The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1540 The Man Chasing the Sun (8)

Harry stared at the middle-aged Peter in stunned silence. He first pointed at himself, then at the middle-aged Peter, and then at Medea in his arms. His mouth opened and closed, closed and opened again.

Peter rushed forward and explained: That's a matter of another universe. In their universe, Gwen and I...

Gwen is dead. Middle-aged Peter lowered his eyes and said, So is Harry Osborn, and so is Uncle Ben. They all died because of me and died in front of me.

Harry froze on the spot with his mouth wide open. Those arguments were suppressed. He was completely speechless. In the end, he could only stutter and say: I, I'm sorry...

Middle-aged Peter shrugged and said, Don't be sorry, and what may surprise you more is that Mary Jane and I were divorced and we were separated for a long time.

Sure enough, Harry's eyes widened in shock. He couldn't help but look at the middle-aged Peter and asked: You...well, since Gwen and I are both dead, it is not impossible for you to be together, but you are both married. , why are you divorced again?

Why did you and Mary break up? middle-aged Peter asked.

Well, dad really shouldn't...

I'm asking you, not your father, do you think you and Mary Jane can last forever without old Osborne's interference?

Of course... Harry said immediately, but his final voice became weaker and weaker, showing a slight lack of confidence. After a pause, he said dejectedly: Well, not necessarily, Mary is always pursuing independence, I I feel like she doesn’t need me.”

But it is this that attracts us. Middle-aged Peter said sharply: Her independence attracts you because you have never been truly independent. Her strength and confidence attracted me who was in the trough, because I Feeling loss and self-doubt due to the death of someone important to me.

In order to gain a sense of security from her, we choose to be as close to her as possible, or to keep her close to us. You hope she will not go to the far west coast to work, but can always stay in New York to accompany you. I hope to live a world of two with her forever. , staying in our little home.”

But she is like a bird that never lands. She chases the sun, and we chase her. In the process, we all made the same mistake. The way we keep her is to drag her back. , telling her to slow down so she can stay with us.

But you should also know that this bond is not forever. What you like is the flying goose, not the domestic goose staying in the pen. She will fly away one day.

Are you saying that we are not suitable for each other? Harry patted the railing next to him angrily and said, We have many topics in common. No one in this world can understand each other better than us. We were once so... …Love each other so much…”

At the end of the sentence, Harry couldn't help but put his head to the side, his Adam's apple moved up and down, and said in a choked tone: I don't know what's going on now, I don't even know where I went wrong, shouldn't I? Are you here to stop my dad from messing around?

Middle-aged Peter stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder and said: The solution is simple. If you want to move forward with a bird that never stops, what you have to do is not to slow down her speed, but to speed up your speed. She flaps her wings as fast as she flies.

Harry raised his eyes and looked at him. The middle-aged Peter touched the head of the little red-haired girl in his arms and said: For a long time, I didn't want to enter a new stage of life with Mary Jane. I think she should Stop, we can keep each other company like this forever.”

But Mary Jane's strength is not endless. Like everyone else, she also needs a sense of security, and the source of her sense of security, the perfect partner in her mind, is a strong person who is on par with her, a teammate who moves forward side by side, and Not a kid who stays in the same stage of life.

I... Harry wanted to retort that he was no longer a child, but middle-aged Peter looked into his eyes and said, Then why don't you dare to face your father head-on? Why is the way to stop him coming? His subordinates, instead of confronting him head-on and telling him that you are no longer a child, can you decide who you want to be with?

Peter, who had been standing aside, was suddenly in a trance. He looked at Harry and said, Harry, do you remember? Before, you misunderstood that your father wanted to deal with Spider-Man, so you stood up to stop him. You can do this for me. , why can’t you face him for Mary?”

Harry pursed his lips and said nothing, while middle-aged Peter looked into his eyes and said, You have discovered now, haven't you? Your father's influence on you is deeper than you thought.

You can confront your father for your good friend Peter, but you are not willing to do it for Mary Jane, because to some extent, you also approve of what your father did.

You think that Mary Jane will definitely get a bloody head when she breaks into Hollywood like this. You think that when she knows the cruelty of reality, she will naturally come back to you, but her determination and excellence are beyond your imagination.

So, you came here again, wanting to play a savior-like role and save her from the threat of your father. You thought she would thank you and come back to accompany you.

Seeing Harry's trembling mouth, Peter knew that the middle-aged Peter was right. At this time, he remembered the phenomenon of personality regression that Dr. Schiller once told him, that is, people begin to endlessly regress their personality back to their childhood. Ask everyone to treat him like a child.

This may seem unreasonable to outsiders, and people may think that he is childish, emotionally out of control, or even has a bad personality. But in essence, this is because their personality has regressed under long-term high pressure.

Think about who you are? Think about who Mary Jane likes? Is it Norman Osborne's son, the heir to the Osborne Group, or Harry Osborne?

Middle-aged Peter put a hand on his shoulder and said: If it's the latter, you can talk to her in this capacity. Don't mention your father, don't mention anyone else's opinions of you, just talk about you. Myself and her.”

Harry finally raised his head and looked directly into the eyes of middle-aged Peter, and asked with some uncertainty: Will this be effective?

It's definitely useless for you to stand here stupidly. Middle-aged Peter retracted his hand and said: Based on my understanding of her, if you don't give her an explanation within twelve hours, then she would rather give up her Hollywood dream. To completely disappear from the world you know.

Harry immediately became a little panicked. He first took out the mobile phone in his hand and dialed Mary Jane's number, but no one answered after several calls. Finally, someone answered the last time, and the next second after the call was connected, Mary Jane's roar threatened to tear down the ceiling of the parking lot.

Calm down, calm down, Mary, the two of us have to talk... No, I have never been on my father's side. Let me say it again, the two of us have to present a united front. Letting the two of us quarrel is exactly his purpose. , if you lose control of your emotions, you will be fooled by him...

Harry's figure gradually disappeared at the entrance of the underground parking lot. Middle-aged Peter looked at his back, shook his head and said, Old Osborne is not that easy to deal with. They still have a long way to go.

But it's a good start, isn't it?

Peter smiled. Looking at the middle-aged Peter, he said very sincerely: Thank you so much this time. Without you using your personal experience as an example, I really don't know how to understand Harry. After all, Gwen and I are completely different from him and Mary Jane. Two different lovers.”

Then Peter lowered his head and said, Sure enough, the Spider Army is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and I still have a long way to go.

Middle-aged Peter patted him on the shoulder, and the two walked into the sunshine at the entrance.

Peter took out the hanging ring from his arms, and just before he opened the portal, the cell phone in his coat pocket rang.

Hello? Mr. Stark, what, you are on vacation in Los Angeles? Oh my god, why didn't you tell me before? ... Yes, I'm in Hollywood, okay, I'll go find you right away.

Stark put down the phone in the vacation villa and turned his head. A dozen pairs of spider compound eyes on the ceiling behind him were staring at him.

Stark spread his hands and said: It seems that Peter doesn't know this at all. I guess his expression will be very exciting when he knows the truth.

Among the Spider-Man hanging on the roof, a white figure jumped down. Gwen Spider-Man shook his head and said: If Miles hadn't heard about this from Dr. Banner, we wouldn't have unbelievable.

Can you tell me the specific situation now? Stark found a chair and sat down and said.

Gwen shook her head and gestured behind her: Miles, tell me.

A Spider-Man wearing a black and red Spider-Man uniform jumped down from the roof, shrugged lightly, and said in a typical Brooklyn accent: I went to work in Dr. Banner's laboratory, you know Yes, I always wanted that cool electric light gun, so I have to save more credits.

When I went there, Dr. Banner was packing his things. He seemed to be on the phone with his girlfriend. I asked him curiously, and he said that Gwen ran to his girlfriend Betty's house last night. , told Betty that her father was not mentally normal and might be hallucinating.

I felt a little curious, so I asked a few more questions, and Dr. Banner told me that Gwen's father, Sheriff George, actually knew that she was in a relationship with Spider-Man, and he actually wanted Gwen and Spider-Man to get married.

Gwen Spider-Man next to her raised her hands and said, The news that the world will end tomorrow is not as explosive as this. You don't know how stubborn my dad is!

Miles then added: Gwen also said that her father was like crazy, and told her never to leave home unless there was some terrible killer watching her, and she also said that no matter where Peter was, he would be there. Come back immediately.

Gwen really couldn't stand it anymore, so she ran out and came to Betty's house, and now she should be on her way to Los Angeles to find Peter.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Gwen Spider-Man widened the spider compound eyes on his mask, looked at Stark and said, We all know that George is the last obstacle between Peter and Gwen. They all talk about After six or seven years of love, it’s time to take the next step!”

Stark touched his chin and said: Actually, I asked Peter before why he didn't propose to Gwen. They have been in love for such a long time and their relationship is very stable. They should have been engaged a long time ago. Now that I think about it, he doesn't want to establish a more stable relationship. The relationship is because she is worried that once George firmly opposes it, Gwen will have no way to turn back.

Spider-Man Gwen tilted her head to the side and said in a more serious tone: Yes, Peter Parker is like that. He worries about this and that all day long. The president doesn't worry as much as they do.

The dozen Spider-Man hanging behind started to look left and right, some looked up to study the structure of the beams, and some looked sideways to study the height of the door frame.

Well, it seems we have to help them. The more mature-looking Amazing Spider-Man jumped down. He looked back at his companions, then looked back at Spider-Man Gwen, and sighed. explain.

After all, what Spider-Man hasn't dreamed of his wedding to Gwen?

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