire universe, no one cared what happened on the surface of a small star, and many of them represented Their eyes frequently glanced at Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Zheng Xian, Director of Lance Bureau.

It is foreseeable that these two departments will gain greater power in the coming time.

Just when they were thinking about the future direction of development, another red box suddenly appeared on the screen, but there seemed to be nothing in that red box.

At this time, the director also seemed to realize that it was an invalid reminder, so he had to zoom in on the camera, and in the picture with the endless flames of stars as the background, a small black spot continued to enlarge.

When the camera zoomed in, people saw that it seemed to be a person.

In an instant, chattering voices began to sound on the field. From this picture, it can be seen that this person is so close to the stars, and seems to be closer than that planetary battleship. He almost landed on the sun. surface.

The camera zoomed in infinitely until it focused on his face. Immediately, heated discussions broke out in the venue, because what appeared in the center of the screen was an old face that no one wanted to see—that was Magneto.

His expression was still indifferent, the corners of his mouth and eyebrows looked like two underlines, he pursed his lips, said nothing, but lowered his head slightly, and dusted his gloves.

Particles of the sun surrounded him, but they couldn't touch his clothes. In the endless star flames, the black cloak fluttered with the solar wind, like a praying mantis on a car, or a mayfly shaking a tree. This picture shocked everyone here.

Magneto slowly closed his eyes, then opened his arms, he floated up, and then fell further, almost completely merging himself into the sun, the particles began to vibrate continuously, and the flame storm became stronger and stronger.

In just a split second, all the flames on the sun condensed.

The picture that appeared on the screen was like the pause button was suddenly pressed. If it weren't for the Kree battleship still spinning slowly in the distance, the audience would almost think that there was something wrong with the broadcast.

But the signal was not cut off, and everything was actually happening. At that moment, the sun stopped, and all the flames, particles, storms, and energy stopped.

An invisible position froze the sun, and then began to continuously collapse inward, the magnetic field tightened more and more, and the entire star seemed to be tightly held by an invisible big hand.

This seems to be different from what we expected? In the office of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick squinted his eyes and said, The process of a supernova explosion should not be like this, shouldn't it start from the center?

Stark shook his head and said, Do you know why the bomb needs a shell? Not only to store gunpowder, but also to increase the power of the bomb.

Along with Stark's description, a more intuitive change began. The particles on the surface of the sun began to gradually become discrete, and the entire sphere became bigger and bigger, as if it was rapidly aging. The Kree planetary battleship finally reacted. They Immediately wanted to leave.

At this time, Schiller commented: It seems that Magneto is still a master tactician. He first used this slow change to paralyze the Kree commander, making him think that the sun will not go wrong immediately, so that he still has enough energy Time to think about what happened to the stars, maybe I want to investigate...

As Schiller said, the planetary warship did not immediately use all the remaining energy to forcibly start the engine and start the transition, but now slowly retreated a certain distance in the universe, as if to observe from a long distance, what happened to the stars what changes.

It can't be blamed for them to relax their vigilance, because they have already conducted an extremely detailed investigation on this star before mining energy. Although this star is not upright and prosperous, it is still stable, and it will not be possible for at least hundreds of thousands of years. What has changed.

The more developed the civilization, the more confident they are in the data they have investigated, so the first reaction of the Cree was not that the sun was about to explode, but that there was a problem with the way they absorbed energy, which caused the sun to change, so they My first reaction was not to run away, but to take two steps back to see what was going on.

Just like when a person is using a microwave oven and hears a sudden click of the microwave oven, the first reaction is Is there something wrong with my posture of heating things, which caused the microwave oven to break?.

The measures taken are definitely not to run away, but to take two steps back and observe, maybe go up and pat the microwave oven.

But when the planetary warship observed for a while without any results, and planned to go up and pat the star to see what was broken, within a very short time unit that humans could not feel, the star suddenly burst out with a huge gravitational force. It attracts everything around it.

In just a moment, this terrifying gravitational force broke through the upper limit of the planetary battleship's anti-gravity device. This planetary battleship, which was very small in front of the stars, fell towards the sun at a terrifying speed.

Suddenly, this terrible gravitational force suddenly disappeared——

The stars exploded.

On the huge screen, the round fireball first burst into orange-red waves, and then, white gradually covered the entire sphere from a point, and then, several bright star rings spread around the sphere, Covers the entire ellipse around the star.

These star rings began to vibrate continuously, and then at a certain moment, they bloomed into gorgeous fireworks.

The things that human beings can observe with the naked eye are very scarce, and the process of the interaction of various particles cannot be seen by carbon-based organisms at all.

But what they can see is that a gorgeous firework spread throughout the entire galaxy, erupting from this huge star, with endless brilliance, completely lighting up the dark universe.

No one cared about that little planetary warship anymore, which wave of energy burst destroyed it. This gorgeous light made everyone dizzy. This is a brilliance that no painting can describe. This The known colors in the world are no longer enough to express the splendor of this moment.

And at this moment, people discovered that there seemed to be a small black spot on the screen, which had been standing in place, and had not moved since the sun changed.

This black speck is quietly like a speck of dust falling on the surface of the screen, and it looks even more abrupt in this gorgeous light. Some viewers even wanted to wipe the screen, but soon, they discovered that it was not dust, but is a person.

It was someone they didn't want to think about, and didn't dare to think about.

Magneto stood just like this in the afterglow of the sun explosion, waves of huge energy passed by him, but none of them could reach the corner of his clothes, an invisible position always surrounded him, allowing him to stand In the hottest energy core, he watched this splendid scene closer than anyone else, but he remained silent.

Polaris was also standing in the office of S.H.I.E.L.D. She looked at the screen in front of her, her face was illuminated by the fire, and when everyone was staring at the screen, she slightly lowered her head and looked at her hands, as if What are you thinking.

Then, she looked at Charles with a tacit understanding, and Charles was also looking at her, and nodded slowly to her.

Polaris turned his gaze to the screen again. The brilliance of the explosion did not weaken, but became stronger and stronger. The brilliance of the supernova explosion will become brighter and brighter within dozens of days.

There is no doubt that this is a supernova explosion that can be observed by humans, because in the next few dozen days, the brightness of its explosion is very strong, enough to span hundreds of millions of light years.

In the two conference rooms, everyone who saw this scene was silent, as if they were still immersed in the shock and couldn't extricate themselves.

But that little black dot didn't seem to be in the mood to look at the scenery, and in an instant that no one noticed, he disappeared, just like he disappeared in the middle of the battlefield countless times.

I think, right now, the group of people in the other venue should be full of doubts and panic. Nick said slowly while looking at the screen.

I guess they want to ask a question, but it's really a stupid question-'Why didn't Magneto destroy the earth?' Schiller continued: Why did he destroy the earth?

Perhaps, when the mutants are completely extinct, he will...

No, he won't. Charles interrupted Nick's speculation. He shook his head and said, He won't destroy the earth. If the mutants are really going to perish, he will turn everyone into mutants.

You can think he's a lunatic, but he really loves this planet more than any of you. Charles sighed, his voice starting to sink, as if he were reading a storybook .

The cold lights in the office dimmed, and only a low voice echoed.

When I first met him many years ago, I thought he was a very lonely person. He rarely communicated with others and didn't like to participate in any lively occasions.

At that time, I felt that as his friend, I had an obligation to pull him out of this loneliness, but later, I found out that he is not alone.

Because he is born with the ability to feel the magnetic field, his best friend is the planet under his feet.

Eric is like living in the blood of the earth, able to listen to the whispers of the planet through his special magnetic talent.

Their magnetic fields become one, and this planet is his parents, friends and lover, beating with him and pulsating together.

As his abilities become stronger, his friends will also increase.

Planets, stars, black holes... everything in the universe has a unique magnetic field, which is their language, and Eric, he is the listener of all the voices in the universe, and only he can hear these celestial bodies singing... ...

In the end, as the screen turned off, Charles' voice returned to nothingness with emotion.

This is Magneto, a son of the universe who is not alone.

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