The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1546: People Who Chase the Sun (14)

In a former Kree frigate docked near Pluto, Star-Lord Quill in a NASA uniform crouches under an instrument and fixes components with a wrench.

Rocket Raccoon was sitting on the table next to him eating popcorn, Quill turned his head and glanced at him and said, If you have nothing to do, go to the tool room next to me and get the directional detonator for me, Kree's The spaceship really can’t be repaired without some means of demolition.”

Rocket Raccoon threw a popcorn into his mouth, snorted and said, Are you really planning to stay here as a repairman? What about your dream of interstellar exploration? What about your adventurous heart?

Are you mistaken? I was originally a NASA employee, and I just returned to my job. Quill stood up, fiddled with the parts he had just dismantled and said, You really think I like to go to the universe as a mercenary Desperate, do you know how much money it makes to repair spaceships?

Come on, you are just for your old lover. Rocket jumped down from the table next to him, snatched the parts from him, walked to the gap that Quill opened just now, and repaired the parts of the spaceship with a wrench three times. , dropped his shoulders and sighed, threw the wrench aside, sat on the ground and said.

Well, I'm a robot, and I can't feel how terrifying the cancerous universe you went to was, but you've been resting for so long, so you haven't gotten rid of your psychological shadow, have you?

Quill's hand on the table paused for a moment, he walked up to Rocket Raccoon, sat down and said, It's not entirely because of that terrifying universe, but you don't think that facing the terrifying existence in the depths of the stars, we now What is to be done is to help human beings develop? Otherwise, what if they call one day?

Boring, boring, boring! Rocket Raccoon started yelling, he jumped up from the spot, flicked his furry tail and said, You can live a peaceful life here, I'm going to start mine all over again. It’s time for an interstellar adventure, I’m leaving tomorrow, so there’s no need to send it off.”

After he finished speaking, he walked towards another cabin of the spaceship. Quill chased after him and said, Don't be like this, my good buddy, didn't we say before that we would go to half the world together?

You were the one who abandoned me first. Rocket Raccoon said as he walked forward, spreading his hands and looking back, I thought we'd be good brothers after we came back from that damned scary world.

Of course we are, we... oh wait, Yondu messaged me, I'll take a call first.

Quill stopped in place, looked at the communicator on his wrist, he tapped lightly, and Yondu's holographic projection appeared above the watch, and Yondu said with a serious face.

Damn bastard, where did you go? Come back quickly, go back to Starport, our team was attacked by those damn bugs, and lost a lot of people, come back and help!!!

No, wait a minute, how did you get attacked? Quill asked very puzzled: Aren't the predators on vacation recently? Will the star ports docked at the Three Empires be attacked?

The Three Great Empires have been attacked! The Kree Empire's trash can't beat bugs! They want us to be cannon fodder on top of us. We can't go but we can't run away. Where are you now? Come back quickly, the universe is everywhere now. Not safe!

I'm on Earth, didn't I tell you, I'm going to stay on Earth for a while, at least earn money to repair my mother's old house.

Yondu stuttered suddenly, the expression on his face changed quickly, he looked at Quill and said, Oh, you are in the Nine Kingdoms, then don't worry about it, just stay there and don't go anywhere, Odin I'm sure I can beat those bugs.

Quill frowned, he heard something wrong from Yondu's tone, suddenly there were two explosions from the communicator, and Quill vaguely heard the first officer's shout.

The Starport has been breached! The frigate of the Kerry Empire was smashed by those big worms that can shoot lasers! Boss! We have to retreat quickly!

Bang! Boom! Zila-zila-

Yondu's projection on the watch flickered a few times, then disappeared, and Quill yelled at the watch, Hello? Hello?!! Yondu? Reaver? Is anyone there? What the hell is wrong with you? Damn it ...

Quill hung up the communication, turned around and picked up the backpack he had placed beside him, and said to Rocket Raccoon, Don't you want to pursue excitement? The starports of the three empires have all fallen, is this exciting enough? Hurry up, we have to go to Reach Starport to rescue the Marauders!

Rocket Raccoon jumped on his shoulder, and Quill tried to repeat the same trick and flew the spaceship directly to the destination, but Rocket Raccoon patted him on the back of the head and said, What are you thinking? Go to the Holy of Holies Teleport to Asgard, and then take the Rainbow Bridge, can the spaceship teleport faster?!

Quill suddenly realized that he came to the Holy of Holies first as Rocket Raccoon said, but the Holy of Holies said that the Supreme Mage was not there, and they did not have the authority to send people to Asgard. The account manager who received Quill said that he could ask Asgard for him. Gard, maybe Asgard can take him.

At the beginning, Quill and Thor knew each other at Thor's wedding, so he felt that there should be no problem with being picked up, but at this time Asgard replied that the God King was not there, and the Rainbow Bridge was temporarily closed to foreign guests.

Quill was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and then he contacted the Stark Group, but he didn't expect that Stark was not there. Rocket Raccoon wanted to contact Schiller, but Schiller didn't answer the phone.

These two unlucky guys found that all the influential humans they knew were gone, so they could only stare blankly inside the earth, unable to get out at all.

Just when one person and one bear were in a hurry, Quill suddenly heard a mysterious voice saying in his ear: Peter Quill? Peter Quill? Are you there? Can you hear me?

Quill, who was sheltering from the wind in an alley, was startled by the voice that suddenly appeared in his ears. He looked around and said nervously, Who are you?

I am Warlock Adam, and I am also the incarnation of Adam's Life Tribunal. I am here to remind you that the antimatter universe annihilation Zerg invasion of your universe has begun. Hurry up and find a way to stop those bugs!

What are you talking about? Quill said with a puzzled look on his face, and then he said to the mysterious voice as if he had suddenly reacted: Did you mention bugs just now? What's going on? Are Yondu and the Marauder team in danger?

Time is urgent, let's talk on the road, I will open a portal for you, and we will see you in Centaur.

As soon as the voice fell, a portal appeared in front of Quill and Rocket Raccoon. Quill was worried about Yondu's current situation, so he stepped into the portal without thinking.

After leaving the portal, he found himself in a somewhat familiar space, which seemed to be a mercenary tavern on Black Glory Centauri, where the Predator team used to come here for recreation when they were on vacation.

As soon as Quill came out of the portal, he saw a blond man in armor and a red cape standing in front of him. Seeing him coming, the man hurried forward and said, Hi, I'm just sending you a teleportation portal. Warlock Adam, I have prepared a small spaceship to take you to the Kree Empire’s Reach Starport.”

Wait, there are too many things I don't understand, you have to explain to me first...

There's no time, you get on the spaceship first, we'll talk on the way, and I'll tell you everything.

There was a flash of light in Warlock Adam's eyes, and both Quill and Rocket Raccoon felt that their limbs were out of control. One person and one bear were taken by Warlock Adam to board the spaceship in Obsidian Port.

The moment Warlock Adam released the control, both Rocket Raccoon and Quill took out their weapons and pointed at him. Adam shook his head and said, We are not enemies. Don't point your gun at me. I will explain everything to you now.

There was an accident on the earth. Someone used a particle collider to cause a high-speed particle flow to collide with an antimatter particle, thus opening a portal channel to the positive and antimatter universe at the positive cosmic coordinates corresponding to the antimatter particle.

But the problem is, the channel can't be opened now! Adam said helplessly.

Why? Because the enemy on the opposite side is very strong, can't the creatures in the universe deal with it now?

No, it has nothing to do with that. Adam said while manipulating the spaceship: I am the incarnation of Adam's Life Tribunal, and Adam's Life Tribunal is the eternal boss... In short, I am the incarnation of a transcendent god, and this transcendent god is An event born out of the Oblivion Zerg invasion.

But it's not important. What's important is that your universe has a super bomb. It's hard for you to imagine the power of this bomb explosion. Even if this universe is now hung on the outer wall of the big world, once it explodes, it may be critical There is an endless universe in the big world, so I have already focused on it.

Just about a year ago, this Mr. Time Bomb made a series of complicated plans, just to let the Annihilation Zerg appear at the time he specified, and then be wiped out in the way he specified, so as to achieve his series of more complex goals.

He is a complete lunatic. If anyone doesn't come according to his plan, he will make everyone feel bad. Now he is delayed by some things, and before he has time to implement his plan, the annihilating Zerg has already appeared. What if he comes back and finds that the important target in his plan is missing, and then goes crazy?

Adam controlled the spaceship to advance at full speed, and said with some collapse: I also have an immediate boss. If this cosmic explosion blows up the big world, I will die, so you have to quickly find a way to correct everything!

But didn't you say that you are the incarnation of some god? Can't you solve all this by yourself?

I'm an avatar, but not all. In this universe, I'm just Adam the warlock. Besides, I don't dare to do anything casually. One of the trigger conditions for the bomb explosion is that the gods interfere with the universe at will!

So where are you sending us now? What are we going to do? Quill asked very puzzled.

Now the Annihilation Zerg has broken through the Kree Empire's Reach Starport, and their sixteenth star sector is in chaos, and you can just take advantage of the chaos and go to the Kree Empire Prison to rescue a special existence, he is called Groot .”

Quill was even more confused. He asked, Who is Groot? Why are we saving him?

Don't ask so much. You should have rescued him during the annihilation of the Zerg incident. As a result, the group of humans was in chaos and almost trapped you on the earth. I sent you out just to correct the original world line.

As long as you defeat the annihilating Zerg in the original world line and send them back to their home in the antimatter universe, then the time bomb can release them according to his original plan, and then successfully execute his plan. He won't explode.

After finishing speaking, Adam turned his head and saw only one person, one bear and two confused faces. Adam stretched out his hand and patted his forehead and said, Don't you understand? The progress of the two of you is too slow!

Now there is no time for you to develop slowly, so I plan to speed up the process. You first take advantage of the chaos to save Groot in the prison of the Kree Empire. Get Mora back, and then we'll go find Drax in the Occupied Area.

Then you quickly form the Guardians of the Galaxy, quickly get to know the Nova Corps, and then quickly form an anti-annihilation alliance, quickly kill the annihilation and other Zerg leaders, and then quickly put the annihilation Zerg back into the anti-matter universe, and then Restoring peace to the universe as quickly as possible—the entire process preferably within two days.

In this way, the world line can be corrected before Schiller comes back. Hurry up, move, it's up to you to save the universe!

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