The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1548: People Who Chase the Sun (16)

The annihilation event is a very important event in the Marvel universe, because it indirectly led to the birth of the Adam Life Tribunal, which made the Life Tribunal, which was originally set to be very compelling but always deflated, finally exist. Some real face-to-face, the evolved Adam Life Tribunal is finally worthy of its own setting.

In the comics, the cause and effect of this big event are similar to the process that Adam told Quill. Anyway, the Annihilator who annihilated the Zerg found a way to open a channel to invade the positive material universe, and then the survivors of the Nova Corps and the Guardians of the Galaxy began to fight against them , and finally succeeded in killing the Obliterator.

Adam was worried that Schiller would go crazy because the plan he made could not be completed, and he was also worried that Schiller would go crazy because the gods interfered with the world line at will, so he could only think of a compromise, which was to give the universe the world line influenced by Schiller to Break back and use the original story line to solve the annihilation Zerg.

Theoretically speaking, this idea is fine. As the incarnation of the Adam Life Tribunal, Warlock Adam is like a boss who has passed a game countless times, and he can use his previous experience to do speedrunning.

But the biggest problem is that his chosen speedrunner role is Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.

Adam thinks a lot during the second of being slapped by a rabid Groot's branch flying against the wall.

He only knew that the entire Guardians of the Galaxy was unreliable, but he didn't expect the combination of Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon to be so lethal.

He only knew that human beings are unreliable, but he didn't expect that Star-Lord would resonate with the people of Gotham at this moment. He knows everything without a teacher, Gotham's first law-no matter how perfect the plan is, it will eventually happen. Can make you a piece of shit.

Adam struggled to break free from the vines, and then found that the effort he expended was useless. He originally wanted to protect the spaceship from being destroyed, but after he broke free, he found that the frenzied vines had already impaled the spaceship. It's a colander.

This spaceship is a small spaceship of an ordinary interstellar civilization that Adam found in Centaur. It can't resist the attack of the violent Groot at all. Adam doesn't need a spaceship, but the Guardians of the Galaxy need a base, right?

After Adam calmed the violent Groot with mind control, he changed the main mission. He had to lead a few people to find a spaceship that could be launched in the chaotic occupied area.

But soon he discovered that in the tent in the wasteland at the end of time that he had been focusing on observing, Schiller began to ask Strange to broadcast him live.

Adam thought about it carefully, the relationship between Schiller and Quill is not very close, they can only be called acquaintances, so even if Schiller observes his friends, it should not be Quell's turn for a while.

And the other superheroes should be quiet in the years of the earth now, there is nothing to see, Adam thought so, but to be on the safe side, he still took a look forward along the timeline of everyone.

It's okay not to look at it, but seeing a cardiac arrest-how can this all be wrong? ! !

Adam was shocked to find that Schiller's friends gave full play to their subjective initiative and ran through all his planning processes within less than a week of Schiller's disappearance. The whole process had no procedures and was full of bugs, but it ran well and was fast. fast.

Obviously, Adam didn't understand a truth at this time - when a program has bugs but runs well, don't touch it anymore.

Adam was horrified, and prepared to fix the bug in the flustered state of mind that every novice programmer does.

But before that, he had to find a way to hold Schiller, so he quickly contacted the eternity of the universe, only to find that eternity went to work in the big world, so he quickly contacted the death of this world, and death shook his head The rattles are fast.

Then Adam contacted the infinity in the abstract entity. As a result, because eternity often travels, everything in this universe is in the hands of infinity, and he can't be busy at all.

As for the planet devourer, considering that he still has the role of being made into an engine by the annihilating Zerg in the later stage, Adam can only find annihilation.

This Oblivion has nothing to do with the Annihilus who annihilated the Zerg. He is one of the five abstract entity gods, and the only one among the incarnations of the five gods of the universe who has not been troubled by Schiller.

But this is also related to his special nature. Annihilation represents the non-existence in the universe. He is the embodiment of all nothingness, which itself represents nothing, which is equivalent to absolute nothing.

This also makes it difficult for life that exists in other forms to observe him except for gods of the same level. His natural presence is not strong, and because of his mystery, he is the highest performing one among the five gods so far.

Annihilation can also arbitrarily create, destroy, manipulate and change all time-space and space axes in the multiverse. All time axes and space dimensions are under his control. He can turn any dimension into an infinite dimension, or perform a dimension reduction strike anytime and anywhere , turning the high dimension into a two-dimensional space, and his messenger vortex is also an existence that surpasses the strength of the infinite gauntlet.

Because time does not exist at the end of time, and everything related to non-existence belongs to Annihilation, so Adam first asked Annihilation to ban the magic at the end of time, and then asked Annihilation to send the messenger Vortex to show up to Schiller and Strange. Explain, try to let them get stuck with a bug and be temporarily trapped, so as to hold them both.

And Adam himself rushed back to the earth to start debugging, pushing back the progress of the plan developed by the characters Schiller may have paid attention to, and at the same time, he could not leave his own traces, lest Schiller settle accounts later.

Now, this universe has been thrown out of the big world, which means that all the gods in this universe are now responsible for their own profits and losses.

The gods are the universe itself. Once the universe explodes, then this incarnation will definitely cease to exist. This is why most rule-type gods will come out to stop other existences when there is too much trouble. Although they are born with the universe They can control the rules, but they are also more worried about the destruction of the universe than anyone else. They are the cornerstone of the universe, and the universe is also their cornerstone.

But Eternity, who was supposed to come out to stop Schiller, couldn't beat it, so he joined. Death was acting badly, Star Swallowing didn't work, and the other two hung up for a long time. Adam could only become the king of Jiji and save the universe himself, like a burden. The old father who made a living for the whole family.

When Adam rushed to the earth, the most noticeable thing was that Nick was promoting his new APP among the superhero team, and planned to recruit a group of superheroes to hunt bugs in the occupied area where Annihilation Wave had withdrawn.

Adam almost fainted when he saw the list of registered heroes. Those who planned to go to the front line were: Spiderman Ben Riley, Scarlet Witch, Speedball Robert, Xu Shangqi...

If they were allowed to go, and any one of them made a mistake, even if the annihilated Zerg was finally pushed back into the antimatter universe, Schiller would not be the same crazy.

Adam gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, deciding that he still had to solve the problem at the root, kill Nick Fury first, and resurrect him before Schiller came back.

Of course, it was impossible for him to rush directly in front of Nick and punch him. Adam knew that he had to find a very legitimate reason for Nick to die in an accident. As long as the other party really wanted to kill Nick, it was up to him to speed him up. less than his own head.

Nick Fury has a dark face and a darker heart. He has offended many people over the years. Adam took a quick look and soon found the person who was gnashing his teeth and trying to kill him—the chairman of the energy giant Roxon.

As mentioned before, in the past few years, in order to increase sales in the field of civilian arms, Roxon Corporation has been buying the media to fabricate Spider-Man scandals and promote the superhero threat theory. Therefore, in Nick's assassination list, the head of New York State of Roxon Corporation People bear the brunt of it.

And this president is actually the nephew of Chairman Roxon, who has no children. Therefore, the chairman of Roxon Company did not expect the police to solve the case at all, but planned to use lynching to counter lynching and directly assassinate Nick Fury.

But if you want to assassinate the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., it is unrealistic to find mercenaries or killers from the outside. The best way is to bribe the insiders to put a cold gun in Nick's back.

Adam quickly found the agent bought by the chairman of the Roxon Corporation, and possessed the agent, trying to increase his success rate in assassinating Nick Fury.

Then he discovered that this chairman is really smart, and the agent he bought is a hydra.

What's even more outrageous is that the chairman not only bought one person, but also let all the people who were bought know that he bought others.

The first time Adam possessed this Hydra agent, he discovered that the idea in his mind was If I warn Nick Fury in advance, someone will assassinate him, and the other people bought by Chairman Roxon will really assassinate him Now, wouldn’t it confirm my status as a good man? Why not?”

Of course, Adam prevented him from going to inform. In order to prevent the special identity of Hydra from causing side effects during the assassination, Adam directly broke his leg and asked him to go back for vacation.

Then, he found another person hired by Chairman Roxon and attached to him. The good news is that this agent is not Hydra this time, and the better news is that he is a KGB.

And the idea in the KGB's mind is: when Nick was in office, he didn't check us, what if another person started to check us when the chief started? Nick can't die, I have to go snitch.

Adam hurriedly stopped him from reporting again, and thought of a way to get him back for vacation.

Adam has another agent possessed. The good news is that this agent is not Hydra, and the better news is that he is not KGB, and the best news is that he is a KGB disguised as Hydra.

Adam jumped like fleas on the group of agents bought by Chairman Roxon, and then experienced Hydra, KGB, Hydra disguised as KGB, KGB disguised as Hydra, Hydra disguised The KGB of the Snake disguises itself as the KGB, the Hydra disguises itself as the KGB, and the Hydra disguises itself as the Hydra again, the chicken and the egg and the chicken and the chicken and the chicken...

Then Adam discovered that Nick Fury was so smart, there was no SHIELD agent in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the end, he found out that he was the real smart one, because there is no SHIELD agent in this SHIELD, and it really protects the director of SHIELD in an airtight way.

Among the people who were bribed, those with unstable identities wanted to be informants, and those with very stable identities were unwilling to change their identities to be replaced by directors. Adam danced here for a long time, but he didn't find an agent who sincerely wanted to kill Nick.

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