The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 309 Three Detectives (10)

For many years in the past, the nights at Wayne Manor have been very quiet, because there is only one master and his old housekeeper here. After the night falls in Gotham, the only light that is on will soon go out, A huge manor will be completely engulfed in darkness until dawn comes again.

But this night, the lights in Wayne Manor were kept on, and the sound of the ladder rubbing against the bookshelf broke the silence in the room. Dick wrinkled his face and coughed twice, waving his hand in front of his nose, trying to drive away the of dust.

He looked up at the rows of thick books on the bookshelf, and ran his fingers across their spines. Suddenly, he stopped on a book called Ten Mysterious Legends You Didn't Know.

Dick reached out, took the book out of a pile of tightly packed books, and then climbed down a few steps of the ladder, throwing the book down, Elsa jumped up high on the ground, and threw the book Catch it, then swing her short legs, and put the tome, which she couldn't hold in her arms, into the pile of books beside her.

Dick climbed up the ladder in three steps and two steps, and continued to rummage through the bookshelves. While searching, he said to himself: The life of the rich is richer than I imagined...

He looked up at the reading room. This is the library of Wayne Manor. It is located in the westernmost tower of the manor. The entire reading room occupies an entire floor of the tower. There are hundreds of rows of bookshelves and countless books inside. , stacked on top of each other in a circular arrangement.

The entire reading room retains a strong British style. The reddish-brown bookshelves depict naturalistic decorations. In the center of the reading room is a row of circular sofas and several semicircular rows of desks.

Before, if I could live in a house like this, I would be very happy, but this is just a place for books.

Dick muttered under his breath, and he took another book from the shelf, climbed down the ladder himself, put the book on top of Elsa's pile of books, and picked up the big stack of books , walked towards the center of the reading room.

There, Bruce was looking down at one of the books. Dick walked over and put a thick stack of books on the table. He patted the top book and said, Mr. Wayne, this is District B. All the books with the keywords of occultism, I have arranged them in chronological order, and the higher the age is, the older it is.

Bruce took a sip of water and nodded. Dick took Aisha to another area and continued to find books for Bruce.

Even Batman has to admit that having such a little assistant can really save a lot of things, and Dick has a very good understanding with him. Bruce is indeed reading these books in chronological order. He didn't say this, Dick With a tacit understanding, I sorted out all the books.

If you want to talk about why he reads here, you have to start after he and Constantine parted ways last time.

Batman knew from Constantine that Mrs. Sanchez might be using children from all over Gotham to practice. He couldn't just ignore it, but Batman has almost no research on the occult, and Constantine seems completely unreliable However, Batman didn't want to point fingers at others, so he planned to study this knowledge by himself.

But for a complete outsider, it is very difficult to practice without a mentor to lead him in. Batman can only find the old priest of Gotham Cathedral.

Batman didn't forget that when the priest stayed in the church, he could use the mysterious wine pool under the church to gain some special abilities. He thought, maybe this would help him in his research on the occult?

He came to the church at dusk, and the priest was not surprised by his appearance. After hearing his reason for coming, the old priest shook his head and said: As a priest, of course I know that such a circle exists, but I advise you not to deal with them, because most of them trade with demons in exchange for special powers.

Doing this will not end well. Maybe for a while, they can gain extremely powerful power, just like in those fantasy novels, but they will inevitably pay an unimaginable price for this power. It would be a pain worse than death.

You misunderstood, I don't want to use this method to gain power, but I hope to find a way to deal with this power,

Standing in the shadow of the church, Batman said to the priest, Many people are now in danger from this terrible power, and I know nothing about it.

The movement of the priest to wipe the cross in his hand paused, and he said, If you just want to learn about this, then you shouldn't come to me.

Who am I going to find?

You should know that the most prosperous era of occultism has passed. Most people nowadays don't respect ghosts and believe in gods, especially in Gotham. But in the last era, there was a wave of black magic on the entire east coast. If you want this kind of knowledge, it's best to find it in history.

In Gotham, there are not many ancient families, but there are always one or two. The ancient families are the same. They like to record history and collect collections. Maybe you can find a trace of that era among these things... ...

So, Bruce began to look for the hidden waves of that era in the Wayne family's collection of books.

Anything related to occultism has a hidden and weird beauty. They are good at using words and word orders that ordinary people don’t use to describe one thing. The lines are full of code words, as if rejecting every ordinary people explore it.

But if you look at these stories with a rational attitude, you will find that they are just stories. The logic of the story itself is no different from those children's books written in fairy tale books, and many of the concepts mentioned are , are just ordinary people's assumptions about this mysterious circle, and there is absolutely no evidence to test.

The clouds outside the window flew faster and faster, and Bruce flipped through the books faster and faster. Dick walked back and forth again and again. Bruce finished reading more and more books, and less and less books he didn’t read. In the end, Dick had found all the books with occult keywords, sat opposite Bruce, and began to read the books.

He reads at a much slower speed than Bruce, because Bruce reads these stories just to find information, and Dick is really attracted by these mysterious stories. Aisha is sitting next to him, pretending to read, but every time After a while, a piece of paper would be missing from the book, and Aisha swallowed it all.

Dick was fascinated by the reading, until the light sound of Bruce putting down the water glass startled him, he raised his head and found that the pile of books in Bruce's hand had been, all read, he also closed the book, and asked Bruce: Did you find anything? Mister En?

Bruce's eyes fell on the book Dick was reading, and Dick saw his eyes, looked down at the book in front of him, and said, Oh, this is the 'Top Ten Mysteries' I just got. Legend', it's pretty good...

What's in it?

Hmm... Dick hesitated for a moment, not sure how to answer, Bruce drank his saliva and said, This is not an exam, nor is it an assignment for reading notes. I just want to try to change my perspective and see if I can find it. New ideas.

Okay, there are ten stories recorded in this, I just saw the end of the second one, the first one is about werewolves, the second one is Suicide Town, I think the second one is more interesting Some……

Do you think there are any clues there that might be useful?

Clues? Dick asked very puzzled: Isn't this just a ghost story? Where will there be any clues?

Bruce looked away from Dick, and turned to look at the book in his hand. This book introduced all kinds of magic circles, and boasted the functions of these magic circles amazingly, but most of them Most of them look like children's graffiti, and the examples given are not in line with reality.

Bruce said to Dick, If you're sleepy, go to bed, and I'll keep watching.

As he said that, he walked to the bookshelf by himself and began to search for some books about history. This kind of fantasy story cannot provide detailed and reliable clues, so maybe there are some traces in the history of the development of Gotham City.

After Bruce found the book, he sat down again, but Dick and Elsa didn't leave. Dick looked up and asked him, Is the legend of the witch true? The souls of children who ate candy were sold to the devil?

Dick put his hands on his face and said, I feel a little strange. If Mrs. Sanchez is really a witch, why did she come to Gotham?

When my parents came to Gotham, they were forced to. Except for the circus here who was willing to accept them, there was no other job on the entire east coast, so we had to come here.

If we had other options, we would definitely not come to this city. The weather here is bad and dangerous, and the people are not very good-tempered and difficult to get along with. We would not come here if we were desperate.

But, since Mrs. Sanchez is a witch, she should be much better than us, right? Why does she have to come to Gotham?

There's nothing special about the kids here compared to other kids, right? If there's anything to say, it's that the kids here are more violent and difficult...

Bruce's hand stopped turning the pages, and Dick saw the motion and said, Oh, sorry, did I bother you? It's just that I can't sleep right now, how about I sit at the desk on the other side?

No, you continue.

say what?

The part about Gotham.

I've already said it. It's actually quite a simple truth. If foreigners weren't desperate, they wouldn't come here, would they?

Of course, I know that there are quite a lot of foreigners coming here recently, but that's because Gotham has suddenly been cool recently, but Mrs. Sanchez has been here for a long time. When she came, Gotham should be more dangerous, right?

Indeed. The frequency of Bruce's voice was always stable, and his tone didn't fluctuate when he spoke, which sounded drowsy.

Laurena Sanchez didn't have any reason to choose a city like Gotham as her base camp, but since she did, there must be a reason.

Bruce lowered his eyes and looked at the book in his hand. On the cover of the book was written: Notes of Solomon Wayne.

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