The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1551: People Who Chase the Sun (19)

Why did Hulk come out?!!!!

A slightly broken roar echoed across the New York skyline.

Adam stood on the top of the Stark Tower, watching the Hulk speeding past and the dozens of Spider-Man chasing after him covering their foreheads. He couldn't imagine how things had developed to this point.

Because Adam's existence and personality are extremely high, he can do a lot in this universe. It can be said that everything in the universe is under control, but Hulk is included among those uncontrollable factors.

Although Hulk didn't give him as much headache as Schiller, but when he was having a headache for Schiller, another Hulk appeared, it was an unparalleled disaster.

Adam wanted to stop Hulk, but he remembered that he had shown himself in front of Spider-Man before. If he went down this time and was recognized by Spider-Man, it would be bad for Spider-Man to complain to Schiller.

He felt that he still had to use the original world line to break back the current disordered story. Simply put, a programmer had a new idea for modifying bugs.

The so-called use of the original world line is to control the Hulk's original opponent, preferably the one that has made him deflated, and then defeat him logically, turning him back into Dr. Bruce Banner.

The first thing Adam thought of was the anti-Hulk armor. Although most of the armor made by Stark is against whoever is defeated, it will be different if his assistance is added.

The reason why Adam chose this way is that he was really scared by humans, and the armor that can't think really is more reliable.

Adam immediately rushed to the interior of the Stark Tower. Of course, the monitoring facilities of the Stark Tower did not stop him. He came and went freely among the inventory of the Stark Mecha, but it was a pity that he couldn't find the anti-Hulk project after searching for a long time.

In this world, Bruce Banner received psychological intervention in a timely manner, and it was Charles and Schiller who jointly treated him. Schiller even came up with a way for Hulk to vent his anger in the universe to relieve his anger, so Hulk Ke has almost no chance to play, and Stark naturally has no need to oppose him.

Adam thought for a while, and wanted to find Abomination again, but he followed the timeline and saw that Abomination was a KGB, and he really didn't want to have anything to do with the KGB anymore.

In the end, he had to turn to Hulk's old enemy, that is, General Ross, who is still planning to capture Hulk until now.

Adam quickly found General Ross, but he was not at the New York Air Force base, but at home, and he was furious at this time, planning to settle accounts with Bruce Banner.

The reason was that Betty was sitting in her bedroom crying, grieving over the dispute with Bruce Banner. When Ross called her, she heard her crying, so she hurried back home, but Betty didn't follow her at all. He speaks.

Ross took the keys angrily and walked out of the door. On the way to Bruce Banner's laboratory, Adam suddenly appeared in his co-pilot seat.


The piercing sound of brakes sounded, and Rose tightly squeezed the gun in his hand, turning to look at Adam.

There was a flash of light in Adam's eyes, and in an instant, hatred for Hulk and anger at Bruce Banner for failing his daughter invaded Rose's heart, and he turned the car back to the air force base.

It is no secret within the military that the Hulk was produced by gamma ray experiments. The military, which has been pursuing the manufacture of bigger bombs, certainly cannot miss such a good opportunity. They have prepared gamma rays in the laboratory in New Mexico. The radiation machine intends to mass-produce the Hulk at the so-called last minute.

Ross, who was influenced by Adam's spirit, naturally also knew about this plan. He returned to the air force base and obtained a pass to the New Mexico laboratory in the name of inspecting the laboratory. Then Adam opened the portal for him, and he came to New Mexico as quickly as possible. State laboratories.

Here, he successfully used gamma rays to turn himself into the Hulk's enemy, the red giant. When the red giant slowly appeared in the radiant light, Adam was almost moved to tears, and his speed pass strategy finally came true. A perfect success.

The strength and jumping ability of the red giant are also very strong. He can jump to the height of the earth's orbit, so he jumped back to New York without much effort, and successfully joined forces with the Hulk. The two giants, one red and one green, began to be in New York. dogfight.

Adam, who was standing on the top of the building observing the situation, finally breathed a sigh of relief, but after looking at it, he realized that something was wrong. Why didn't the red giant seem to be able to beat the Hulk?

In many cases, the red giant can gain the upper hand in the battle with the hulk, precisely because the red giant is rational and intelligent when fighting, while the hulk is only controlled by the instinct of anger. Facing Spider-Man's containment, the situation should be one-sided.

But now the situation is completely reversed, the Hulk is killing and killing below, and Spider-Man can only interfere but not subdue them, because they are too light in weight and can easily be thrown out by Hulk.

The clever Spider-Man thought of sticking himself to the ground with spider mucus, but the Hulk ruled all fancy things, he just cut off the ground and threw it out. After fighting for half an hour, Hulk was like throwing a ball in a circus clown, spiderman like balls.

The Red Giant, who Adam placed high hopes on, is even more exciting. Originally, he was able to gain the upper hand in the battle with the Hulk because he was intelligent, tactical, and often used Hulk’s anger to deceive him. As a result, Adam shaped the Red Giant At that time, he took advantage of Rose's hatred for Hulk. Now the red giant is more angry than the green giant, and the fight is out of order, and the bastard punches have left afterimages.

Standing on the top of the building, Adam was about to pinch someone. He hurriedly said in the red giant's ear, Wake up, wake up, stop swinging your fists, can you use the terrain to hit him! Kick him!

But at this time, another terrible news came, and the voice of the annihilation messenger vortex sounded in Adam's ear.

I can't hold them back any longer! If I don't let go of the magic authority, Schiller plans to let Strange sign a treaty with me and make me Pope...

Adam was startled, he just wanted to ask if he could guide Strange to cut the scene elsewhere, not to shoot the New York scene, but found that the consequences of cutting to other places might be worse.

Peter is beating Reed Richards right now, yes, a world spectacle is being staged in the lab right now - Spider-Man is beating people.

Reed Richards' level of beating has completely surpassed Spider-Man's moral bottom line. It is unprecedented to beat a moral model who is polluted by evil and only dances in the street. No one came.

Can this Adam be seen by Schiller?

Looking at Nick Fury again, he is as dark as ever, but after being brought down by Natasha and sent to the safe house, he immediately contacted Sharon Carter, the downline of the Tianjian Bureau he developed, and then passed Agent Carter contacted Captain America Steve and rescued Nick from the safe house.

Nick found out through the power of Tianjian Bureau that the chairman of Roxon Company sent someone to assassinate him. He thought it was very possible that there was a mysterious organization behind the chairman, creating a terrifying killer that could escape multiple monitoring.

Nick Fury, whose life safety was really threatened, is not a vegetarian. Nick Fury directly released the black material about Roxon Corporation that SHIELD had searched for many years.

Among them, the most conspicuous black material is the operation of Roxon Company to bribe many media to discredit Spider-Man. In an instant, the heat of this news replaced the Hulk once again wreaking havoc in New York, and appeared on various shows in New York in just a few hours. headlines.

The topic of Spider-Man once again appeared on the list of popular entries, and the major online media and physical newspapers dug up all the news about Spider-Man and analyzed it again, but this time the public opinion was shocked.

People with a little experience in the media industry should know that the more obvious the reversal of an event, the more newsworthy it is, whether it is from bad to good or from good to bad.

At the beginning, Spider-Man's public opinion evaluation was so bad, it was only because he was portrayed as a good person before, and the media had to reverse him into a bad person for the sake of traffic, so that he could be topical, and this time is the same.

How bad they scolded Spider-Man before, and how good they are going to reverse him this time. First, a group of post-mortem Zhuge pointed out that the details of the reports that smeared Spider-Man were full of loopholes, and then a group of reasonable people said that they had already I objected to certain statements a few years ago, and there must be a shady scene for not getting attention.

Then, racism and sexism made up Spider-Man's life experience indiscriminately, showing that Spider-Man was persecuted because of their own people, and then a group of popular media kept forwarding it, so as to reflect on whether this society can be better. up.

In the end, a group of unappreciated newspapers became crazy about the popularity, and started to create a reverse reversal, showing that Spider-Man is a bad person, and all the media were deliberately whitewashed by the Stark Group's manipulation, and then followed by It's a round of reversal, another round of reversal, the chicken lays the egg, the chicken lays the egg, the chicken lays the egg...

But no matter what, Spider-Man's extremely bad public opinion evaluation finally came back, the news passed away like running water, and what was left to the general public was the most shocking black comment about Spider-Man at the beginning, which was actually all Roxon. The company's deliberate smearing.

In just half a day, Spider-Man's reputation recovered at least 80%, and he finally became a good neighbor in New York again.

Adam compared Schiller's plan, good guy, the result is not bad at all, and the process is not right at all.

This must not be seen by Schiller, or else would it be worth it?

Adam turned his attention to Stark again. The Iron Demon God and the Light God King are fighting from Baicao Garden to Sanwei Bookstore. Wherever they pass, there are gongs, drums, firecrackers, and red flags. There are crowds of people. The membership gift plan is a waste of time.

Just when Adam was hesitating about where to let Strange cut the screen, the voice of the whirlpool came again: The magic has been lifted, and the first goal of the supreme mage is New York.

Adam disappeared in an instant, without the slightest hesitation before, slipping away at a speed like his butt was on fire.

As soon as Strange's magic screen was unfolded, Schiller saw Chang Wei calling a blessing. Why did the two figures, red and green, look so familiar?

Of course, what Schiller thought of was not the reality he was in now, but the cartoons in his mind. Isn't this the Red and Green Hulk War?

So he relaxed his expression after being stunned for a moment, looked at Strange and said, Are you going to let me see the bustle of other universes to soothe my mood?

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