The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1565: People Who Chase the Sun (Thirty-Three)

Marvel's single universe has experienced many times of destruction and rebirth. Except for the gods related to the rules, most of the lives were born after the latest universe reconstruction was completed.

The universe does have a center, and each individual universe will have traces left when the newest universe was born. Generally speaking, it is a super large black hole, but this black hole is not a complete physical phenomenon. There is also a symbolic meaning in it, representing the destruction of the old universe and the birth of the new universe.

The mass of this black hole is beyond imagination, so the extremely vast area around it is a real barren land, without any celestial bodies, let alone light.

But at this time, a phenomenon that violated the rules of physics appeared. Within the radiation range of the huge black hole, there was a strange celestial body that was comparable to it, and even emitted a crimson gleam. It was the alienated antimatter universe portal. aisle.

This portal channel is located in the ten-dimensional universe, and it appears as an irregular circle in the three-dimensional universe. The antimatter cosmic particles released by it appear dark purple and dark red to the human eye, while the particles of the positive matter universe are It appears black, and now the two sides overlap and cannot be distinguished from each other.

The portal channel is not affected by the light absorbed by the black hole. Even if it is within the radiation range of the black hole, there is still bright visible light escaping from the portal channel, and within the particle radiation range, it is not captured by the black hole.

It looked like a dark red hole had been scalded on a piece of black paper, and Schiller, who was standing on a planet at the very far edge of the central star region, frowned and whispered, How could it be like this? ?”

He is really a bit strange, because he didn't conduct a thorough and meticulous investigation before doing something as usual, and he wanted to find out what color underwear the villain wore when he was in elementary school. Now Schiller really doesn't know what the portal is. Why did it expand to such an extent.

He who has read the comics knows very well that although the annihilation event is a major event with a profound impact, it does not involve the multiverse and above levels, and does not involve the destruction of the single universe. You can see the current situation around the black hole at the center of the universe It is really not optimistic.

Schiller sighed in his heart. He thought that being an individual hero is not so easy. He is used to relying on his strengths to push others to do things for him, but now he has to start his own investigation from the beginning. It is indeed a bit uncomfortable.

As I said before, strategists can be roughly divided into two factions, one is the criminal faction, and the other is the detective faction. It seems arrogant is more like a criminal, and greedy is more like a detective, but it is actually the opposite.

The criminal faction is commonly known as the behind-the-scenes manipulator, who is used to arranging everything behind the scenes and making full use of others to achieve the goal, while the detective faction is the breaker, finding clues through investigation and deciphering, and then completing something before the opponent to achieve one step ahead Obviously, the former is a habit of greed, while the latter is more inclined to arrogance.

Being an individual superhero in Marvel is destined to only use the latter way of acting. In fact, Greedy Schiller has been planning behind the scenes for so long and changed the fate of so many people, just to avoid being like other time travelers. superheroes.

Being a superhero is really troublesome and tiring, Schiller complained a little in his heart, but he still resigned to driving the scout ship of the Shi'ar Empire to collect some dark matter particles near the portal passage.

Before, in the screen played by Adam in the theater of the Tower of Mind, it was shown that Reed and Banner opened the portal. Schiller felt that even if the expansion of the portal was not done by the two of them, the two of them should be able to discover it. clues, so he drove that scout ship back to the solar system.

Because this reconnaissance ship is a spaceship of the Shi'ar Empire, and the transfer technology of the Shi'ar Empire is quite advanced, Heimdall, who stayed behind in Asgard, found that the ship was driven by Schiller, and there was no problem with the biometrics, so he was directly let in. Nine Kingdoms.

Schiller parked the spaceship near Pluto, mingled with the previous Kree frigate, and then drifted back to Earth through the gray fog, and tried to find Reed and Banner, and provided them with the dark matter particles he had just collected, to see if they could Investigate some clues.

But when he arrived, the laboratory was in chaos. There were five people present, namely Banner, Reed, Otto, Peter, and Doom.

Peter glared at Reed, Reed and Banner confronted each other, Dum and Reed had a narrow road, and Otto was very helpless to the other four.

Schiller was stunned as soon as he walked in, but Peter seemed to see the backer and savior, and rushed forward to Schiller and said, God! Dr. Schiller, you're here, you don't even know about this bunch of lunatics. What did you do!!!

Don't worry, Peter, take your time, I know about Banner and Reed before, it's just a small accident, not worth mentioning, what's going on now?

Peter covered his forehead and said, Doctor, compared to the current mess, it was indeed a small accident before.

Peter sighed deeply, and began to tell Schiller what had happened on Earth during the standoff between Strange and Morbid.

The Hulk lost control and fought the Red Hulk created by Adam, while Peter was beating Reed in the lab.

The scene of Spiderman beating someone is indeed rare in a thousand years, but Peter is still a little rational. He punched Reed twice, and after he fell to the ground, he remembered that he still had something to do, which was to stop Red Hulk vs. Hulk.

Peter didn't rush up to punch the two big heads like other Spider-Man. He went directly to the Stark Group's laboratory, got a large-scale freezing device, and froze the two giants together.

The Red Giant and the Hulk calmed down together. After returning to their original state, Banner found that the Red Giant was Betty's father. Naturally, he was sad and disappointed, but Peter persuaded him to return to the laboratory.

After all, Banner is a good person, he felt guilty, and after returning to the laboratory, he didn't bother to care about Reed's cynicism, but concentrated on studying how to close the channel. Reed felt that it was boring and didn't make trouble. There has indeed been some progress.

Under the impact of the high-speed particle flow, the dark matter particles will open a channel to the antimatter universe on the corresponding coordinates of the positive matter universe. This is a theory that has been verified before.

Then, from this theory, it can be deduced that, firstly, the dark matter particles have the corresponding coordinates of the positive matter universe particles, and secondly, the single impact can open the channel.

So the two guessed that the particles of the positive matter universe might also correspond to the coordinates of the dark matter universe, and if the high-speed particle flow is used to impact the corresponding positive matter particles, then it should be possible to close the portal on the corresponding coordinates of the dark matter universe.

Anyway, the situation is so bad now, and the few people in the laboratory have no more choices. They plan to try, but they must first know the coordinates of the portal in the dark matter universe, and then they can find the corresponding positive matter particles before closing the portal.

Peter proposed that the people on the front line should collect enough information for them, and then find a way to determine the coordinates, but Reed felt that that was too slow, and he directly activated an observer robot studied by Stark near the portal.

He didn't intend to do any more dangerous experiments, he just wanted to use this robot to look at the properties of the portal, maybe he could guess the coordinates out of thin air, but by coincidence, Dr. Abnormal.

It is impossible for such a big thing to escape Dum's eyes. As soon as he cast his sights on the strange portal, he saw the observer robot with the Stark Group logo wandering nearby.

Dum is also very smart. He speculated that this should not be Stark's handwriting, so he tracked the signal of the observer robot, and found that the source of the signal was Reed's laboratory.

What else Dom can’t understand, it must be Reed who caused trouble again, but just like Schiller speculated before, the two have never confronted each other, and Dom will never let Reid want to do anything. He did it successfully.

But Dum didn't know that Reed was going to close the portal. He thought that Reed was going to expand the portal so that more bugs could enter this universe. It's Reed's old line.

Doom knew that time was running out, he didn't confirm too much, he just wanted to cut off Reed's line of sight as soon as possible and interfere with his actions, so he directly sent the shielding signal, but it not only blocked the observation, but also caused the observer robot to lose control.

The observer robot rushed into the portal channel of the dark matter universe, and successfully rushed into the dark matter universe. Dum discovered something was wrong at the last moment, removed the shielding signal, and restored the observation screen of the observer robot, but this caused catastrophe.

The observer effect of the positive matter universe was triggered, and the robot from the positive matter universe rushed into the dark matter universe along the passage, while Reed and Dum stared at the screen, causing the coordinates of the portal channel in the dark matter universe to be changed. The position when the robot enters is anchored.

When the exits of the channel in the positive matter universe and the dark matter universe are anchored at the same coordinates, the channel is completely stabilized. The channel opened by Banner and Reed before is at best equivalent to a dart piercing a piece of paper, and opening the paper with a small opening When the channel is completely anchored, it is equivalent to cutting a circle on the paper with scissors. Now not only the channel is completely opened, but the whole paper becomes fragile.

Watching the violent particle collision storm smash the Zerg and everything else to pieces, both Reed and Doom realized what a disaster they had made, so Doom hurried to the laboratory and waited for his death. It's Spider-Man's fist.

Peter was so pissed off by them, he even used one percent of his strength to beat the robot sent by Doom into a pile of iron pieces, forcing Doom to appear here in real body .

But what is even more frightening is that after Reed and Dum appeared in the same space, the first thing they did was not to work together to make up for the troubles they caused, but to blame each other and blame each other, and they quarreled for half a day here. Hours, nothing shit done.

Schiller listened to what Peter said very calmly. He thought about it for a few seconds, and then he walked behind Reed in a casual gesture, and Reed was still busy with Dum at this time. quarrel.

Suddenly, Reid felt someone pat on his shoulder, and he turned his head instinctively, and what appeared in his vision was Schiller's sandbag-sized fist.


Reed fell down slowly, revealing Schiller's face behind him. Schiller shook his fist, looked down at Reed who fell on the ground and said.

I withdraw my humble opinion, sometimes it's good to be a superhero and pump your fists.

I don't feel good if I don't beat him

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