The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1563: People Who Chase the Sun (31)

The biggest problem Schiller’s friends had with Schiller’s treatment was that none of the practitioners had professional knowledge of psychology, psychiatry and pedagogy, and they worked through the reverse process of results.

For example, they think that Schiller's excessive greed will make Schiller hurt themselves, so the result they want is to prevent Schiller from hurting themselves, and thus deduce that Schiller cannot be so greedy.

The way to keep Schiller from being so greedy is naturally to help him lower the threshold, and the way to lower the threshold is to watch him all the time and keep him from causing trouble.

This kind of treatment can’t be wrong, it’s just like all the parents in this world who force their children to do something for the sake of the result. The intention is obviously good, but the process is always mutual torture, and in the end they can’t get the desired result , It will only make both parties feel that the other party is making trouble for no reason and does not understand themselves.

And the more the desired result is not achieved, the more extreme the conflict will be intensified. The last time Stark treated Schiller, it was just to prevent everyone from going to him for medical treatment, but this time Strange It has developed to drag Schiller through self-mutilation, and if it doesn't work this time. The actions of both sides will only become more extreme.

The difference between Professor X and them is that he is a good doctor and a good teacher. His educational method is not result-oriented. He never said to the students in the Xavier School for Gifted Boys, You must become a strong Mutants, Or you must control your abilities for the rest of your life so that you don't lose control.

His treatment and education methods are often oriented toward personality shaping. By guiding them to perform various behaviors, allowing them to subtly stabilize their personality and establish correct values, the above goals can be achieved naturally.

Of course, mutants are a very complicated social proposition. What Professor X has to deal with is not just one or two patients or students, but a whole group of people.

He is in the same situation as Odin. Just because an individual has just passed a test that far exceeds the level of racial knowledge, it cannot be considered that he has no level. In fact, Charles Xavier can establish Xavier genius in human society by himself. Teenage School and the X-Men, that's quite an achievement.

Both Strange and Stark knew this, so when Charles also came to the room of Schiller's thinking tower for a consultation and proposed that he could be Schiller's psychiatrist, neither of them had any objections.

What made the two of them have doubts was that Professor X requested that Strange and Stark not intervene in the process of treating Schiller. They could fully observe Schiller's situation, but they could not interfere too much with the treatment, nor could they interfere. Then take the same extreme measures as before.

To be honest, Stark and Strange really couldn't think of anything other than extreme measures to restrain Schiller.

Professor Xavier. Strange said to Charles in his mind: Since the situation in the large portal sector of the Shi'ar Empire is very serious, I must take the mage there to fight against the annihilating Zerg. Send Schiller back to Earth first...

No, don't send Schiller back to Earth, take him to the front.

What Charles said completely exceeded Strange's expectations. He said in shock: Where are you sending Schiller?? The front line against the Zerg??? But...

Strange was a little dazed, he didn't even know how to refute for a while, and he could only choke out a sentence after a long time: But this is very dangerous...

Really? Do you really think that group of bugs can threaten Schiller, who can't even be threatened by the rules of the universe?

But... what's the point of this? Strange was puzzled, and said, Schiller is not a combatant, he hasn't even fought with others.

That's not what you thought when he pressed the ballpoint pen to your head, Doctor Strange.

Strange opened his mouth, and found that he really couldn't argue with a mind-reading person, because there is no one in this world who is better at reversing old scores than Professor X, not even Magneto, let alone him ?

Fortunately, Charles explained quite patiently: The way you solve Schiller's problem is to find someone to watch him, let him stay in a completely safe environment and do nothing, but if it were you, would you Waiting like this?

During the treatment of mental illness, doctors often don't encourage family members of patients to keep patients at home for a long time, but try to give them something to do as much as possible. , should participate in social and social labor normally.”

Being alone for a certain period of time can effectively reduce emotional stress, but long-term closure often leads to emotional depression. If the dopamine secreted by the brain is at a low level for a long time without stimulation, it may also cause depression.

I have seen many family members of mentally ill patients, thinking that the recuperation mentioned by doctors means locking the patients in a room, delivering water and meals at fixed times, and letting them lie in bed to rest, but in fact it is far from that simple.

Emotional regulation is a profound knowledge. In addition to relieving stress for patients, sometimes it is necessary to provide them with appropriate stress to restore the normal operating frequency of organs.

Obviously, what Schiller needs now is not that you look at him, let him stay in one place, eat and sleep every day, you must let him experience another kind of enrichment, guide his attention to the right direction, not Blindly persuade him 'you've done too much, so now you can't do anything'.

Charles' explanation is very simple and easy to understand, and of course Strange understands it, but the magic of psychology and psychiatry is that the things they treat are invisible and intangible, so when there is no effect, Most people will be skeptical.

However, Strange, who is also a doctor, still has a more scientific attitude in this regard, so he said: Well, I think we can try it, but once Schiller is at risk of losing control, we have to stop. Treatment, and then try again.

Of course. Charles' voice was still gentle, and Strange could even imagine his confident smile.

All the good doctors in this world have enough confidence in their own professional level, and Charles Xavier is naturally the same, but unlike Strange, he is very good at explaining, especially good at explaining to people who do not have this knowledge. explain.

On the way Strange opened the portal and went with Schiller to the outpost of the new area of ​​the Great Teleportation Gate of the Shi'ar Empire, Charles was still explaining to Strange the reason why he did so.

Schiller is not a control freak. Even if he was, he would not be able to understand everything in this universe. Human beings are destined to not be able to see the future like gods. There will always be accidents in the future.

Then we can take advantage of this. People are always quite busy when dealing with accidents. The greater the trouble, the greater the pressure, and the more energy that needs to be invested, and Schiller is in the process of dealing with accidents. Naturally, he has no time to take care of him.

The chaos of human beings always shocks the gods. We are best at making a small matter full of loopholes and accidents. The reason why Schiller didn't deal with accidents frequently before is that he didn't formally participate in a certain event at all. Here, always standing behind the scenes and plotting everything.

So why not let him really participate in the incident like other superheroes? Anyway, the chance of him being injured is very small, and even if there is an accident, Schiller's friends like Tony Stark will not sit idly by.

Sounds doable, Strange replied, but soon after, he asked, So how do you get Schiller involved in this event like a superhero?

And how do superheroes get involved?

Superheroes generally participate under his arrangement. Strange replied with some helplessness: Whether they know it or not, and whether they are willing or not, they will always be unknowingly under Schiller's plan. are motivated to participate in an event.

So why not another person? Let someone else make the plan and let Schiller do it?

How could Schiller be willing? Strange said with a wry smile.

He is willing to do nothing with your company, so why can't you convince him?

Strange frowned and thought for a while, and then said: You mean, if we directly tell him 'stop working on those complicated plans behind the scenes, go and fight in front of the scenes', he will definitely not be happy, But if we said, 'You should go back to Earth and do nothing,' then maybe he'd be happy to go to the front.

Charles sighed, he didn't mean it that way, what he meant was that since Schiller was willing to give in for his friends, then going to have a good talk with him would definitely convince him, but Strange's understanding didn't work. Wrong, compared to staying on the earth and being accompanied by people around the clock, it is better to go to the front line to watch the excitement.

So, he remained silent and did not speak any more, and Strange, who had comprehended the essence of the window opening effect, grabbed Schiller who was about to act alone and said: Don't go, I will go to the Three Empires with me later. combat meeting.

I'm just a psychiatrist, why should I go to the combat meeting? Schiller looked back at Strange and asked in some confusion.

Don't think I don't know, you can actually fight. I will contact Thor later and ask him to recommend you as a staff officer at the combat mission arrangement meeting to lead the battle on the front line.


Schiller let out a bewildered exclamation, glared at Strange and said, Are you mistaken? I'm leading the troops to fight at the front?!

But Strange didn't mean to be joking at all. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Charles was right. The more Schiller wanted to hide behind the scenes, the more he had to let Schiller stand in front of the stage. The more trouble, the less time he has to make plans for the future without suffering too much from the void.

Thinking of this, Strange felt that it was useless to talk to Schiller alone. He had to communicate with Stark and Thor first to ensure that the human coalition forces would have enough say in the battle meeting to come. Put Schiller in place.

Strange and Schiller came to the outpost that had been evacuated to the edge of the large portal star area. After sending Schiller to Professor X, Strange came to the place where the representatives of the nine countries were meeting. .

Except for a few fleets brought by Odin, the Nine Kingdoms have no other soldiers. Their combat units are mainly individuals as powerful as the Iron Demon God or superhero squads such as the Avengers from other universes.

And when Strange proposed his purpose, everyone was shocked, and Stark stared at Strange's face and said.

Let Schiller go to the front, are you crazy??!!

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